Politicians Category
Politicans and world leaders making news and in the news, and spouting hot air
Barack Obama On The Known Unknowns In Mark Ndesandjo’s China
OBAMANIA Watch – Anorak’s look at Barack Obama in the news.
Maureen Dowd asks Barack Obama:
I asked how his “Citizen of the World” tour will go down in Steubenville, Ohio.
“There will probably be some backlash,” he said. “I’m a big believer that if something’s good then there’s a bad to it, and vice versa.”
It’s as if Donald Rumsfeld never left us. What if Obama can speak Chinglish?
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Posted: 28th, July 2008 | In: Politicians | Comment (1)
New York Fashion Joins Barack Obama Death Cult
US designer Doron Braunshtein, a.k.a. Apollo Braun, has produced this T-shirt.
“Could you imagine if Obama were killed? They might blame me. Then I’d be taken to jail and have to have prison sex.”
It’s the Barack Obama Death Cult…
Posted: 27th, July 2008 | In: Politicians | Comments (2)
How the LA Times Failed To Cover The John Edwards Affair
TABLOID Baby, Anorak’s man in LA, looks at the John Edwards love child “scandal”.
A story breaks in Los Angeles and the LA Times not only ignores the it, it bans its online writers from covering it.
Says TB: “Hey, we like John Edwards, too. He stands for the right things. But you know what, like Gary Hart, he tempted fate and got caught.”
Here’s the memo sent out by LA Times editor Tony Pierce:
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Posted: 27th, July 2008 | In: National Enquirer, Politicians | Comments (3)
Hair It Is: Scientists Return David Cameron’s Bike
WHAT did David Cameron says when his bike was stolen?
The Times says he “had his bike pinched while he popped into his local Tesco supermarket in north Kensington to ‘buy some salad’”.
Anorak was certain Cameron said he had popped out for some “salmon”. On such things common touches are established and lost.
But there was one fact: Cameron’s bike has gone. He left his bike outside, and when he returned, there it was, gone.
But the bike is now returned. And it’s all thanks to the Sunday Mirror and its contacts on the street.
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Posted: 27th, July 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Politicians, Tabloids | Comment (1)
Working Up A Sweat With Barack Obama
OBAMANIA Watch – Anorak’s look at Barack Obama in the news
Do Germans do irony? Do German newspapers and magazines do parodies of actual news reporting? Does Der Bild’s “Judith Bonesky” exist, or is she the work of a German satirist?
Here’s Judith on her meeting with Barack Obama:
As thousands waited at the Sieges Saule monument in Berlin to hear Obama’s sensational speech, a BILD reporter met Barack all alone – in the gym! Here’s the incredible account of Judith Bonesky’s meeting…
It’s a must read. It is nothing less than incredible:
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Posted: 26th, July 2008 | In: Politicians, Tabloids | Comment (1)
John McCain’s Black Face
OBAMANIA Watch – Anorak’s look at Barack Obama in the news
Will we lift the child in Bangladesh from poverty, shelter the refugee in Chad, and banish the scourge of AIDS in our time? – Barack Obama
Yes he can! And so can he:
(I)n 1991 Cindy McCain was visiting Mother Teresa’s orphanage in Bangladesh when a dying infant was thrust into her hands. The orphanage could not provide the medical care needed to save her life, so Mrs. McCain brought the child home to America with her. She was met at the airport by her husband, who asked what all this was about.
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Posted: 26th, July 2008 | In: Politicians | Comment
Wasn’t Barack Obama A Goonies’ Fan?
OBAMANIA Watch – Anorak’s look at Barack Obama in the news
SAYS Barack Obama: “Yes we can”. And Bob The Builder nods. “Yes we can,” says Bob. “Yes we can,” echoes Obama.
Obama just loves children’s telly. Says Obama: “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”
Say the Goonies:
Posted: 26th, July 2008 | In: Politicians | Comments (2)
Barack Obama: Obama The Muslim Brother, Hiding From Gordon Brown And The Death Cult
OBAMANIA Watch – Anorak’s look at Barack Obama in the news
Barack Obama is in the UK for the final leg of his world your. He’s meeting Tony Blair. Let us pray:
THE SUN: “Barack Obarmy”
HUNDREDS of cops were standing by today to keep crowds at bay as the Barack Obama roadshow hit London.
Obama’s having breakfast with Tony Blair.
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Posted: 26th, July 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Politicians, Tabloids | Comments (2)
Gerard Baker On Obama The Godly
OBAMANIA Watch – Anorak’s look at Barack Obama in the news
Gerard Baker writes in the Times:
He travelled fleet of foot and light of camel, with a small retinue that consisted only of his loyal disciples from the tribe of the Media. He ventured first to the land of the Hindu Kush, where the
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Posted: 25th, July 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Politicians | Comments (5)
EU And Us: Farming With France
FRANCE is the current president of Europe. It’s a system seemingly modelled on Italian politics where everyone gets a go at being leader. For the next six months – lest war in Europe breaks out, Germany invades or France refuses to give it back – the baton is with Les Blues.
As the press release for Europa tells us:
The European Commission has approved 31 programmes in 16 Member States… to provide information on and to promote agricultural products in the European Union.
Want to know how the money is divided and who gets what? This graph should give you some idea:
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Posted: 25th, July 2008 | In: Money, Politicians | Comments (4)
Daniel Finklestein Goes Back To Obama’s Future
BACK to the future with Barack Obama:
This is the moment to give our children back their future.
I am supposed to do it now?
To be honest I can’t remember where I put their future. Perhaps Mr Obama would allow me a moment to search the house.
Gosh. How frightfully embarrassing. I thought the day after tomorrow was supposed to be the moment to give my children back their future.
The future is what we, er, make of it…
Posted: 25th, July 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Politicians | Comment
Al Franken’s Gaffes
REPORTS the Washington Post:
In Minnesota, Sen. Norm Coleman has built a 53 percent to 38 percent edge over entertainer Al Franken -thanks in no small part to a series of gaffes by the former “Saturday Night Live” star.
Aren’t gaffes what a funny man does best?
Posted: 25th, July 2008 | In: Politicians | Comment
Obamania: Barack Obama Invokes Memories Of Past Leaders In Germany
OBAMANIA Watch – Anorak’s look at Barack Obama in the news
BARACK Obama has been in Germany. He is pictured in most paper with one arm raised in the air. The papers all sense echoes of J. F. Kennedy.
But Anorak senses something else, a mixture of the messiah and a charismatic leader from Germany’s past.
“I thought he was very good,” said Julian Metz, a 27-year-old architecture student in Berlin who shook Obama’s hand after the speech. “It was a great feeling to touch him’ – Bloomberg
The Times calls him a “political messiah”. Enthusiasts “dangled from lamp posts first erected by Nazi town planner Albert Speer”.
There were “hints of a future steeliness”.
Says Benedict Nightingale: “There can’t be a politician who looks and acts more clean-living… He does not wave his hands about very much. And when he does it is not an empty gesture but serves to underline a point.”
“Thousands fall under senator’s spell,” says the Telegraph’s Andrew Gimson.
“From an early afternoon it became evident that a religious event was taking place in Berlin. Pilgrims streamed into the Tiergarten, determined to see and hear the man they have come to believe in as their saviour…
Mr Obama’s devotees streamed on foot and by bicycle towards the Victory Column, which commemorates the Prussian defeat of the French in 1870 and was moved to its present position by the Nazis, who also made it taller”
Let’s invade Russia! Says Obama:
“Poorly-secured nuclear material in the former Soviet Union or secrets from a scientist in Pakistan could help build a bomb that detonates in Paris.”
Lets invade Paris!
Gerhard Spörl in Der Spiegel:
Anyone who saw Barack Obama at Berlin’s Siegessäule on Thursday could recognize that this man will become the 44th president of the United States. He is more than ambitious—he wants to lay claim to become the president of the world…
All I vant is a little peace…
McCain is 25 years his senior, a man who because of the torture he endured in Vietnam is in constant pain—unable to comb his hair or lift his arm in celebration.
Hands up for Obama…
Posted: 25th, July 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Politicians, Tabloids | Comments (2)
Thou Shall Not Pass In Waltham Forest
Road news:
The road humps would be constructed with tapered edges with sinusoidal ramps, 4.5 meters in length, not more than 100 metres in height…
– Waltham Forest news sheet, London
Spotter: Ed. B
Posted: 24th, July 2008 | In: Politicians, Strange But True | Comments (5)
Barack Obama’s Committee: The Obamaisms
IS it Barack Obama’s age that makes him prone to gaffes? Speaking in Israel:
Now, in terms of knowing my commitments, you don’t have to just look at my words, you can look at my deeds. Just this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee, which is my committee, a bill to call for divestment from Iran, as a way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don’t obtain a nuclear weapon.
But, as it;s pointed out, Obama is not a member of the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee. Maybe it’s bad phraseology? Maybe “my” is like a football fans talking about “my team” or a celeb talking about “my homeboy“..?
Posted: 24th, July 2008 | In: Politicians | Comment
Mel Gibson Dad Hutton Supports Ron Paul For President
BARACK Obama or John McCain? Change or same old old?
Or how about voting for Ron Paul?
Hutton Gibson, Mel Gibson’s dad, thinks Ron Paul can make it to the White House.
There is much kudos in getting a good celebrity backer. Paul will surely be delighted to have one who denies the Holocaust, thinks 9/11 was an inside job and that the Jews – always the Jews – run the papacy.
Gibson says “the only way we can save the country is to vote for Ron Paul… In 2008.”
The video was added to YouTube in July 2008. Paul, the Texas conservative, failed in his bid to win the GOP nomination for president. So it says here.
But, then, the Jews control the media, and it may be conspiracy. Ron Paul for President!
Pic: 14
Posted: 23rd, July 2008 | In: Celebrities, Politicians | Comments (10)
Barack Obama Changes Australia
YOU will recall how Barack Obama, “bows to nobody in his understanding of this world“. Australians should now know that they are part of Asia. The Obama knows all:
Seek New Partnerships in Asia: Obama will forge a more effective framework in Asia that goes beyond bilateral agreements, occasional summits, and ad hoc arrangements, such as the six-party talks on North Korea. He will maintain strong ties with allies like Japan, South Korea and Australia; work to build an infrastructure with countries in East Asia that can promote stability and prosperity; and work to ensure that China plays by international rules.
It’s change you can believe in. Or poor phrasing…
Posted: 23rd, July 2008 | In: Politicians | Comment (1)
Plane Stupid Eco Protestor Glues Himself To Gordon Brown
IF you had to glue yourself to anyone, would you glue yourself to Gordon Brown?
A campaigner against Heathrow Airport’s third runway has attempted to glue himself to Gordon Brown at a Downing Street reception.
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Posted: 22nd, July 2008 | In: Politicians | Comments (5)
Barack Obama Bans Green Clothing In Middle East
BARACK Obama is a control freak:
An Obama campaign ban on green clothing during the candidate’s visits to Israel and Jordan has created wide puzzlement among observers of the Middle East.
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Posted: 22nd, July 2008 | In: Politicians | Comments (3)
Vote John McCain For More, Er, Energy
JOHN McCain is 71. His mesage: “Vote John McCain for more energy”.
Our patron, Old Mr Anorak, will have what McCain’s having and has taken to drinking a tincture of petrol and WD40 with his evening enema…
Posted: 22nd, July 2008 | In: Politicians | Comment (1)
The Barack Obama Death Cult Takes To The Air
IT’S “the secret story hidden from the world.” It’s the “PLOT TO KILL OBAMA!”
Secret? Oh, come on, the National Enquirer must be joking, or not talking to the right people. The plot to kill Obama is part of the Barack Obama Death Cult, and it’s gathering momentum.
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Posted: 22nd, July 2008 | In: National Enquirer, Politicians | Comment (1)
Srubya And Soapbama: Cleaning Up With Barack Obama
SOAP firm Scrubya donates 75 percent of its proceeds to nonprofit organisations dedicated to “cleaning up the mess” it blames on George Bush.
Time to come John McClean, or scrub up with Soapbama.
Posted: 22nd, July 2008 | In: Money, Politicians | Comment
Tim Worstall On The Tax Credit Mess
TIM looks at tax credit, which are all but impossible to fathom:
It might just be simpler to raise the personal tax allowance, wouldn’t it? So that we’re not taxing and subsidising the very same people, with the bureaucracy taking its chunk on the way around?
Posted: 22nd, July 2008 | In: Money, Politicians | Comments (2)
Susan Rice Brown Noses Barack Obama
SUSAN Rice is Barack Obama’s senior foreign policy adviser.
In an interview with Obama death cult member Der Spiegel, Rice discusses Obama’s upcoming visit to Europe, and his greatness:
He bows to nobody in his understanding of this world.
He truly is the Messiah…
Posted: 22nd, July 2008 | In: Politicians | Comment
The Plan To Ban Happy Hour
DIZZY loks at the plans to rid us of happiness and happy hour:
According to the news this morning there are plans afoot to ban “happy Hour” in pubs and also crack down on sueprmarkets selling multibuy options on booze. The argument goes, and I’m sure it would please the Portman Group greatly, that traders are not being “responsible”, and that essentially we’re all turning into a nation of alcoholics.
It’s all in the name of our health because we are not responsible enough to make the ‘right’ decision (ergo what they want us to do) ourselves. We’re all victims of the evil suppliers of alcohol who tempt us away from the path of light straightheadedness.
Yet it seems that no one in Government has a grip on the market driven reason for the rise in cheap booze and happy hours. Nor do they have a grip on the unitended consequence of their own actions having a direct role in creating the thing that they now see as a problem to be tackled.
Think about this for a minute. Why are pubs increasingly using Happy Hours to attract customers? It’s pretty obvious that you do not start selling off your stock on the cheap unless you have a business issue where you are not making enough money. If you can get them in they might stay or they might eat etc.
So why are the pubs needing to do this though? Well, over 1300 public houses have closed in the last year since the smoking ban was introduced. Smokers leaving the pubs has had a detrimental effect on business in many parts so they need to lure people back.
The Happy Hour; doubles for the price of singles and other offers becomes ever more popular. At the same time, all the people that have left the pubs beacuse they cannot smoke have started drinking at home.
This shifts the competition in the market to the likes of Teso, Morrisons, Asda and Sainsbury, who are all competing for those people to come and spend there money with them. So they all start offering crazy offers on booze.
What is the Government’s repsonse to a situation that it has created? Easy. Ban Happy Hours and legislate to stop supermarkets selling cheap booze. You know what that is in reality? Price control by proxy, yet another parallel between Brown’s Government and the 1970s.
Ban it! Ban it! Ban it! If they like it, ban it! Or, if it’s not totally illegal, tax it!
That was the manifesto for the [insert party name here]…
Posted: 21st, July 2008 | In: Money, Politicians | Comments (9)