
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

25th, June 2012 Reviews

David Starkey and Laurie Penny debate what it is to be disgrace to the Left and Right

When historian David Starkey met writer Laurie Pennie at the Sunday Times Festival of Education at Wellington college in Berkshire, something happened. The elite had a row... More »

25th, June 2012 Sports

England crash out of Euro 2012: It's smell your fingers time


25th, June 2012 Celebrities

Kim Kardashian: Potential is more lucrative the marriage

Kim Kardashian's apparent relationship with Kanye West is going to be one based entirely on the promise that it'll get more serious, thereby giving them both the chance to stretch it out into as many paychecks as possible... More »

24th, June 2012 Books 2

Clive James and his Unreliable Memoirs - what every adolescent boy should read

"I've been really ill for two-and-a-half years. I'm getting near the end. I'm a man who is approaching his terminus."... More »

24th, June 2012 Strange But True

The Glasgow Mela is religion for exhibitionists

To the Glasgow Mela for fun, and chance to see Govinda Lal insert a bent rod up his nose and pull it out of his mouth in Kelvingrove Park. More »

24th, June 2012 Politicians 1

Cherie Blair and Nancy Dell' Olio herd goats over London Bridge: photos

Cherie Blair and Nancy Dell’Olio spent the day herding goats across London Bridge. This was, it says here, to raise awareness for International Widows day.. More »

24th, June 2012 Flashback

Facebook was born in 1976 - photo

You have 4 new pen-pal requests... More »

24th, June 2012 TV & Radio

The best TV caption job titles ever

TV loves experts. It doesn't matter hat you're an expert in, so long as you say you're an expert in it... More »

24th, June 2012 Reviews

Heartless RSPCA officers name impaled cat Spikey

More casual animal cruelty now as we spot a cat found by an RSPCA officers in an overgrown garden in Wolverhampton... More »

24th, June 2012 Strange But True

Pet piranha eats toddler's fingers

To the Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, Illinois, to hear from a medic: "This is not a dog bite." More »

24th, June 2012 Sports

Euro 2012 history lessons: Steven Gerrard quotes Caesar, Horace and 'Del Boy' Trotter

England play Italy tonight at Europ 2012. The Sun says that England's "lion-hearted"captain Steve Gerrard has adopted the habits of "Rome’s Julius Caesar — whose motto was: 'Seize the day.'" Was it..? More »

24th, June 2012 Reviews

The Amarnath Yatra pilgrimage in photos

he Amarnath shrine is home to a big icicle revered by Hindus as an incarnation of Lord Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction and regeneration... More »

23rd, June 2012 Sports

Martin Keown says Cristiano Ronaldo plays football like an NFL basketballer - a meme is born

We in the UK like to think Americans know as much about football as they do about irony. It transpires that the UK knows nothing about the Americans... More »

23rd, June 2012 Music

In photos: Radio 1's Hackney Weekend 2012

Radio 1's Hackney Weekend sees Hackney Marshes, turn from the usual football (82 pitches) to music... More »

23rd, June 2012 Music

Face of the day: The Spanish glow paint party

The future's bright.... More »

23rd, June 2012 Strange But True

Mugly wins Ugliest Dog In The World title (photos)

Mugly, a British-based Chinese crested, took top spot at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in California... More »

23rd, June 2012 Reviews 1

In photos: Floods in Croston, Derwent and Yorkshire

Summer's here! More »

23rd, June 2012 Technology

For just $155, Excalibur Almaz will take you around the moon

For just $155, Excalibur Almaz will take you around the moon. They will also bring you back to Earth. No extras. It's not Ryan Air. Although you do have to go to the toilet in your trousers... More »

23rd, June 2012 Key Posts

Kevin Brennan MP never was much cop at darts - do the maths

All funny stuff. If an Oxford graduate and former economics teacher can't do the sums, who can? Well, in a word: dartists... More »

23rd, June 2012 Strange But True

Woman gets trapped in sewer retrieving dropped mobile phone

"I was on the phone talking with somebody and then I dropped the phone in the sewer. "There wasn't no water in it, so I figured I could go down there and get it..." More »

23rd, June 2012 TV & Radio

Loca the pug dog will now sing 'Me Da's great big trike'

A song for Saturday: Loca the pug will now sing Me Da's great big trike... More »

23rd, June 2012 Flashback

Pat Paulsen plays The Beatles Hey Jude

Pat Paulsen and the Pat Paulsen Players will not perform their cover version of The Beatles Hey Jude... More »

22nd, June 2012 Music

Isle of Wight Festival 2012 in photos: fans, bands and muddy legs

Rain? Check. Young women is short shorts walking in wet mud? Check. Young men wallowing in wet mud? Check... More »

22nd, June 2012 Celebrities

Travolta gay claims crop up again, this time, with added libel

Gay or not, John Travolta is being put through the media mangle at the moment while everyone speculates about his sexuality... More »

22nd, June 2012 In Pictures

Women behaving badly - a gallery

More »