

Politicians Category

Politicans and world leaders making news and in the news, and spouting hot air

Sarah Palin: Britney Spears, Rednecks And Mum’s Bristol Fashion

SARAH Palin Watch: Anorak’s look at Sarah Palin in the news…

Will the press that left Kathryn Blair alone afford the same courtesy to Sarah Palin’s pregnant teenage daughter Bristol Palin? Go on, take a guess…

DAILY EXPRESS (front page): “SCANDAL ROCKS U.S. – The Vice Presidential candidate, her pregnant teenage daughter and the redneck boyfriend”.

Scandal, indeed. How did the Governor of Alaska replace Madeleine McCann and Princess Diana as the Express’s cover girl? And is Bristol Palin blonde enough. Discuss.

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Posted: 3rd, September 2008 | In: Politicians, Tabloids | Comments (19)

John Voight On Leaving Bristol Palin Alone

SAYS John Voight, the orginial gay cowboy:

We’re all human beings, we’ve all made mistakes in our life, unless we’re really some kind of saints that have never participated in human decisions. This kid’s going through a lot of stuff right now. I say, let’s put our attention on this kid with love and not make this trauma worse than it is.

Can you imagine her in a room trying to make a decision as to whether to tell her mom and dad about this situation? I mean that’s what I think. I think she’s going through a lot of hell, and we can make it worse or take care of her.”

Or leave her alone. Will the old media leave Bristol Palin alone, as they left Blair’s children alone, specifically Kathryn Blair?

Or does the BBC and other media not extend the same courtesy to the children of right wing or left wing politicos..?

Posted: 2nd, September 2008 | In: Politicians | Comments (12)

Sarah Palin’s Proximatey To Russia And Other Foreign Policies

THE Washington Monthly on Sarah Palin:

For those keeping score at home, the number of conservatives who’ve publicly argued that Alaska’s proximity to Russia counts as foreign policy experience for Sarah Palin is three.

One was Michael Barone.

This is Canada. Come out with your hands up. We have you surrounded…

Posted: 2nd, September 2008 | In: Politicians | Comments (3)

Barack Obama On His Natural Disaster Of A Campaign

SAYS Barack Obama of Sarah Palin:

“My understanding is that Gov. Palin’s town, Wassilla, has I think 50 employees. We’ve got 2500 in this campaign. I think their budget is maybe 12 million dollars a year – we have a budget of about three times that just for the month,” Obama responded.

Isn’t good management about efficieny not bulk?

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Posted: 2nd, September 2008 | In: Politicians | Comments (2)

Alice Fishburn Finds Evidence That Sarah Palin Is Not Joe Biden

JOE Biden (Obama’s punning mate) praises John McCain (video).

Joe Biden wants to be Neil Kinnock. (Image: Beau Bo D’Or Website)

And the Times’s Alice Fishburn (on Daniel Finklestein’s blog) says she’s found evidence of Sarah Palin (McCain’s stunning mate) praising Barack Obama.

Only, he hasn’t. Not really:

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Posted: 2nd, September 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Politicians | Comment

Gaddafi Is Africa’s King Of Kings

MORE than 200 African kings and traditional rulers has bestowed the title “king of kings” on Libya’s leader Muammar Gaddafi.

The rulers, wearing gold crowns, sequined capes and colourful robes met in the Libyan town of Benghazi in what was billed as a first of its kind.

Col Gaddafi urged the royals to join his campaign for African unity.

Africa’s political leaders are lukewarm about his vision of merging their powers to create a single government.

“We want an African military to defend Africa, we want a single African currency, we want one African passport to travel within Africa,” Col Gaddafi told the assembled dignitaries, who come from countries such as Mozambique, South Africa, Ivory Coast and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Prince Andrew was not there…


Posted: 2nd, September 2008 | In: Politicians, Strange But True | Comment (1)

Sarah Palin Picture Of The Day: The Great Trig-ger Hunt

ANOTHER day and with the new dawn arrives another picture of John McCain’s would-be VP Sarah Palin living the American dream:

At the age of 10, Sarah Palin got her very own bunny rabbit. Which means to say that she crouched down in the grass outside her family home, aimed her shotgun and blew its furry little head off

How can she lose..?

Posted: 2nd, September 2008 | In: Photojournalism, Politicians | Comments (7)

How To Be A Gangster, By Jacqui Smith And New Labour

DO you know how to spot is your child is in a gang? The Mirror hears Home Secretary  Jacqui Smith offers her tips, and notes:

“Key indicators include…coming home late, using drugs, drawing tags on books, wearing bandanas, using strange slang or hand signals, cutting themselves off from the family and having extra cash.”

Let’s consider the evidence:

Coming Home Late:

Alone, like Jacqui Smith.

Accompanied, like Jacqui Smith.

Taking Drugs

Like Jacqui Smith.

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Posted: 2nd, September 2008 | In: Politicians, Tabloids | Comments (14)

Sarah Palin: Black Bristol, Teenage Moms And Trig Of The News Dump

SARAH Palin Watch: Anorak’s look at Sarah Palin in the news…

BBC: The BBC is leading with news that Sarah Palin’s teenage daughter Bristol (he-he) is with child. She is pictured holding her four-month old brother Trig, the one some wrongly claim is hers.

The BBC’s Sian Williams mentions rumours that have been circulating on the internet. The BBC is the official broadcaster of unfounded rumour and teenage pregnacy.

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Posted: 2nd, September 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Politicians | Comments (29)

The Palin Jesus Fish Eats Obama’s Messiah

BARACK Obama is the Messiah. Sarah Palin is an armed Christian.

John McCain is a war hero – a Christian soldier.

Buy the T-shirt

Posted: 1st, September 2008 | In: Money, Photojournalism, Politicians | Comments (3)

Credit Crunch: Foreigners Are All Potential Terrorists, Says Government

CREDIT Crunch Watch: Anorak’s look at credit crunch in the news…


Says the FT:

Those walking the streets of London late at night may soon be at risk of being mugged by gangs of investment bankers, driven to acts of desperate violence by the travails of the credit markets.

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Posted: 1st, September 2008 | In: Politicians, Tabloids | Comment (1)

Sarah Palin Is A Nutter

SARAH Palin is a member of the NRA. No kidding.

But a nutter..?


Posted: 1st, September 2008 | In: Photojournalism, Politicians, TV & Radio | Comment (1)

Sarah Palin Pregnant: Picture

SARAH Palin is the victim of a crass rumour about her son/daughter Trig.

Extensive research reveals that Trig is the name of Palin’s human child and not any part of her anatomy, her daughter Bristol’s child nor the pet miniature horse she keeps in her office and feeds on human placentas.

The Gawker blog uses a Palin quote to prove something or other:

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Posted: 1st, September 2008 | In: Politicians | Comments (23)

Barack Obama’s Virgin Birth

AND lo Barack Obama did come among them, the son of a white man and the son of a black man…

Posted: 1st, September 2008 | In: Politicians, TV & Radio | Comments (3)

Michael Moore Says Sarah Palin’s Son Trig Was Born A Girl

CONSPIRICIST Michael Moore hears that Sarah Palin’s disabled son Trig might not be her child, rather her daughter Bristol’s.

(Bristol – if ever a woman was born to be a glamour mo-del…)

Says Micheel Moore:

Show Us the DNA!; Claim: Palin is the grandmother of her ‘daughter’

Jack Nicholson woudl know what to do…

Posted: 1st, September 2008 | In: Politicians | Comments (5)

David Carr Meets Arianna Huffington And The Web

DAVID Carr, the NYT media columnist, is meeting the delegates at the Democrat convention. He meets Arianna Huffington. He meets ‘The Web”…

Anorak In NY

Posted: 1st, September 2008 | In: Politicians | Comment

Sarah Palin’s The Big Tent Stunning Mate

SARAH Palin is John McCain’s milf “stunning mate”.

Here she is wearing a T-shirt.

Sarah is in the Express, profiled by one Julie Carpenter, who says Sarah’s husband is “one-part Eskimo fisherman”, although which part is unspecified, but Anorak opts for his harpoon.

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Posted: 1st, September 2008 | In: Politicians, Tabloids | Comments (4)

British Bulldog: Government Says Let’s Chase And Beat Up Fat Children

THE Local Government Association wants a return to the good old days of British bulldog, when schoolchildren would attempt to cross a line of their baying peers.

A touch, a smack on the back, a tap on the ankles or a straight honest-to-goodness punch in the head and the runner becomes the hunter.

Needless to say fat children were ever domed. With their fat legs, fat heads and fat minds they were ill-suited to the playground fun, acting more as bouncing bollards then actual persons.

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Posted: 1st, September 2008 | In: Politicians, Tabloids | Comments (3)

Mullets For Obama

MULLET. Obama.

One-armed lesbian, anti-abortionist, milfs for McCain.

Mullets for Obama…

Posted: 31st, August 2008 | In: Politicians | Comments (2)

P Diddy On The Death Of John McCain And Why Sarah Palin Gets His Vote

KEN Dodd’s go-it-alone Diddy Man, P Diddy, has cracked the US but seems ignorant of its demographic make up. But he is sure about Sarah Palin and John McCain.

This is the job to be the leader of the world. World President. Get letter writing, Guardian readers.

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Posted: 31st, August 2008 | In: Celebrities, Politicians | Comments (8)

Guardian’s Letter To America: Dear John McCain Voter…

ANORAK remembers when the Guardian tried to influence voters in the US or A who were too darn stooped to work out that George Bush was going to kill them all with his weather machine.

Operation Clark County would see Guardian readers instruct those colonial picaninnies, rednecks, white trash, gangbangers and creationists that John Kerry should be president and not George Bush.

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Posted: 31st, August 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Politicians | Comments (2)

Sarah Palin And The 3am Moose Call

HILLARY Clinton supporters may go for John McCain now he’s revealed that his vice president would be one Sarah Palin.

She’s the woman to man the red phone in times of emergency.

It’s 3am, the phone is ringing… And Sarah Palin:

Sarah and her father would sometimes wake at 3 a.m. to hunt moose before school, and the family regularly ran 5k and 10k races

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Posted: 29th, August 2008 | In: Politicians | Comments (21)

McCain’s Ad For Strange Fruit: The Barack Obama Death Cult

JOHN McCain has anew advert.

CHANGE. cHANGe. The word ‘HANG’ appears over an image of Barack Obama.

A McCain ad aired on Fox News channel with the words “HANG” in the background along with a photograph of Barack Obama has sparked outrage after being noticed by a reporter at a local Fox television affiliate…

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Posted: 28th, August 2008 | In: Politicians, TV & Radio | Comments (6)

Michelle Obama Does Cameron Crowe

MICHELLE Obama is shouting “Show Me the Money”. Write Anorak in NY:

I know I have lived in America for almost five years now and so I should be used to all of the schmaltz and ceremony of a presidential election, but do people really believe this guff? The excerpts I saw of Michelle Obama’s speech last night were more like the outtakes from a second rate Cameron Crowe movie than anything resembling real politics. So why is everyone so excited about it?

Black. White. Old Young. To the rest of the world they just all look so American…

Click the image – via

Posted: 28th, August 2008 | In: Politicians | Comment (1)

Joe Biden Is Neil Kinnock Is Robert Kennedy

BARACK Obama’s running mate Joe Biden has modelled himself on which British politican from the last twenty years:

a) Maggie Thatcher
b) Tony BLair
c) David Owen
d) Neil Kinnock

SAYS Neil Kinnock, former Labour leader and light bulb head:

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Posted: 28th, August 2008 | In: Politicians | Comments (5)