
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

14th, December 2011 Celebrities

Ok! Is Home In The White House With Liverpool's Steven Gerrard And Family

Crissie Reeves has described her article: "As crisply executed as a formal function at the White House." Well, that's something for our esteemed editor to aspire to... More »

14th, December 2011 Reviews 48

Sam Main And Alan Pollock Join The Emma West Public Transport Society: And We Support Team Main (Video)

The Emma West Public Transport Society calls Sam Main... More »

14th, December 2011 Reviews 2

Moves To End Acid Attacks And Arab Slavery In Pakistan

This is a photo of Shaziya Abdulsattar, 8. She's a Pakistini girl lying in the lap of her mother Azim... More »

14th, December 2011 Celebrities

Michael Jackson's Daughter Goes Into Showbusiness Young, Which Is Obviously Ideal

Paris Jackson, Michael Jackson's teenage daughter, is going into the murky world of showbiz. You'd think, after the terrible affect it had on her father, she'd be keen to sidestep it all. However, it appears that Jacko was pretty lousy when it came to giving advice... More »

14th, December 2011 Key Posts 3

Luluvise: Girls Just Wanna Have Their Own Social Networking Site?

All women really want to do is gossip, talk fashion and discuss boys - and they want to do so in a safe space, sheltered from men who can easily hurt their feelings... More »

14th, December 2011 Politicians

Barack Obama Says He's The Fourth Most Effective US President Ever

The One is now The Four More »

14th, December 2011 Sports 4

Simple Maths With Spurs Manager Harry Redknapp: Making Football 200% Better

Redknapp, the Spurs manger destined for the England job, has an idea... More »

14th, December 2011 Reviews

Face Of The Day: The Pakistan Child Rescued From A Madrassa's Healing Chains

Mental health care Pakistan style... More »

14th, December 2011 TV & Radio

Flashback TV: Poshest Blockbusters Gold Run Ever

Watch in awe as a man named Paul blitzes the Blockbusters Gold Run in the deftest and poshest way possible... More »

14th, December 2011 Madeleine McCann

Madeleine McCann: A Date For Amaral's Libel Case, Kate's Diary And Blaming The Gypsies

The McCanns' libel case against Goncalo Amaral - Sky calls him "the Portuguese police officer who bungled the hunt for missing Madeleine" - will take place in Lisbon on February 9 and 10... More »

14th, December 2011 Reviews

University of Vermont Asks Students To Name Their Dream Rape Victim

Rape is an education... More »

14th, December 2011 Celebrities

Amy Childs Reveals Her Inner Breasts To Closer

Since everyone at Closer is a serious journalist and only ever ask thought-provoking questions that nobody else has ever thought of Katie Banks asked Amy about her breasts being giant love machines that feed men's fantasies... More »

14th, December 2011 Gifs

Gifs Of The Week: The Boat You Never Expected

More »

14th, December 2011 In Pictures

Famous People Who Have Appeared In Star Trek

More »

14th, December 2011 Books

Children's Book Of The Week: A Guide To Bottoms

Klassen’s book I Want My Hat Back, Adam Mansbach’s guide to f**king good parenting and now...the children's guide to bottoms... More »

14th, December 2011 In Pictures

Ken Jeonga Photobombing Magic: A Photoshop Masterclass

More »

14th, December 2011 Celebrities

Peter Andre Will Do Wembley On His Own

For anyone who did not catch Piers Morgan's Sob Stories on ITV - self-pity station of the year! - the great man was interviewing Peter Andre. The highlight was Pete saying... More »

14th, December 2011 Money

When The Butter Runs Out in Norway Laugh At Local Food Fans

Norway is one of the very few places with farming policies even more stupid than our own dearly beloved EU.... More »

14th, December 2011 Reviews 4

Nordine Amrani: He Did It Because He's A Muslim

Why did he kill five people and then himself in Liege, Belgium? James Dellingpole knows.... More »

14th, December 2011 TV & Radio

Tallafornia Is Eugenics Telly Hitler Could Only Have Dreamt Of

"Tallafornia is cheap, tacky, shoddy and extraordinarily badly-produced. It's so grotty it makes the Living channel look like PBS." Bring it on... More »

14th, December 2011 Key Posts

The Biggest News Moments Of 2011 In Lego

The biggest news moments of 2011 in Lego is a joy.... More »

14th, December 2011 Sports

Monster Spotted In River Lea By London Olympic Park: Fetch The White Elephant

They say there's a monster lurking in the water by London's Olympic Stadium. Mike Wells says he saw a goose being pulled under on the River Lea. The bird "disappeared so fast it didn't make a sound"... More »

14th, December 2011 The Consumer

World's Largest Swimwear Queue Photos: Gratuitous Bikini Shots For A Virgin

Virgin Holidays has attempted to crete the World's Largest Swimwear Queue. They failed, of course.... More »

14th, December 2011 Money 1

Twin Seoul Skyscrapers Look Like World Trade Centre Collapsing

The South Korean skyline will soon feature a pair of skyscraper seemingly modelled on the collapse of the Twin Towers in New York... More »

14th, December 2011 Technology

Web Censor Stephen Conroy Swears On The Web: Ban The Bansturbator

Senator Stephen Conroy, Australia's British-born Minister for Communications is caught on camera... More »