
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

15th, December 2011 Celebrities

20th Duggar child is world's first celebrity miscarriage

The family then named the 5-month-old baby Jubilee Shalom Duggar, took photos of her hands and feet and handed them out at memorial service in an Arkansas church that, as you can see, is visible from space... More »

15th, December 2011 Money

The best economy graphs of 2011

2011 was a great year for money, wasn't it.. More »

15th, December 2011 Celebrities 1

Little Mix Single Cannonball is lead balloon music

The X-Factor was awful, a joyless parade of sobbing bores and bewildering mediocrity. And that was just the judges... More »

15th, December 2011 Celebrities

A thieves guide to Tamara Ecclestone

This week in an At Home feature with Tamara, Hello! magazine published a series of smiling perma-tan pictures with enough evidence of spoiled child to make half of Albania start typing draft ransom notes... More »

15th, December 2011 Reviews

Banksy's Cardinal Sin shames pedophile priests in Liverpool

In time for Christmas, Banksy, scourge of the brick and plastering industries, introduces Cardinal Sin.''... More »

15th, December 2011 Celebrities

Michael Buble swears he's cool as fans walk out

Buble, the singer with the voice akin to having a nun push a half-melted finger of fudge in your ear, is the subject of the BBC headline: "Buble fans walk out over language"... More »

15th, December 2011 The Consumer

World Chocolate Wonderland In Photos

Of course, what with this being China, you might suppose the chocolate on offer is mud or raw sewerage re-scented. But it sure looks good... More »

15th, December 2011 Celebrities

John Cleese slams Eric Idle over Monty Python money

Pretty much everyone involved with Monty Python hates Eric Idle... More »

15th, December 2011 Politicians

L'escroc Chirac found guilty: who's next?

In what isn't the most surprising news of the day, L'escroc himself has been found guilty in a Paris courtroom In what isn't the most surprising news of the day, L'escroc himself has been found guilty in a Paris courtroom... More »

15th, December 2011 Celebrities

Frankie Cocozza Fights With Girls At X Factor Party While Winking At Big Brother Slot

Remember how 'real' Frankie Cocozza was? He was properly, properly real. Not like those other X Factor contestants... More »

15th, December 2011 Celebrities 1

Imogen Thomas Did Not Try To Blackmail Mystery Footballer

And we can't name him. The injunction remains in place... More »

15th, December 2011 In Pictures

2011 In Lego

More »

15th, December 2011 Key Posts 2

Madeleine McCann: Metodo 3, 8 New Old Clues And NoTW Editor Myler Denies Gerry McCann

Anorak's look at Madeleine McCann in the news: Metodo 3 PR, the News of The World denies Gerry McCann's claim, and new old eight clues... More »

15th, December 2011 Flashback

Retro Images Of The Day: Elvis Presley's Erector Set

Great imges from yesteryear... More »

15th, December 2011 Key Posts

Beat Box Vicar Gavin Tyte Introduces Five Mind Melting Christmas Carols

He's the Bible beater. But is his song the worst Christmas carol ever?... More »

15th, December 2011 Reviews 3

Why Do Police Continue To Harass Photographers? Jules Mattsson Beats The Abuse Of Power

Police State update: Two police community support officers have told Tom Maddick, 25, that taking was taking pictures around Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, is illegal. They told him delete the images or else.. More »

15th, December 2011 Strange But True

Man Urinates Public Hairs: Murad Mulla Has An Itch

During the urethroplasty - a procedure to open the urethra opening - the surgeons took a hairy patch of skin from Mulla's scrotum... More »

15th, December 2011 The Consumer 2

The Transsexual Sir Hostesses Of Thailand's PC Air

Odd, indeed, to draw attention to the sexuality of trolly dollies... More »

15th, December 2011 TV & Radio 2

Hunter Denies Eating A Donut: Sugary Lips Cost Treats

Has Hunter been eating a donut? Mum says yes. Hunter's lips say nooooooo.... More »

15th, December 2011 Key Posts 1

Kelvin McKenzie V Nick Davies: Sun's Hillsborough Hypocrite Slams Guardian's Milly Dowler Error

Biased reporting! Is that what McKenzie is accusing Davies of? Oh, this is too, too much... More »

15th, December 2011 Celebrities 1

Georgina Ray Is Jimmy Savile's Daughter: The Joy Of Greasy Spoon Sex On A Rollercoaster

It's easy to believe Georgina. But Anorak sympathsies with the single mum who keen to inject a spot of pizazz into a fatherless child's life points at the telly and says: "See him… He's yer dad!"... More »

14th, December 2011 In Pictures

Best Memes of 2011

More »

14th, December 2011 Reviews

300,000 Women Have 'Ticking Timebomb' Breast Implants: French Industrial Silicon Scandal

The grim news is that false breast manufacturer Poly Implant Prosthesis had been cutting corners to save costs, using industrial silicone instead of medical-grade padding... More »

14th, December 2011 Key Posts 1

Baby Seal Breaks Into Home And Watches TV On Sofa: Photos

A cute as hell baby seal has slid though Annette Swoffer's front-door cat flap and cuddled up on the sofa at her Bay of Plenty home in New Zealand... More »

14th, December 2011 Photojournalism

Pictures of The Day: A Map For Your Erotic Life And Death

From cradle to grave... More »