
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

15th, September 2012 In Pictures

Pope in Lebanon 2012 - photos

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15th, September 2012 TV & Radio 2

Hannah's Field 'Puff Puff Give' music video might be beyond parody

Not a joke. Promise... More »

15th, September 2012 Film

Film of the day: Untitled International Suspense Thriller

Eric Bana can do no wrong... More »

15th, September 2012 Reviews

Maryland police erect CCTV cameras to watch CTV cameras

To Maryland, where CCTv cameras are being erected to watch CCTV cameras... More »

15th, September 2012 Money

Valencia school offers course in prostitution

To Valencia, where students at Trabajo Ya!can, for a fee of €100, undergo a one-week “basic course in professional prostitution with maximum discretion”... More »

15th, September 2012 Reviews 3

In photos: brave Libyans protest against the murder of Christopher Stevens

You might have missed are the Libyans who think murdering Christopher Stevens, the US ambassador to that country, was an appalling crime, conducted by demented fascists... More »

14th, September 2012 In Pictures

Here Comes Honey Boo Boo - 16 mad moments

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14th, September 2012 Sports

Fergie wants end to United and Liverpool's tasteless chants

The relationship between Manchester United and Liverpool has always been a tricky one. Like sparring, feuding brothers, a deep rooted respect is often translated to burst noses and enough bickering to make even the pettiest human cry... More »

14th, September 2012 Reviews

Innocence of Muslims: Nakoula Basseley Nakoula's film has its critics

The Innocence of Muslims is right now the most successful low-budget film in history... More »

14th, September 2012 The Consumer

Harrogate Autumn Flower Show - photos of massive vegetables

Peter Glazebrook will feed the world... More »

14th, September 2012 Technology 2

Brad does acid - Tweeter tweets his LSD trip

"Serious tweet: should I take acid and go to a frat barbeque. I trust you guys to make the right decision for me..." More »

14th, September 2012 Flashback

Ironic last words - what they said right before they died

History shows that the line between displaying self-confidence and tempting fate can at times be mercilessly thin… More »

14th, September 2012 Celebrities

Lady Gaga and the Daily Mail caption fail

World's biggest website makes it up... More »

14th, September 2012 Strange But True

Malik Ameer Muhammad Afridi's infidel moushache defies the Islamists

"It was the summer of 2008, when members of the LeI arrested me and took me to a religious scholar who declared the moustache un-Islamic and ordered it to be shaved..." More »

14th, September 2012 Reviews

Letter of the week: suffering the conductors

Sir, What a pleasant surprise it was to see Bernard Haitink dressed correctly conducting the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra... More »

14th, September 2012 Money

Punishing the Bankers: Peter Cummings punished for making loans - oh the irony

OOOOH, the irony, it's just too exquisite... More »

14th, September 2012 Reviews

Scare stories: King Tut's moobs did not give him cancer

Each week the Daily Mail seeks out new ways for you fall ill and die. This week the Mail made us miserable with... More »

14th, September 2012 Flashback

1965: The River Thames amphibious scooter

Those helmets will never catch on.... More »

14th, September 2012 Politicians

Save Friern Barnet library from the council's idiots

To Friern Barnet Library, where “community librarians” (eight squatters) have gained access to the closed amenity... More »

14th, September 2012 Reviews

Stockholm police hunt thief who left robbery victim to die on train tracks

To Stockholm's Sandsborg metro station, where a man spotted a figure lying unconscious on a train track.... More »

14th, September 2012 Royal Family 1

Kate Middleton topless photos: 'significant hardening of William's response', says BBC

What say the experts? Well, no word form Peter Stringfellow, but Peter Hunt, BBC royal correspondent, tells us... More »

14th, September 2012 Key Posts

Topless Kate Middleton: Duchess of Cambridge photos

Get yer top off, Kate... More »

14th, September 2012 The Consumer

Food of the day: fat slag mixed with onion

Hmmm. Yummmmm More »

14th, September 2012 TV & Radio

Japanese Posing Archery

The video features Nori Yamagata "in the traditional Japanese sport of Orokana supōtsu or 'Amazing Sport'"... More »

14th, September 2012 Key Posts 6

Hillsborough: the truth is that the 96 were killed by the State

What is is to be on the side of the angels for the trusty Sun, the paper that for 23 years sided with the State and libelled the dead.... More »