Reviews Category
We don’t just report off-beat news, breaking news and digest the best and worst of the news media analysis and commentary. We give an original take on what happened and why. We add lols, satire, news photos and original content.
Free diabetes for every Daily Express reader
DOES the Daily Express do it on purpose? Today’s front page features an advert for free cake and advice on how to fight diabetes.Yummy…
The Crystal Light National Aerobic Championship – when smiling was contagious
IT’S 1986 and we’re at the Crystal Light National Aerobic Championship. The rules are clear: it takes every muscle in the human body to make your smile infectious. Take it awayyyyyy:
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The Argos catalogue 1976 – featuring the After Eight mints silver-style Gun Carriage
FLASHBACK to 1976. Argos is the high street darling. Richard Tompkins, creator of those Green Shield Stamps has rebranded his ‘Green Shield Gift House’ as Argos. Now cash would replace stamps as currency. The first store opened in July 1973, in Canterbury, Kent. And by 1976, all the family know where to get their general goods from. Just take a gander at the Olivetti typewriters, the After Eight mints silver-style Gun Carriage,the Pifco Hoverdryer Hood hairdryer, the Richochet Racers and much else besides…
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Posted: 12th, May 2012 | In: Flashback, Key Posts, The Consumer | Comment
NS-Frauen-Warte was the Nazi magazine for women – photos
WHAT did Nazi women read in those heady days of German superiority? NS-Frauen-Warte was the official Nazi magazine for women. Published by the NS-Frauenschaft (National Socialist Women’s League), the biweekly illustrated organ educated the uberfrau in approved ways to dress a Christmas tree, keep the kinder busy and fulfilled, and excuse the systematic torture and murder of millions by a desire for racial purity:
Vanity Fair sicks it to Rebekah Brooks
REBEKAH Brooks’ stint in the forensic chair at Leveson drew attention to Vanity Fair – and how a report it ran back in February, on her mysterious rise to power and her reported peacemaker role between Rupert and James Murdoch as Hackgate kicked in, was (she said) a load of cobblers. Or words to that effect.
I must commend the glossy for its slickly lethal response to Brooks’ dismissal of its credibility (and marketing opportunism). It has put up a short report on proceedings at the Royal Courts of Justice with a transcript of her denial that she ever played Kissinger between king and heir. The writer is amused by Brooks’ ‘white Peter Pan collar’ and an evocation of ‘Winona Ryder’s court costume as imagined by Tim Burton.’ Others have likened Rebekah’s appearance to one of the Salem witches.
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Posted: 12th, May 2012 | In: Reviews | Comments (3)
Lincoln Nebraska anti-gay activist speaks out about the homosexual homiciders
YOU need to see this. In Lincoln Nebraska, the voice of reason proposes LGBT protection ordinance: Best In Show!
FACT: “P- E- N- I- S goes into the anus to rupture intestines. The more a man does this the more he’ll be a fatality or a homicider…”
FACT: “A huge percent of gay men in school grounds molest boys, partly because they don’t have AIDS yet…”
FACT: “Hillary Clinton’s roommate four years in college was a gay woman. To avoid going gay like Clinton did, college students need single rooms and single gender dorms… A college woman is seduced with illegal Rohypnol to go gay.”
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Posted: 11th, May 2012 | In: Reviews | Comment (1)
Pakistani rapists and white moralists agree – white working class girls are asking for it
LAST night on Question Time, the BBC’s flagship chat show for the political elite and showbiz smilers who do issues, the matter of how nine men who conspired “to engage children under 16 in sexual activity” in and around Rochdale Lancashire came up. What followed was mealy-mouthed wince-fest, in which the matter of race was not debated but invited to be part of the bigger debate. Join the debate is the clarion call of the directionless politician and self-censoring hack.
Peter Oborne, a big voice in the Tory commentariat, said that the underage girls raped by paedophiles were not only victims of weak men who like to have sex with vulnerable children, but, moreover, were symbols of a fallen society:
“What does it tell us about what’s happened to our society that we have 12 year old girls, 13 year old girls, who are happy to give up their affection and their beauty to men in exchange for a packet of crisps?”
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Posted: 11th, May 2012 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (7)
If ‘tan mum’ wants a burnt-to-the-crisp complexion, that’s her choice
WITH her burnt-to-a-crisp complexion, New Jersey’s ‘tanorexic’ mum Patricia Krentcil looks like a poster girl for anti-tanning campaigns. In fact, no sooner had she received notoriety for her exceptionally brown skin (picture captions have even clarified that she is ‘not in blackface’) than health campaigners adopted her as a scarecrow, using her high-profile case as fodder to renew their efforts to extend indoor tanning bans.
Krentcil stands accused of imposing her passion for tanning on her five-year-old daughter after the girl told a school nurse that she got a burn mark after going ‘tanning with mummy’. The 44-year-old mum says that her daughter got the burn from playing outside in the sun. Krentcil believes that she is the victim of a witchhunt and says that whoever is going after her is doing it because they are ‘jealous, they’re fat and they’re ugly’. Move over, Samantha Brick!
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Posted: 11th, May 2012 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment (1)
Man ran down sister after her cat urinated on his computer
WHEN Sydney resident Hannah Richardson’s cat urinated on her 20-year-old brother Oliver’s computer, he grabbed the cat and tossed it into his car. He then went to drive away. Hannnah gave chase. She used a wheelie bin to try to stop the vehicle. She was then struck by the car, which fractured her spine, ribs and a leg, and caused a lung to collapse. (The cat was not hurt.)
Brother Oliver has been arrested and charged with common assault and negligent driving.
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The free mass Circumcision festival in Indonesia highlights a problem
IN Indonesia a free mass circumcision sponsored by state-owned gas company PGN in Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia, has made us wince. It’s performed in accordance with Muslim law. Indonesia boasts more Muslims than any other – 240million. But the Jakarta Globe reports that not just Muslims are losing their foreskins.
Indonesia’s media has been buzzing with news that the Government intends to force every male in Papua New Guinea to get the snip. This is, says a local named wonk Edison Muabuay, a Jayapura administration official, intended to combat the spread of AIDS. There is talk of “compelling evidence” that not having foreskin makes you less likely to get the disease.
It’s not the state slicing your penis to make you comply with religious doctrine and bring separatist, mainly Christian Papua into line. It’s for your own good. Really. It is.
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Posted: 10th, May 2012 | In: Reviews | Comments (2)
10 reasons to ban gay marriage
WHY should gay marriage be banned? Barry Harper has compiled a list of 10 reasons why it should be. Yep, just 10:
World War 2 in colour – The Russian experience
RUSSIA has just marked her annual Victory Day celebrations when Germany was defeated in World War 2. May 9 is a big deal in the former Soviet Union where over 26 million men women and children died in the horror – 8.5 million were soldiers. We’ve come upon a collection of photographs of what life was like for Soviet troops in the war. They been coloured. The effect is to make the people either more real or cartoonish and overly stylised:
How many paedophile rapists are on the loose in Lancashire?
THE Rochdale rapists who targeted underage girls are in prison. But how many more remain at large? The tabloids play a guessing game:
Daily Mirror: “up to 40”
The Sun: “50 more on the Loose”
Daily Mail – Melanie Phillips: “hundreds”
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Aberdeen woman gives up alcohol for an entire month – local news story of the day
LOCAL News Story of the day takes us to the Aberdeen Evening Express, wherein we read that to raise awareness of alcohol problems, a local woman have given up the demon drink…for a month.
Says Stacey Summers, 25:
“I struggled. I really, really did. It wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be.”
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With no honest debate the media and politicians further damage the Rochdale rapists’ victims
THE eight Pakistani men and one Afghani who played parts in the raping children in Oldham and Rochdale have been jailed for a total of 77 years at Liverpool Crown Court. Sentences ranged from four to 19 years.
Judge Gerald Clifton told the paedophiles:
“All of you treated (the girls) as though they were worthless and beyond respect. One of the factors leading to that was the fact that they were not part of your community or religion.”
Well, was it?
“Some of you, when arrested, said it was triggered by race.”
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Flashback to 1900-1910 – great photos of life at it once was
Flashback to 1900-1910 – great photos of life at it once was:
Labour politician Keir Hardie speaking in Trafalgar Square at a Women’s Suffrage demonstration. Just behind is the founder of the Women’s Social and Political Union, Emmeline Pankhurst – 1910.
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June 5, 1989 – The epic photo of the Tiananmen Square Tank Man
FLASHBACK to June 5, 1989. Tanks are rolling into Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. AP reporter Terril Jones takes a photograph. Amid the chaos and the panic, a man is stood still. The man will go on to block the column of tanks in what will become a lasting image of the protests.
In the Pomona College Magazine blog, Jones explained what he saw and why he took the picture:
I saw that the still-unidentified man clearly premeditated his stand well before the tanks were upon him; he didn’t dart out for the confrontation moments before. He seems calm and prepared — could he have been mentally unstable as some have suggested? He appears to be abandoned by those running for cover, yet he also seems to be clearing a path for them to do so.
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How a juror nearly freed the Rochdale child abusers by leaking news to the far right
CHARLENE Downes is missing in Blackpool. Still missing. At Liverpool Crown Court, nine adult men have been jailed for using free booze and food to trap children living in Rochdale and Oldham into having sex with them.
The nine men are eight British Pakistanis and an illegal asylum seeker from Afghanistan. How relevant are those facts? A debate rages.
In one case, a 15-year-old girl was raped by 25 men in a single night. At the time, she was living at a children’s home in Rochdale.
In the Times, Andrew Norfolk says that hundreds of girls are being used for sex. These girls are often in the care of the State. He says that since 2007, there are 631 recorded incidents of girls being sold for sex.
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Posted: 8th, May 2012 | In: Reviews | Comments (2)
Flashback to 1912 – rare photos of life as it was
FLASHBACK to 1912:
The Arts – Dance – Ballet – 1912
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Posted: 8th, May 2012 | In: Reviews | Comments (7)
Nine Rochdale child rapists found guilty – 40 others remain at large
AFTER 11 weeks of testimony at Liverpool Crown Court – in which the child victims of rape were forced by their callous attackers’ pleas of innocence to address the court – nine men have been found guilty of running a child sex grooming ring in Rochdale and Oldham.
Five girls gave evidence against the men who assaulted them between 2008 and 2010. Well, that’s what we know for certain. Only a fool who dare believe that was all these men did. They would have to be unlucky to have been found guilty of all of their crimes. It’s speculation the police are ready to dabble in, suggesting that the gang has as many as 47 victims.
The five girls who testified have saved others. They were brave.
But were all the men in this ring caught? Again, you’d need to be fool to think they have been. Any other victims must now be encouraged to step forward. Many men in Rochdale are resting uneasy tonight. These girls should be encouraged to go to the police.
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Posted: 8th, May 2012 | In: Reviews | Comments (8)
All This And World War ll – Watch how The Beatles lost the war
FANS of The Beatles hated All This And World War ll, a film that mashed up actual 1940s World War 2 footage with Hollywood actors pretending to fight in war films and set it to people singing songs by the Fab Four. This 1976 flick was not the work not of a Japanese fan in his mum’s basement but the mighty 20th Century Fox.
So, which song and signer went with what footage? You might enjoy the bit where the German charge into Poland as Ambrosia sings “Roll up for the mystery tour”. Peter Gabriel’s belt out “Strawberry Fields Forever” – “living is easy with eyes closed” – as Neville Chamberlain shows off his worthless peace treaty. Tina Turner covers “Come Together” – “choo choo eyeballs” – is the Japanese march up and down. Gawd, those Beatles were significant.
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Posted: 8th, May 2012 | In: Film, Flashback, Key Posts | Comment
When Top of The Pops had the tunes and the girls
BRING back Top of The Pops. And bring back those Tops of The Pops albums, the discs that featured all the top sounds dressed in a sexually provocative woman.
The Top of The Pops albums began life in 1968. Alan Crawford approached Pickwick Records with his idea for an album of 12 hot songs played by session musicians and people who sounded like the stars. The idea was to pump out a disc every 6 to eight weeks. If listening to the hottest sounds priced at a discount on your home stereo was not enough, consumers were further seduced by the cover art, which always featured a studio portrait of an up-and-coming model. The “Best Of” the year albums featured a model on a poster and calendar.
Pickwick’s MD Monty Lewis told the art team to create a cover that “could be seen from the other side of Victoria Station”. It was simple and effective marketing, aided by the fact that the BBC had not protected its brand – Pickwick could legally call its albums Top of The Pops.
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Posted: 8th, May 2012 | In: Flashback, Key Posts, Music | Comment
Dinosaurs harvested methane to power space ship
DID farting dinosaurs trigger global warming? The BBC reports that boffins have worked out the methane output of sauropods, including Brontosaurus. And they tell us that the dinosaurs produced 520 million tonnes of gas annually. They did this in methane farms. Dinosaurs were highly advanced technically and produced all their own power.
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Japan moves to ban tattoos
TATTOOS are being frowned upon Japan, where 38,000 municipal workers in Osaka are being ordered on pain of dismissal to describe their tattoos to officials. You see, the yakuza gangsters love ink. So, if you’ve got a big tattoo, you might be a villain. That’s the thinking that goes on inside the head of Toru Hashimoto, the Mayor of Osaka.
Tattoos were once more the preserve of the armed forces and criminals. But now they are commonplace. “MUM” has been replaced by “WAITROSE”, and the nubile Pacific Island beauty is now augmented by the words “TARGET WEIGHT”.
The documents sent to all of Hashimoto’s staff feature diagrams of the human body on which workers must draw their tattoos. This includes revealing any tattoos you might have on your face. No lying, now. Own up. Do you have a tattoo on your face? Well?!
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Posted: 7th, May 2012 | In: Reviews | Comments (6)
Cambridge University’s Caesarian Sunday creates Government change of heart on public sex and marijuana
TO Cambridge University’s Caesarian Sunday larks to see student behaving like students on the city’s Jesus Green.
The Telegraph is aghast, telling its readers of “stripping, vomiting, and drinking”. In one episode that a less serious paper might call “chilling”, “revellers vomited just metres away from where young children played”. Metres! The Telegraph readers are outraged. Yards! It’s yards!!
The young children are epitomised by the only child cited, the one belongong to a Tracy Burton, 31, from Cambridge, who says:
“It totally ruined our afternoon and my four-year-old now says he doesn’t want to go back to the park.”
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Posted: 7th, May 2012 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (2)