
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

22nd, June 2012 Money 4

Why are the Nigerian email scams so obvious?

....Because they're obviousness acts as a very good idiot filter... More »

22nd, June 2012 Reviews 5

Will a mother lose her baby because she's in the EDL?

Toni McLeod, a mother of three young children, is due to give birth very soon. McLeod, of Durham, is eight months pregnant. She's worried... More »

22nd, June 2012 Gifs

Gifs of the week - the whale rainbow and other flying cats

The whale breathes lights and colour... More »

22nd, June 2012 Key Posts 3

Karen Huff Klein gets abused on a New York school bus by young fat busters

Egged on by the State-sanctioned war on the fat, the kids on board the Greece School District bus in Greece, N.Y, set about abusing (surely, encouraging her to lose weight - ed) Karen Huff Klein, a bus monitor... More »

22nd, June 2012 Sports 2

Euro 2012: Michel Platini streaks topless in Kiev - photo

EURO 2012 Spotter: Has Michel Platini let hinmself go, put on a bit to timber?... More »

22nd, June 2012 Reviews

The Spencer West Story in photos

Spencer West had his legs amputated when he was five. At age 31 he climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro - walking on his hands for 80% of the trek: More »

22nd, June 2012 Technology

Blow her hair with your car's superwoofer (video)

Never be bored again... More »

22nd, June 2012 Strange But True

Staffordshire children taught to write the perfect suicide note

TO Staffordshire, where Longton's 14-year-old boy Wesley Walker is writing a letter about his death. The class at the Discovery Academy is in writing a letter as if you are about to die. More »

22nd, June 2012 Royal Family 2

Queen Elizabeth does her Jackie Mason impression

Photo of the week features Her Majesty The Queen doing her now famous impression of New York comic Jackie Mason.... More »

22nd, June 2012 Reviews 1

Tabloids say skunk smoker mistook pylon for bridge: what really happened

Did you hear about the Czech woman who having smoked cannabis mistook an electricity pylon for a bridge?... More »

22nd, June 2012 In Pictures

Other parents are terrible - a gallery of fails

More »

22nd, June 2012 Strange But True

Other parents: dad drags toddler along road in crate tied to moped

To China's Shaanxi province, where a dad has been spotted taking his son for a ride. The boy is sat in a plastic drinks crate... More »

22nd, June 2012 The Consumer

Behind the scenes on a McDonald's photo shoot

You know food adverts that look nothing like the actual food. Wel... More »

21st, June 2012 The Consumer

Nine amazing things you cannot live without

You need these... More »

21st, June 2012 The Consumer

This advert Russia's Avianova airline is plain odd

Why? More »

21st, June 2012 Politicians

The Alistair Campbell Interview and highlights from 'The Burden of Power: Countdown to Iraq - The Alastair Campbell Diaries'

Campbell has been working the media to flog his latest book, The Burden of Power: Countdown to Iraq - The Alastair Campbell Diaries. He did not download it off the internet in 45 minutes.... More »

21st, June 2012 Celebrities

Emma Stone pretends to be flattered at creepy declaration of love from Jim Carrey

The more famous they become, the weirder they get. Take Jim Carrey for example. For some inexplicable reason, he decided to take to YouTube and declare his love for actress Emma Stone.... More »

21st, June 2012 Reviews

Summer Solstice 2012 in photos: Stone Henge and other trees

Humanity is great. We even hug trees.... More »

21st, June 2012 Celebrities

Reincarnated: Leonardo DiCaprio used to be Judy Zipper (photo)

IN the 1960s, Leonardo DiCaprio was called Judy Zipper More »

21st, June 2012 Reviews

Nominative Determinism: Team GB Olympian Robbie Grabarz poses for gay mag

A Team GB high jumper has posed for Attitude magazine, the gay organ. His name?... More »

21st, June 2012 Money

Jimmy Carr's tax avoidance was never going to work - here's why

The only way out of this is to leave the country and become non-resident. But that's a lot more difficult than it used to be... More »

21st, June 2012 Celebrities

Kanye West to make animal noises album, which is fine, clearly

Attention-seeker (self-proclaimed, obviously) Kanye West is sometimes brilliant ("My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy") and sometimes complete dreck ("Watch The Throne", Kim Kardashian) is... More »

21st, June 2012 Sports 13

London Olympics continues its war on knitting: Raveley Olympics banned

fter LOCOG upset the Woolsack knitters and squealed out of an official Olympic scheme to knit 14,000 woolly cushion covers, the U.S. Olympic Committee has banned the Raveley knitting circle from staging its "Olympics"... More »

21st, June 2012 Sports 4

Wayne Rooney in a state of Shock: It's Frank Ribery's hair that amuses (gif)

Euro 2012: it's all about the hair. England's tabloid figure of fun Wayne Rooney has become the unlikely face of Shockwaves hair gel, which boasts "ULTRA STRONG ROCK & HOLD".... More »

21st, June 2012 Technology

Awkward Facebook photos

Just because you have a camera does not mean you are a photographer, as you can see in this gallery of Awkward Facebook Photos... More »