
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

12th, June 2012 Reviews 1

How to be cool - kill the sunglasses

Dr Thorsten Botz-Bornstein notes: "In a phrase: the cool person lives in a constant state of alienation." Only... More »

12th, June 2012 Politicians

Boris Johnson takes the Coke-free Mike Bloomberg marijuana challenge

John Stewart asked Boris Johnson to expland on mayor Bloomberg's attack on fizzy drinks. Would Boris place greater penalties on an ounce of marijuana or a large Coca Cola?... More »

12th, June 2012 Celebrities

Neil Hamburger inspects Ryan Seacrest's bottom

Tweet of the day: Ryan Seacrest look liks Justin Bieber's arse? Neil Hamburger explains... More »

12th, June 2012 Politicians

Plattenacht! Ilias Kasidiaris and his Golden Dawn party like it's 1941

Kasidiaris wants the two women he slapped on the telly charged with breaking the law. Ilias Kasidiaris is the happy-slapping official spokesman of the Nazi-styled Golden Dawn party... More »

12th, June 2012 Sports 1

England v France at Euro 2012 in photos - jingoism and militant Christianity outbreak

The BBC's pundits are locked in a joylous basement in Salford in a game bid to empathise with life for the Poles and Ukrainians under Soviet rule... More »

12th, June 2012 Strange But True

Stranger shoots 'Kindness of America' book writer in Montana'

To West Virginia, where Raymond Dolin, 39, has been shot by a stranger... More »

12th, June 2012 Strange But True

Tim Janus is the World Burping Champion - tips and video

Janus has tips for aspiring burpologists... More »

12th, June 2012 TV & Radio

Alternative Olympic Sports: aeroplane gymnastics

Aircraft go Olympics mad... More »

11th, June 2012 Money 2

Don't Build the High Speed Railway from London to Birmingham!

It'sjust so lovely when you trun out to be right, isn't it? Gilligan's got a piece showing that the cost benefit calculation for the HS2 high speed train from London to Brum is entirely cock... More »

11th, June 2012 In Pictures

Awkward architecture - photos

More »

11th, June 2012 TV & Radio 2

Saudi Arabia bans women and music from Saudi Got Talent TV show

To Saudi Arabia, where Saudi Got Talent has been making waves... More »

11th, June 2012 Gifs

Gifs of the week - the chick gets it for breakfast

More wonderful gifs... More »

11th, June 2012 In Pictures

Camila Alves and Matthew McConaughey - in photos

More »

11th, June 2012 Sports

In 41 photos - Timothy Bradley and Manny Pacquiao inspire the conspiracy theorists

So. Why did Filipino great Manny Pacquiao - winner of world titles in eight weight divisions - lose to his WBO welterweight title to American Timothy Bradley at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas?... More »

11th, June 2012 Film

Name the famous film from the image - can you?

Can you name the famous films from these stills? We've compiled a gallery of stills from great movies. Can you name them all? More »

11th, June 2012 Reviews

Liverpool goes mad for pigeon meat

Liverpool council says “pigeon feeding was often undertaken by people with mental health needs”... More »

11th, June 2012 Strange But True

Exam cheat had 35ft long crib sheet wrapped around body

Ready for your exams? One student in Kazakhstan prepared by creating a 35ft long crib sheet which he wore about his body... More »

11th, June 2012 Politicians 9

David Cameron gets daughter Nancy, 8, unpaid internship in pub

In 'DAVID Cameron's Nightmare", the Sun leads with the sensational news that David Cameron left his daughter Nancy in the pub, or "country inn", as it describes the The Plough at Cadsden... More »

10th, June 2012 Strange But True

The Jump of El Colacho in photos - baby jumping with style

A man representing the devil and called Colacho, centre, jumps over young babies during El Salto del Colacho, The Jump of the Colacho, in a village of Castrillo de Murcia, near Burgos... More »

10th, June 2012 Madeleine McCann 2

Madeleine McCann is 'at college in Minnesota'

Mystery solved! Madeleine McCann has been located - and she's alive. The Burnley Express reports: 'Burnley psychic in hunt for missing Madeleine McCann"... More »

10th, June 2012 Sports

|taly's Daniele De Rossi turns his leg into a toilet - tattoo of the day

At the European Championships Italy defender Daniele De Rossi shows off his leg tattoo (with spotty leg).... More »

10th, June 2012 Flashback

Sir Oswald Mosley and the 'Blackshirts' British Union of Fascists - in photos

Much talk of the rise of extremism in mainland Europe. In the 1930s, Great Britain had its own racists. Sir Oswald Mosley was the leader of the 'Blackshirts',the British Union of Fascists... More »

10th, June 2012 Reviews 2

Ice cream wars erupt in Blackburn Lancashire - Video

Sugary foods pusher Zeheer Ramzan - Mr Whippy of Blackburn - has smashed the window of Mr Softy enabler Mohammed Mulla - Mr Yummy of Tubzee in Halifax - on Palatine Road... More »

10th, June 2012 In Pictures

Star Wars Tattoos: A Gallery Of Fan Horror

More »

10th, June 2012 Celebrities

When Big Brother's Vicky Eisermann met Simon Cowell it was all about the sex (photos)

The Daily Star (prop. Richard Desmond) leads with news that Big Brother (prop. R. Desmond) "star" Victoria Eisermann (aka model Vicky Lee) has "refused to deny" that she and Simon Cowell were lovers... More »