
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

20th, October 2011 Reviews 1

Who's Going To Disarm The Trigger-Happy Rebels? Libya Needs Liam Fox, Tony Blair And George Bush

Who is going to take charge of getting all those weapons in and disarming the trigger-happy freedom fighters?... More »

20th, October 2011 Reviews 3

Joanne Yeates Murder Trial: Is Vincent Tabak A Victim Too?

“It was pure chance Vincent Tabak and Joanna Yeates ever met on Friday, December 17.If she had stayed for one more drink at the Ram pub she would be alive today..." More »

20th, October 2011 The Consumer

Swiss Ant-Talking Weather Prophet Marton Horat Appears In Nuttiest Tourism Advert Ever

Horat - a "genuine Swiss 'weather prophet' from the Muotathal in Central Switzerland"( source: Swiss National Tourist Office) - has listened to the ants... More »

20th, October 2011 TV & Radio

PIX Morning News Anchor Sukanya Krishnan's Trippy Onanistic Orgasm On TV

WOMEN. You are free to mass outside the offices of PIX Morning News and arrest news anchor Anchor Sukanya or whatever crimes you care to create... More »

20th, October 2011 Politicians 2

Katia Zatuliveter Is Ready For Lad's Mag Photoshoot: Mike Handycock Is Innocent

Day 2 of Katia Zatuliveter's appeal against deportation to Mother Russia. Did she shag married LibDem MP Mike Hancock for his secrets?... More »

20th, October 2011 Reviews 3

Colonel Gaddafi Killed In Sirte Assault Photos

Gaddafi has been captured in his home town of Sirt. He's been killed - dead on way to Misrat from wounds sustained in that capture... More »

20th, October 2011 In Pictures

Colonel Gaddafi's Fashion In Photos

More »

20th, October 2011 Strange But True

Hitler's Nazi Racoons Invade Bromsgrove

One of the masked fascists has been caught by a home owner near Dudley... More »

20th, October 2011 Reviews

Patrizia Gucci's Pet Ferret Keeps Her In Jail: Gucci Love Real Fur

Patrizia Gucci, aka The Black Widow of the Gucci fashion empire, will now explain why she does not want to leave prison... More »

20th, October 2011 Photojournalism

Photos Of The Day: The Beyonce Tanning System

Here comes the sun... More »

20th, October 2011 Celebrities

Peter Andre Gives Himself 7 Out Of Ten At Sex With Kristina

Peter Andre "regrets blabbing so many details of his sex life". So says the Daily Star, sister organ to OK! magazine, in which sentimental Peter tells this week's readers... More »

20th, October 2011 Key Posts 1

Zionist FIFA Hates Me Because I'm Black: Trinidad's Side-lined Jack Warner Plays Race Card

Former FIFA Vice-President Jack Warner says football's world governing body is racist, zionist and discriminates against non-whites... More »

20th, October 2011 In Pictures 1

X Factor: Gratuitous Photos Of The Contestants As Babies And Children

Cutesy stuff. Cynics might suppose that once you know the child you find it harder to dislike the adult... More »

20th, October 2011 TV & Radio 1

Who Is Frankie Cocozza's Mystery Shoreditch Pal?

Frankie Cocozza has had "FIVE GIRLS IN ONE NIGHT". So says the Daily Star... More »

20th, October 2011 Reviews 1

Marathon Cheat Dodges Own Finish: Rob Sloan Is Innocent?

Not the sharpest chisel in the box, Sloan had run for 20 miles, jumped on a passing spectator bus and told the driver he was knackered.... More »

20th, October 2011 Strange But True

Chadderton Is The Upside Down Capital Of Lancashire

To Chadderton, Greater Manchester, where the entry sign is upside down... More »

20th, October 2011 Money 1

Halifax Bank Offers New F*ck Account To Its Idiot Customers

Halifax bank would like customer Steve Smith to "f*ck off"... More »

19th, October 2011 Celebrities

Lindsay Lohan Meets Her Co-Stars In The Morgue: Photos And Stephanie Sautner's Gem

Lohan is now appearing in Custody III, the sequel to her previous most-talked about outings. The sometime actress was in court. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner found her in violation of probation, telling one and all - and this is delicious... More »

19th, October 2011 Technology

Wired Writer Embeds Herself With Anonymous But Won't Know Who They Are

Want to know who Anonymous are, the shadowy group of hackers? Quinn Norton is here to help.... More »

19th, October 2011 TV & Radio

A Journey Into Austria: The Heart Of Darkness - How Black People See The Alpine Tribes

This is unmissable... More »

19th, October 2011 Reviews

Christopher Hitchens On The Systematic Tyranny Of An English Public School

"The conventional word that it employed to describe tyranny is 'systematic'. The true essence of a dictatorship is in fact not its regularity but the unpredictability and caprice..." More »

19th, October 2011 In Pictures

Marseilles V Arsenal In Photos

More »

19th, October 2011 Celebrities

Alex Reid And Chantelle Houghton's Bigamy 'n' Tell

Deep in the Kent countryside in the grounds of Ightham Mote manor house, Reid, dresses in a suit so shiny you could shave in it, is kissing the hand of Chantelle... More »

19th, October 2011 In Pictures

Bhutan Royal Wedding Photos: King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck Marries Queen Jetsun Pema

More »

19th, October 2011 Royal Family

Kathy Lette Rubbishes Royal Family After Dining Out On Their Hospitality

Kathy accepts Her Majesty's booze and nibbles, says she had a great party and never wanted to go home - and then rubbishes her hosts on the telly... More »