
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

14th, September 2012 Royal Family 4

Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge goes topless in Provence - photos

You can see Kate Midleton, aka the Duchess of Cambridge, topless in France's edition of Closer magazine.... More »

13th, September 2012 Celebrities

Tara Palmer Tompkinson’s new single

Yes. Really... More »

13th, September 2012 In Pictures

Innocence of Muslims murders - the story in photos

More »

13th, September 2012 Books

Joseph Anton: life for Salman Rushdie under the fatwa

"He unlocked the front door, went outside, got into the car, and was driven away..." More »

13th, September 2012 In Pictures

Subtitle fails are very funny

More »

13th, September 2012 Reviews

Breast cancer advert that hits hard and informs

Mel B wants us to think about her breasts as we worry about breast cancer. The former Spice Girl comes cross as vain and vapid... More »

13th, September 2012 Strange But True

Kazuhiro Watanabe has the tallest hair in the world

Ladies. Be warned... More »

13th, September 2012 Reviews

Nottingham Post baby and toddler of the year fail

Oh. Aren't they cute... More »

13th, September 2012 Key Posts 6

The Innocence of Muslims murders: how Christians used anti-Semitism to whip up hatred

Nakoula says he is not Bacile, but knows someone who is... More »

13th, September 2012 TV & Radio

The rabbit and the balloon - a love story

The rabbit and the balloon. They said it would never last... More »

13th, September 2012 The Consumer

The Bird-Apartment treehouse has up to 78 homes

Eat yer heart out, JK Rolwing... More »

13th, September 2012 Reviews

The Conker canker codswallop story

The Conker Help Enabling Environmental Safety EuRope (CHEESER) issues a dire warning each season, usually just before the World Conker Championships kicks off in October.... More »

13th, September 2012 Money

Reducing Union Power Increases The Workers' Wages

This might come as something of a surprise but reducing the power of unions can indeed raise the workers' wages... More »

13th, September 2012 TV & Radio

People falling over - video

Your sympathy is touching... More »

13th, September 2012 Key Posts 2

Lake Annecy Murders: Ex-RAF pilot Brett Martin says what he saw

Lake Annecy murders: Anorak's look at the four murders in the news media: Meet Brett Martin., the former RAF pilot who was first on the scene. He's talked on camera to the BBC. Why?... More »

13th, September 2012 Reviews

Richard III has been in a car park for 527 years: Crown owes Leicester Council a fortune

Are those the remains of Richard III, the last King of England to die in battle?... More »

13th, September 2012 Sports 1

Hillsborough: Now for Justice

Now it's time to go after the liars who libelled the dead... More »

13th, September 2012 In Pictures

Alison Pill photos

More »

13th, September 2012 Technology

Everything you need to know about the iPhone 5 in a photo

The Apple iPhone 5 is out! What do you need to know... More »

13th, September 2012 The Consumer

How to park a flashy motor in your lounge

You need never ask again... More »

13th, September 2012 TV & Radio

Farting In The Hood Prank might be racist or funny?

What do we make of this..? More »

13th, September 2012 Key Posts 1

CCTV in schools: 'If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear'

What is the purpose of placing CCTV cameras in schools? Is it to collect data on pupils and teachers? Is it an attempt by the officials to prove how in control they are and how much they care for the student and staff body?.. More »

13th, September 2012 Strange But True

Butcher stored raw meat under Y-fronts

Mr Ajaib prepared 20 tonnes of meat for human consumption from the unlicensed Hamza Poultry Limited in Maggs Lane, Fishponds... More »

13th, September 2012 TV & Radio

Pig escapes on trip to market (video)

This little piggy went.... More »

12th, September 2012 Reviews

Is the attack on the US consolate in Libya linked to Assange and this Wikileaks tweet?

With Julian Assange holed up in the Ecuador embassy, London, Wikileaks tweeted... More »