
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

6th, August 2011 TV & Radio

Bad Parenting Video: The Mother Teaches Her Child To Ride A Tricycle

Very few things in life make us feel better about ourselves that another adult's bad parenting... More »

6th, August 2011 Key Posts 3

Horatio Chapple: Killed By Global Warming, Eton And A Hungry Polar Bear

His face is on the cover of all the tabloids. Having already been told that he was a vitim of global warming, the media now enlarges on young Chapple:.. More »

6th, August 2011 The Consumer

The Best Amy Winehouse Tribute So Far: The Rehab Tea Pot

The steam comes out of her ears... More »

5th, August 2011 Technology 3

The iPhone 5 Will Be Really Thick and Fat

NO, no it won't be. I'll give every reader of this blog $100 if the iPhone 5 is thicker than the iPhone 4. The iPhone, rather like Steve Jobs, gets thinner at each new launch. More »

5th, August 2011 Key Posts 3

ePetition Site proves Government by Wikipedia Would Definitely Work: Let's Get Rid of The Houses of Parliament

SO far the government's ePetition website has proved one thing: Government by online polls would definitely work. More »

5th, August 2011 Celebrities 2

Is This Linda Evangelista Line The Greatest Celebrity Quote Ever?

Who has uttered the greatest celebrity quote of all time..? Let's see,,,, More »

5th, August 2011 Music

RAED Is Back: Anorak's Fave Hip-Hop Artiste Returns

RAED - aka RAED - is back. The world's top hip-hop artiste returns... More »

5th, August 2011 Celebrities 1

Rowan Atkinson Crashes Supercar Into Supertree

Legend of British comedy, Rowan Atkinson, has decided to give us all a laugh today by crashing his supercar into a tree. Then a lamppost. Then it caught fire... More »

5th, August 2011 Key Posts 3

Polar Bear Kills British Teenager In Norway: BBC Blames Climate Change (Photos)

A polar bear in Norway has attacked and hurt Patricks Flinders, Michael Reid, Andrew Ruck and Scott Smith. A 17-year-old has been mauled to death. Why?... More »

5th, August 2011 Reviews 2

The Greatest And Funniest Daily Express Anti-Immigration Story Ever

News is: "TOO MANY MIGRANTS SAY 71% OF BRITS". Er.... More »

5th, August 2011 Money

Let's Have a Cash Market in Kidneys: Trading In Human Organs Like The Sensible Iranians

Eventually people die of their kidney failure however much dialysis you do. So again, we'd also like to replace dialysis with transplants.... More »

5th, August 2011 Key Posts 6

The Hideous Americanisation Of British Football: It's The Premier League Face Off Smack Down

THE domestic football season kicks off this weekend. Unless you are planning to watch Match of the Day Live on Sunday, in which case, according to the BBC website, you will see ‘West Ham face off against Cardiff’. Face off? FACE OFF?!! More »

5th, August 2011 Technology

Buying Twitter Followers is the new Getting Twitter Followers by Being Witty and Insightful: Newt Gingrinch leads the way

PEOPLE claim that social networks aren't popularity contests. But some of us know that they are: and that you can win them by paying lots of money More »

5th, August 2011 The Consumer 4

Thylane Lena-Rose Blondeau Is The 10-Year-Old Vogue Model (Photos)

The 10-year-old model on the cover of Vogue France is called Thylane Lena-Rose Blondeau. How uncomfortable can you feel?... More »

5th, August 2011 Reviews 1

Sun Lies Over Ronnie Kray's Gay 'Fat Poof' Jibe

Kray replies: "[Cornell] never called me a poof in his life, I'd have killed him then and there. Lies and rubbish"... More »

5th, August 2011 Strange But True

Anyone Seen A Helium Filled Is Land Last Seen Floating Over Cambridgeshire?

Has anyone spotted the £12,000 helium-filled sculpture of a desert island floating in the summer breeze somewhere between Cambridgeshire and the Czech Republic?... More »

5th, August 2011 In Pictures

Nominative Determinism: The Worst Names Ever

More »

5th, August 2011 Celebrities 2

The Amy Winehouse Foundation Has Got It Wrong

Anorak is hard pressed to think of a worse advert for rehab than Winehouse? Maybe Peter Doherty? Or Lindsay Lohan?... More »

5th, August 2011 Key Posts

German Girl Kidnapped By Bad Hairdresser Confesses All: Worst Haircuts Ever Photos

The 10-year-old girl who cut her own hair - badly - called the police. To cover up her hairdressing horror she told her parents that a man armed with a pair of scissors had kidnapped her... More »

5th, August 2011 In Pictures

Gifs: The Walking Cat Chopstick Thief

More »

5th, August 2011 TV & Radio 1

Face Of Lord Voldemort Forms In The Skies Over New Brunswick: Cloud Video Of The Day

Is it a bird...? Is it a plane...? No, it's!!!! More »

5th, August 2011 Strange But True

Police E-FIT of The Day: Mike Hellgren Is Live From Baltimore

If you see this man, call the cops.... More »

4th, August 2011 Celebrities

Hugh Hefner Gets Wood On Twitter: Playboy Founder Goes Planking For Women

Hefner’s latest Playboy housecoat plumper, one Anna Sophia Berglund, introduced him to planking. Then lots of the Playmates got to planking. More »

4th, August 2011 Strange But True 1

Robbers Introduce Wife To Her Husband's Lover Before Fleeing

Crime of the Day takes us to Miami-Dade County, Florida. A couple are having sex in a pickup truck... More »

4th, August 2011 Celebrities

Kelly Brook Opens Cider Garden On London's South Banks (Reached Through Buckfast Walk)

Brook was at the launch of the Bulmers Cider Garden on London's South Bank... More »