
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

19th, December 2011 Reviews 3

Reading the riots: The troubled Guardian gets the answers it wanted

The Guardian is in the mire. Nick Davies has been caught out doing pretty much what he accused the Rupert Murdoch press of doing: printing stories uncorroborated by fact... More »

19th, December 2011 Celebrities

Father Christmas doesn't exist says unreal Justin Bieber

Seeing as Justin Bieber's fans are all roughly the same age as a mayfly, you'd think he'd be willing to keep the magic of Christmas in their hearts so him and his team could fully exploit the festive monetary gifts straight out of their pockets and into his... More »

19th, December 2011 Celebrities

Little Mix's Cannonball doesn't sell many records

Little Mix's cover of the Damien Rice track Cannonball is the lowest-selling single from an X Factor winner since 2004. Why is that unsurprising? Well, in the first instance, Little Mix's Cannonball is one of the worst excuses for a piece of music ever committed to wax... More »

19th, December 2011 The Consumer

Amy Winehouse is immortalised in a lamp

Amy Winehouse was a loss to music and life. But you can relight her glow with an Amy Winehouse lamp... More »

19th, December 2011 Money

Dear God the UK Uncut people are stupid: Philip Green is innocent

So here's a little missive from a UK Uncut protestor who was released from a police cell after protesting at TopShop... More »

19th, December 2011 Reviews 1

Black Panther killer Donald Neilson Is dead: the other lifers remain

Neilson is dead. The murderer known as the Black Panther, born Donald Nappey, has died in hospital at Norwich prison. In 1975, Donald Neilson was handed four life sentences for five murders and hundreds of robberies... More »

19th, December 2011 Celebrities

Petra Ecclestone is a victim in Flaunt magazine

Tamara Ecclestone cannot spunk all of her dad Bernie's money on her own. she needs help. She needs Petra... More »

19th, December 2011 Sports

Festus Baise scores the greatest own goal in the history of football

This is a bit special... More »

19th, December 2011 Key Posts 1

12 Crazy facts about Kim Jong il

Kim Jong il has died. North Korea mourns. And we wonder what the man was really like. Here are 12 crazy facts about Kim Jong il... More »

19th, December 2011 Politicians

Kim Jong Il is dead: a photoshop tribute to the soul of North Korea

The question is how best to mark the life of man who isolated his country and let millions starve to death. The answer: photoshop... More »

19th, December 2011 Strange But True

Mug Shot Of The Year: Korin Vanhouten goes cosmic

Mug Shot of The Day - and possibly of the year (compare and contrast) features the face of 47-year-old Korin Vanhouten, who along with Eldon Alexander, 36, has been arrested for shoplifting... More »

19th, December 2011 Flashback

Photos of the day: When Sexism was sexy and men menstruated

Photos - menstruating men; put dead women's heads as trophies on your wall; The G Spot magazine; weird sex in pulp fiction; salesmen do it with mucky books; bras for cinemas; poor Suzuki has nothing to wear; and killing for good underwear... More »

19th, December 2011 In Pictures 5

Kim Jong Il Is Ready

More »

19th, December 2011 Reviews 2

First photo of Jerome Isaac who burnt Deloris Gillespie to death in a lift

Isaac has been charged with the murder of Deloris Gillespie in a New York lift. Jerome Isaac has admitting to spraying Ms Gillespie with petrol before setting her alight... More »

19th, December 2011 Key Posts 1

Kim Jong-il dies of physical fatigue - a North Korean life in photos

RIP North Korean leader Kim Jong-il. You were a terrific puppet made flesh and bone. How did Kim Jong-il die?... More »

19th, December 2011 Celebrities 3

Panto stars The Krankies used to be swingers - who knew?

The Krankies used to be swingers. Who could have guessed that Ian and Janette Tough, who play father and son act The Krankies were into unusual sex? Who? Who???? More »

18th, December 2011 TV & Radio

Kids getting intentionally crap Christmas presents from Jimmy Kimmel

Kimmel called on his viewers to give their children an intentionally crap and early Christmas present and then film it. It's brilliant... More »

18th, December 2011 Photojournalism 2

Retro images of the day: Cliff Richard slips a disc

Retro images of the day are a fabulous lot. Look out for: Cliff Richard slipping a disc; The Beatles crossing a road; Jail Bait - the book!; The Riddler gets a job at Heathrow Airport; Cupid's Cuties; Help! I'm addicted to spanking; and... More »

18th, December 2011 Reviews 1

Jerome Isaac murdered Delores Gillespie by burning her to death in a lift

Dolores Gillespie, 54, was murdered by Jerome Isaac, 47, who sprayed her with petrol then set her on fire with a Molotov Cocktail in the lift of her Brooklyn, New York, apartment block at 203 Underhill Avenue... More »

18th, December 2011 Reviews 1

A Daily Mail Christmas: Mad Friday, Panic Saturday and Chaos Sunday

A week in Daily Mail hell... More »

18th, December 2011 Reviews

Weed wars: the medical marijuana reality TV show

Marijuana's a funny thing. David Cameron smoked it. Bill Clinton never inhaled. George Dubya Bush got goofed. They all did ok. But all three champion laws that will have you arrested for doing as they did. This makes them utter bastards... More »

18th, December 2011 TV & Radio

Calvin and Hobbes twisted snowman torture is wonderful

Fans of the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip will love this video Christmas card of the snowman torture scenes... More »

18th, December 2011 Reviews 1

George Packard plays dress up at Trinity Church: Occupy Wall Street's new home

George Packard is not climbing Jacob's ladder - he's climbing ladder into a fenced off lump of land by New York's Trinity Church in Duarte Square... More »

18th, December 2011 Reviews 3

Ben Needham: Guthrie test DNA overrides civil liberties

But one thing may help Ben Needham be traced: his DNA. When Ben was born, the Guthrie test saw it that a dab of blood was taken... More »

18th, December 2011 Key Posts 1

Nick Davies is looking for paedos in Murdoch's Wapping

It wouldn't be the first time Davies allowed his desire to brand a bunch of people as evil to override his responsibility as a journalist to be completely accurate and objective... More »