
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

25th, September 2011 Key Posts

Rude Hand Gestures Of The World: How To Offend Foreigners In Photos

Romana Lefevre 's book Rude Hand Gestures of the World will ensure that travelling football fans manage to hit the right notes. Here's a gallery of how to offend - and to avoid offending - while overseas... More »

24th, September 2011 Strange But True

When Cat Burning Was Fun In Gay Paris

In this form of entertainment, people would gather dozens of cats in a net and hoist them high into the air from a special bundle onto a bonfire. According to Norman Davies[1], the assembled people “shrieked with laughter as the animals, howling with pain..." More »

24th, September 2011 Reviews

Telegraph Editor Peregrine Worsthorne's Tale Of Gay Sex With A 'Flagstaff': Philip Hensher's Bear Cheeks Might Blush

"Of course I believe in free speech. But reading Hensher's latest novel I was shocked by all the grisly detail. It's completely unnecessary." And then... More »

24th, September 2011 Reviews

The Future Of Journalism: Radiolab

One way the opinion guys kick our ass and appeal to an audience is that they talk like normal people, not like news robots speaking their stentorian news-speak.... More »

24th, September 2011 Politicians

Bahrain Election Photo Provides The Greatest Associated Press Caption Ever

It's election time in Bahrain, friend to the UK, haven of human rights, home to the US's Navy's Fifth Fleet and venue of a failed Iran-approved Arab spring... More »

24th, September 2011 Reviews

Anti-Oil 350.Org's Moving Planet Runs On Oil

Without any sense of irony whatsoever, the cyclists formed the shape of a giant bicycle as environmental campaigners launched their Moving Planet... More »

24th, September 2011 Photojournalism

Photos Of The Day: Kickin' Vintage Denims And Retro Weirdness

A look back at some odd adverts and photos from years gone by... More »

24th, September 2011 Celebrities

Mia Farrow Writes The Greatest Tweet Ever: Woody Allen Turns Green

In reply to Sarah K Silverman, she muses on life with Woody Allen... More »

24th, September 2011 Photojournalism

News In Photos: Rihanna Rocks Rio, Zara Phillips' Photobomb And Amanda Knox Smiles

Photos of stories making the news... More »

24th, September 2011 The Consumer

Buy Hugo Boss And Ensure Nazis Slaves Did No Die In Vain: German Fashion Label Confesses

Finally, the German fashion label has apologised for backing those dapper Nazis and using slave labour to make its clothes. More »

24th, September 2011 Key Posts

How Did Michael Faherty Die? The Story Of Spontaneous Combustion

Faherty, 76, is the first person in Ireland to die of of spontaneous human combustion. His body was found at his home in Galway on 22 December 2010. He was found lying face down near an open fire in his living room... More »

24th, September 2011 Strange But True

Who Is The Gloucester Claw? Boy Scratched In Bizarre Wolverine Attack

We go back in time to 7.55am on Tuesday, September 20. A 15-year-old boy is walking by Church Drive, Gloucester on his way to School Lane... More »

23rd, September 2011 The Consumer

Cooking Dogs With Crappy Quilts: The Sticker Is In The Wrong Place (A Gallery)

If you put the sticker in the right place the thing you're selling might well sell a whole lot better… More »

23rd, September 2011 Key Posts 9

Texas Bans The Last Supper For Those Destined To Die: Making A Saint Of Troy Davis

People being put to death by the State of Texas will no longer get a last meal... More »

23rd, September 2011 Strange But True

Hitman Carlos Roberto de Jesus Falls In Love With Women He Was Hired To Murder

The lovebirds fake her death. They buy two bottles of tomato ketchup. She lies on the ground with a machete under her armpit. Her mouth is taped closed. Her hands are tied. Carlos Roberto de Jesus takes a photograph... More »

23rd, September 2011 Technology

The Robot Evolta Challenge: Photos Of The Ultimate Sports Hero

Three types of the 17 centimetre (6.7 inch) -tall, green and white imp-like robot, powered by three of Panasonic's rechargeable Evolta AA batteries, plan to challenge an ultra distance triathlon on the Island of Hawaii... More »

23rd, September 2011 Music

XXLiverpool: Incredible Giant Street Art Tribute To The Beatles (Photos)

The 24m long by 6m wide work was commissioned to celebrate the dual 50th anniversary of The Beatles first gig at The Cavern Club and meeting their manager Brian Epstein... More »

23rd, September 2011 Key Posts

Dale Farm Totty Watch: Serena McCarthy and Shannon McCarthy Are Stars

The stars of the Dale Farm saga are Serena McCarthy and Shannon McCarthy, two young blondes who have taken to posing for photos at the head of the movement.... More »

23rd, September 2011 Sports

Anyone For A Game Of Dodgeball? 2,000 Aside Sound Okay?

We've stumbled across a video that isn't just your average, run-of-the-mill game of stupid dodgeball. This is mondo stupid dodgeball with 4,000 people split across two teams with 750 balls... More »

23rd, September 2011 Reviews

Bossy Women Don't Get Sex, Despite Their Constant Demands

Now, you may well think that this is the talk of some guy who is withholding sex in one last desperate power grab... and you may be correct. However, this is something that is widespread across the WHOLE WORLD!... More »

23rd, September 2011 Key Posts 5

Dale Farm: Travellers Become A Pet Cause For Right-On Left Wingers Looking For Validation

Anorak's looks at the story in the news media... More »

23rd, September 2011 Sports

Football Dive Of The Season: The Referee Takes One For The Team (Video)

Can the ref send off himself for simulation..? More »

23rd, September 2011 Sports

Maradona Kicks Fan, Which Is Just Brilliant

Now, we look to Joey Barton, and in recent years Robbie Savage for anything resembling character out of a sport that is now filled with yawning drones who all speak like trainee security guards. So still, we look to Maradona... More »

23rd, September 2011 Reviews

On Stuart Mungall And When Assisted Death Is Murder

You will, of course, recall the name Stuart Mungall? No. What about if we tell you that he was the face of the original Yorkie chocolate bar adverts? Yep. Him. Well, he's facing jail after admitting killing his terminally ill wife... More »

23rd, September 2011 Reviews

Debating Troy Davis's Entertaining Death

Murder or justice? More »