
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

6th, May 2012 Strange But True

Welsh penguin thieves explain all

“People look at us a bit different. We were upstanding and had a really good reputation and we tried hard to keep the whole thing under wraps but the media completely exposed us..." More »

6th, May 2012 Politicians

The Labour Party of 1997 loved Murdoch and his Sun - video

It's 1997. And Tony Blair is at one with the Sun... More »

6th, May 2012 Key Posts

'Best Value' Madeleine McCann is selling holidays on a travel site

With Madeleine McCann high on the news cycle, the people at Voucher Digg are using the missing child's image to showcase their latest offer: holidays at More »

6th, May 2012 Photojournalism

Photos of the day: Sorry Cat is sorry for Elvira's beach dog

Photos of the day: the dog rides the horse; the Parisian celebrates her city; Elvira on the beach; the dog is stuck; and photo cat is sorry… More »

6th, May 2012 Film

Fox Uses Trayvon Martin's death to market Ben Stiller's Neighborhood Watch film

THE new film Neighborhood Watch has reacted to the death of Trayvon Martin - the teenager shot dead by Neighbourhood watchman George Zimmerman - by being renamed The Watch. More »

6th, May 2012 Strange But True

In Photos: The Zombie Walk across Charles Bridge in Prague

Prague has changed massively in the past two decades. When I went to see family who'd stayed - we were returning even older family members who'd escaped - the food was gloop and massive sausage, beer and cigarettes... More »

6th, May 2012 Reviews 5

Iran fires its faked missiles at Star Wars

Photoshopped image of the day is featured in Iran's Mehr News Agency, where the headline story "Iran’s missile program no threat to Europe, U.S.: French official" is illustrated by this photo... More »

6th, May 2012 Sports

Katy Andrews is our painful athletics fail of the day

. Watch this and let us know if you smiled or winced?... More »

6th, May 2012 TV & Radio

A horse that plays the guitar - video

Can a horse play guitar..? More »

6th, May 2012 In Pictures

Awkward glamour photos - even more glamourous

More »

6th, May 2012 Politicians 5

Daily Mail calls Osama bin Laden Obama bin Laden

Liz Jones, the Daily Mail's regular troll bait, is talking about the "cooing couples" who upset her by looking at ease with each other's company in public. She finds hope in the death of Obama... More »

6th, May 2012 Strange But True

The super moon in fantastic photos

Did you see the super moon, the brightest full moon of the year?.. More »

6th, May 2012 In Pictures

Vintage Erotic Photos 2

More »

5th, May 2012 In Pictures

The best and most ingenious Facebook timeline cover photos

More »

5th, May 2012 Sports

Alex Ferguson bemoans changing the FA Cup his Manchester United once ignored

United manger Sir Alex Ferguson is upset that Chelsea's victory in the FA Cup final over Liverpool was moved to a 5:15 kick off rather than the usual 1500. Only, in 1999, his side went further... More »

5th, May 2012 Key Posts

The 10 hottest women currently in prison - the profiles

The ten hottest women currently doing time in US prions are…busy tonight. But they are looking for love... More »

5th, May 2012 Music

Coldplay's Beastie Boys tribute to Adam Yauch is plain terrible

What's that awful humming noise? Is it Chris Martin trying to drive out the tinnitus in his ears with another drippy melody?... More »

5th, May 2012 In Pictures

Awkward glamour photos

More »

5th, May 2012 Key Posts

Awkward glamour photos - making love to a limp camera

You want to make love to the camera but the camera has made other plans... More »

5th, May 2012 Reviews 2

Those Daily Express heat-wave warnings

The Daily Express loves weather. Often, it's front-page new. The latest weather report is that "Winter to last until June"... More »

5th, May 2012 Politicians 7

Why miserable Ken Livingstone lost - it wasn't the Jews, it was him

Livingstone has shuffled off the political stage to dedicate himself to his newts and his media career. So. Why did he lose..? More »

5th, May 2012 Flashback

The Chin Reducer AND Beautifier

For "CURVES Of YOITUH" you need to pull the cords on Prof. Mack's Chin Reducer and Beautifier. Be the envy of all your pals with an effaced chin and reduced glands*. More »

5th, May 2012 Reviews

Ken Clarke kickstarts prison economy

Clarke says prison is boring. It's not nearly as interesting as the brochures and TV shows tell you it is... More »

4th, May 2012 Politicians

Ed Miliband's bong show - The best local election photos of 2012

The local elections were rolling news dullsville. Only 30 percent of us bothered to vote vote. The rest - a whopping 70% - are allergic to school halls and opted to remains elsewhere.... More »

4th, May 2012 Technology 4

Scumbag Steve's open letter to Annoying Facebook Girl - meme to meme

Because memes are people too, Blake Boston - aka memeville's Scumbag Steve has reached out to his meme community and penned a letter to Annoying Facebook Girl... More »