
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

25th, June 2011 Royal Family

Kate Middleton And Prince William Present Medals In A Squashed Blueberry Hat

Another day for Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, and with it another hat. Today, Kate has been mostly wearing a lid fashioned from a squashed blueberry... More »

25th, June 2011 Strange But True 1

Disneyland's Thunder Mountain Roller Coaster Made Harwich Man Steal From Royal Mail

Ramplin, 43, tells the Beak at Chelmsford Crown Court that he turned to stealing parcels becase of an episode on the Disneyland roller coaster Thunder Mountain in August 2010... More »

25th, June 2011 In Pictures

Peter Falk Photos - Columbo And More

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25th, June 2011 Key Posts 1

Glastonbury 2011 Photos: The U2 Tea Party, Sarah Palin, Pole Dancers And Welly Henge

The rain continued to fall, giving everyone watching the show back home some sense of joy and relief that the BBC had dispatched 274 members of staff to cover the event in the kind of forensic detail Sherlock Holmes would applaud... More »

25th, June 2011 Key Posts

Fagilyu Mukhametzyanov Dies At Her Own Funeral (Photos)

Mrs Mukhametzyanov, 49, was not dead at her funeral in Kazan, Russia. She woke to the sound of prayers and weeping... More »

25th, June 2011 Strange But True

Delbert Franklin Click Is Our Happy Mug Shot Of The Day

Delbert Franklin Click is our Mug Shot of The Day. Click was arrested in Pulaski County, Missouri, for fighting in a bar... More »

25th, June 2011 Photojournalism

Scene-Stealing Crasher Squirrel Is Back: Meme Star Spotted In Rocky Mountain National Park (Photos)

Photo of the Day is provided by Caryn Walters, who saw a squirrel steal a cherry form her backpack at the Rocky Mountain National Park. Squirrels are always big news. ... More »

24th, June 2011 Politicians 4

Gert Wilders' Acquittal : All Views On The Dutch Polemicist

Anti-Islam nationalist Geert Wilders has been acquitted of "hate speech" by comparing the Koran to Hitler's Mein Kampf. He wants a tax on headscarves and to stop mosques bing built. And he's not going to jail. A good decision? Yes. Intolerance will not be tolerated is not a coherent slogan... More »

24th, June 2011 Celebrities 4

RIP Peter Falk: A Life In Photos

RIP Peter Falk. You were Columbo. Your catchphrase was "Just one more thing..." More »

24th, June 2011 In Pictures

Tattoos - Of Oprah Winfrey

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24th, June 2011 The Consumer

Blogger Jailed For Saying Restaurant's Noodles Were Too Salty

Mrs Liu has been jailed for telling the world and owners of the Sichuan Flavour Beef Noodle Restaurant in Taichung, Taiwan, that the noodles there are too salty... More »

24th, June 2011 Sports

Alexis Sanchez Is On His Way To Rescue Barcelona: Giampaolo Pozzo Is Talking Balls

Hero Of The Day is Udinese president Giampaolo Pozzo. His star man Alexis Sanchez could be on his way out of the club. But where to? Pozzo has an idea... More »

24th, June 2011 Music

Glastonbury Day 2 2011: Shady Wayne Rooney And Neon Coleen Blend In (Photos)

Wayne has been blending in with the people who wear sunglasses in the rain. Coleen has been blending in with the vat of Strongbow Cider in the Scrumpy Bus... More »

24th, June 2011 Key Posts

Suryia The Orangutan And Roscoe The Dog Are Best Pals: Photos To Go Awwww

Suryia is an orangutan whose best pal is a Blue Tick hound named Roscoe. (You just know who the brains are in the outfit)... More »

24th, June 2011 Celebrities 1

Kim Kardashian Would Like You To Glare At The Insides Of Her Bum Please

Have you heard the one... well, two about Kim Kardashian having implants in her buttocks to make it more, y'know, buttocky? That's the rumour that has dogged Kim K for years... More »

24th, June 2011 Celebrities

Supreme Court Closer Than Ever To Sanctioning Anna Nicole Smith's Vulva-Shaped Theme Park (Photos)

Up in Heaven, where Anna Nicole Smith lives on God's knee and every man is an ancient billionaire on his last legs, there is much wailing and and gnashing of teeth... More »

24th, June 2011 Celebrities

Bieber's Heavies Think They're Above The Law In 'Misunderstanding'

In the rumpus, Bieber was knocked to the ground, which made at least three people laugh... More »

24th, June 2011 Royal Family

Hasmukh Shingadia Is Kate Middleton's Guilty Royal Wedding Guest In Oxford Crown Court

You might think that if were not for Prince William's wedding to local girl Kate Middleton and his reported attendance at said do, Mr Shingadia' crime would not make the national newspapers... More »

24th, June 2011 In Pictures

Gifs Of The Week: The Throat Skin Turtle Neck

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24th, June 2011 Celebrities

Helen Wood Makes The Case for Legalised Prostitution: Wayne Rooney Is Just The Tool (Photos)

The Lancashire lass is in conversation with the London Evening Standard. We can only wonder if she is planning move down South and the big time? This woman wants a career in the media. If we could afford her, we'd hire her pronto... More »

24th, June 2011 Music

Face Of The Day: The Glastonbury Festival Bible Reader

While you were watching the Master Musicians of Joujouka on the Pyramid Stage, she was reading TheBible..? More »

24th, June 2011 Photojournalism

Photos Of The Day: Happy 91st

Mrs Clinton - control yourself... More »

24th, June 2011 Music

Chrissy Iley Tallk Bravely To Andrea Corr: Wallow In This

"Both her part in Brian Friel’s play Dancing at Lughnasa and the role of Jane Eyre required her to be plain. Corr, experiencing an emotion that perhaps only the truly beautiful can understand..." More »

24th, June 2011 The Consumer 2

Unhappy Delta Airlines Customer Explains Why You Should Not Pack Urine In Your Bags (Video)

The Unhappy Delta Airlines Customer will not explain why you should not pack your lap dog or urine samples in your bags... More »

24th, June 2011 Reviews 15

Ralph Bulger Makes Plea For Jon Venables Never To Be Released

James Bulger's father, Ralph Bulger, has made an victim impact statement to a parole board, who are considering the rehabilitation of Jon Venables... More »