
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

25th, April 2012 In Pictures

Orson Welles - rare photos

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25th, April 2012 Sports

BBC Olympics team bigger than Team GB

On your marks, get! More »

25th, April 2012 Celebrities

Georgia Salpa: my weeks of mayhem

OK! continues for another week its quest to make Georgia Salpa look interesting. Having been sat by Peter Andre - OK!'s mannequin of love - for a photoshoot more sterile than a Anthea Turner's kitchen floor... More »

25th, April 2012 Flashback

Flashback to April 25 – Photos from this day in history

On this day in history... More »

25th, April 2012 Politicians

Insult of the Day: North Korea says South Korean President Lee Myung-bak has 2MB of knowledge

North Korea's official media says South Korean President Lee Myung-bak is “human scum” and an “underwit with 2MB of knowledge”... More »

25th, April 2012 Celebrities

Kim Kardashian holds hands with Kanye West for publicity

When Kim Kardashian dumped Kris Humphries after 72 days of marriage, everyone howled that she was taking the sanctity of marriage and stuffing it down a promotion hole. It was cold... More »

25th, April 2012 In Pictures

Gareth Williams - the story in photos

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25th, April 2012 Reviews 5

Gareth Williams murder: what we have been allowed to know so far (photos)

Was Gareth Williams murdered? The 31-year-old MI6 spook from Anglesey, North Wales found dead at his Pimlico flat, his body locked inside a bag in his bath. That was August 2010. An inquest is just underway... More »

25th, April 2012 Celebrities

The government are spying on Susan Sarandon

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25th, April 2012 Strange But True

Russian I.V. Pugach trademarks his beard against genocidal maniacs

To Russia, where I.V. Pugach has trademarked his beard, "the type with no sideburns that covers just the chin and the patch above the upper lip"... More »

25th, April 2012 Flashback

Flashback to 1969: put on weight the fun way

Tired of being Skinny? Want to drink on pounds of weight fast - the fun way? Well, you can. Or you could. It was 19689 and Bachelor magazine has an offer for its readers... More »

25th, April 2012 In Pictures

Vintage erotica - 1960s adult magazines

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25th, April 2012 Reviews

In photos - The 33rd annual Drake Relays Beautiful Bulldog Contest

Face of the Day: Lilli, owned by Wendi French, of West Des Moines, Iowa... More »

25th, April 2012 Celebrities

Russell Brand shows us that drugs can do you good

Who beter than Russell Brand to address the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee at Portcullis House, Westminster, on drugs policy? Well, no-one... More »

25th, April 2012 Strange But True 2

Nominative Determinism of The Day: Professor John Bukkake - facial specialist

"Renouned facial dermatologist at the University of Calcutta, India"... More »

25th, April 2012 Money 1

Why should Apple pay US taxes?

We've had a similar argument here over Vodafone. That was all about whether a Luxembourg part of Vodafone should pay UK tax on the profits it made selling phones in Germany to Germans.... More »

25th, April 2012 Madeleine McCann 9

Madeleine McCann: evidence she's alive and a new photo

As the fifth anniversary of an innocent child's disappearance in Portugal approaches, the media is talking about 'Our Maddie'. On social media, Martin Brunt, of Sky News, tweets... More »

25th, April 2012 Gifs

Gifs of the week: Otter rat feels the Force

More pain and weirdness in Gifs... More »

25th, April 2012 Reviews

Queer times in Palestine and Israel - Pinkwashing among the bigots

To New York, where the righteous are picking their prejudices. At a meeting called “Creating Solidarities: A Conversation with Members of the First U.S. LGBTQ Delegate to Palestine”, the enlightened are talking about their trip to the Palestinian territories.... More »

25th, April 2012 Technology

Crab-powered computers are now possible!

Good news! Crab powered computers are possible, Cancel the hamster wheel! Solar panels and wind farms are dead! Japanese researchers have a break through... More »

25th, April 2012 Key Posts

Bad business names - Poo-Ping Palace and The Glory Hole prayer shop

Would you eat at Virgin Tandoori, Poo-Ping Palace or Fouk Yue?... More »

25th, April 2012 TV & Radio

Women falls through pavement - video

To Northern China, where the pavements are the world's stage. Cue trap door. Next!... More »

25th, April 2012 Flashback

The National Pea Pushing Derby, with comedian Joe Baker (video)

It's 1969, and the swinging cats are in Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, for the Naional Pea-Pushing Derby, presented by comedian Joe Baker... More »

25th, April 2012 Key Posts 4

The cynical manipulation of Claire Squires death

Following yesterday's Daily Mail report which gave readers an insight into what Squires was thinking and her motives for running - andno, it never spoke with her - the Sun leads with " Tragic Claire: Make it £1m."... More »

24th, April 2012 Sports 5

Chelsea: Sky's Geoff Shreeves breaks Branislav Ivanovic's heart - video

We're still looking for the videos of Shreeves telling the Barcelona players that they too have not made it to the final and children that their parents will one day die... More »