
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

28th, March 2012 Money

The Truth About the Pasty Tax: Yup, it's the EU

Much fun and games as Georgie Osborne has to defend his pasty tax. As one wag has pointed out whether a pasty which has cooled to 21 oC needs to pay the tax will depend upon whther the ambient temperature is 22 o or 19 o.... More »

28th, March 2012 Celebrities

Amy Willerton and Chantelle Houghton in Katie Price face-off

OK! is going big on Chantelle Houghton, that Katie Price lite who could pass for any one of hundreds of OK! stalwarts. Can OK! make Chantelle interesting... More »

28th, March 2012 Reviews

Cyclists and rowers die younger than archers and darts players

Daily Mail Scare Story of Week: Jenny Hope has news that sitting down will kill you... More »

28th, March 2012 Politicians 3

Rachel Reeves delivers the most god-awful, creepy tweet of all time

Rachel Reeves, the Member of Parliament for Leeds West and Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, will now delivers the msot brown-nosing, god-awful, suck-up tweet of all time... More »

28th, March 2012 Strange But True 1

Church teens fake armed kidnapping a lesson in religious persecution

The children are being kidnapped at gunpoint from the Glad Tidings Assembly of God Church in Lower Swatara Township, Pennsylvania... More »

28th, March 2012 Key Posts

Philadelphia Tattoo Arts Convention - photos of painted human skin

Do tattoos turn you on? More »

28th, March 2012 Strange But True 6

Whitby Councillor says his mother is a 9ft green alien with eight fingers

Simon Parkes, says his real mother is a towering aline with eight green fingers. Stakesby tells YouTubers that when three and recovering from chicken pox he was visited... More »

28th, March 2012 Politicians 3

David Cameron's pastry tax suits Eric Pickles

The Hot Food tax now extends to McDonald's, Burger King and Greggs. One way to circumvent the 20p surcharge is to buy your treats cold or else invite butter-faced David Cameron to eat hot takeaways at his Downing Street soirees... More »

28th, March 2012 Strange But True 2

Crazy golfers set new record for public nudity on a course

It is a well known fact that what marks the British out as natives of these island is their enthusiasm for public nudity and dressing up as a member of the opposite sex. More »

28th, March 2012 The Consumer 7

Muslim wife beating guide sells well in unenlightened Canada

To Toronto, where Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi's book advises Muslim men on the corect way to beat their wives... More »

28th, March 2012 Strange But True

Man shot woman after mistaking her mowhawk for a bird

Derrill Rockwell shot the woman because he thought her mohawk haircut was a bird... More »

27th, March 2012 Royal Family

Duchess of Cornwall gets a new jumper

Camilla on tour... More »

27th, March 2012 Technology 1

Faces of the day: Richard Lee Norris' full face transplant - photos

This is Richard Lee Norris, the recipient of an extensive full face transplant at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore... More »

27th, March 2012 Film

Titanic 3D - World Premiere photos

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the cinema, Celine Dion clears her throat, pops her best teeth back in and belts out the Titanic theme song... More »

27th, March 2012 Celebrities 10

Alicia Silverstone feeds her son Bear off her tongue - video

Alicia chews it up and lets her 10-month-old son suck it up - off mummy's tongue... More »

27th, March 2012 Sports

Paul Sturgess kills basketball with his planted score

English Harlem Globetrotter Paul Sturgess - all 7'8" of him - will now plop the ball into the net into the net with his feet planted firmly on the decking... More »

27th, March 2012 Key Posts

'Raped' Trayvon Martin had it coming - well, he was Walking While Black

Trayvon Martin, and his shooting dead by Robert Zimmerman, continues to ride at the top of the news cycle in the US... More »

27th, March 2012 Money

The disappearing gender pay gWE'VEap

And so is the youth pay gap in favour of women. A large part of the gap that still remains is due to the fact that we very definitely did have discrimination against women 30 and 40 years ago and some of those discriminated against are still there in the jobs market.... More »

27th, March 2012 Politicians

The Conservative Teen: the magazine that saves America (and draws Obama)

The Conservative Teen is a magazine for Conservative teens. For $19,95, you get four issues a year... More »

27th, March 2012 Celebrities

Bobby Brown arrested for DUI, and announces Vegas wedding to Whitney Houston

While Whitney Houston has barely cooled the soil around her in the ground, the circus that blighted her life continues apace... More »

27th, March 2012 Celebrities

Brad Pitt is "drooling' over Jennifer Lawrence

One week on from news of their wedding, the National Enquirer leads with news that Angelina Jolie is furious with her Brad Pitt. Why?... More »

27th, March 2012 Celebrities

Leanne Zaloumis hides in Simon's Cowell's towering closet

Zaloumis, 29, of Catford, South East London, has been charged with aggravated burglary. The Sun says Zaloumis was found sat on a shelf in Simon Cowell's closet... More »

27th, March 2012 Technology 19

Liam Stacey gets 56 days prison for racist Fabrice Muamba tweets

Liam Stacey, 21, was a third-year biology student at Swansea University when he made tweets defined as racially aggravated harassment... More »

27th, March 2012 Celebrities 1

Win a chance to 'enter Miss Southampton'

"How woud you like to enter Miss Southampton..?" More »

27th, March 2012 Key Posts

A history of TV mix-ups

A history of TV mix-ups - when things go deliciously wrong on the magic box... More »