
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

24th, May 2012 Celebrities

High flying fights global warming with a day torch

When not nodding and smirking, The Voice's talen investigator, a kind of musical Ironside, is part of the celebrity flight club... More »

24th, May 2012 Gifs

Gif of the day - the solar system (you are here)

You are here... More »

24th, May 2012 Reviews 2

Israel sends 20,000 Harry Potter commandos to Cyprus

There are 19,500 personnel in the Israeli Navy. Of that number, only a relative few get to be commandos. Odd, then... More »

24th, May 2012 TV & Radio

Egyptian TV channel Marya hires only veiled women and celebrity pariahs

Marya is an exclusively female Egyptian satellite TV channel featuring only women veiled in the niqaab. As befitting such a bastion of sisterhood, Marya is owned by Salafi Sheikh Abu Islam Ahmad Abd Allah, a man... More »

24th, May 2012 Key Posts 1

Ben Needham, Madeleine McCann but not Charlene Downes: sensation points to alien abduction

Yesterday saw the relaunch of the pan-European 116000 missing children hotline at a Downing Street reception hosted by Home Secretary Theresa May Tomorrow, it's International Missing Children's Day.... More »

23rd, May 2012 Key Posts

Lady Gaga: The Far East your in photos and disguise

Gaga has been to the Far East. The woman who would have been the white Grace Jones had Madonna not beaten her to it has been in Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines... More »

23rd, May 2012 Strange But True

The Morphsuit world record - in photos

Did you go to the Morphsuit record attempt at the Drayton Manor Theme Park in Tamworth, when 145 people broke last year's record of 112 people gathered in any one place wearing the nylon romper suit for the chronically shy exhibitionist?... More »

23rd, May 2012 Music

Damon Albarn strops out of Blur sessions

Blur managed to endure where many other Britpop and 90s indie bands faltered. That's mainly because Blur are considerably better than Shed Seven... More »

23rd, May 2012 Reviews 9

Jeremy Paxman and Piers Morgan expose Leveson's true purpose: to control tabloid readers

At the Leveson Inquiry - the big shindig in which the State gets to investigate the press, that very thing that is supposed to investigate the State and formulate how it can be controlled (bloody hell!) - Jeremy Paxman recalls a 2002 lunch with the then Daily Mirror editor Piers Morgan... More »

23rd, May 2012 Sports

Wojciech Szczesny says Arsenal players use ‘John Terry’ as code for 'terrible' women

Arsenal goalkeeper Wojciech Szczesny says that on night out his teammates use codewords for ladies that catch the eye... More »

23rd, May 2012 Reviews

The US Samantha Brick?

More »

23rd, May 2012 Sports

Didier Drogba grabs Olympic torch from John Terry's grasp

All eyes were on the look out for John Terry as Chelsea great Didier Drogba was handed the Olympic Torch. Having already claimed the European Cup and Best In Show at the Chelsea Flower Show, it's already been a prolific week for... More »

23rd, May 2012 Strange But True

Man gets tattoo supporting Leviticus 18:22 that forbids homosexuality but ignores Leviticus 19:28 that bans tatoos

Pricelss More »

23rd, May 2012 Money

Well, Greece is screwed whichever way it turns

If they try and stay in the euro then they're screwed by a decade or more of this internal devaluation, this austerity. Things would get better if they leave, after the horrible shock of actually leaving... More »

23rd, May 2012 Reviews

The Flaming Lips vs Jay Z

More »

23rd, May 2012 Strange But True

China bans more than two flies going to the toilet at any one time

It is now law that no toilets in Beijing, China, should contain more than two flies. The Beijing Municipal Committee has released its "major sectors of management of public toilets in Beijing services standards"... More »

23rd, May 2012 Celebrities

Simon Cowell and Pudsey's bitches

OK! continues its bonkers reporting style by leading with a photo of Pudsey and Ashleigh, the winners of Britain's Got Talent, and a quote from Pudsey the dog (and for an encore the dancing dog will now speak)... More »

23rd, May 2012 Celebrities

Josh Hutcherson's gets Heath Ledger's old nose

utcherson has taken ownership of Heath Ledger's old nose... More »

23rd, May 2012 Books 3

Josie Demuth is Poutrageous

Josie Demuth! Editor of alternative online mag La Bouche Zine and author of the The Gueste-novella! Tell me in under 100 words what gets you up in the morning... More »

23rd, May 2012 Photojournalism

Photos of the day - The Burqa Batman makes no money

All life is out there... More »

23rd, May 2012 Gifs

Gifs of the week - One Direction's dancing dog dive

More »

23rd, May 2012 Technology

FAIL: BBC article on bad spelling includes spelling error

The BBC laments the "Poor spelling of 'auto-correct generation'", revealing the horror of a nation that has become reliant on technology to auto-correct text.... More »

23rd, May 2012 TV & Radio

Romanian TV reporter caught faking sandstorm (video)

It's blowing something fierce on Romania's Black Sea coast. A sandstorm has been whipping up by the high winds... More »

23rd, May 2012 Strange But True

So you had a zebra and a McCaw in your truck

We've all had a friend who never drives, someone who is always at the party with no way of getting home... More »

22nd, May 2012 Sports

Gary Lineker had less problem with lying tabloids when he worked for the Mail

When the Daily Star read an interview Gary Lineker had conducted with Readers' Digest it transcribed it as the front-page screamer: "Lineker: England team are losers."... More »