
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

8th, June 2012 In Pictures

Sexist And Racist Comic Books

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8th, June 2012 Reviews

Photos of the day - the 1980s with elegunce

When they were kings.... More »

8th, June 2012 TV & Radio

Those crazy Russians climb a radio tower

Do not try this at home... More »

8th, June 2012 Strange But True 1

Working meth lab busted in Walmart store

Until recently, a store inside a Walmart in South St. Louis County, Missouri, was producing drugs in what police called an "active methamphetamine production laboratory"... More »

8th, June 2012 In Pictures

Japanese Brothel - Weird And Worrying

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7th, June 2012 Reviews 4

The Daily Express parties likes its 1936 - Germany must be stopped!

The Daily Express finally gets to write that headline.... More »

7th, June 2012 The Consumer

The Chinese trade in dead and live pangolin

Would you eat a pangolin? Plenty do... More »

7th, June 2012 Reviews

Nurse Xiao Shiyu posts photos of her mocking and mishandling newborn babies

What happens to your newborn baby when its in the care of the hospital workers? In Eastern China, at the Children's Hospital linked to Zhejiang University's medical school, senior intern Xiao Shiyu, 22, has been taking photos of the babies and... More »

7th, June 2012 Flashback 1

Flashback: Anti-German demos break out in London

May 13, 1915 - Anti-German demonstrations in Chrisp Street, Poplar... More »

7th, June 2012 Celebrities

When model Melissa Stetten met married Brian Presley she tweeted his chat-up lines

Stetten - tagline: 'Just trying to keep up with the Kardashians' - is, allegedly, tweeting her chat with marrried actor and father Brian Presley. It's brilliant... More »

7th, June 2012 Flashback

The Invisible Mother - how loving mums got the perfect photo (gallery)

The burka took off because the loving mum wanted the focus of attention to be on her beautiful children... More »

7th, June 2012 Celebrities

Rihanna says The Sun is like a 'fu*kin asshair - full of shit'

Rihanna understands how tabloids work... More »

7th, June 2012 Royal Family 1

Princes Charles invited sex criminal Harbinder Singh Rana on the Royal Diamond Jubilee barge

Did you see Harbinder Singh Rana stood on the Royal barge, the Spirit of Chartwell, as it motored down the River Thames? He was Prince Charles's guest. Harbinder Singh Rana is a convicted sex attacker... More »

7th, June 2012 Celebrities

Travolta had gay relationship with pilot? Doug Gotterba alleges

Can we make a 'look who's talking now?' joke concerning the myriad of men who have claimed to have had some kind of sexual encounter with John Travolta? Doesn't matter now. We've already done it... More »

7th, June 2012 Key Posts 1

Yovanka Bryant is here to milk the zombie cannibal crisis - Rudy Eugene was a saint

Meet Yovanka Bryant and her lawyer, the ubiquitous Gloria Allred. Bryant's claim to fame is that she dated Rudy Eugene, the man killed by police as she chewed the face off Ronald Poppo in Miami... More »

7th, June 2012 Politicians 2

Scott Walker kills America - video

To America, where life has ended with Republican Scott Walker’s victory in the Wisconsin recall election... More »

7th, June 2012 Key Posts

Awkward dating profiles without Julian Assange - photos

Tumblr site of the day is OK Cupid Enemies, pages that document the best of the OK Cupid dating site... More »

7th, June 2012 Strange But True

Dead woman's fat sets crematorium on fire

When a large women was cremated in Graz, Austria, her fat blocked an air filter causing the entire venue to burn to the ground... More »

7th, June 2012 Strange But True 5

Handless refugee tosses volleyball rock through KFC window

To Albuquerque, where handless Koffi Mbairamadji has been arrested for allegedly throwing a large rock - "volleyball-sized" - through the window of a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant... More »

7th, June 2012 Strange But True

Dog-strangler mocks police with offensive tattoo

Thompson is off to jail for making "terroristic" threats. Thompson had been choking his stepfather's while vowing, "You're next." Wallace adds: "And he said he was going to become a serial killer and kill everyone who made him mad.".. More »

6th, June 2012 In Pictures

Pregnancy Photos - Very Weird Ones

More »

6th, June 2012 Money

Argentina to sue UK oil companies for being bigger cheats than Maradona

Can we sue for cheating at football..? More »

6th, June 2012 Sports

The world according to Harry Redknapp: Spurs players don't need him

The world according to Harry Redknapp part 786b: destined by seen by many as the great England manager who never was, the Spurs boss has been talking about his situation at the club... More »

6th, June 2012 Royal Family

Daily Telegraph Diamond Jubilee fail

Anorak intern moves up to the big time.... More »

6th, June 2012 The Consumer 1

Brock Davis has fun with broccoli (photos)

Davis has been playing with his food... More »