
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

12th, September 2012 Music

Mercury Music Prize winners 2012 in photos

Who we will be listening to on the radio soon... More »

12th, September 2012 Reviews 1

This best local news story about a cabbage this week

Local news brilliance... More »

12th, September 2012 Flashback

Jewish New Year’s Card sent from the Lodz Ghetto in 1940

“May you be inscribed for a good year..." More »

12th, September 2012 In Pictures

BamBambi and her buttock injections

More »

12th, September 2012 Reviews

Buttock enhancer Morris Garner charged with murder

Tracey Lynn Garner, is in the dock at Jackson, Miss. Garner has been charged with depraved-heart murder... More »

12th, September 2012 Key Posts

Who is Sam Bacile? Does he even exist?

When the US ambassador Chris Stevens and three other US diplomats were murdered at the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, we were introduced to Sam Bacile... More »

12th, September 2012 Technology

Bald Eagle gets printed 3D beak job - hair transplant can wait

Will the reverse nose job catch on? The wing-nutting of pinned ears? Beauty the bald eagle has parked the hair transplant and gone first for the 3D printed, prosthetic beak... More »

12th, September 2012 Celebrities

A day with Jessica Simpson's stomach: what goes in

It's all about the fatness... More »

12th, September 2012 Reviews

Local News: The Carpenders Park Community Hall toilet

To Carpenders Park Community Hall, with the Watford Observer. By Mike Wright, Chief Reporter... More »

12th, September 2012 Sports

Kelvin Mackenzie finally apologises for the Sun's Hillsborough lies - again

In the face of massive evidence that the police lied to protect themselves and people died who could have been saved, Mackenzie apologises... More »

12th, September 2012 Reviews

Climate change will murder 30,000 of you

You cannot argue with science. A look at academic research tells us... More »

12th, September 2012 Money

A small note for idiots everywhere on commodities

We've been told, again and again, by the likes of the World Development Movement, Oxfam, Action Aid and all the rest, that more speculation in commodities leads to higher prices for commodities... More »

12th, September 2012 The Consumer

The Amazon car seat desk is the ideal way to kill cyclists

AMAZON product of the day: Car Seat Desk - Auto Exec mDesk Mobile Office Work Station... More »

12th, September 2012 Celebrities 3

Daily Mail's Sandra Parsons lays into 'stunted' Peaches Geldof

"…when I saw those heart-stopping photos of Peaches Geldof’s baby toppling over in his buggy (right), I certainly didn’t condemn her for being a bad mother." Oh, really... More »

12th, September 2012 The Consumer

Dyslexia Tuition Torquay is our sign of the day

Note down that name... More »

12th, September 2012 In Pictures

London Olympic Games - Athletes Victory Parade photos

More »

12th, September 2012 Celebrities

Katie Holmes wants to date someone 'taller than me': Tom Cruise might weep

Holmes is in conversation with OK! magazine. She delivers a cold blow to her ex-husband Tom Cruise... More »

12th, September 2012 Reviews

Petronella Wyatt and the cyclists: three broken arms and two muggings

Come people are just bloody unlucky... More »

12th, September 2012 The Consumer

Cool ad watch: public transport is fun!

Public transport is fun! More »

12th, September 2012 In Pictures

Duct tape - 10 uses for

More »

12th, September 2012 Key Posts

Proof that police changed evidence to implicate Liverpool fans in Hillsborough disaster

Will the family and loved ones of the 96 fans of Liverpool FC who died as a result of events on 15 April, 1989, know the truth?... More »

12th, September 2012 Strange But True

Woman wonders around Kings Cross station with a plant pot on her head (photos)

The place used to be full of pot heads... More »

12th, September 2012 Strange But True

Phillip Beach tried to steal 12-ton boat by pulling it behind him and swimming

Beach, 26, might be the World's Strongest Man... More »

12th, September 2012 Strange But True

Mug shot of the day: Hazen Williamson and his dress

It's what Eve would have wanted.... More »

11th, September 2012 Reviews

Private dancer Julian Assange doesn't want you to see him making shapes

It turns out that Julian Assange wants less media freedom... More »