
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

4th, October 2011 Music

Mash Up Of The Day: Velvet Underground, Tammy Terrell And Marvin Gaye

Mash Up of The Day: Marvin Gaye, Tammy Terrell and the Velvet Undergound: More »

4th, October 2011 Reviews

Florida To Make Being A Randy Teenager A Criminal Offence

Well, it is now a criminal offence for one teen to 'sext' another. If you don't know what sexting is, then might we suggest you go back to living in your cave? Great... More »

4th, October 2011 Gifs

Gifs Of The Day: The Goofy Shimmy

To brighten your day... More »

4th, October 2011 Key Posts 2

Daily Mail Writer Nick Pisa Explains Amanda Knox's Guilt

In reaction to the Daily Mail's now famous flight of fancy in its report on the 'guilty verdict and failed appeal' [sic] against innocent Amanda Knox , our pal Tim Ireland writes to Mail clairvoyant Nick Pisa... More »

4th, October 2011 In Pictures

Stanley Kubrick Cinemagraphs

More »

4th, October 2011 Celebrities 1

Katie Price's Face Translator Gives Leandro Penna The Heave-Ho

"Katie can't believe a man would not want to be in bed with her all the time..." More »

4th, October 2011 Strange But True

Fake Breasts Save Stabbed Woman's Life

To Moscow, where a woman has survived being stabbed in the chest by her husband. She was saved from certain death by her fake boobs... More »

4th, October 2011 TV & Radio 4

9/11 Truthers Are Consigned To History: A Truther Sees The Light

A Truther confesses.... More »

4th, October 2011 Celebrities 7

Jodie Marsh Is More Muscle And Silicon Than Fat: Photo

Good news for those of you who thought Jodie Marsh was terrifying - she's got even more terrifying... More »

4th, October 2011 Key Posts 11

Amanda Knox's Changing Looks In Photos: Damned By A Sinister Smile And Sex Appeal

Amanda Knox did not kill Meredith Kercher. But she did smile. If you want to look sinister, you tilt your head to one side and look up. Knox was often pictured in such a pose.... More »

4th, October 2011 Reviews 3

James Kirman And Rachel Drinkell Tortured Children For Fun

To Grimsby Crown Court, where a home movie filmed by James Kirman, 31, and his partner Rachel Drinkell, 24, is playing... More »

3rd, October 2011 Key Posts 11

Daily Mail And Sun Say Amanda Knox Is Guilty: Race To Be First With News Shames Tabloids

Knox is innocent. She did not kill Meredith Kercher. There is not a shred of evidence agsint her. But still the Daily Mail reported that she is guilty. The Sun, too. More »

3rd, October 2011 Reviews 2

Greenwich Gays Attack Reported In Homosexual Hating News Shopper Paper

A Greenwich man named Anthony Rivers has had the word "SINNER" daubed on his front door. The Greenwich News Shopper reports... More »

3rd, October 2011 Gifs

Gifs Of The Day: The Bird Widdles On The Cat

GIFS Of The Day: presented by the bird that widdles on a cat. Why? Because it can, that's why. (Gif 5 is the money shot)... More »

3rd, October 2011 Key Posts 2

The Thailand Vegetarian Festival In Photos 2011: Face Kebabs To Go

Devotees of the Jui Tui Chinese Shrine have been turning their faces into novelty kebabs at the Vegetarian Festival in Phuket, southern Thailand Monday.... More »

3rd, October 2011 Flashback

On This Day In Photos: OJ Simpson Is Cleared Of Murder

Race is always a factor in how and why the media goes large on one case and ignores another. Simpson's lawyer Johnnie Cochran rubbed the open sore of racial prejudice. He played with the idea of his client as the victim of an institutionally racist justice system... More »

3rd, October 2011 TV & Radio

The X Factor: Satanism and Drug Animals

This year's X Factor has been more a case of breaking up the commercials with as little actual programme as possible. This of course, means that we're all in the mood for buying things rather than buying into the soap opera that is ostensibly WWE For Girls... More »

3rd, October 2011 Technology Sells For $22,222:, And Others Got For Even More

While Dale Farm residents work out how much actual land you can buy for that much cash,,,,, and all sold for $33,333 each... More »

3rd, October 2011 Reviews

Dale Farm: Travellers Lose, Basildon Council Wins And Gypsies Are Invited To Settle In Wales

A High Court judge says Basildon Council can remove caravans from 49 of the 54 plots at Dale Farm. There are still issues to resolve, but the bailiffs can remove walls, fences and gates from the site of the non-travelling travellers... More »

3rd, October 2011 Sports

Sunderland's Titus Bramble Would Have Fitted In With Steve Bruce's Manchester United Drinking Club, Allegedly

"Back then, 10 or 11 of you would go out. So, you'd all be in the same boat if you were caught...Robbo [Bryan Robson], Brucie, big drinkers...Back then, when we went out for a so-called meal, you wouldn't even see a sandwich"... More »

3rd, October 2011 Money

The Wall Street Occupation: What Do They Actually Want?

The only reason people bribe politicians make campaign donations is because they can make, or avoid losing, money that way. Remove the political power over money and you'll remove money from politics.... More »

3rd, October 2011 Key Posts 101

Innocent Amanda Knox's Statement In Full: The Second Verdict On Meredith Kercher's Murder (Photos)

This week's Media Trial of The Century is over - pending another appeal.... More »

3rd, October 2011 Strange But True 4

Holidaying Norwegian Policewomen Hunt Down And Capture Spanish Flasher

The man was wearing only socks and trainers in Torrevieja when the police women spotted him... More »

3rd, October 2011 Photojournalism

Photos Of The Day: The Awkward Family Parent Fails

Because mummy knows best... More »

3rd, October 2011 Strange But True

Plane Crashes Into Ferris Wheel: Photos Of Envy

To Old Bar, Australia, where an ultra-light Cheetah S200 plane carrying two men has crashed into a Ferris wheel. A nine-year-old boy and a 13-year-old girl were trapped in a carriage at the top of the wheel... More »