

Politicians Category

Politicans and world leaders making news and in the news, and spouting hot air

Something fishy came between Chris Patten and Alistair McAlpine

CHRIS Patten, BBC Trust Chairman, has met paedophile witch-hunt victim Alistair McAlpine before. Both were leading Tories. Both have been ennobled. The Mail has a terrific anecdote from McAlpine’s 1997 memoirs Once A Jolly Bagman. He has invited Patten to lunch at The Dorchester hotel shortly after becoming treasurer. He writes:

“I can remember him tucking into a plate of oysters, his blond forelock falling forward, hiding both his face and the oyster that he was eating…You can always tell the character of a man when he eats oysters, and I marked Patten down as greedy.”

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Posted: 12th, November 2012 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

Newsnight must die: Savile and McAlpine kill the BBC’s analytical news show

IN the mire for the Jimmy Savile debacle, the BBC’s analytical news show Newsnight is now well and truly stuffed. When Newsnight ran an item that a Conservative politician who worked with Margaret Thatcher had sexually abused children at care homes in North Wales, it set the hare running. The hunt had begun. Who was he? Was he still alive? Why now? Why not name the politico? Why not grow some balls, Newsnight, and back up the claims with a name? Why just dangle it and leave it there?

In a word: Savile. Desperate to deflect attention from itself to a still higher power, the BBC wanted us to look at a paedos in the Tory Party. And not just one, but an entire ring of them.

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Posted: 9th, November 2012 | In: Politicians, Reviews | 1 Comment

Peado Witch Hunters call Lord McAlpine: his statement in full

THE PAEDO hunters call former Tory Party treasurer Lord McAlpine. He has made a statement. He says he did not sexually abuse anyone in Welsh care homes. You can read it hereunder.

The story about historial abuse is huge. Child abuse is abhorrent. So is the malign tangent people go on. Evidence is not required to ruin lives.

At the heart of this lies a serious matter. Many people turned a blind eye to child abuse. Children were not listened to. Accusers were ignored. Abusers got away with it.

But without propers standards of evidence for complaint, the result will be failure.

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Posted: 9th, November 2012 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

You only vote Obama because you wanted Ted Nugent dead or jailed

LIKE 1.2 million others, you only voted for Barack Obama because you wanted Ted Nugent dead or jailed. Right now, he’s neither:

Posted: 8th, November 2012 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

Chris Matthews is glad Superstorm Sandy happened: other Obama twitter fans only want Romney dead

BARACK Obama or Mitt Romney – who had the biggest nutters on their team?

For Obama, there was TV host Chris Matthews.

“I am so proud of the country. To reelect this president and overcoming — not because of the partisanship or even the policies. Here’s an African-American guy with an unusual background — part immigrant background, part African-American background — with all this assault on him from day one. From Mitch McConnell, from the clowns out there that will never be elected, never will be to anything.

“And the way he took it, as someone said, with coolness and charm and dignity and took it and took it and kept moving forward and doing his job. And the American people, and I know we look at these percentage, 40% of white vote. Fine. That’s about right among Democrats in the last couple cycles, three cycles or four. Good work for them. Good work for him. A good day for America.

“I’m so glad we had that storm last week because I think the storm was one of those things. No, politically I should say. Not in terms of hurting people. The storm brought in possibilities for good politics.”


On Twitter, a few opined:

Olivia Pope@Mookiema – I hope everyone woman that votes for Mitt Romney gets raped & is denied an abortion if it results in a pregnancy. Too far?? Probably Idc tho”

Libby Liston@LebbyListonberg – “Any woman who votes Romney is a disgrace to womankind and should go fucking drown themselves or something with a similar result (death)”

@__demers – “Romney wants to take away women’s rights, so yeah, y’all go ahead and vote for him. I hope you bitches die.— rawr”

laura truby@LauraTruby – “Any woman that votes Romney deserves to get slapped in the face with obamas shlong”

Ashley Marie Carroll@Ashweee_Marie – “Any woman who votes for Romney tomorrow deserves a punch in the boob with a brick”

Andres@Carlitttoooooos – “If any gay man, woman, or other votes for Romney I’m gonna slap you hoe”

@Tomaliciousss – “For every woman that votes for Romney I hope you get pregnant and die giving birth because you won’t be able to get an abortion✌— It’s just †om.”

They wanted to murder Romney:

¥A$ON CL!FTON@SteeveCastro – “i’m gon shoot romney in duh face weather he win or not”

@PaulMurray96 – “Ill personally kill romney if he wins the election”

@CamiDaSOLEKeepa – “I love Obama Lord Knows I Do but I’ll kill Romney Dead before I let Him win this Election”

@emilypietro – “If obama looses i might go kill romney and his vice president so then obama will be forced to be president”

Oh grud:

And Victoria Jackson:

Posted: 7th, November 2012 | In: Politicians | 1 Comment

Donald Trump’s deleted Obama tweets

HOW did the election go, Donald Trump? Right after President Barack Obama won four more years (the US Teleprompter Community celebrated wildly, it says here) tsunami-haired gold wrangler Donald Trump took to Twitter.

He called for revolution!

He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!

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Posted: 7th, November 2012 | In: Celebrities, Politicians | 1 Comment

The best internet reactions to Barack Obama’s win and Mitt Romney’s loss

WELL, Barack Obama won. Canada can reopen her borders. Mitt Romney can walk freely in the knowledge that no crazy is going to assassinate him or compare him to Hitler. For those bored with the whole shebang, Frank J. Fleming ‏@ tweets: “My dream is to one day vote for president and then never hear about the guy again until the next election.” And on the internet, the mood is mixed:


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Posted: 7th, November 2012 | In: Key Posts, Politicians | 0 Comments

David Cameron meets old pals on Middle East tour

DAVID Cameron has been on a tour of the Middle East:

Posted: 6th, November 2012 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

Joins us for the Mitt Romney Mega Prayer

JOIN in with the Mitt Romney Mega Prayer. (It’s spoof. But, by jingo, it’s good.)

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Posted: 6th, November 2012 | In: Politicians | 6 Comments

The best and funniest photos of the US 2012 Presidential election

THE best and funniest photos of the US 2012 Presidential election. Mitt Romney or Barack Obama?


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Posted: 6th, November 2012 | In: Key Posts, Politicians | 0 Comments

Mitt Romney is a Cockney: video proof

MITT Romney is a Cockney. He dresses like a car dealer, admittedly, working in a more upmarket dealership. Here’s Mitt. Romney you plonka!

Posted: 5th, November 2012 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

In photos: Kenya predicts Obama to win the US Election

IT’S all kicking off in Donald Trump’s spiritual homeland. That’s Kenya, folks. (Read more about our favourite charity – You Can’t Help Laughing Kenya.) Barack Obama also has roots and relatives in Kenya. This is how they and their countrymen are marking the US Presidential election:

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Posted: 5th, November 2012 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

1975: Ronald Reagan’s pet mouse threatens Presidential bid

WHAT’S that in Barack Obama’s pocket? Is Mitt Romney’s jacket twitching? On November 23, 1975, The National News Extra spotted something nasty in Ronald Reagan’s jacket pocket.

The magazine trilled:

“Everywhere that Ronnie goes, Squeaky is sure to follow. Squeaky should; the disgusting creature ride around in Reagan’s pocket and scares the hell out of little old broads.”

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Posted: 4th, November 2012 | In: Flashback, Politicians | 0 Comments

Mitt Romney’s related (by marriage) to Preston North End’s Deepdale Duck

FACT: Mitt Romney’s fourth cousin twice removed is Maria Nash, 32. Her husband, Simon Nash, earns a living as Deepdale Duck, the mascot of Preston North End Football Club.

True enough, Simon Nash is seven degrees separated from Mitt Ronmey, and may be more closely related to Kevin Bacon. But Kevin Bacon never was much of a football mascot.

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Posted: 3rd, November 2012 | In: Politicians, Sports | 0 Comments

Mitt Romney has been sent by God

I HAD a dream. I had a dream that Mitt Romney was elected President of the USA of A.  Pentecostal  Charisma has published records of such divine visions. (Once upon a time, Barack Obama was the Messiah.)

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Posted: 2nd, November 2012 | In: Politicians | 12 Comments

Obama vs Romney: Cassetteboy reveiws The Final Debate

OBAMA vs Romney. Cassetteboy has reproduced The Final Debate. If you kept popping in and out of the room, this is what you might have seen and heard:

Posted: 1st, November 2012 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

Mitt Romney explains his apocalyptic vision: Jerusalem and Missouri win

MITT Romney explains his religious beliefs:

“For a thousand years the world will be ruled from two places: Jerusalem and Missouri.”

But first all the Jews of the world have to mass in Israel to be killed:

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Posted: 1st, November 2012 | In: Politicians | 5 Comments

Philippines mayor offers reward to anyone who can decapitate suspected car thief

YOU want them to be tough on crime? You can’t handle it. To Davao, Philippines,  where Vice Mayor Rodrigo Duterte wants Ryan Yu arrested. Killed. Decapitated. His head delivered on ice.

“Make your choice. Either you want to earn 2 million, or you want to earn 4 million, or if you want to be morbid about it – bring the head of Ryan Yu to me and I will add 1 million,” he said.

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Posted: 28th, October 2012 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

Found: Barack Obama’s Kenyan village idiot

MITT Romney’s biggest problem is his supporters. Kenya believe it?!

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Posted: 26th, October 2012 | In: Politicians | 6 Comments

Tony Blair refuses to pay student teacher intern

TONY Blair has been using interns at his mega-millions empire of peace-thru-banking. On the website Graduate Frog, we learn of a graduate who scored a three-month internship at Tony Blair’s private office. Good news. Tone opens doors. But the graduate would be required to work unpaid for five days a week. He could do four but not five. Working five days would mean the graduate forgoing his part-time job as a teaching assistant.

Tony Blair’s office told him via email:

“Sorry…the role has now been filled by someone who was available for the full 5 days.”

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Posted: 26th, October 2012 | In: Politicians | 2 Comments

This letter says BBC tried to gag Question Time panel on Jimmy Savile Newsnight story

JULIA Ockenden is Head of Public Affairs at the BBC. She wrote a letter to Tory chairman Grant Shapps. The BBC wanted the Newsnight story squashed. She says the “notion that internal pressure was applied [to canning Newsnight’s investigation into Savile’s sex abuse] is a malicious rumour…” Schapps should not discuss such untruth on the BBC’s Question Time. And nor should Michael Green:

Spotter: Mail

Posted: 25th, October 2012 | In: Celebrities, Politicians | 0 Comments

Why is Barroso lying to us about the Robin Hood Tax?

A CERTAIN Mr. Barroso tells us today that the Robin Hood Tax is a really wonderful idea:

Mr Barroso said the legal requirements and conditions had been met and he did not believe the tax would undermine the single market if it were imposed across limited parts of the European Union. “I am delighted to see that 10 member states have indicated their willingness to participate in a common financial transaction tax,” he said. “This tax can raise billions of euros of much-needed revenue for member states in these difficult times.”

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Posted: 24th, October 2012 | In: Money, Politicians | 0 Comments

For sale: Magaret Thatcher’s Northern Ireland battle bus (photos)

WANT to swan about like Margaret Thatcher? Well, if you’ve £10m to spare, you can. Runs the blurb:

Armoured coach ex Margret thatcher northern ireland 38 ton monster…10 MILLION is on the steep side were really open to offers,whats it worth,depends whose shooting at you i guess. would trade against something interesting.

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Posted: 24th, October 2012 | In: Politicians | 2 Comments

Chris Matthews shuts down the Obama debate

TV nodding Chris Matthews browse the political thinkers for a view.  On lad tells him he will be voting for Romney because “he doesn’t cover up scandals in the Middle East”.

Matthews, who has invited the voter to speak, then harasses him: “What was the scandal? Get to it, nail it, what was the scandal?”

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Posted: 24th, October 2012 | In: Politicians, TV & Radio | 0 Comments

The best placards from the TUC anti-austerity march

AT yesterday’s TUC march, aside from watching Ed Miliband’s train face, the eyes were on the placards. Could they be funny?


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Posted: 21st, October 2012 | In: Money, Politicians, Reviews | 1 Comment