
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

15th, August 2011 Photojournalism

Photos Of The Day: Presented By Michelle Bachman's Sausage Of Change

Photos of The Day are brought to you buy the anti-hoodie kebab knife-proof headgear; Michelle Bachman's sausage of change; the Star Trek World Cup is depressing Captain Picard; and smoking for Jesus… More »

15th, August 2011 Celebrities

Jessica Alba Turns Her Family Into A Swiss-Italian Bank

Alba's newest daughter is named…Haven. She is sister to Honor and daughter to Cash... More »

15th, August 2011 Strange But True

Raton The Bull Kills Three: Newcastle United Allow Joey Barton To Smoke Cigars During Matches

Raton the bull has now killed three men in Spain. The Guardian reports that death is good for business... More »

15th, August 2011 Sports

How A Former Police Marksman Unforgivably Missed Newcastle United's Joey Barton

The anti-cheating Newcastle United footballer was missed by the fuzz - well, in a manner of speaking... More »

15th, August 2011 TV & Radio 1

Louis Walsh Called Simon Cowell A 'Fool': It's Like Chosing Between Illnesses

What do we do when both sides are equally odious? Step forward, the catfight that is Louis Walsh and Simon Cowell. On one hand, we have a coal eyed, man boobular, high-waist banded snark; the other, we have a camp lunatic who has never once introduced his brain to his mouth.. More »

15th, August 2011 Money 1

Google Buys Motorola In Biggest Gamble To Date

This is, by far, Google's biggest corporate gamble. Google has never been in the hardware business so that's part of it. But much more importantly, Google's never really sold anything at all except for advertising... More »

15th, August 2011 Celebrities 8

David Starkey Sees A Jamaican Armada: Henry VIII Was A Black Homicidal Maniac

His problem is that he has never to my knowledge written a history of a black homicidal maniac... More »

15th, August 2011 Sports

Andre Villas-Boas Pulls Chelsea To The Top Of His Shirt

More »

15th, August 2011 Key Posts 1

Rioters Who Look Like Famous People: 'Barack Obama', 'Mariah Carey' and 'Ashley Cole' Caught On Camera

Hen they come to make the film of the London, Manchester and Birmingham riots, Macaulay Culkin, James Franco, Mariah Carey, Eva Longoria, Barack Obama, Ray Winstone and Cheslea footballer Ashley Cole are shoo-ins for the lead roles... More »

15th, August 2011 Reviews

Why Has The Daily Star Stopped Supporting The English Defence League?

Are 98% of the Daily Star's readers prepared to vote for Hitler..? More »

15th, August 2011 TV & Radio 1

How To Purge Stinking Homosexual Demons With Bob Larson

See this and then buy the three video series. You knwow you want it. You do. You want it... More »

15th, August 2011 Reviews 2

Wayne Rooney Saves England With £30,000

The Daily Star continues its campaign to turn Wayne Rooney into England’s anti-riot saviour. And that's long as it helps someone... More »

15th, August 2011 Strange But True

Norwich Burglar Used Elderly Victims As God's Pillows

Heard the one about the Norwich burglar who “PRAYED” on the elderly?.. More »

14th, August 2011 Celebrities 4

More Stupidity On The Riots From Russell Brand And Those Dominant Turks Poles And Bengali Muslims

Brand knows why the rioters rioted in London, Manchester and Birmingham. No, its not that’s what rioters do – it’s deeper than that... More »

14th, August 2011 Politicians 3

US Imports David Cameron's Bullingdon Britain In Bid To Beat Crime

There is chatter that U.S 'Supercop' Bill Bratton is being flown in by jet to knock the country into shape. Only... More »

14th, August 2011 Politicians

Donna Summer Inspires President Of USA: Herman Cain Endorses Pokemon

The race to be the Republican's Party's candiate to take on Barack Obama in the next Presidential Smack Down is underway... More »

14th, August 2011 Reviews 1

Wayne Rooney Blamed For Triggering London And Manchester Riots

Want to know why riots broke out inLondon, Manchester and Biurmingham? Well, it wasn't just the polar bears... More »

14th, August 2011 Celebrities 1

Imogen Thomas Calendar 2011 In Photos

You can set your watch by Imogen Thomas.. More »

14th, August 2011 Sports 1

Joey Barton Offers The Greatest Explanation For Diving Ever

Barton, the fragrant Newcastle United player, explains why he hit the deck like a fitting toddler in a supermarket after he was tapped in his face by Arsenal's Gervinho... More »

14th, August 2011 Sports

England Fans Showboat As Cricket Team Becomes World's Best (Video)

Somebody make cricket an Olympic sport pronto - England are the best in the world at it... More »

14th, August 2011 Strange But True

Mooners Hit And Collected By Car

Word of The Day is delivered by police spokesman Steve Jones who is talking to media on the matter of a mooner struck by a car on an Australian road... More »

14th, August 2011 Strange But True

Man Kills Wife With Homemade Missile

To Vologda, northwest Russia, where a man, said to be an aviation enthusiast, is showing his wife the homemade missile he's created... More »

14th, August 2011 Strange But True

Mugger Leaves False Teeth At Scene Of Crime

Milton Cesar de Jesus is a cautionary tale for any British looters who don't do their teeth... More »

14th, August 2011 Strange But True

Sir Lanka In Fear Of Grease Devil Rapists

Grease Devils (aka grease yaka or the bhuthaya) are Sri Lankan man who smear their bodies in grease - naked save for underwear - and sexually assault women... More »

13th, August 2011 Key Posts

Joey Barton's Dive In Photos: Newcastle United Genius Shocked By Arsenal's Man's Gentle Caress

Barton wants to assure the people of Newcastle that training alone has not dented his ability to be disliked, or as managers put it "get in people's faces"... More »