
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

16th, June 2012 Photojournalism

Retro photos of the day: Mickey Mouse passes on girls who wear glasses

Images from days of yore... More »

16th, June 2012 Reviews

Cumbria tribute to Derrick Bird's victims placed below a massive gun

The tribute in Seascale to Derrick Bird's 12 victims is a £1,000 commemorative plaque declaring "In Memory Of All The Victims Of The WEST CUMBRIA SHOOTINGS 2nd June 1010"... More »

16th, June 2012 Strange But True

Woman 'impregnated' by squid

Whoi is the 63-year-old South Korean woman who fell pregnant with 12 baby squid?... More »

15th, June 2012 Reviews

Spanish miners strike with homemade bombs while China shoots for the moon - photos

In El Entrego near Oviedo, Spain, miners are striking over Government plans to reduce their state subsidies... More »

15th, June 2012 Sports

Euro 2012: England beat Sweden in photos - with added Rooney Moony

The European Championships are up and running for Roy Hodgson's heroes.... More »

15th, June 2012 Money

Victory for Martha Payne: politicians and media screw bureaucrats

You may or may not have been aware of the story of young Martha Payne. 9 year old up in Jockland who started posting pictures of her school lunches to her blog... More »

15th, June 2012 Celebrities

Holly Vallance invites winos to party in her cardboard box

Vallance, known to journalists, the institutionalised and other daytime telly watchers as Flick Scully from Neighbours, is engaged to be married to Nick Candy, a very rich property developer... More »

15th, June 2012 Celebrities 1

R Kelly is a wanted man, again!

America's IRS are currently at R Kelly's door shouting "Can we get a toot, toot? Beep beep?" and asking where to go after the show and the after party because, if the R&B egomaniac doesn't mind too much... More »

15th, June 2012 Reviews

How Robin van Helsum became 'Forest Boy' (photos)

Meet Robin van Helsum from the Dutch city of Hengelo... More »

15th, June 2012 Politicians

Louise Mensch proves that internet trolls look like the other trolls

This week we discovered that internet trolls really do look like trolls. Conservative MP Louise Mensch was targeted for abuse by Frank Zimmerman... More »

15th, June 2012 Celebrities

TOWIE tanner Lauren Goodger targeted by online golfers - twitter horror!

Goodger wants to talk about trolls. Having previously starred in the first ever celebrity abort 'n' tell, flogged slimming pills tested on animals and working as a rep for Peta, Lauren pushed her envelope by tweeting a photo of her arse... More »

15th, June 2012 Sports

Euro 2012: Inside the England fan zone in Kiev - photos, Swedes and rain

To the fan zone in Kiev, where the England supporters ready to see the lads take on dread Sweden are camped under the rain by the Wato bar - where prices have almost doubled overnight... More »

15th, June 2012 Reviews

London violinist 'destroyed' by being named 'pube' on Brick Lane music festival posters

Ever wonder what the 'bal' in 'balti' stands for?... More »

15th, June 2012 Strange But True

Police kill wallaby to protect it from injury

Sleep well tonight, people of Holland. The police have killed the runaway wallaby "for the safety of the animal".... More »

15th, June 2012 Strange But True

Denis the cat is Luton's number one criminal

Denis the cat likes to take things back to his house in Luton... More »

15th, June 2012 Gifs

Gifs of the week are presented by the budgie who saw too much…

More »

15th, June 2012 Reviews 1

The Guardian's Jonathan Freedland publishes Rebekah Brooks private texts as news - oh, the irony

The bigger story was that Rupert Murdoch's News of The World invaded people's private lives, listening into the phone conversations and publishing the gossip as news. So. How does the hacker busting Guardian cover the story?... More »

15th, June 2012 Sports

Nancy Dell'Olio remembers the glamour WAGS of Baden-Baden

The WAGS have arrived in Krakow for the European Championships. It's not World Cup 2006. It's not Baden Baden. Nancy Dell'Olio has noticed, telling Sun... More »

14th, June 2012 Sports

The dire England Supporters Band refuse to die - true England fans will tunnel to victory

The hideous England Supporters Band are back! Having been banned form taking their weapons of music destruction into the Donbass Arena for England's Euro 2012 against France, the England Supporters Band can play them at the Sweden match.... More »

14th, June 2012 The Consumer

Unrealistic body image of the days: Muscle & Fitness promises big arms - like the Hulk

Men. Are you tired of being pressured by manufactured beauty? Well, it's getting worse. M More »

14th, June 2012 Money

UK Uncut are ignorant idiots says Judge

UK Uncut are ignorant idiots says a Judge. While we knew this it's interesting to get the conformation from a senior and respected retired judge. He didn't put it in quite these words of course, but that is the gist of his message... More »

14th, June 2012 Strange But True 5

How to survive a bear attack, with Ben Radakovich and Rick Astley

How do you fight off a bear attack? Like, Ben Radakovich, 30, we thought you stood your ground and yelled a lot... More »

14th, June 2012 Reviews 1

Daily Telegraph irony typo of the day

Once upon a time the Daily Telegraph was a great newspaper... More »

13th, June 2012 Sports 4

Pukka Pies say England Supporters' Band ban 'leaves a sour taste in the mouth' - oh, the irony

Not everyone is happy watching England play without the soundtrack of lost causes. Take Pukka Pies, whose sponsorship cash made the band the Pukka Pies England Band... More »

13th, June 2012 Key Posts

Tattoo portraits - touching signs of your indelible love

Are you fan enough to get inked with your child's face? What's the matter with you?... More »