
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

10th, July 2011 Celebrities 5

Victoria Beckham Gives Birth And Baby Posh Suri Shiloh ViDa Beckham Is Already On The Rack

And lo it came to pass that Victoria Beckham manged to give birth to a baby...girl. The his 'n' her range of Beckeroons is complete. Baby Posh is upon us and Her Poshness's rack. No, not, not her pneumatic chests -her rack of clothes... More »

10th, July 2011 TV & Radio 1

Kitten Outwitted By Two Green Apples: Video

The kitten is scared of the two apples. Well, so says the headline to this video... More »

10th, July 2011 TV & Radio

The Baby Screech Owl Orphan Quartet: Video

Short. Sweet. And so very super... More »

10th, July 2011 Reviews

Islamists Riot Over Absolute Faith In Allah, Iraqi Children Play And A Protestant Northern Irish Car-B-Que

Every days images and news of world events drop into Anorak's news box. You won't seem them on the mainstream news. The BBC's 10 o'clock bulletin, for example, is obsessed with Israel, Rupert Murdoch, film premiere, murder and itself. You are less likely to see... More »

10th, July 2011 Sports

The Redneck Games In Photos: Georgia's Alternative Olympics

All you need to know about they Games is surmised in one of the photo's captions: "Barbara Bailey talks to her toilet seat before the tossing competition"... More »

10th, July 2011 The Consumer

County Durham Mayor Banned From All Pubs for Rowing Over Correct Way To Pour A Shandy

Cooke, mayor of Barnard Castle, County Durham, is duly banned from 30 pubs and clubs for 12 months... More »

10th, July 2011 Strange But True 9

Irish Woman Shagging Alsatian Killed By Dog's Sperm

The woman, a mother of four children, died in October 2008. But it only know that we can know what killed her. The dog has been in quarantine for almost three years... More »

10th, July 2011 Key Posts

Newspaper Headlines - The Greatest Ever (Funny, Weird And Filthy)

The world wide web is terrific, too, but Google, Bing, Twitter, Facebook and the like have forced writers to adapt language to fit the technology. The pun carries little weight with search engines and robots hunting for key words to place the story in a category. This is lamentable... More »

10th, July 2011 In Pictures

The News Of The World Story: In Photos

More »

10th, July 2011 Reviews 4

News Of The World's Journalists Nail Ginger Tabby Rebekah Brooks And Others Who Betrayed Them

Despite the shredding now going on, among the older journos who do know the full facts there will be several who will have the courage to stand up and point the Finger of Shame in exactly the right direction... More »

9th, July 2011 Reviews 6

The Last News Of The World Editorial

"IT is Sunday afternoon, preferably before the war. The wife is already asleep in the armchair, and the children have been sent out for a nice long walk. You put your feet up on the sofa, settle your spectacles on your nose and open the News of the World...." More »

9th, July 2011 Reviews

Rebekah Brooks Proclaims Her Innocence Over Milly Dowler: Sharon Shoesmith Might Laugh

Brooks is innocent. It's true. The suffering woman writes a letter to a committee of MPs... More »

9th, July 2011 Music

T In The Park 2011 ( Photos): Beyonce Knowles Showcases The Thighs

Having introduced the fans to her genitalia at Glastonbury, Beyonce Knowles showed her thighs. Bit by bit each part of Beyonce takes centre stage... More »

9th, July 2011 Key Posts 6

Times Exec Blames MumsNet For Bringing Down News of the World - You Couldn't Make It Up

He stopped short of suggesting they should stick to doing the washing up but Times Exec Roger Alton was strident in denouncing the evil consequences of British mothers going on Twitter.. More »

9th, July 2011 Reviews 2

The News Of The World Acrostic Challenge: Will Sacked Sub-Editors Have Last Laugh?

Thelast ever News of The World goes to print tonight. Will the paper's skilled and talented sub-editors make their views of Rupert Murdoch, James Murdoch and Rebekah Brooks known in an acrositic? More »

9th, July 2011 Reviews

How Blaming Facebook And A Devon Paedo Ring Lets Jake Ormerod Off The Hook

Ormerod is the "ringleader of a teen gang which lured up to 139 vulnerable schoolgirls - some only 11 - into underage sex". He chatted them up, and used drink and drugs to have unprotected sex with them... More »

9th, July 2011 Royal Family

Duke And Duchess Wills And Kate In LA To Sort His Hair, Her Chest And Victoria Beckham's PR: Photos

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are in Hollywood to sort out his hairline and her breasts. When they come back look out for Wills sporting a Brad Pitt zip-on and Kate wearing Ass by Kardashian and Paris Hilton's huge feet beneath a porn starlet overhang... More »

9th, July 2011 Key Posts 9

Sun Buries Itself, David Cameron And Ed Miliband In Drugs Story: Meet Rupert Murdoch's Tom Baldwin

The Sun tries to flex its muscles - and fails horribly... More »

9th, July 2011 Strange But True 3

Woman Calls Police For Hitting Husband Who Refused Sex With Her (Audio)

"Basically I slapped him this morning because he wouldn't have sex with me,and he hasn't had sex with me in a couple of months, so I slapped him across the face and he wants me to go to jail..." More »

9th, July 2011 Politicians

Betty Ford RIP: Great Photos Of The First Lady Who Made Us Clean And Serene

. On June 1, 1975, President Gerald Ford made his own mark on the top job by slipping as he disembarked from Air Force One in Salzburg, Austria. His wife was Betty Ford. She never flinched. But she suffered... More »

9th, July 2011 Strange But True

All Four Members Of The Beatles Arrested For Burglary In Merseyside

All four members of The Beatles have been arrested in Merseyside? Well, that's what we thought when we read that George John Paul Ringo Hughes has been charged with six burglaries in Merseyside... More »

9th, July 2011 TV & Radio

How Not To Cook A Live Dog In A Big Pot: Video

This is why you should take care when cooking a live dog to place it tail first in the big pot... More »

8th, July 2011 Royal Family 1

Diamond Marshall And The Death Of Cynicism: When The Duchess Of Cambridge Made A Wish Come True

Cynicism break now, readers. On their trip to Canada, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge started a meme and routed the French. Then they met 6-year-old, Diamond Marshall.. More »

8th, July 2011 Key Posts 1

Jerry Spring Pays $1million To Wrangle Casey Anthony And Family Into Unmissable Telly

Anthony and her family (mum Cindy, dad George and brother Lee) have been offered $1million to go on the telly for one whole hour and cash in on their celebrity... More »

8th, July 2011 Reviews 2

Rebekah Brooks Looks After The Kids Of Fulwood Academy

Brooks has yet to crack out a child of her own (keep watch for that sudden bout of maternity leave, readers) but the News International star is looking out for other people's kids... More »