
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

8th, December 2011 Sports 9

Gary Speed Never Did Play Cricket But Luke Sutton Did

We've no idea why Gary Speed committed suicide but the Liverpool Daily Post manages to conjure up an insensitive news story... More »

8th, December 2011 Reviews

Local News Story Of The Day: Mr Bartolucci And His Massive Pear

He said: "I see these pears every year, so I'm largely unaffected by it. It was only when I had some friends round recently that they commented on the size of my pears"... More »

8th, December 2011 Strange But True

Doctos Replace Man's Missing Thumb With Big Toe (Photos)

What he's got for a big toe is a moot point. But Hollywood has a surplus of noses, and it's good to recycle... More »

8th, December 2011 Money

Taiwan Dog Poo Lottery Means Very Dumps A Winner

For each bag of dog poo collected, the residents of New Taipei City, receive a lottery ticket, giving them the chance to win two gold ingots Tw$60,000 (about $2,000!)... More »

8th, December 2011 Flashback

Butlins Clacton Celebrates The Yashmak

Emma West Armchair Theater presents the 1958 Butlins Yashmaks beauty contest... More »

8th, December 2011 Celebrities

The Most Stupid Celebrity Quotes of 2011

The most stupid celebrity quotes of 2011, featuring: Kim Kardashian, Kris Humphries, John Galliano, Jim Carrey On Emma Stone, Jennifer Hudson, Paula Abdul, Snooki, Kris Jenner, Charlie Sheen... More »

8th, December 2011 Technology

The Steve Jobs Statue: The Making Of An iBronze

Hungarian Sculptor Erno Toth knows. He's made a big bronze statue.. It's what Jobs would have wanted... More »

8th, December 2011 Celebrities 1

Princess Diana Wannabe Lady Gaga Drives Without A Seatbelt In Copycat Death Bid

Gaga fears she will die like Princess Diana. Firstly, Diana is not dead, but living on the fabled Sixth Floor of the Harvey Nichols department store. Secondly, Jimmy Savile is only newly dead and his sage advice to "clunk click every trip" remains unheeded.... More »

8th, December 2011 Celebrities

Sarah Harding Escapes The Pussies In Rehab

When Sarah Harding said, "Only pussies go to rehab" she became my favorite drunk... More »

7th, December 2011 Reviews

Guardian Blogger Who Celebrated Wikileaks Cabals Upset Over Leaked ClimateGate Emails

Leaking is ok if you agree with the leaks... More »

7th, December 2011 Reviews

News In Photos: December 7 2011

The news in photos... More »

7th, December 2011 Key Posts

Buried Alive: Michelina Lewandowska's Cardboard Coffin And The Diamond Ring That Freed Her (Photos)

This is the cardboard 'coffin' Michelina Lewandowska, 27, says her lover Marcin Kasprzak, 25, stuck her into, having Tasered her unconscious and bound her legs and mouth... More »

7th, December 2011 Celebrities 1

Michael Barrymore, shockingly, admits to cocaine possession

Barrymore is a cad isn't he? He ruled the light-entertainment world with his long, long legs, bug-eyed stared, AWIGHT and of course, his obvious hatred for the general public. With Strike It Lucky, My Kind Of People/Music, Barrymore was untouchable... More »

7th, December 2011 Reviews 1

Nativity Play Horror: Dad Has Finger Bitten Off By Other Dad At Harton Primary School In South Shields

They've added a new scene to the Christmas play at Harton Primary School in South Shields. In a spot of audience participation, a 32-year-old dad has had part of his finger bitten off by another parent, aged 39... More »

7th, December 2011 TV & Radio 2

Emma West: My Britain Is F*ck All Now Is A Christmas Hit

Having written the Queen's Christmas Speech - "My Britain is fuck all now" - Croydon Tram nasty Emma West will not make the seasonal number 1 spot her own... More »

7th, December 2011 Sports

Lewis Hamilton May Be Wealthy, But He's Still Depressingly Desperate When It Comes To Nicole Scherzinger

You're one of the most respected Formula One drivers on the planet. You're reasonably good looking. You're wealthy. You've got a number of lucrative advertising contracts. The world is at your feet (the one that presses the accelerator at least). Yet, you still own a penis... More »

7th, December 2011 Celebrities

Mel B's Sister Danielle Says Spice Girl Ignores Her 'Dying' Son

Brown holds a picture of her beautiful baby boy Hendrix, covered in excruciating sores, his fingers and toes horribly bloated from a killer disease and her eyes filled with tears. It's been a tough few weeks for the sister of one of Britain's most famous women..." More »

7th, December 2011 Sports

Aston Villa's Alex McLeish Won't Say A Word About The Injury To Jermaine Jenas Of Spurs

I am bound by the fact Jermaine is not an Aston Villa player to reveal any news about him. We have left it in the hands of Tottenham and they will probably make a statement later on. So obviously it's not good news." Unless... More »

7th, December 2011 Celebrities

Kerry Katona Finds Her Lost Baby And A New Frozen Squirrel

Katona is on the cover of OK!. Eyes narrowed. Faced dusted to a rosy blur. Kerry illustrates the headlines... More »

7th, December 2011 Photojournalism 1

Photos Of The Day: The Sponge Bob Is Dead

To brighten your day... More »

7th, December 2011 Key Posts 2

Scotland Pays For Chinese Panda Bears With Fishy Salmon And Turning A Blind Eye To Norway's Nobel Woes

Fishy business in Scotland... More »

7th, December 2011 Money

New Economics Foundation: Loons on the Loose

The new economics foundation (they're so green and hip that they think there's a shortage of capital letters) has decided that British banking is broken and that we really ought to all go and adopt the German system.... More »

7th, December 2011 Key Posts 40

Sun, Telegraph And Daily Mail Use Rhea Page's Attackers To Bash Muslims With Dishonest Reporting

Rhea Page, 22, was beaten up by a gang of three sisters and their cousin in Leicester city centre. As the women kicked and punched Page they allegedly yelled "Kill the white slag"... More »

7th, December 2011 Money

Occupier Wall Street Protestor Gets Job On Wall Street

Thanks to her participation in Occupy Wall Street, Tracy Postert scored a job on… Wall Street... More »

7th, December 2011 Celebrities

Tamara Ecclestone Blackmail Horror: Police's News of the World's Elite Story Unit Investigates

Ecclestone, star of TV's Billion $$ Girl - aka the recruitment video for UK Uncut, Occupy London and every other anti-capitalist movements - is embroiled in a "blackmail letter plot".... More »