
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

31st, January 2012 Money

Sarkozy to make London estate agents rich with his FTT idiocy

As if it wasn't bad enough with every Sloane who couldn't scrape three GCSE's together riving around in bloody Minis, it looks like the London estate ageny game is going to get yet another boost thanks to France and Sarkozy... More »

31st, January 2012 Reviews 14

Network Rail 'liars' escape justice - the Olivia Bazlinton and Charlotte Thompson case

Network Rail is run by 'liars'. So says Chris Bazlinton, father to Olivia Bazlinton, 14, who along with her friend Charlotte Thompson, 13, were killed at Elsenham village level crossing, Essex, way back in 2005... More »

31st, January 2012 Key Posts 35

Gary Speed's death for a non football fan

My first assumption on learning of the death of someone whose life was a matter of oblivion to me was: Ah, a satsuma moment. You know, man throttles himself for testicular release with the aid of fruit segment.... More »

31st, January 2012 Reviews

Where do gay people come from? The Galiens are here!

:What concerns me is, where do all these "Gay" people come from? Nature constantly plays tricks to keep its options open, but this does seem a bit disproportionate..." More »

31st, January 2012 In Pictures

Breckenridge International Snow Sculpture Championships - 2012

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31st, January 2012 Sports

Joey Barton continues legacy of Alexander Graham Bell and Oliver Cromwell

Joey Barton, the QPR player more famous for what he does off the pitch than on it, is writing for the Times. Barton has bult up big following on twitter by way of his barbed tweets and insights into his mind and reading matter... More »

31st, January 2012 In Pictures

The Worst (Best?) Album Covers Of All Time

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31st, January 2012 Reviews 2

CNN tells Americans London is in Norfolk

CNN wanted to show its US viewers the epicentre of the phone hacking story. Either CNN knows something we do not or... More »

31st, January 2012 Key Posts

Tattoos on old people can resuscitate - in photos

The colours may fade, the word 'mum' may run down your chest as your breasts sag, and there may be ink only your nurse will ever see... More »

31st, January 2012 Sports

Alternative Olympic Sports: Tuna Tossing

"I found out earlier in the year that I didn't have to do all the the running and jumping I normally do, so I've been able to dedicate myself to throwing so that means..." More »

31st, January 2012 Celebrities 1

Christina Aguilera melts at Etta James funeral - in photos

Can we an analyse what was trickling down Christina Aguilera's leg as she belted out At Last during Etta James’ funeral?... More »

31st, January 2012 Strange But True 2

Wife sues husband and girlfriend for breaking her bed during sex

The sex case in Zimbabawe features Nonkazimulo Dube of Bulawayo. She is seeking $200 damages from her estranged husband Talent Tafara. The legal papers claim Tafara broke Dube's bed as he had sex with his girlfriend... More »

31st, January 2012 Key Posts 3

Gary Speed: inquest leaves questions unanswered

Suicide or not, the death of Gary Speed is not without pain, not least of all for Speed's loved ones left behind. Chief mourner is Louise Speed. Today, she is all over the front pages... More »

31st, January 2012 In Pictures

Tattoos On Faces - The Mugshots

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30th, January 2012 The Consumer 3

Sex shop opens side door away from mocking pub drinkers

"As soon as you open that door [to porn shop] it goes 'ding!' When that bell goes people in here cheer..." More »

30th, January 2012 The Consumer

Alan Cumming's Cumming is the perfume with a kick

Good news for those of who crazing a glug of Alan Cumming's perfume - Cumming - a vial of the elixir has been put up for auction on eBay... More »

30th, January 2012 Sports

Luis Suarez is another Hillsborough - Liverpool fans might wonder

Over in the Mirror, Simon Mullock produces a spot of prose that should have Liverpool fans scratching their heads or weeping... More »

30th, January 2012 Madeleine McCann

Madeleine McCann: Is Tony Bennett going to jail?

Robert Mendick, Chief Reporter of the Daily Telegraph, has news on Kate McCann, Gerry McCann, Tony Bennett and the Madeleine Foundation... More »

30th, January 2012 In Pictures

Shirley Maclaine - a life in photos

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30th, January 2012 Key Posts

Gary Speed is dead - time to ruin Louise Speed's life

Gary Speed's widow Louise Speed has given evidence at the inquest into the death of the Wales manager... More »

30th, January 2012 Reviews

News in photos - January 30 2012 (Shirley MacLaine joins Downton Abbey)

The news in high res photos More »

30th, January 2012 Money

Daily Mail nails Stephen Hester with cunning stunt

The Daily Mail nails Royal Bank of Scotland chief executive Stephen Hester with a caption that show how spite and bile and sniping can if designed with skill hit the target smack between the eyes... More »

30th, January 2012 Sports

Is it too late to call Paris over the LondonOlympics bill?

What joy eh, yet another rise in the bill for the Olympics... More »

30th, January 2012 The Consumer

The Ferris Bueller sequel is a Honda ad

GNPHGH! The sequel to the Ferris Bueller film is actually an advert for Honda starring Matthew Broderick as himself. More »

30th, January 2012 Money 10

What a farrago of ignorant stupidity over Stephen Hester's damn bonus - Miliband's an idiot

The reaction from the Adenoid that runs the Labour Party? The Adenoid who sat in the Cabinet that approved the damn contract for Stephen Hester in the first place?... More »