

Reviews Category

We don’t just report off-beat news, breaking news and digest the best and worst of the news media analysis and commentary. We give an original take on what happened and why. We add lols, satire, news photos and original content.

Selfridges watch raid: photos of the burkas bandits and the man who caught one

mohamed hussein

THEY didn’t all get that far. The six men dressed in burkas who smashed the watch display units at Selfridges on Oxford Street, London, ran out and into a waiter called Mohamed Hussein. The 29-year-old tells the Standard:

“I feel confident anyone would do this. I am no hero… Some other guys helped me hold him, while we waited for the police. I wasn’t worried. I used to do boxing.”

Matthew Carrozo, 28, saw Hussein:

“All of a sudden this guy who looks like Vin Diesel came out and pinned the guy in the bike helmet to the ground. He struggled but people started pouncing on this guy. They held him down for about 10 minutes until the police arrived. There were about six or seven really expensive watches strewn across the road and dozens in a duffle bag which had come open a bit.”

How we marvel at the speed of the cops.

Anuj Dabeesingh, 22, saw the caper:

“I saw four men completely in burkas, posing as women carrying women’s handbags. At first I thought it was a shot, a spray of glass shattering, breaking – we heard that and people were just running about. I saw a staff member lying on the ground and then we saw four men running, trying to get away. That all happened in under a minute.”

The unlucky one who ran into Mr Hussein wasn’t the only alleged villain nabbed. He was one of two crooks who tried to make off on a moped that crashed just yards from the shop. The other ride broke his leg.

As for the police, well, they are full of prise for Hussein. Det Ch Insp Andy Noyes, from the Flying Squad, said:

“I’d like to thank those members of the public who stepped in and detained our two suspects. Their quick thinking and brave actions have helped our investigation.”

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In 2012, thieves executed a similar raid to nick lots of watches from Selfridges Manchester store. That time the villains got away in a large car.

Posted: 7th, June 2013 | In: Reviews | Comments (2)

Car sex couple run into woman calling the police on them

car sexTO Indianapolis, where a  20-year-old has reported a couple for having sex in a GMC SUV in the Super 8 motel car park.

Having screamed at them to stop it, the woman calls the police. She tells the couple that the cops are on their way. Panicked, the couple make to drive off. The woman moves in front of the vehicle. She won’t let them escape.  She tells the couple  they cannot leave until officers arrive.

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Posted: 7th, June 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

On the front line at the Bilderberg Group summit – Watford (photos)

THE Bilderberg Group summit has rolled into Watford. The annual meeting of royalty, politicians, billionaire investors, banking and corporate CEOs, policy-makers and media moguls from all over the world is in Elton John’s hometown. For three days, Watford isn’t all about hot hatchbacks, smoking in Cassiobury Park and Harry Potter World. It;s about money and power meeting in secret behind police protection.

If you’re looking for a conspiracy to believe in, the Bilderberg Group is a good place to start. US radio host Alex Jones (pictured below) says of the BG: “The Devil is trying to create an artificial, omnipresent system. If you don’t believe in the Devil, folks, you haven’t studied. Everything these people do is to try to become God.”

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Posted: 7th, June 2013 | In: Money, Reviews | Comment

Sesame Street presents a Samuel Beckett parody, ‘Waiting for Elmo’

watiting for elmo sesame street

SESAME Sesame presents Waiting for Elmo, a Samuel Beckett parody (a Monsterpiece Theater production).

“A modern masterpiece, a play so modern and so brilliant that it makes absolutely no sense to anybody” – Alastair Cookie

Spotter: Open Culture  Biblioklept

Posted: 6th, June 2013 | In: Flashback, TV & Radio | Comment

The story of the Mau Mau uprising and the battle for compensation from their British torturers

THE British Government will pay Mau Mau £19.9m compensation to Kenyans tortured by their colonial rulers during the the Mau Mau uprising in the 1950s. Yep. That’s all they get. All 5,200 survivors of 100,000 Kenyans imprisoned in British-run camps. These survivors are, of course, all old. They got to live with the memories of British Government-sanctioned rape, castration and torture. They deserve more. Much more. They deserve justice. Who ordered the torture? Who got away with barbarity? This is their story in photos (some are not easy viewing):

The BBC:

In 1951, Jomo Kenyatta was arrested and imprisoned by the British for being a leading light in the Mau Mau movement. With his detention Mau Mau expanded.

In October 1952, the British declared a state of emergency, which continued until 1960. The State of Emergency was in response to an increase in attacks on the property and persons of white settlers, as well as African chiefs who were seen as collaborators.

There was also an increase in oath taking. This was a ceremony, affirming loyalty to the Mau Mau cause and war against the Europeans. About 2,000 Kikuyu were killed by Mau Mau fighters for refusing to take the oath.

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Posted: 6th, June 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Hampshire police seek ‘Justin Bieber’ flashers

Justin Bieber flashers

POLICE in Hampshire are searching for two teenage boys who lashed two 13-year-old girls. The incident occurred on Donkey Common in Thornhill.  A spokesman for the police tells us:

“Both boys are white, aged between 14 and 15 and spoke with local accents. The first is about 4ft 2in tall and thin, with a round face and short light brown hair in the new Justin Bieber style. He wore a white tee shirt, black track suit trousers and a grey jacket with black piping.

“The second boy is about 5ft 3in tall and thin with blond and brown hair in the old Justin Bieber style. He has a thin face with fatter cheeks and some light freckles. He also has oriental-shaped eyes and chapped lips. He wore a blue polo top with a white mark or stain on the right chest area and grey or black tracksuit trousers.”

Justin Bieber is a girl.

Posted: 6th, June 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Brighton train racist: bigots now wearing high visibility jackets (video)

brighton train racist copy

SO many racists take public transport. There seems to be welter of them. Still, it’s encouraging that racists are now wearing high visibility jackets.

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Posted: 6th, June 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Photo: the first ever Sesame Street Cast (when Oscar was orange)

THIS is the original Sesame Street cast. As you can see Oscar The Grouch is orange, collars are generous, Big Bird looks three sheets to the wind and children are hanging out with adults with no hint of fear. Sesame Street was always great telly. We feel a a few most posts on this great show coming up…

seasme street original


Spotter: Kottke


Posted: 6th, June 2013 | In: Flashback, TV & Radio | Comment

Cheerios advert brings out the racists

cheerio racist

BIZARRELY, in 2013, there are people who still define other humans by the colour of their skin. All white people are ruthless and can’t dance, all black people are criminals, all yellow people are karate experts and all brown people want to blow up planes. Apart from the white people who are poor and live in Russia, the black people who are pillars of society, the yellow people who would like to point out they’re not actually yellow and the brown people who are generally lumped together because they don’t fit in the other categories.

And everyone forgot about the Native and South Americans.

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Posted: 6th, June 2013 | In: Reviews, The Consumer | Comment

Taksim Square protest: photos of horrendous Turkish police brutality

THE protest against the Turkish Government’s actions in Taksim Square, Istanbul, have not been without humour. But away from the placards and the often amusing graffiti, there is much evidence of police brutality. When we look at the photographs of unarmed and peaceful Turks being hit by water cannon and pepper sprayed straight in the face by uniformed goons we feel outrage. This is not law and order. This is brutal thuggery sanctioned by the State. But the British Government is doing nothing to help the protestors. The protestors are not the Muslim Brotherhood or jihadis looking to rule by fear. It’s not Egypt or Syria. These protestors are non-religious champions of democracy standing in the face of an Islamacist assault on their liberty. They need our help:

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Posted: 6th, June 2013 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (5)

Man uses cigarette to burn 3-year-old boy who shot him with a water pistol

WHO was the man on Raleigh Road, Stockton, who reacted to being shot with water from a water pistol by, allegedly, slapping and burning the three-year-old shooter with a cigarette?

Police says the man is white, over 6ft tall, very thin with a tattoo on one forearm.

The BBC says he was dressed in a white hard hat and a high visibility vest.

Bloody hell….

Posted: 6th, June 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Dog poo postage scheme wins ad agency award

dog poo post copy

ONLY once have I received a turd in the post. It was from a man who didn’t like the insurance company mail shot he’d been sent. My job for the summer was to open the replies. Other replies were threatening and deranged. But the large turd sticks in the mind.

Burgers on the council of Brunete, Spain, agree that a turd in the post is rarely wanted. They’ve been posting dog poos back to the dog’s owners in boxes marked ‘Lost Property’.

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Posted: 6th, June 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Woolwich murder: idiot Michael Adebolajo should shut up and listen to Joe O’Connell

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THE more Michael Adebolajo talks the more those slow on the uptake should realise what a deranged idiot he is. One of the two men accused of murdering Lee Rigby in Woolwich told the Old Baileyn via video link from Belmarsh Prison: “I am a man, I am a soldier, I am a British citizen.” No. You’re a nutcase. A soldier has rules and discipline.

Adebolajo, 28, then banged on about being strip-searched, accused the judge, Mr Justice Sweeney of trying to “stifle the truth” and knew – just knew – that Allah saw him as “a brave judge and a righteous one, perhaps”. The court did indulge the accsued, calling him by his new name Mujahid Abu Hamza during the hearing.

And on he banged:

“It’s not about you. This whole trial is about more than that. It’s not about me, even though I play a major part in proceedings… Really and truly it’s about the good, honest, decent, hardworking British members of society, whether they be Muslim or non-Muslim. They are the ones that have suffered the most because of my actions. It’s possible throughout life that people may sometimes smother you and say things about you that are false. But as a regular citizen and human being, we have to get over it. I believe that the British people are decent. Only a fraction will wish to slander and lie against me. But the rest would prefer to know the truth, even if the truth came back to bite me on the buttock.”

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Posted: 6th, June 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Taksim Square, Turkey: the best slogans, graffiti and hats from the anti-Government protest

TURKEY is rocking. People are challenging the ruling Islamist-leaning Justice and Development Party (AKP). The authorities wanted to build on the green Gezi Park in Taksim Square, Istanbul. Plans featured a shopping mall and a mosque. A few protestors moved to occupy the site. Police hit them with tear gas, pepper spray and water cannon. The police overreaction was met with fury.

Days earlier the Government had banned the late-night sale of booze. Many fear Turkey tuning into a harder-line Islamic state. Taksim Square would be the place to take a stand against authority.

In the ensuing violence, two people are dead. Hundreds have been arrested. Thousands have been hurt..

But the protests have not been without humour. We’ve got pictures of some of the best and worst graffiti and slogans. And a few interesting hats.

Don’t just protest. Laugh at the bastards.

If there is no park, i will shit on the shopping mall

If there is no park, i will shit on the shopping mall

"Would you like 3 kids like us?"  (Aimed at Tayyip Erdogan who asked Turkish people to have at least three children).jpg

“Would you like 3 kids like us?” (Aimed at Tayyip Erdogan who asked Turkish people to have at least three children).jpg


Jop means billy club in Turkish

Jop means billy club in Turkish

Police, sell pastries, live honourably

Police, sell pastries, live honourably


Pepper spray makes the skin beautiful

Pepper spray makes the skin beautiful

In this Thursday, May 30, 2013 photo, a man seen wearing a make-shift gas-mask hours before riot police use tear gas and pressurized water to quash a peaceful demonstration by hundreds of people staging a sit-in protest to try and prevent the demolition of trees at an Istanbul park, Turkey. Police moved in at dawn Friday to disperse the crowd on the fourth day of the protest against a contentious government plan to revamp Istanbul’s main square, Taksim, injuring a number of protesters. The protesters are demanding that the square’s park, Gezi, is protected. (AP Photo)

In this Thursday, May 30, 2013 photo, a man seen wearing a make-shift gas-mask hours before riot police use tear gas and pressurized water to quash a peaceful demonstration by hundreds of people staging a sit-in protest to try and prevent the demolition of trees at an Istanbul park, Turkey. Police moved in at dawn Friday to disperse the crowd on the fourth day of the protest against a contentious government plan to revamp Istanbul’s main square, Taksim, injuring a number of protesters. The protesters are demanding that the square’s park, Gezi, is protected. (AP Photo)

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A Turkish protester reacts next to a placard that reads " justice died in 1938" in reference to year modern Turkey's founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk died, in Istanbul, Turkey, Saturday, June 1, 2013. Turkish police retreated from a main Istanbul square Saturday, removing barricades and allowing in thousands of protesters in a move to calm tensions after furious anti-government protests turned the city center into a battlefield. A second day of national protests over a violent police raid of an anti-development sit-in in Taksim square has revealed the depths of anger against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who many Turks view as increasingly authoritarian and dismissive of opposing views.(AP Photo)

A Turkish protester reacts next to a placard that reads ” justice died in 1938″ in reference to year modern Turkey’s founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk died, in Istanbul, Turkey, Saturday, June 1, 2013. Turkish police retreated from a main Istanbul square Saturday, removing barricades and allowing in thousands of protesters in a move to calm tensions after furious anti-government protests turned the city center into a battlefield. A second day of national protests over a violent police raid of an anti-development sit-in in Taksim square has revealed the depths of anger against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who many Turks view as increasingly authoritarian and dismissive of opposing views.(AP Photo)

A Turkish protester shouts slogans such as "These people will not yield to you" as thousands of trade union members who are on a two-day strike march to Kizilay Square, in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, June 5, 2013. A group of activists have met with Turkey's deputy prime minister to present demands that could end days of anti-government demonstrations if met. The group urged the government to end plans to develop a park in Istanbul, stop tear gassing protesters, and lift restrictions on freedom of expression and assembly. (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

A Turkish protester shouts slogans such as “These people will not yield to you” as thousands of trade union members who are on a two-day strike march to Kizilay Square, in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, June 5, 2013. A group of activists have met with Turkey’s deputy prime minister to present demands that could end days of anti-government demonstrations if met. The group urged the government to end plans to develop a park in Istanbul, stop tear gassing protesters, and lift restrictions on freedom of expression and assembly. (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

A Turkish protester holds a banner that reads " 'Looters' are here, where are you (Erdogan)"? as thousands of trade union members who are on a two-day strike march to Kizilay Square, Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, June 5, 2013. In Ankara and Istanbul some demonstrations were largely jovial and humorous, calling themselves "looters," asked Turkey's prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to resign. (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

A Turkish protester holds a banner that reads ” ‘Looters’ are here, where are you (Erdogan)”? as thousands of trade union members who are on a two-day strike march to Kizilay Square, Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, June 5, 2013. In Ankara and Istanbul some demonstrations were largely jovial and humorous, calling themselves “looters,” asked Turkey’s prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to resign. (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

A protester sits on a barricade, with graffiti reading "Front Line" during clashes near Taksim square in Istanbul, early Wednesday, June 5, 2013. Turkey's deputy prime minister offered an apology Tuesday for the government's violent crackdown on an environmental protest, a calculated bid to ease days of anti-government rallies in the country's major cities. (AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis)

A protester sits on a barricade, with graffiti reading “Front Line” during clashes near Taksim square in Istanbul, early Wednesday, June 5, 2013. Turkey’s deputy prime minister offered an apology Tuesday for the government’s violent crackdown on an environmental protest, a calculated bid to ease days of anti-government rallies in the country’s major cities. (AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis)

A protester wearing a gas mask rests under a graffiti that reads "They said they have gas"  during clashes  near Taksim square in Istanbul, early Wednesday, June 5, 2013.  Turkey's deputy prime minister offered an apology Tuesday for the government's violent crackdown on an environmental protest, a calculated bid to ease days of anti-government rallies in the country's major cities. (AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis)

A protester wearing a gas mask rests under a graffiti that reads “They said they have gas” during clashes near Taksim square in Istanbul, early Wednesday, June 5, 2013. Turkey’s deputy prime minister offered an apology Tuesday for the government’s violent crackdown on an environmental protest, a calculated bid to ease days of anti-government rallies in the country’s major cities. (AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis)

A protester with a plastic wrap on her head stands next to a barricade during clashes in Istanbul early Tuesday, June 4, 2013. Police in Turkey have used tear gas for a fourth day to disperse demonstrations that grew out of a sit-in to prevent the uprooting of trees at Istanbul's main square. Demonstrators are also venting pent-up resentment against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has been in office for 10 years. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)

A protester with a plastic wrap on her head stands next to a barricade during clashes in Istanbul early Tuesday, June 4, 2013. Police in Turkey have used tear gas for a fourth day to disperse demonstrations that grew out of a sit-in to prevent the uprooting of trees at Istanbul’s main square. Demonstrators are also venting pent-up resentment against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has been in office for 10 years. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)

A woman passes next to a graffiti with a police helmet as the blue words reading ''Turk independence'' at Taksim Square in Istanbul, Monday, June 3, 2013. The demonstrations that grew out of anger over excessive police force have spiraled into Turkey's biggest anti-government demonstrations in years, challenging Prime Minister's Recep Tayyip Erdogan power. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)

A woman passes next to a graffiti with a police helmet as the blue words reading ”Turk independence” at Taksim Square in Istanbul, Monday, June 3, 2013. The demonstrations that grew out of anger over excessive police force have spiraled into Turkey’s biggest anti-government demonstrations in years, challenging Prime Minister’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan power. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)

A Turkish protester holds a banner as thousands of trade union members who are on a two-day strike march to Kizilay Square, in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, June 5, 2013. A group of activists have met with Turkey's deputy prime minister to present demands that could end days of anti-government demonstrations if met. The group urged the government to end plans to develop a park in Istanbul, stop tear gassing protesters, and lift restrictions on freedom of expression and assembly. (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

A Turkish protester holds a banner as thousands of trade union members who are on a two-day strike march to Kizilay Square, in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, June 5, 2013. A group of activists have met with Turkey’s deputy prime minister to present demands that could end days of anti-government demonstrations if met. The group urged the government to end plans to develop a park in Istanbul, stop tear gassing protesters, and lift restrictions on freedom of expression and assembly. (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

In this Sunday, June 2, 2013 photo protesters display a banner depicting Turkish media as the three wise monkeys who see no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil, outside Haber Turk television channel in Istanbul. As Turkey’s largest city was convulsed by some of the most widespread anti-government protests the country has seen in modern times, the country’s broadcast media looked away. Dense clouds of acrid, choking tear gas might have been blanketing the central square of Turkey’s largest city, but it was penguins that were the theme of the evening on one of the country’s largest private television stations. Its nature documentary ran uninterrupted, while another channel opted for a cooking show and a documentary on Adolf Hitler. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)

In this Sunday, June 2, 2013 photo protesters display a banner depicting Turkish media as the three wise monkeys who see no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil, outside Haber Turk television channel in Istanbul. As Turkey’s largest city was convulsed by some of the most widespread anti-government protests the country has seen in modern times, the country’s broadcast media looked away. Dense clouds of acrid, choking tear gas might have been blanketing the central square of Turkey’s largest city, but it was penguins that were the theme of the evening on one of the country’s largest private television stations. Its nature documentary ran uninterrupted, while another channel opted for a cooking show and a documentary on Adolf Hitler. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)

In this Thursday, May 30, 2013 photo, a man seen wearing a make-shift gas-mask hours before riot police use tear gas and pressurized water to quash a peaceful demonstration by hundreds of people staging a sit-in protest to try and prevent the demolition of trees at an Istanbul park, Turkey. Police moved in at dawn Friday to disperse the crowd on the fourth day of the protest against a contentious government plan to revamp Istanbul’s main square, Taksim, injuring a number of protesters. The protesters are demanding that the square’s park, Gezi, is protected. (AP Photo)

In this Thursday, May 30, 2013 photo, a man seen wearing a make-shift gas-mask hours before riot police use tear gas and pressurized water to quash a peaceful demonstration by hundreds of people staging a sit-in protest to try and prevent the demolition of trees at an Istanbul park, Turkey. Police moved in at dawn Friday to disperse the crowd on the fourth day of the protest against a contentious government plan to revamp Istanbul’s main square, Taksim, injuring a number of protesters. The protesters are demanding that the square’s park, Gezi, is protected. (AP Photo)

Here is your agenda

Here is your agenda


Posted: 5th, June 2013 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment

Muswell Hill Mosque: a conspiracy to defame the EDL and other theories presented as facts


WHEN the Al-Rahma Islamic Centre in London’s Muswell Hill was destroyed by fire the media went to work. No-one was in the building at the time of the fire. The letters “EDL” were written on an outside wall. That’s pretty much all we know. But others know more.

BBC: “Al-Rahma Islamic Centre destroyed in ‘hate crime’ fire”

An Islamic centre in north London has been destroyed by a fire in an apparent hate crime attack. The Met Police said the fire, which happened at the Al-Rahma Islamic Centre in Muswell Hill in the early hours, is being treated as suspicious.

A spokesman said the letters EDL (English Defence League) were sprayed on to the building, used by the Somali Bravanese Welfare Association. MP Theresa Villiers said: “This kind of hate crime is absolutely despicable.”

So. It was a hate crime. Fact!

The Sun: “Fire at mosque in Muswell Hill – feared to be EDL attack”

A MOSQUE in north London has been destroyed after a blaze which began in the early hours of this morning – feared to be a revenge attack by the English Defence League.

The Guardian: “Police investigate fire at Islamic community centre in Muswell Hill. Police confirm EDL graffiti found at site of blaze in Muswell Hil, London, as fears increase of reprisals after Woolwich murder”

Scotland Yard said: “The cause of the fire is currently under investigation and is being treated as suspicious at this stage … Graffiti reading EDL has been found on the building. Police are investigating any potential connection between the graffiti and the fire.”…

Until now the EDL has been seen as primarily a public order issue for police.

Isn’t that speculation?

Daily Mirror: “Muswell Hill mosque arson: Counter-terror police probe firebombing after EDL graffiti sprayed on centre”

London Mayor Boris Johnson today condemned firebombers who destroyed a mosque in a suspected EDL revenge attack for the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby.

Who needs an investigation? Job done. It was firebombers.

The Independent: “A right-wing arson attack? ‘EDL’ graffiti found after Muswell Hill mosque is burnt down amid fears of Woolwich connection”

If it proves to be an attack from a far-right group, it will be the most serious so far despite a reported reduction in incidents of reported abuse against the Muslim community following the Woolwich attack that killed Drummer Lee Rigby, 25, on May 22.

Scotland Yard specialist investigators are conducting a fingertip search of the area in Muswell Hill and trying to establish if the daubed paint was linked to the fire, which is currently being treated as “suspicious”.

Chief Superintendent Adrian Usher said: “Obviously a focal point of the investigation will be establishing whether that is connected to the fire”.

That’s the best summing up so far.

HuffPost: “Muswell Hill Mosque Attack Could Be Retaliation For Lee Rigby Murder”

Or it could not be. Or it could have been an insurance job. Or it…

The Times:  “Terror police probe burnt-down Muswell Hill mosque after EDL graffiti found”

Ahmed Sheiba, 22, a helper who went to help to clear up at the centre, said that there was also EDL graffiti on the inside. The arsonists appeared to have broken into the building through a door at the rear.

Graffiti on the inside seems like a fact worth pondering.

Tottenham & Wood Green Journal: “Police not ruling arson out in Muswell Hill mosque fire”

Former Wood Green councillor Fiyaz Mughal, of Faith Matters, a group which monitors anti-Muslim hatred, said: “Bearing in mind this is close to Woolwich, bearing in mind that it houses Islamic activities, bearing in mind that they have found alleged EDL graffiti, there’s a strong likelihood that this could be an anti-Muslim incident.

“It is very concerning when we know that, online, there is a huge amount of anti-Muslim hate. We know that. When it moves into the physical world, it is extremely concerning.”

Mayor of London Boris Johnson:

“I was shocked to learn of the fire at the Bravanese Community Centre in Muswell Hill. There is no place in an open, tolerant and diverse city like London for hate, for prejudice, for violence. I would urge people to give the police the time and space to investigate this incident fully. I have no doubt the Met will bring those responsible to justice. London is a city built on the strength of its communities. Londoners will see this for what it is – cowardly, pathetic and utterly pointless.”

Boris, best to let the police investigate before saying too much.

Daily Express: “A Somali community centre destroyed by fire in Muswell Hill was targeted in a racially motivated attack, according to the Metropolitan Police.”

That’s not what the police said. They said they are investigating.

Channel 4:

However, the Leader of the EDL, ‘Tommy Robinson’, told Channel 4 News Home Affairs Correspondent Simon Israel that he was “very sceptical” that his members were behind fire. “It could be Muslims trying to rubbish the EDL. They’ve done it before in Luton”, he said.

By vandalising the inside of a house of worship before burning it down? That likely?

Evening Standard:

A prominent member of the far-Right protest group English Defence League said: “Just because EDL is written on the wall, you can’t point the finger at us. It could have been anyone. The Government is not doing anything so people are taking things into their own hands. I don’t condemn this.”

Don’t condemn burning down a place spirituality. Thankfully, most of us do.

More to follow…

Posted: 5th, June 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Are ‘we all Hezbollah now’ that they’ve attacked Syrian rebels?

COMPARE and contrast attitudes to Lebanon-based outfit Hezbollah, an overtly anti-Semitic organisation that says its only aim is to “resist” Israel. But Hezbollah are fighting for Assad in Syria and Iran.

On Israel:

In 2006, protestors at the Stop the War march in London chanted “We are all Hezbollah now.” Do the peacniks want the war stopped because their side is losing?

Photo below: a  protestor outside Downing Street trying to damage an Israeli flag, during the Stop the War demonstration in central London. That the yellow Hezbollah flag.

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And again.


In Manchester, this Left wing chap wore his Hezbollah T-shirt to – oh, the irony – fight racism.

all hezbollah now


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Above. Protesters gather during the annual Al-Quds Day procession and demonstration in central London.



A pro-Palestinian supporter holds up a flag belonging to the Hezbollah group, during a march to protest against Israel in central London, Monday, May 31, 2010. 

On Syria



The Guardian:

The Syrian border town of Qusair has fallen to Hezbollah forces after a three-week siege that pitched the powerful Lebanese Shia militia against several thousand Sunni rebels in what had been billed as a defining battle of the civil war.

Iran, the main patron of both groups, released a statement on Wednesday morning “congratulating the Syrian people for their victory”.

Are we all still Hezbollah? Or do their supporters only gun for them when they’re fighting Jews?



Posted: 5th, June 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Emma West: Sun guns for mentally ill woman but is silent on its in-house ‘nutters’

emma west race

HOW did the Sun report on Emma West, the woman who became YouTube’s Tram Lady on account of her racist rant on New Addington public transport? At the time of her vile rant we commented that she looked not all that well. It turns that that she isn’t.

Emma West will pay for her crime. She will not be raped and murdered as many on Twitter wanted

Remi Ogunfowora, prosecuting, told Croydon Crown Court of a May 15, 2013, attack on her partner Ricky Metson:

“Mr Metson put his hands up in front of him to protect himself and told her to calm down. She said she was going to call her mum and ran upstairs and Mr Metson followed. As he entered the room she picked up an ornamental knife from its sheath, struck him in the head and started slashing at his body. He slapped her around the face in self-defence to try and calm her down and went downstairs. She followed him down the stairs and stabbed him in the back at least twice. She tried to run out the house and he stopped her leaving and called the police… Mr Metson suffered two puncture wounds on his back and various slash and scratch wounds over his stomach, head, back of his neck, arms and legs. When officers tried to arrest Miss West she started to kick them.”

She sounds dangerously unstable.

The Croydon Guardian reports:

Mr Metson is standing by West after her attack on him, and was with her at court on Monday.

This is Croydon adds:

Right wing groups such as the National Front and British National Party had adopted her cause after she was charged with a racially aggravated public order offence in November 2011. West’s barrister said their support – including sending her flowers and cheques – had “greatly distressed” his client and led her try and take her own life.

Her deteriorating mental health led to concerns for her safety and that of her family, fears which were realised last month when she stabbed her husband Ricky Metson with a knife – while on bail – after he intervened in her latest attempt to self-harm. Mr Metson suffered superficial injuries after incident at their home in Grenville Road, New Addington, on May 15.


West, who has suffered from depression since she was 18, was admitted to a psychiatric ward in Foxley Lane, Purley, in September 2011. Following her release she had been receiving support at the Tamworth Road Resource Centre, in West Croydon. It was as West returned from one of these sessions with her four-year-old son that racially abused passengers in a packed tram.


Croydon Crown Court has previously heard that West, a former dental receptionist, had taken a double dose of her medication at the time of the incident, which is believed to have occurred on October 18 last year.

None of that excuses her behaviour. But it might make us more compassionate towards her. Mental illness is nothing to mock.

But this is what the Sun said:

A MUM whose racist rant on a tram horrified millions on YouTube has finally admitted her guilt – as it is revealed she also stabbed her husband and attacked a cop.

Emma West, 34, a former dental nurse from Croydon, pleaded guilty last month to stabbing and slashing her husband Ricky Metson and assaulting a police officer. On Monday she also pleaded guilty to a racially aggravated public order offence when she appeared at Croydon Crown Court – 18 MONTHS after the incident. More than 2.2million people

The Sun makes no mention of her mental health. It does not say that the wounds she inflicted were superficial and that her partner of 12 years is supporting her. It does not say that she was suicidal and suffers from depression, a hideous and misunderstood condition.

On the same day as West was pleading guilty to to hurling racist abuse, Virginia Wheeler was not in Southwark Crown Court to answer charges of phone hacking.

The Crown dropped its case against Virginia Wheeler, 34, who, allegedly, acted as a contact at the Sun for a crooked police officer with secrets to sell. Her prosecution was deemed not to be in the public interest for medical reasons.

James Wood, QC, for Ms Wheeler, said: “Had it not been for these matters, I would like to put on the record that Ms Wheeler would have vigorously contested these proceedings.”

You see, mental health is a big issue. When an alleged criminal is mentally ill, the State is not insensitive towards them. The Sun, on the other hand, monsters the sufferer. Unless they work in the same building, that is, in which case they get total privacy, good lawyers and care…

PS_  You can read about John Kay here (but not in the Sun). He’s the Sun employee who drowned his wife.

Posted: 5th, June 2013 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment

Phone Hacking: Rebekah Brooks in court, Paul Flattley in jail and Virginia Wheeler in need

FACE of the day: former News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks has pleaded not guilty to charges related to phone hacking.

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Posted: 5th, June 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Croydon tram lady Emma West pleads guilty to racist behaviour – tweeters escape

emma westEMMA West, 34, the New Addington Tram Lady whose racist rant was recorded and published on the internet has appeared at Croydon Crown Court. In the dock, she pleaded guilty to racially-aggravated disorderly behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress.

She told the court that the British National Party had offered her its support. Sh’e received flowers and cheques from the BNP. This, she said, had caused her distress.

She will be sentenced on 24 June.

She was arrested on 28 November 2011 after the video was uploaded onto YouTube.

The wheels of justice move slowly.

Now she’s been dealt with, what about the police dealing with the tweeters who wanted her raped and murdered?


Posted: 5th, June 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Should Church goers get free parking?


CHURCHGOERS park for free on Sundays between 7am and 1pm in Woking, Surrey.

But The National Secular Society says Woking Borough Council’s policy is unfair. It says it’s discrimination on the grounds of religion and belief and that it contravened the Equality Act

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Posted: 5th, June 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

The Homosexual Menace: how to spot a gay man and other ‘fancy gentlemen’

gay men

WHEN we read Lord Hylton’s news that homosexuals had “stolen” the word ‘gay’ from his private word vaults, we wanted to help him reclaim it as his own. It will take time before Hyl, Ray or ‘Fancy Gentleman’takes hold. But we are confident it will. If we wer Lord Hylton, we’d bet our ‘beard’ on it. In the meanwhile, we urge you to watch this video and learn how to recognise homosexuals. If they can steal ‘gay’ they had best be watched closely:

Posted: 5th, June 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Adolf Hitler’s dad dresses as a Nazi for court date

heath campbell nazi dad copy

HEATH Campbell wore a Nazi uniform for a court hearing in Flemington, New Jersey. Mr Campbell, father to Adolf Hitler Campbell, 7, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, 6, and Honzlynn Jeannie Campbell, 5, was seeking the right to see his 18-month-old Heinrich Hons Campbell, who was taken from him after his birth in November 2011.

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Posted: 5th, June 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

31 photos of America in colour from 1939-1943

THESE photographs give us an idea what America looked like from 1939 to 1943. Taken by the Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information, the pictures record life living in depressed rural America. Life looked tough. The faces of the people captured have a hard edge.

America in colour world war 2

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Posted: 4th, June 2013 | In: Flashback | Comment

In 60 photos the Queen celebrates 60 Years of “utter self-sacrifice”

The congregation as they attend a service at Westminster Abbey in central London to mark the 60th anniversary of the Queen's coronation.

IN 60 photos the celebrations to mark 60 years of Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth 2 on the throne.

Before 2000 guests at Westminster Abbey, The Archbishop of Canterbury commended the Queen’s “utter self-sacrifice” ever since holy oils anointed her Queen on June, 2, 1953.

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Posted: 4th, June 2013 | In: Reviews, Royal Family | Comment

Contempt and the contemptible: Can there be justice for Lee Rigby and Georgia Williams?

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FEW people in this country will be unaware of the circumstances in which Drummer Lee Rigby died . The combination of live video, a woman’s confrontation of a suspect at the scene and the unstoppable social media brought the tragedy into every living room.

Many of us will also have been saddened by the disappearance of the teenager Georgia Williams last weekend. A body that is thought to be hers has been found and a young man has been charged with murdering her.

It is in the interests of everyone that whoever perpetrated these crimes is brought to justice.

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Posted: 4th, June 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment