
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

6th, January 2012 Celebrities

Ricky Gervais - the uncensored Golden Globes promise

MONGS! Does Ricky Gervais still like that word? We can't remember. Either way, there's a chance that Gervais will be hatching some other ill-advised impishness when he takes to the stage to present the 2012 Golden Globe Awards... More »

6th, January 2012 Money

You local HSBC is 0.5320458941752867 miles away

WE normally rather like it when banks are accurate. You know, count our money correctly, manage to send the new credit card to the right address, that sort of thing. But it is possible for them to perhaps be just a little bit over-enthusiastic... More »

6th, January 2012 Celebrities 6

Adele to lose weight to 'Sex Up Imagine' Or, 'Becomes Less Real'

Curvy women are a very modern construct. They like to tell you that they're 'real women'. Not like those thinner women we've been imagining all along... More »

6th, January 2012 Technology

When Julia Cross met 'Martin', Martin ran from twitter, Facebook and Ibiza

Are you 'Martin', the man who snogged Julia Cross, a 33-year-old PR consultant from London? If you are the Martin who kissed Miss cross in Ibiza, we have one word of advice: run!.. More »

6th, January 2012 Key Posts 6

Ed Miliband salutes Bob Holness's work on 'Blackbusters'

In the desire to look in touch and go-ahead, Ed Miliband, the Labour leader (yes, really) gets on twitter and thanks Bob Holness for his work on "Blackbusters"... More »

6th, January 2012 In Pictures

Joran Van der Sloot murder story in photos

More »

6th, January 2012 Reviews

Joran Van der Sloot murder trial: Before Stephany Flores did he kill Natalee Holloway?

Today, Van der Sloot, 24, goes on trial for the 2010 murder of the 21-year-old Stephany Flores, of Peru, nearly seven years after he became the prime suspect in the unsolved disappearance of an American teenager on holiday in Aruba... More »

6th, January 2012 Key Posts

Photos of the day: dead Kim Jong-Un's Weekend at Bernie's

Photos of the Day are presented by: Kim Jong Un's Weekend at Bernies - is he mad enough to lead North Korea? Is he even alive?; women in heels are asking for sex... More »

6th, January 2012 Reviews

Now: Daily Mail and Daily Express 'Now' front-page Headlines for 2011

Now Watch is Anorak's review of how many time the Daily Express and Daily Mail used the words "NOW" in front-page headlines during 2011... More »

6th, January 2012 Celebrities 2

Sarah Harding and Theo De Vries produce most hideous story of 2012

Harding has been the subject of three Sun front pages this year. Harding is the reality TV star who won a place in Girls Aloud. She is now "troubled" Sarah Harding who thought it a good idea to show her wounds and bruises to the Sun... More »

6th, January 2012 Reviews

Daily Express cured cancer 13 times in 2011

Ned Morrell has produced a list of all the Daily Express and Sunday Express front-page headlines for 2011.. More »

6th, January 2012 Key Posts 1

Stephen Lawrence: How Paul Dacre's chance meeting with Neville Lawrence helped justice

It's Day 3 of the Daily Mail's post-verdict reporting on the murder of Stephen Lawrence by David Norris and Gary Dobson... More »

6th, January 2012 Reviews

Does Noel Edmonds cause your heating to fail?

Were you one of the residents of Kingsclere on the Hampshire-Berkshire border whose digital technology failed over Christmas?.. More »

6th, January 2012 Flashback

Sleazy cartoons of the 1950s and 1960s

Remember those cartoons of the 1950s and 1960s that depicted the darker-side of misogyny and sex with light touch and dash of sleazy humour?... More »

6th, January 2012 Strange But True

City of London Bank robber handed cashier gun

Police are hunting the man who robbed the Halifax bank in Cheapside in the City of London and in the process handed the cashier his gun... More »

5th, January 2012 In Pictures

Celebrity Big Brother 2012: photos

More »

5th, January 2012 TV & Radio

Natasha Giggs gets a dollar for Celebrity Big Brother

Big Brother Natasha Giggs does not feel like she has had the chance to out across her side of the story of her affair with her brother-in-law Manchester United player Ryan Giggs More »

5th, January 2012 Celebrities

Sinead O'Connor: No longer getting divorced (this'll end well)

She's decided to get back with husband Barry Herridge in what promises to be the most on/off on/off on/off on/off on/off on/off on/off on/off on/off on/off on/off on/off relationship in human history... More »

5th, January 2012 Film

Benedict Cumberbatch to play Khan in Star Trek 2

Sherlock is what Benedict Cumberbatch is best known for, but soon, he'll be tackling the legacy of the mighty Ricardo Montalban (mighty mainly because of his funny name and the fact he wore a false chest in The Wrath Of Khan) as he plays Khan.. More »

5th, January 2012 Money 1

Adele's 21 biggest selling album ever: online piracy to blame

This little fact is dropped into a BPI (the trade org for the record industry) moan about how online piracy is just killing, killing, record sales... More »

5th, January 2012 TV & Radio

Alana off Toddlers & Tiaras is here to be loved (video)

Few things are more satisfying than other mums and dads bad parenting... More »

5th, January 2012 Reviews 2

Face of the Day: Ava Guarani Occupy Uruguay Square

The Ava Guarani people had been occupying Uruguay square for the last seven months... More »

5th, January 2012 Strange But True

Evangelina Paredes sues Cop Chris Collins for asking her on a date

Evagelina Paredes says Chicago policeman Chris Collins gave her speeding ticket ($132) and then tracked her down to ask her on a date. In the films, this would be a romantic moment. In real life America it is just a chance to get cash.. More »

5th, January 2012 Sports 8

Liverpool's Luis Suarez gave us a moral education

Liddle is a columnist paid to say controversial things to a deadline. This week, he uses his Sun column to defend Liverpool's Luis Suarez in his row with Manchester United's Patrice Evra. In a piece entitled: "I don't like Suarez…but he's the victim" Liddle calls Suarez... More »

5th, January 2012 Reviews 9

What the EDL Facebook friends thinks of Stephen Lawrence

Ever wondered what English Defence League supporters on Facebook think of Gary Dobson and David Norris being found guilty of murdering Stephen Lawrence in racist attack?.. More »