
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

6th, June 2012 Music

John Mayer hits out at Taylor Swift over world's lamest beef track

Taylor Swift wrote a thinly-veiled dig at former beau and all-round douche, John Mayer... and he's not happy about it... More »

6th, June 2012 Reviews

Luka Magnotta: dead eyes, three feet and the chance to see a snuff video

Magnotta is being held in Germany, awaiting extradition to Canada. German police say he's a"model prisoner". Given his vanity. Magnotta would be pleased with that description.. More »

6th, June 2012 Key Posts 3

Rock Stars' Yearbook photos - Who changed the most?

Rock stars are great . They have long hair that gets thicker and thicker as their fame surges; perfect teeth that never go missing and groupies as a utility. But what did they look like when younger? Like this... More »

6th, June 2012 Politicians

Lembit Opik meets crippling Kade Callous - video

The future of political wrestling is assured... More »

6th, June 2012 Strange But True

Coopers Hill cheese rolling contest 2012: photos

Like you patriots, we too marked the Diamond Jubilee by running pell-mell down Coopers Hill near Brockworth, Gloucestershire, in pursuit of a cheese... More »

6th, June 2012 Music

Song of the day - Maxine Swaby's Pardon Me

This is fabulous... More »

6th, June 2012 Strange But True

Bart Jansen turns his cat Orville into a helicopter (video)

Dutch artist Bart Jansen got his very own Orville, a cat. Sadly, Orville died... More »

6th, June 2012 TV & Radio 1

The most honest dishonest thieves explain their crime (video)

The most honestly dishonest thieves of the day are refreshing us with their vapid candor... More »

6th, June 2012 Reviews

How police get a confession in the Ukraine

"This work stopped me cold the first time I saw it. It looked terrifyingly real, but how could it be?.." More »

6th, June 2012 Reviews

How much alcohol should you drink a day? The Daily Mail knows

The Daily Mail is here to help with your alcohol content... More »

6th, June 2012 Gifs

Gifs of the day - The Bedroom Olympics

You'll believe a cat can sweep up... More »

6th, June 2012 Technology

Scientists invent glasses that make people shrink

In the 1980s, the Japanese grew rich on making things smaller. This process was mostly confined to electronic gadgets and poems. But now the country's boffins are shrinking people... More »

6th, June 2012 Strange But True

Woman who stole bank robbers getaway car relives moment

To Houston, Texas, where Blanca is caught up in armed bank robbery... More »

6th, June 2012 Reviews

The missing finger meth users plead guilty

When arrested by Stillwater police, Brooker said she was looking for a finger... More »

5th, June 2012 Celebrities 2

Madonna in trouble with the far-right

Madonna Queen of Pop turned spiritual world healer, is known for her constant reinvention as well as for getting into cat fights. Well, she is now in trouble with French right-wing politician Marine Le Pen... More »

5th, June 2012 Sports

The Shin-kicking Olympics - rules and misunderstandings

Alternative Olympic Sports presents shin-kicking in the alternative Olympic venue of Chipping Campden, Goucestershire.. More »

5th, June 2012 Reviews 2

Breivik judge plays Solitaire as David Cameron slaughters birds and melons

Anders Behring Breivik murdered 77 people. His trial has been a procession of the bereft and the injured... More »

5th, June 2012 TV & Radio

Turpy the tap dancing mouse is her to entertain (video)

If a dog can win Britain's Got Talent, why not a dead mouse on piece of string? Presenting Turpy the tapdancing... More »

5th, June 2012 TV & Radio

Mosque security guard gropes buttocks (video)

Y-fronts of mass distraction - the search continues... More »

4th, June 2012 Royal Family 2

Jubilee hit of the day: Jonathan King sings God Save The Sex Pistols

Before he became a media pariah, Jonathan King hymned a reply to the Sex Pistols' God Save The Queen... More »

4th, June 2012 Royal Family 1

Diamond Jubilee concert in photos (Gary Barlow bowel cam)

For those American readers who think the Diamond Jubilee is a QVC segment on selly telly, and the Jubilee River Pageant a Disney on Melted Ice, news: that stuff is real... More »

4th, June 2012 Reviews

Luka Magnotta arrested for murder of Lin Jun

Luka Rocco Magnotta has been captured... More »

4th, June 2012 Strange But True

Noisy masturbator too loud for neighbours

"He moans louder than an animal ... I can feel how it affects my state of mind.”... More »

4th, June 2012 Celebrities 2

Olivia Culpo: photos of Miss USA 2012

Here are photos of Miss Culpo saving the world and feeding starving children with her great hair and terrific cello playing... More »

4th, June 2012 Royal Family

Diamond Jubilee: photos of Royals aboard the Havengore

Diamond Jubilee Special Part 2: Our photographer made it onto the 'Havengore' on the River Thames... More »