
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

2nd, November 2011 Gifs 1

Gifs Of The Day: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Noses

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2nd, November 2011 Reviews

Julian Assange Loses Extradited To Sweden: Wikileaks Leaders Faces Rape Allegations

Assange is off to Sweden. The Wikileaks founder is off to the frozen north... More »

2nd, November 2011 Key Posts 2

Washington Man Cuts Off Own Arm With Massive Homemade Outdoor Guillotine

To Oregon, where Bellingham police officers "still aren't sure why a homeless man would decide to construct a homemade guillotine and then lop his own arm off with it More »

2nd, November 2011 Reviews

Occupy Ben & Jerry's: Unilever Is The 99%

Occupy Wall Street against corporate greed is backed by such multi-millionaires as Yoko Ono, Russell Simmons, Roseanne Barr, Deepak Chopra, Kanye West, Alec Baldwin, Susan Sarandon, Michael Moore, Tim Robbins, Nancy Pelosi, Meghan McCain, Russell Brand and Katy Perry. Now Ben & Jerry's ice cream is backing the fight... More »

2nd, November 2011 Photojournalism

Photos Of The Day: Google Girls For Justin Bieber

These people are out there... More »

2nd, November 2011 Sports 3

John Terry Race Row: Racist Chelsea Fans And Newcastle's Zero Tolerance

Terry Race Row: Anorak's round-up of the Chelsea captain's travails in the news... More »

2nd, November 2011 Key Posts 1

Global DC TV Presenter Barry Deley Wins Rich Lottery Drawn By Global DC Weatherman: Video

Deley is the winner of the BC Children’s Hospital Dream Lottery. He gets a country estate worth over $2.5 million mansion or $2million cash. You may know Barry Deley from his job as sports presenter on Global BC in Canada... More »

2nd, November 2011 Strange But True 2

Medics Find Human Face In Patient's Testicle

You have a face like s tumour on a testicle. Not our opinions, but a medical one... More »

2nd, November 2011 The Consumer

New York's Corduroy Appreciation Club Needs A Messiah

Fans of corduroy trousers, shits, knickers and bras are gazing to New York, awaiting November 11 and the arrival of their 'Messiah'... More »

2nd, November 2011 Key Posts

Power Broking Scots Daydream Alarm Call: The Greece Of The North

Racing pundit and Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond must have felt he was being given a solid kicking in the sporran this morning when The Herald carried a Page One lead featuring a Citigroup analysis of Salmond's perfect finishing post: Full Scottish independence and 100 per cent renewable energy in place by 2020.. More »

1st, November 2011 Reviews

News In Photos: November 1 2011

Great pictures of today's events... More »

1st, November 2011 Reviews 1

Wow! Video Of Plane Landing Today Without Landing Gear!

A Boeing 767 arrived at a Warsaw airport from Newark without landing gear. The super fantastic pilot managed to belly flop the plane and initial reports say that not one of the 230 on board were hurt.... More »

1st, November 2011 Reviews 8

Kyron Horman: The CNN Interview

As far as we know, we have one person who's still a significant person of interest as far as the investigation's concerned, as far as the inability to rule her out..." More »

1st, November 2011 Reviews

Lisa Irwin: Trick Or Treat And John Picerno

Still no sign of her but they're watching the family.... More »

1st, November 2011 Sports 1

QPR's Anton Ferdinand Retweets His Views On Chelsea's John Terry?

Having said he was maintaining a dignified silence until the FA has completed its investigation into Chelsea's John Terry's allegedly racist rant, QPR's Anton Ferdinand goes on Twitter... More »

1st, November 2011 Politicians 1

Virginia Republicans Join Barack Obama Death Cult: The Zobama Lives

The Barack Obama Death Cult welcomes its newest members: the Republican Party's Loudoun County GOP committee whose recent email featured an image of President Obama as a zombie with a bullet through his head... More »

1st, November 2011 Celebrities

Quote Of The Day: Tamara Ecclestone Is Not a Complete Moron Because...

Quote of The Day, presented in the Radio Times by Tamara Ecclestone, daughter to Bernie Ecclestone boss of Formula One motor racing... More »

1st, November 2011 Strange But True 1

Severn Trent Bemoan Bromsgrove's Constipation Blues

To Bromsgrove, where the local diet is playing merry hell with the plumbing... More »

1st, November 2011 Reviews

Daily Mail Health Tuesday: Killer Fridges, Bad Dreams And Violent Porn

It's Health Tuesday in the Daily Mail: New ways to die... More »

1st, November 2011 Sports 1

'Immoral' Bottom Fingering Sees Two Persepolis Players Banned From Every Stadiums In Iran (Video)

To Iran, where Persepolis players, Mohammed Nosrati and Sheis Rezaei, have been banned from entering any and all Iranian stadiums after partaking in a post-goal ‘bum grope’ celebration during the Persian Gulf Cup match with Damash Gilan - a match that was broadcast live to a vast audience. More »

1st, November 2011 Money 1

Maybe We Finally Get to Jail A Banker: The MF Global Dream

Everything went just fine until they bought $6 billion or Greek and Spanish and Italian can see where this is going, yes?.....and then they went bust. Yesterday in fact... More »

1st, November 2011 Key Posts 5

Will The Woolly Occupy St Paul's Protest Bring Down The Arch Ditherer Of Canterbury?

Occupy London Stock Exchange might pitched camp 0.4 of a mile from its eponymous goal, but the protest continues to hit the big swinging dicks of the Church of England... More »

1st, November 2011 In Pictures

Occupy London Stock Exchange: Halloween Photos

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1st, November 2011 Key Posts 20

John Terry's Racism: Matthew Syed Insults Chelsea's André Villas-Boas

Day 10 of the media's persecution of Chelsea captain John Terry over alleged spot to racial abuse aimed at QPR'S Anton Ferdinand... More »

1st, November 2011 Key Posts 1

X Factor Persecution: Kitty Brucknell's Secret Deal To Be Hated

Day 32 of the X Factor campaign to make Kitty Brucknell a figure of controversy and hate. Following yesterday's news that the singer's voice has been manipulated for the telly, the Sun leads with news of a race row... More »