
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

22nd, August 2012 Money 3

Why bosses get paid more

his is about the quality of team supervisors, not about the quality of the boss up there in the exalted heights of the CEO's office... More »

22nd, August 2012 In Pictures

Nadia Lanfranconi in photos

More »

22nd, August 2012 TV & Radio

Japanese telly has the pranks

Nudity. Fighting. Birds. Hunks. And a wrecking ball. It's got the lot... More »

22nd, August 2012 TV & Radio

What rapists now have to fearful of: Vagina dentata and loss of face

It's been a good week for rape enthusiasts... More »

22nd, August 2012 Politicians

Mitt Romney has a tiny face: photos

This is childish. And funny... More »

22nd, August 2012 Reviews 1

The Church of England V Narconon and the Church of Scientology

Narconon is linked to the Scientology movement. It's been lecturing about drugs in British schools... More »

22nd, August 2012 Film

Savages looks a lot like Babel

Next they'll be producing remakes... More »

22nd, August 2012 Celebrities 3

Daily Mail target Emily Lloyd for its ritual abuse

How the Daily Mail works: Emily Lloyd, the actress who starred in the 1987 British film wish You Were Here - a role she took when aged 17... More »

22nd, August 2012 Celebrities

Sarah Brightman is to be fired into space search of a Starship Trooper... More »

22nd, August 2012 The Consumer 2

Something happend to Elías García Martínez's Ecce Homo

When the Centro de Estudios Borjanos in Borja, Spain, received a donation from the granddaughter of 19th-century painter Elías García Martínez something happened... More »

22nd, August 2012 In Pictures

The best back to school fails - photos

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22nd, August 2012 In Pictures

Men being dicks - the photos

More »

22nd, August 2012 Reviews

Apocaholic: The past 50 years news in two paragraphs

"Over the five decades since the success of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring in 1962 and the four decades since the success of the Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth in 1972, prophecies of doom on a colossal scale have become routine.." More »

22nd, August 2012 Reviews

Local News: A mirror breaks in Stamford

"Police are looking for witnesses after a car mirror was damaged..." More »

22nd, August 2012 Key Posts 5

Pregnant women delighted to learn that she was not raped: Todd Akin's is here to help

Happy days for Semera, a Bosnian woman who thanks to Missouri Republican Todd Akin's reproduction masterclass can look her child in the face and says that he was not the result of a violent rape... More »

21st, August 2012 TV & Radio

'Fat bloke's cardboard cut-out cloning experiment' (video)

Any more like you at home..? More »

21st, August 2012 Politicians 1

George Galloway pushes the toothpaste back into the tube: rape news update

One day on from his good sex guide to Julian Assange, George Galloway is pushing the toothpaste back into the tube.... More »

21st, August 2012 The Consumer

Fernando de la Rocque makes art from marijuana smoke

Brazilian artist Fernando de la Rocque blows marijuana smoke onto a stencil overlaying paper to create his art at his studio in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil... More »

21st, August 2012 Strange But True

Local news: Cumbrian woman finds Chinese tortoise in garden

Local news story of the day: the News & Star tells of Margaret Parker, 67. She spotted a "baby tortoise" in the garden of her home in Upperby, Cumbria. More »

21st, August 2012 Celebrities

Mel B to clutter up X Factor on a permanent basis?

So murky and crap-flecked is the combined beast-with-two-backs that is the music industry and television, it isn't surprising that this idea is being floated around... More »

21st, August 2012 Strange But True

Fallen blind man sues after workmen removed his balcony

To Blindheim, Germany, where wheelchair-bound Klaus Ohlmeier is addressing the court.. More »

21st, August 2012 Reviews 1

Circumcision might be a laughing matter for Dr Wang

On the BBC, the debate is heating up. It's serious stuff. So. Here's a doctor to help you make sense of it in an adult way... More »

21st, August 2012 Sports

Michael Phelps to be stripped of gold medals?

No-one has won more Olympic golds than Michael Phelps. He's probably won more golds than most Olympic countries have won in their history. However, things are looking a little uncertain this week... More »

21st, August 2012 Money

How do you export electricity like Iceland? you don't

Or at least the country which is most successful at exporting electricity doesn't in fact export electricity... More »

21st, August 2012 Key Posts 2

The best 14 ruined bikini photos

Good photos just got great... More »