
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

12th, April 2012 Books 18

Seeing adults reading Harry Potter, Twilight and The Hunger Games makes my blood boil

Do grown-up people who read Harry Potter, The Hunger Games or Twilight upset you?... More »

12th, April 2012 Reviews 3

Which celebrity and cause will help George Zimmerman fight a murder charge?

Zimmerman will get his day in court. The man who killed 17-year-old black teenager Trayvon Martin has been charged with second degree murder... More »

12th, April 2012 Celebrities

Dwarf bites Jennifer Thompson on the bum

In “OOMPAH LOOMPAH SHOWED ME HIS WILLY WONKA”, “Rooney’s hooker” fell for an “Oompa Loompa dwarf and bedded him”. Really..? More »

12th, April 2012 In Pictures

Marilyn Monroe: some rare photos

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11th, April 2012 Key Posts

North Korea - fantastic photos of everyday life in the secretive state

The Associated Press’s David Guttenfelder was among journalists given a tour of Heaven on Earth. He was shown what the State wanted him to see.... More »

11th, April 2012 In Pictures

Aceh earthquake in photos

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11th, April 2012 In Pictures 6

Claudia Schiffer - 30th anniversary Guess photos

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11th, April 2012 Celebrities 11

Alec Baldwin had dinner with his 'stalker' Genevieve Sabourin, which is nice (photos)

Alec Baldwin has accused a woman named Genevieve Sabourin of stalking him after she started sending "a series of annoying and unsolicited communications" to the actor... More »

11th, April 2012 In Pictures

The Simpsons is set in Springfield, Oregon - photos

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11th, April 2012 TV & Radio

Finally! Now we know that The Simpsons live in Oregon!

One of the most idly pondered about mysteries in modern pop-culture is: Just which state is The Simpsons' town of Springfield in?... More »

11th, April 2012 Reviews

Greece rages: Dimitris Christoulas and Marios Lolos die as racism rises

A 77-year-old retired pharmacist named Dimitris Christoulas committed suicide at Syntagma Square in central Athens.... More »

11th, April 2012 Money

So how will Greece leave the Eurozone? Answer: painfully (photos)

There's a general agreement among realist economists (ie, not those drunk on some nonsensical dreams of European unity) that the euro as it was set up was a decidedly bad idea... More »

11th, April 2012 In Pictures

Trayvon Martin v George Zimmerman - the story in photos

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11th, April 2012 In Pictures

Lyuba the 42,000 year old baby mammoth - photos

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11th, April 2012 Photojournalism

Photos of the day - the finger Sandwich Police

It's what Homer Simpson would have wanted... More »

11th, April 2012 In Pictures

Kara - the South Korean pop band in photos

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11th, April 2012 Film

London Premiere of Salmon Fishing In The Yemen - in photos

Lovely weather for Emily Blunt and Ewan McGregor, trout pouts and other fish… More »

11th, April 2012 Reviews

Nasa astronauts turns on James Hansen and the man-made Global warming agenda

Astronauts debate the science... More »

11th, April 2012 Gifs

Gifs of the week - Juggling With Dogs

Look out for the Human Haystack, animals being cute, the Swiss Ball-'sup, juggling with dog and more... More »

11th, April 2012 Flashback

How racist American comic books won World War 2 - 20 photos

In World War 2, the US called up Superman, Captain America, Batman and others to fight the green-faced “Japanazis”, Hitler and Captain Nazi... More »

11th, April 2012 Key Posts 2

Jenny Thompson shags one of Snow White's dwarves

Bad news for Mario Balotelli, the Manchester City striker, and Jennifer Thompson: neither are as famous or seductive to tabloid readers as Wayne Rooney... More »

10th, April 2012 The Consumer 90

Lap dancers piled high and sold cheap - pole skills on decline

Lap-dancers are in decline. Not in number, but in skills.... More »

10th, April 2012 Reviews

Dispatches from a Fox News mole confirms everyone's prejudices

Ever wondered what it's like to work at Fox News? Then this new column over at Gawker will fill you in... More »

10th, April 2012 Key Posts 10

Alan Davies upsets murderous Liverpool fans with Hillsborough insult

Arsenal fan and jobbing BBC TV comedy show panelist Alan Davies has had his £1000 donation to the Official Hillsborough Justice Campaign rejected... More »

10th, April 2012 Key Posts

As Santorum drops out, a trip down meme-ory lane

Santorum has announced his withdrawal from the Republican presidential race and in his concession speech on Tuesday afternoon he name-checked some of the many social-media phenomena... More »