

Politicians Category

Politicans and world leaders making news and in the news, and spouting hot air

Is The US Declaration Of Independence Legal? No, Says the British

HEY, America. We own you! Your Declaration of Independence is worthless.

The BBC reports on goings on in Philadelphia’s Ben Franklin Hall, where American and British lawyers have been looking at the legality of the documents that cemented America.

On July 4, 1776, Thomas Jefferson and cohorts declared that they were going it alone.

But the debate says The Declaration of Independence is illegitimate and illegal. On one side of the spat is the Temple American Inn of Court. On the other is Gray’s Inn, London. It’s the Lawyer v Lawyer smack down. It’s the American superego versus the British self-depracating sneer of superiority.

Say the Americans:

“The English had used their own Declaration of Rights to depose James II and these acts were deemed completely lawful and justified.

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Posted: 21st, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 4 Comments

Katia Zatuliveter Is Ready For Lad’s Mag Photoshoot: Mike Handycock Is Innocent

DAY 2 of Katia Zatuliveter’s appeal against deportation to Mother Russia. Did she shag married LibDem MP Mike Hancock for his secrets?

Hancock yesterday quit the Commons Defence Committee. He says he never passed on classified information to his researcher Katia.

The court called a female MI5 officer known as witness ZZ. She sat behind a curtain. No, not an iron one, rather one made of cotton.

She is challenged by Tim Owen QC, for Miss Zatuliveter. The name of Anna Chapman arises:

ZZ: “The security services case is there are similarities but not by any means the same.”

Owen: “The difference is the FBI has got some evidence. Yes?”

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Posted: 20th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 2 Comments

Suspected Spy Katia Zatuliveter Studied English Under Mike Hancock MP For Four Years

KATIA Zatuliveter, 26, ala Ekaterina, says that she did indeed have a affair with allegedly philandering Mike Hancock, the married LibDem MP for Portsmouth South. She also had, reportedly, “flirtations” with a Nato wonk and a Dutch diplomat.

She is accused of being a Russian spy. The British Government want to deport her. She is fighting their right to do so. She says the Government has got it wrong. She sayss he is no spy. Mike Hancock says he passed on no secrets. Katia has been making her case to the panel sitting on the Special Immigration Appeals Commission.

Katia was 21 and a student at St Petersburg University when she met Mr Hancock. She was invited to “chaperone” him round the city. On day one, she tells the group:

“He told me he wanted to sleep with me. He went up to his room and he brought a CD and some money… He made it very clear from the beginning he was interested in me. He tried to kiss me. He was very charming during this time. I was not getting much attention from men during this period.”

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Posted: 19th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

Bad Lip Reading: Mitt Romney’s Bats And Spiders

MITT Romney gets the bad lip reading treatment:

Posted: 17th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

Desperate Obama Tries To Co-Opt Occupy Wall Street

OCCUPY Wall Street: They don’t get it do they? David Axelrod is a senior political adviser to President Barack. He is making a play to co-opt Occupy Wall Street.

Axelrod says “Republicans seeking the presidency don’t understand the American public’s pent-up anger over corporate excesses“.

The Huffington Post adds:

David Axelrod tells ABC’s “This Week” that the American people “want a financial system that works on the level. They want to get a fair shake.”

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Posted: 17th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

Photos Of The Day: Occupy Tundra, Mr Awesome


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Posted: 17th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

David Cameron Not Mistaken For Gary Glitter On London Underground

DID anyone else see David Cameron on the London Underground? The Prime Minister, was on the Tube London Underground, riding incognito dressed in immaculate dark blue suit, midnight blue tie and brogues. To his rear is a thick-wristed low-browed sort with a licence to kill. You might have mistaken Cameron for a banker riding the Tube for a dare. But that is the Prime Minster, a man who forgoes a company car with driver for public transport.

In case you aren’t already staring at him, Cameron is approaching one Sanyogita Mayer, 27, and her husband Yanko, 31, to ask about their their three-month-old daughter Sayama.

Says Mrs Mayer:

“We were on our way to go shopping. This man got on at Westminster and came past me and said: ‘Is it your baby?'”

Mrs Mayer is from India. You might wonder why Dave asked her this question and what tone he used. Did he use the anti-immigration “Is that your baby?”, or opt for the smoothy “Is that your baby…” you don’t look nearly old enough, my dear.

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Posted: 17th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

Amnesty Internation Wants George Dubya Arrested

DUBYA! What a guy! The most comedic world leader in years! Nearly as funny as that Ronald Reagan guy! Of course, the fundamental difference between George W. Bush and Ronnie is that Dubya is being harangued by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, while Ron is… well… dead.

Amnesty has gone and demanded the arrest and prosecution of Bush before he appears at an economic summit in Surrey, British Columbia on October 20th.

They want his arrest due to the “overwhelming evidence that Bush and other senior administration officials authorized and implemented a regime of torture and ill-treatment of hundreds of detainees in US custody.”

They also want him extradited but, naturally, the Canadian government has absolutely no intention of playing ball with these demands, in favour of listening to Neil Young LPs and trying to ignore the organizations that are “engaging in cheap stunts.”

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Posted: 14th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

Adam Werritty: Special Advisor To Tory Backbencher Dr Liam Fox

ADAM Werritty is now the advisor to Tory backbencher Dr Liam Fox.

Yep, Foxy Foxy has resigned

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Posted: 14th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 1 Comment

Edwina Currie Recalls Horizontal Dancing With John Major

EDWINA Currie has been reliving her glory days under John Major on Strictly Come Dancing

Posted: 14th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

Cameron Must Chop Liam Fox Before The Army Does

SOME news and political sources are now openly hinting UK Defence Secretary Dr Liam Fox may be gay. Whether or not there is a close physical relationship between his Best Man Adam Werritty and Fox, as possible consenting adults, it is a matter for them.

I couldn’t give an old Queen’s tremulous giggle one way or the other.

What can no longer be in doubt is the ridiculous mind-set of the UK Premier David Cameron on the whole sorry mess of the unappointed adviser in the shape of Werritty.


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Posted: 13th, October 2011 | In: Key Posts, Politicians | 2 Comments

Dr Liam Fox Poses For The Greatest Photo Ever

DR Liam Fox is in the mire over his relationship with an “advisor” Adam Werritty. No, not adviser. Mr Werritty describes himself as an “advisor” to Dr Fox on his business cards. An “adviser” is someone who gives advice; an “advisor” is someone hired to give advice. But while debate rages, Fox smiles and carries on. And he really gives it the full beam. We’ve pulled together a gallery of Dr Fox to entertain you. All are good but the third picture is nothing short of fantastic.

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Posted: 13th, October 2011 | In: Key Posts, Politicians | 2 Comments

Photos Of The Day: The Libyan Ding Dong


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Posted: 12th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

Rick Perry Recalls America’s War With The Tudors And Stuarts

GET back to Bong-Bongo-istan, Herman Cain, Rick Perry is taking his chance to be the biggest idiot in the Republican race to the White House. As he says to the folks of the  Beta Theta Pi fraternity:

“Our Founding Fathers never meant for Washington, D.C. to be the fount of all wisdom. As a matter of fact, they were very much afraid of that because they’d just had this experience with this far-away government that had centralized thought-process and planning and what you have you. And then it was actually the reason that we fought the [American] Revolution in the 16th century — was to get away from that kind of onerous crown, if you will.”

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Posted: 12th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 4 Comments

President Herman Cain Will Bomb All Countries Ending In ‘Stan’

IF Herman Cain becomes president of the USA, he may well bomb a country he can’t even be bothered to name. When the order comes he will just order that all countries ending in -stan are obliterated. Hey, it’s what the US voters in Little New Bama Lama Ding Dong want:

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Posted: 11th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

Bill Clinton Has A Photographic Memory For Things He Wants To Remember

DID you know that Bill Clinton has a photographic memory? This is the man who when asked if he had been  “alone” with Monica Lewinsky, replied that he could not remember: “I guess we were alone, but I never thought we were.” Of course, Monca was under his desk, allegedly.

Yahoo reports:

In addition to Clinton’s many other talents, he is known for having a near photographic memory. The term gets tossed around a lot, but to actually have the ability is quite rare. According to an article from the Washington Post, Clinton “stunned a friend visiting the White House by saying, ‘Let’s call your parents!’ and then reciting a number he hadn’t dialed in more than a decade.”

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Posted: 11th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

Occupy Wall Street: The Best And Funniest Signs

OCCUPY Wall Street is doing its best to out the funny in revolution. Not all of the humour is intentional. But what is can be seen her in the the signs held aloft by the wiggling fingers of freedom:


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Posted: 10th, October 2011 | In: Key Posts, Politicians | 0 Comments

Occupy Atlanta Might Be The Dumbest Thing You Or John Lewis Will Ever See

OCCUPY Atlanta might just have created the dumbest political protest of all time. Congressman John Lewis has asked to address the crowd. Leiws is leading light of the civil rights movment.

And what a crowd. They do no clapping. Why? Because clapping might “prevent someone else who is addressing the assembly from being heard”. Instead, the do a “signal approval” that sees the crowd raise a hand and wiggle their fingers.

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Posted: 9th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

Occupy Wall Street Might Be The Most Civilised Revolution In History: Video

OCCUPY Seattle is going great guns. In this video you will see protestors claim the streets – and stop at the crossing. The revolution will begin after coffee and biscuits and the rebels have asked everyone if it’s ok with them:

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Posted: 9th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

Boris Johnson’s Face Promotes Sex Cheats Website

ASHELY Madison is – without irony – “the most recognized and reputable extramarital affair company”. They will set you up with an extra-marital shag – “Affairs Now Guaranteed! No matter what you look like”. Well, so says the poster in London’s Camden Town – the poster with Mayor Boris Johnson’s face.

Cue the music

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Posted: 7th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

Chris Huhne’s Terrible Tweet: The Fingerprints And The Story

WELL, we’ve all done it. Sent an indiscreet or faintly embarrassing message to an unintended destination.

Embattled MP Chris Huhne today tweeted an intriguing message into the public domain and then promptly deleted it. Perhaps he should have DM’d it.

It read: ‘From someone else fine but I do not want my fingerprints on the story. C’

[See timeline to the left, my thanks to @Tweetminster: read top tweet. Click timeline to enlarge]

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Posted: 7th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

After Rochdale’s Cyril Smith Leisure Centre The Gordon Brown Music Hall

WILL the refurbished leisure centre in Rochdale be named after Sir Cyril Smith, the LibDem politician who weighted a jovial 29 stone at his heaviest?

Rochdale councillor Dale Mulgrew, Sir Cyril’s godson, tells one and all:

“Apart from the plaque that we intend to unveil outside the town hall next month, which really is no more than a small civic commemoration, the town won’t have a totemic, significant memorial in lasting tribute to Cyril’s work. After all, Gracie Fields has a theatre. Clearly, a lot of Cyril’s work over his time was around education, and clearly the new leisure centre will have a schools dimension because it will be used during the day by our local education establishments. This is about a lasting memorial, irrespective of the facility, and Cyril would have promoted the community and social aspects of this building.”

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Posted: 7th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments

Primal Scream Are Too Tame For The Sex Mad Conservatives

ANORAK loves it when minted rockers talk about politics. This week Primal Scream were upset that the Conservative Party’s Home Secretary Theresa May walked off the stage at the Tory Party conference to the strains of Rocks.

The band issue a statement in Q magazine:

“Primal Scream are totally disgusted that the Home Secretary Theresa May ended her speech at the Tory Party conference with our song ‘Rocks’.How inappropriate. Didn’t they research the political history of our band? Hasn’t she listened to the words? Does she even know what getting your rocks off means? No. She is a Tory; how could she?”

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Posted: 7th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 2 Comments

Michael Gove Wins Rupert Murdoch’s Order Of The Brown Nose

YOU know all that stuff about editors and hacks being in the pockets of their news organs’ owners? You know that stuff about the Tories and Rupert Murdoch being tighter than Angelina Jolie’s smile?

You know how the Times wants us to know that it is not the News of The World – it is, to borrow a phrase of William Hague’s – in News International but not ruled by News International?

Well, Michael Gove, a former Times writer now working as a Tory Cabinet Minister, says Murdoch’s great. And in case Rupert does not get the message – and he should take care when sitting down lest he suffocate Gove – the Times’ sub-editors create the headline:

Murdoch’s a phenomenon and I admire him, says minister

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Posted: 5th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 1 Comment

Los Angeles City Council Are Looking For Mike Hunt

TO Los Angeles, where the City Council is looking for Mike Hunt.

Says local official May Dupname…

Posted: 5th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | 0 Comments