

Reviews Category

We don’t just report off-beat news, breaking news and digest the best and worst of the news media analysis and commentary. We give an original take on what happened and why. We add lols, satire, news photos and original content.

Inappropriate children’s toy of the day: the 3D butt plug

children sex toy


Inappropriate toy of the day: the 3D Magic toy (and not a butt plug).

Posted: 4th, October 2015 | In: Key Posts, Reviews, The Consumer | Comment

Real bald v false bald: should all bald men wear swimming caps?

baldies“I’m a bald man,” says Yann Marcotte, a swimmer at a pool in the Sainte-Julie suburb of Montreal, . “When I swim [with a cap on] it’s very, very hot … It’s very uncomfortable.  I’m not a criminal. But it is not the law. It is just a pool rule.”


Those pool rules state that all swimmers must wear a cap in the water. Marcotte has thrice been thrown out of the pool for going bareheaded. The police have been called to escort him off the premises.


“There are more and more bald people,” says pool spokesman Éric Hervieux. “There are two types … those that I call the ‘real bald’ and the ‘false bald.’ The real bald are those that have naturally lost their hair. The false bald are those that shave their heads … When their hair starts to grow back, it becomes problematic. They’re used to not wearing the bathing cap – but then their hair comes back. It’s unhygienic.


Marcotte,  ‘real bald‘ wonders why the man who swims in lane next to his can swim with a beard “like Fidel Castro’s” and not have to cover his face. Furthermore, women can wear loose-fitting shower caps, as long as they don’t dunk their heads in the water. And a boy with autism whose disability means he is uncomfortable in a tight-fitting cap is allowed in the pool without one.

swimming cap man bald


“I think the only thing I can do now is a legal proceeding,” says Marcotte. “It’s like David versus Goliath.”


Posted: 3rd, October 2015 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment

Toys R Us gives away free live ammo with Minecraft Foam Diamond Swords

Jasemin Stephenson says she never order 800 rounds of 9mm ammunition for Toys R Us. She only wanted the Minecraft Foam Diamond Sword. But when the order arrived to her Virginia Beach, Virginia, home, the free ammo was with the sword.


minecraft sword



She says:

“It is very shocking. You are ordering from a Toys “R” Us store, you don’t expect to get ammo in a box of toys.”

Well, not with a foam and diamond sword, no:

Posted: 3rd, October 2015 | In: Reviews, The Consumer | Comment

VIP paedophiles: Darren, Exaro and trial by twitter

nickThe story of VIP paedophiles is sliding from the top of the news cycle. Today the Times, has more bad news for peado hunters:

A man who claimed to have been sexually abused as a child by a VIP paedophile ring now alleges he was manipulated and controlled by the news website which first reported his story. Known as Darren, the man has complained on social media about his treatment by the ExaroNews website as well as other media outlets and police.

The Daily Mirror has been tight with ExaroNews, reporting stories like this from January:

Westminster paedophile ring: Top Tory MP ‘murdered girl at vile orgy’ claims new witness…

We are calling the man Darren, ­although that is not his real name ­because he lives in hiding, fearing for his own life. He is the third alleged victim of the gang to come forward. Darren told us: “I would never have gone to those parties willingly. It was fear that led me to Dolphin Square.”


Now the Times notes:

Investigations into Darren’s claims that he was abused at the Dolphin Square apartment block in Westminster and in Suffolk were dropped last month when detectives concluded they were unsubstantiated.

Writing on Twitter, Darren maintained that all his allegations were true but said his treatment at the hands of the police and the media was “harrowing and abominable”. In messages directed to Exaro, he said: “Your behaviour lately towards me and others has been controlling and manipulative, wrong [and] morally reprehensible. There’s to be no more of it, no more controlling or manipulation”.


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The Times also mentions Esther Baker, who “thinks she was taken to Dolphin Square by child abusers. Ms Baker said on social media in January that she had never ‘met a politician in my life’. However, in May she told police that a long-serving backbench MP was among a group of men who had abused her as a child in woods at Cannock Chase, Staffordshire.”

Asked about the apparent discrepancy, Ms Baker said her tweet was a reference to never having met a politician nor MP in a professional capacity. She said she had explained herself fully during more than 80 hours of interviews with Staffordshire police.

What about the other side?

The politician accused by Ms Baker said that he expected to be interviewed under caution by police and would strenuously deny the allegations. He said that Exaro and “a small number” of Labour politicians were promoting lurid allegations against public figures without examining their credibility. “Just because someone is willing to make allegations publicly and on video does not mean that they have any element of truth. Proper police investigations take time,” he added.

Barrister Blogger wonders where this leaves Exaro, writing::

Either Exaro actually has stumbled across the story of the century, or it has been muckraking on a grand scale, exploiting a possibly vulnerable ‘witness’ and exposing innocent people and their families to a grotesque and seemingly endless trial by internet.”

Are we any closer to the truth?


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Such are the facts.


Posted: 3rd, October 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment

Man sacked from pork roll factory for excessive farting and uncontrollable diarrhea

trenton farterLouann Clem of Trenton, New Jersey, is suing her employer Case Pork Roll Co., for firing her husband Rich for excessive farting. The Clems told the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), but they weren’t interested. Farters are not yet a recognised minority group.

So the Clems are suing. Their law suit says Rich’s gastric bypass surgery led to “extreme gas and uncontrollable diarrhea.” They allege company owner Thomas Dolan began giving them a hard time. The Clems say he told them:

“We have to do something about Rich. This can’t go on.”

“Why is Rich having these side effects?”

“Is Rich following his doctor’s recommendations?”

“We can’t run an office and have visitors with the odor in the office.”

“Tell Rich that we are getting complaints from visitors who have problems with the odors.”

The company’s owner says the Clems weren’t fired. They say the Clems refused a pay cut when the company’s fortunes declined.

We say, ‘What the hell are pork rolls made from?’


Posted: 2nd, October 2015 | In: Reviews, Strange But True | Comment

‘Pink elephant’ Chris Brown makes a trunk call to Australia

US singer, Chris Brown, who once beat up his then lover Rihanna, wants Australians to overlook his criminal past and let him visit the country. He reached out via Twitter:

“I would be more than grateful to come to Australia, to raise awareness about domestic violence. I’m not the pink elephant in the room any more.”

Surely, he’d raise the issue higher in the serious stakes by staying banned. And as for being a pink beast in Australia, well, the competition to get noticed is stiff:



Posted: 2nd, October 2015 | In: Celebrities, Reviews | Comment

Chelsea v Dr Carneiro: Jon Fearn is Mr Cellophane as Dyke and moralists attack Mourinho’s

jon fearn chelsea

Mr Cellophane

Jose Mourinho will not be banned, censured or fined for his criticism of Dr Eva Carneiro, her removal from first-team duties and finally her decision to leave the role of Chelsea doctor. The FA said there was no evidence Mourinho made discriminatory comments towards Carneiro.

End of, then. No. We live in an age where everyone wants to be righteous and to be seen as such. Mourinho is innocent. But Greg Dyke, the FA chairman, is pure. He writes to the FA councillors:

“There have been some well-documented issues of late around equality and inclusion in the game, an issue where it is vital we continue to show clear leadership. I felt the handling of the case of the Chelsea doctor, Eva Carneiro, was a good example of this. We supported Heather Rabbatts’ [an FA board member] strong statement on the matter earlier in the month. Personally I don’t think Mr Mourinho comes well out of the whole saga. He clearly made a mistake in the heat of a game and should have said so and apologised. Instead he has said very little and Miss Carneiro has lost her job. Our regulatory team have investigated this and, whilst Mr Mourinho has breached no rules, it was clearly a failure of his personal judgment and public behaviour. This should be seen as such by the game.”

Dyke ignores the fact that monocular Mourinho meted out the same treatment to Jon Fearn, the Chelsea physio who also dashed onto the pitch to treat an injured Eden Hazard, having been waved on by the referee.

Fearn accepted his demotion and got on with his job. Dr Eva cried foul.


The Women In Football group alleged that Mourinho directed abusive and discriminatory language at Carneiro from the touchline. The FA investigation said Mourinho swore at no-one in particular. Women In Football described the FA’s ruling as “appalling”. Rabbatts says: “A highly respected medic, a woman at the top of her profession in football, has been mistreated, undermined, verbally abused and yet no one part from Dr Carneiro has faced significant consequences.”

No-one? Poor old Jon Fearn, football’s Mr Cellophane…




Posted: 2nd, October 2015 | In: Chelsea, Reviews, Sports | Comment

Eamonn Holmes subjects Jeremy Corbyn to one of the worst interviews of all time (video)

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was interviewed by Eamonn Holmes on Sky News Sunrise. It was painfully enjoyable viewing. It gets worse and worse and worse… From 7 mins 40, Holmes causes wincing…

Posted: 2nd, October 2015 | In: Politicians, Reviews, TV & Radio | Comment

Wayne Rooney: the Daily Mirror didn’t hack the ‘thick’ Manchester United star’s phone out of respect

rooneyBrian Reade has penned a defence of Manchester United and England captain Wayne Rooney.

Class snobs who try to keep council-estate-kid sports stars down and revel in their failings at it again before a new documentary on the striker, says Brian Reade

Class snobs? Would this be the same Brian Reade who said of the white-working class:

Welcome to the Brook Estate in Eltham, south east London. The breeding ground of four of the five men accused of stabbing Stephen Lawrence to death as he waited for a bus a short walk away on the eve of St George’s Day six years ago.

Five products of a twisted philosophy drummed into them from birth. “If they’re black, stab ’em in the back.”…

A way of life passed down from father to son. You see the link emerge in the fading white graffiti sprayed 30 years ago on the walls of the old railway bridges around the estate, written by the last generation of Eltham Boyz. In three feet high letters: “SKINHEADS.”…

Give me the father and I’ll give you the son who will give you the son who will abuse, persecute and even kill another human being for committing the heinous crime of not being born white.

Racism was inherited. Get the killers and purge the land.

This is White Man’s Gulch… This is E-reg Escort-land.

So much for the snobbery. What else does Reade know about Rooney?

Gary Lineker is letting it be known that next Monday’s documentary on Wayne Rooney is so touching it will radically change the nation’s perception of him. That’s why the BBC released previews about how Rooney is a sensitive soul who writes poetry for his wife.

Cue would-be satirists’ rhyming couplets running over as they imagine the literary outpourings of someone it has been assumed can barely write a cheque.

Would-be satirists like the, er, Daily Mirror’s Polly Hudson, who opines:

Depriving the public of enjoying these Rooney masterpieces is ­basically a crime… so it’s lucky that I’ve managed to get my hands on Wayne’s notebook…

Have snarked at Rooney, Hudson offers:

By Wayne Rooney, age 29 and 7/8

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

You are well hot.

So you’re probably more like a summer’s day  abroad then,

Cos the weather here is usually rubbish.

So much for the satire.

Reade adds:

It’s not that he’s a multi-title winner with a century of caps who has broken England’s all-time goalscoring record and become an extremely wealthy man. It’s that he has survived, and flourished, against all the odds in a class-obsessed country which loves nothing better than seeing council-estate kids who make good, very publicly self-destruct.

We get examples:

Think of George Best, Paul Gascoigne and Alex Higgins and how certain sections of our society have taken pleasure in pointing at them in the gutter and warning other working-class talents that serious life-enhancement should be left to their betters.

Would that be the same Paul Gascoigne whose phone the Daily Mirror hacked? Gazza told the High Court:

“I knew I was getting hacked by the Mirror. This continued for ages. Phone calls to my father and family were getting blocked so I changed my mobile. It happened again so I kept on changing mobiles, five or six times a month… I couldn’t speak to anybody, I was scared to speak to anybody… my parents, my family and kids, it was just horrendous. And people can’t understand why I became an alcoholic…. At the time I was going through a bad time because I knew I was getting hacked, 110 per cent. Of course (people) wouldn’t believe it – my family and Mr McKeown (therapist Johnny McKeown). As I was speaking to him on the phone, it clicked again. He told me I was paranoid, I was going through a mental disorder. I said ‘No, there’s fuck-all wrong with me’. I knew, I knew. I put the phone down… I’ve never told a lie, nothing to lie about, nothing. Disgusting. Crap… I have waited 15 years to be sat here so I am disgusted, really. I would like to trade my mobile phone in for a coffin because these guys have ruined my life. I have no life.”

In May the ex-England footballer was awarded £188,250 in damages.

Back to Reade:

Rooney came up across horrendous snobbery right from the off.

And back to Polly Hudson in the Mirror:

As celebrity adulteries go, this one is particularly bad, even by footballers’ standards. Coleen was pregnant at the time. But the only reason Wayne and his hooker didn’t get it on at the Rooney marital home was because SHE thought it out of order. When a prostitute has better morals than you, it’s probably time to worry.

Wayne may be known for being completely thick but his recent actions still beggar belief.

And Fiona Phillips in the Mirror:

Almost overnight, Coleen the innocent A-level student disappeared and Coleen the Queen of Chav arrived. It was disappointing

Chav? Yeah, that’s what the Mirror has called Coleen over and over

THE style bible of the fashionistas, Vogue, has asked Coleen McLoughlin to be a cover girl.

I don’t know what thrills me more. The idea of the curvy, chav girlfriend of Wayne Rooney on the cover of the world’s poshest magazine. Or the thought of Victoria Beckham’s face when she heard the news.

The Mirror told readers what a chav is:

YOU may know them as Kevs, Slappers, Neds, Townies or Scallies – but a new Internet website has branded them Chavs, from an old gypsy word for child…

Female Chav: When not wearing her baseball cap, you will notice her DIY facelift: badly-dyed hair scraped back into the tightest bun possible. She loves denim and shops at New Look, Pilot or her local market stall. Top Shop is too sophisticated. The classy female Chav wears t-shirts with slogans she finds witty – “Friendly when drunk”, French Connection’s FCUK or the “F*** You” one Britney Spears made famous. Her skirt is more like a belt, barely covering her mottled blue thighs and flabby midriff.

And they are thick:

For most of us cinema is an art form which enriches our lives. For Chavs it’s the place to text your mate and snog your bint. They love sequels because an original idea is something to be feared. Any flicks with an R&B star such as 50 cent, Aaliyah or Ice T is almost enough to make a Chav wet their pants in excitement. A good example is Romeo Must Die featuring Aaliyah and DMX. Don’t try telling them the plot is influenced by Romeo and Juliet. You’ll get a blank look.

Oh, and Wayne is also a chav:

For girls it’s Chelsea, Chardonnay, Kayleigh, Crystal or Britney. Boys are Jay, Wayne, Jake, Romeo or Dean.

But Reade makes no mention of his own paper in any of this snobbery. He just points the finger at a rival:

In a Daily Mail article which suggested he could be Gazza Mark II, a leading commentator asked: “Is there some hidden vice, some secret in Rooney’s psyche, which is yet to emerge? Drink, drugs, wife-beating?” It was a perfect summation of a country which judges people on their accent and background without getting to know their character.”

Meanwhile….in white man’s gulch…


Posted: 1st, October 2015 | In: Key Posts, manchester united, Reviews, Sports | Comment

This London cupboard is yours to live in for £500 a month

Clapham room small

Compact and bijou


For just £500 a month, you can live in a cupboard in Clapham, south London.

Alex Lomax, who travelled from Nottingham to view the property, says:

“There was a landlord and I was shown the kitchen and the under-stairs cupboard – he seemed deadly serious, which is the worrying part. He said, ‘You would be sharing with three others people’, and I just wanted to get out of there, so I made my excuses and left. I wish I’d been more angry because it’s clearly ridiculous and I’m annoyed at myself for basically just making my excuses.”


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Posted: 1st, October 2015 | In: Money, Reviews, Strange But True | Comment

Cathriona White: Jim Carrey ‘laughs’ as the Sun wonders if Twitter and Scientology killed her

More news on Cathriona White, who died earlier in what looks a lot like a suicide. Having pretty much ignored the body to focus on the fact that White once dated Hollywood actor Jim Carrey, the Sun today writes:

EXCLUSIVE: Carrey suicide ex-girl was missing family

His family?

JIM Carrey’s tragic ex-girlfriend Cathriona White had become embroiled in the bizarre Hollywood cult of Scientology, pals revealed last night.

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: 1st, October 2015 | In: Celebrities, Reviews | Comment (1)

Corbyn and the Jews: Luciana Berger signs up as Baroness Tonge waits to join Labour

tonge bergerLabour leader Jeremy Corbyn says he’s not an anti-Semite, but some people he’s associated with are. Happily for Corbyn, Jewish Labour MP Luciana Berger has accepted the invitation to join his cabinet of all the boxes ticked. Corbyn had floated the sinister idea of a “shadow minster for Jews”, a Judenrat to help the State deal with any little Jewish problems. That hideous plan was dropped. Instead Corbyn looked round and offered a ministerial post to Berger.

And she accepted the role of shadow mental health spokeswoman.

In other news, Corbyn’s all-inclusive Labour Party could well welcome former LibDem MP Baroness Jenny Tonge. Tongue told the Sunday Times:

“I know that lots of Lib Dems are contemplating supporting Jeremy Corbyn, including me. I like and admire Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell (the shadow chancellor). I think they are some of the most honest people you could come across. On defence and foreign policy, Palestine and the bomb I agree with them and they are very green. I am not sure on Europe. I think the rich should be paying for the recession.”

She added:

“I have met Hamas leaders both in Damascus and in Gaza. So has Jeremy Corbyn. We were all favorably impressed by those people. We all feel it was very very important to listen to their point of view. They said a lot of wise things.”

Order Order notes:

Ambushed with the news on the Today programme, [Labour Deputy leader] Tom Watson said the woman deemed too beyond the pale to remain in the LibDems is “welcome” to join Labour.

Here are a few “wise words” from the Hamas Covenant:

Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious. It needs all sincere efforts. It is a step that inevitably should be followed by other steps. The Movement is but one squadron that should be supported by more and more squadrons from this vast Arab and Islamic world, until the enemy is vanquished and Allah’s victory is realised…

“The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.” (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem).

The BBC says of Hezbollah:

The party’s rhetoric calls for the destruction of the state of Israel. It views the Jewish state as occupied Muslim land and it argues that Israel has no right to exist. The party was long supported by Iran, which provided it with arms and money…

The HuffPost:

Hezbollah’s aim is not to “end the occupation of Palestine,” or even to “liberate all of Palestine.” Its goal is to kill the world’s Jews. Listen to the words of its leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah: “If Jews all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide.” (NY Times, May 23, 2004, p. 15, section 2, column 1.)

As for Tongue, she lost credibility with the LibDems for a few comments of her own:

Tonge resigned as party whip of the Liberal Democrats in early 2012 after saying that Israel would not survive for long in its present form.

Tonge’s remarks, made at a meeting at Middlesex University, included the observation that the American people would soon “get sick” of the billions their government sends annually “to support what I call America’s aircraft carrier in the Middle East — that is Israel.” Party leader Nick Clegg called on Tonge to apologize, but Tonge refused and resigned instead.

Tonge has a well-known history of making inflammatory comments about Israel. In 2004, as a member of Parliament, she was fired as the children’s spokeswomen of the Liberal Democrats after she said she might consider becoming a suicide bomber if she were forced to endure the same conditions as Palestinians.

In 2006, she said, “The pro-Israeli lobby has got its grips on the Western world, its financial grips.” That comment also was condemned by the party leadership.


One Guardian writer called it a “blood libel“:

She was sacked as a health spokeswoman in 2010 after she claimed Israeli troops sent to Haiti after the earthquake there were trafficking organs.

The JC:

Baroness Tonge, the Liberal peer, said this week that Israel should set up an inquiry to disprove allegations that its medical teams in Haiti “harvested” organs of earthquake victims for use in transplants.

Her call has been sharply criticised by fellow LibDems, but party leader Nick Clegg has refused to act against her.

The organ theft claims were published last week in the Palestine Telegraph, an online journal based in Gaza of which Baroness Tonge is a patron.

In a statement to the JC, she said the Israel Defence Forces were “to be commended for their fantastic response to the Haitian earthquake”. But she added: “To prevent allegations such as these — which have already been posted on YouTube — going any further, the IDF and the Israeli Medical Association should establish an independent inquiry immediately to clear the names of the team in Haiti.”

If she joins the Labour Party, what will Berger do?

Posted: 1st, October 2015 | In: Key Posts, Politicians, Reviews | Comment

Rebekah Brooks: Tabloids’ Saviour or Undertaker?

rebekah_brooks arrested


For many it was as sure as eggs is eggs when Rupert Murdoch  reappointed his Ginger Tabby Rebekah Brooks as chief executive of the revamped and financially challenged new version of the UK media giant News International.

That is correct. Rupert’s losing money but not quite cash-strapped.

Murdoch’s flag ship The Sun is even now quietly selectively lowering the web Pay Wall it so proudly erected only to find hiding behind hedges meant fewer readers and further losses. The Times and others are sure to follow.

Four years after her resignation, following the revelations of thousands upon thousands of examples of bugging and phone hacking involving the newspapers she edited, Rebekah Brooks is back at the helm.

The woman who clawed her way from making the tea to the pinnacle of the UK Red Top tabloids plunging to become the most reviled journalist in Britain is again ascendant.

All may not be as it appears. Murdoch’s Empire is in decline. Like local newspapers before them, Red Tops and heavy National newsprint are all in free fall.

Rupert either has a remarkable insight into Brook’s financial skills and ability to digitise the failing Empire or is handing her the poisoned chalice because of past misdemeanours.

Flame-topped Brooks, former CEO of Murdoch’s UK Print Division, News International, was said to have received a severance deal worth close to £16 million when she resigned as CEO in 2011.
– so said the Independent back in July last year when it also gleefully announced:

Rupert Murdoch did not know Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson had been having an affair for years, and allegedly “went nuts” when he was given details before the phone hacking trial started. His alleged reaction to learning that two of his former executives, who had both edited The News Of World, had been involved in a physically intimate relationship for up to seven years, was initially to order that neither of them would ever work for a Murdoch-owned company again.

That 2011 deal was said to have included fees to run a private office, funds for private staff, and a designated sum for anticipated legal fees to fight the charges that were brought against her on hacking, paying public officials and an allied cover-up.

In June last year a jury at the Old Bailey cleared Mrs Brooks, her husband Charlie, and her former secretary Cheryl Carter of all charges.

The legal costs for the eight-month hacking trail were described by the judge, Mr Justice Saunders as “astronomical”. Mrs Brooks’ substantial defence team, led by Jonathan Laidlaw QC, was the most expensive of all the defendants in the trial.

Murdoch has a stranglehold on British print media and many politicians were less than openly beholding to him. (Blair’s rise to the top job as Prime Minister of the UK owed more to persuading The Sun to back him than the creation of the now transparently fictional New Labour).

During this time Rebekah was also soaring through the ranks and was said to have had three former or current Premier’s direct phone numbers and David Cameron’s personal number on speed dial.

Carl Mortished is a Canadian financial journalist and freelance consultant based in Britain

He writes in Canada’s Globe and Mail:

“She was editor of News of the World when the Sunday paper was bugging and hacking its way across Britain, into not just celebrity bedrooms, but also the phone of Milly Dowler, a missing teenaged schoolgirl, later found to have been brutally murdered. News of Ms. Brooks’s resurrection provoked cries of shock and dismay among her many enemies. Chris Bryant, Labour MP and shadow culture secretary, said it was “two fingers up to the British public.” However, her return should surprise no one. At the height of the phone-hacking scandal and even after closing the profitable News of the World, Mr. Murdoch declared that Ms. Brooks’s future was his No. 1 concern.

“Even so, her judicial escape and corporate rescue may turn out to be a less than glorious career move. She is now leading an organization that is smaller and facing trouble on many fronts. The hacking scandal is far from over, with the Crown Prosecution Service considering charges against News International (now renamed News UK). But the real problems lie much deeper than the prospect of a second round of legal fisticuffs before a judge. While Ms. Brooks was dealing with juries and parliamentary select committees, the tabloid newspaper world was quietly falling apart.

“As the hacking scandal ballooned, Mr. Cameron’s political embrace of Mr. Brooks became a huge embarrassment, not least because he was persuaded to hire as his press supremo Andy Coulson, once editor of News of the World and a former lover of Ms. Brooks.

“The Sun’s readership is dwindling fast. It remains the country’s top-selling newspaper, at about 1.8 million copies, but circulation is falling at a rate of more than 10 per cent a year. It was hurt badly by its decision in January to scrap the Page 3 topless models, and the Daily Mail is snapping at its heels, selling 1.6 million copies and occasionally outselling The Sun’s new Sunday edition.

“If Ms. Brooks can’t find a place for The Sun, there may come a day when it rises no more.”

A cynic may even be forgiven for wondering if a chief executive was totally unaware of criminal activity in the organisation four years ago…what has changed?

Posted: 1st, October 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment

Cathriona White: dead woman reduced to a life as Jim Carrey’s sidekick

Actor Jim Carrey’s ex-lover has died.

The Sun brings the news of “JIM’S SHOCK” at “CARREY LOVER’S SUICIDE”.

See if you can spot her name. Did she even have an identity pre or post Carrey?



The dead woman is “Irish Cathriona, 30”.

On the paper’s website, we get just as little:

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She is “Carrey’s girl”:


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The dead woman was called Cathriona White.

Posted: 30th, September 2015 | In: Celebrities, Reviews | Comment

Class War: forget the Battle of Orgreave, the Bone heads want to smash the Cereal Cafe elites




Ian Bone is a funny guy. The founder of Class War, an “anarchist group”, says his Shoreditch Fuck Parade event in Shoreditch, was a hit.

The Guardian:

Bone defended those who attacked the Cereal Killer Cafe with paint bombs and graffiti because they had helped publicise the movement across the globe. “Everyone on that march, who are so pissed off with the lot they’ve got in life, was fighting back. I totally understand and support it,” said Bone, who founded Class War in 1982.

So you hit the Honey Monster’s pals? You attack people who set up a legal business? Is the Cereal Cafe the epitome of the rich’s taunt to the poor? The huddled masses have been so very quiet as the government reduces their paltry incomes to a pittance. But is larking about in central London, rather than Sunderland, Blackpool or Knowsley, about class war or adolescent priapism. Look at the demo’s name. Surely it should be the ‘Fucked Parade’, but what cool kids keen to run about with their genitals flapping around would come to a mobile Glastonbury come down?

The Guardian adds:

He promised the movement, which has so far organised three Fuck Parade protests in London, would seek to expand. He said: “They’re going to take place all around Britain. I’m going up to Scotland now to talk to some people in Glasgow and Edinburgh about possible ones there.”

Bone was asked about attacking independent businesses. He replied:

“We’d be mad to go for Pret a Manger and Foxtons. A broken window at Foxtons isn’t going to get any publicity at all, whereas we’ve seen what happens with independent shops. We’d be stupid not to.”

So much for ideology, vision and anarchy. It only matters if the Fourth Estate take notice. This is class war with a black hoddie doffed to middle-class stability and nostalgia.

Bone’s Parade had been protesting against 1 Commercial Street, a new block of luxury flats:

“We were campaigning outside 1 Commercial Street for 10 months last year, which is quite funny when people are now saying we should concentrate on property developers.  There’s was lots of stuff going on there – arrests, burning effigies – and not a peep in the press. Then someone throws a couple of bags of paint at a cereal cafe and it’s in the newspapers from Italy to New Zealand.”

The Cereal Killer Cafe… You attacked a cafe selling cereal. Was that planned?

 “No, it’s just what happened. The way the Fuck Parade works, people are there and then they wander off. It’s 1,000 or so anarchists and other people – it’s very hard to tell them to do anything. We just happened to be going past it. Anyway, I must have been one amongst many people astounded to see a cafe flogging cereal open at nine o’clock at night. If I’d have put money on us going for anything it would have been Foxtons, and it wasn’t.”

No. You picked the softest target you could find.

“Everyone keeps saying: ‘Wrong target, you should have done the City, you should have done parliament, you should have done Pret a Manger, Foxtons.’ It doesn’t work. You don’t get any publicity. We had a riot virtually every night outside 1 Commercial Street, and it doesn’t get a dicky bird.”

But it wasn’t a riot, was it. It was drums, whistles and shouting at bricks and glass.

“We wouldn’t have got any publicity if it hadn’t been for the cereal cafe. But I give those two brothers their credit. They’ve milked this brilliantly. They’ve run a masterful campaign. I salute them for that.”

Milked it? Is that a joke? Is that the intentionally funny bit?


Police and miners at a demonstration at Orgreave Colliery, South Yorkshire, during the miners' strike, 2nd June 1984.  (Photo by Steve Eason/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Police and miners at a demonstration at Orgreave Colliery, South Yorkshire, during the miners’ strike, 2nd June 1984. (Photo by Steve Eason/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)


If you want a class war, you need to look back at the minsters’ strike, when the State smashed the organised working class.

Mick Hume:

…the striking miners were not just victims. They were fighters. The problem was that they were not organised enough for the Battle of Orgreave, not properly prepared to meet the police army’s force with force. Their leaders saw the mass picket at Orgreave as a symbolic stand. The other side saw it, in Thatcher’s words, as ‘mob rule’, and acted accordingly to smash it. Many of the miners did fight back, and hard, but it was too little too late. The BBC news infamously edited its film of Orgreave to make it appear that the miners charged the police lines first, rather than waiting to be attacked. Some might think, if only they had…  

So to today’s moralising class warriors, taking on the all-day cereal business in the fight for a global ideology.

Jesus wept.


Posted: 29th, September 2015 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment (1)

Blackpool woman wore diazepam invisibility cloak to for shoplifting after scratchcard win

invisible woman blackpoolTwo days after winning £25,000 on a scratchcard Nicola Lord, 38, stole perfume from Boots in Lytham.

Lord, who was arrested for shoplifting in 2014 and 2013, “took diazepam which she thought made her invisible when she went stealing”.

Wave965 reports:

She is barred from every Boots store in Britain but still went into the company’s branch in Lytham and stole £514 of perfume…  Lord’s boyfriend David Buckley was removed from proceedings by District Judge Jeff Brailsford sitting at Blackpool Magistrates Court after shouting “ Hello Gorgeous” at Lord as she came into the dock from the custody cells.

Earlier Buckley had sung” We are in the money” outside court and said:”We don’t want to talk about it we don’t want the scrotes to know.”

Lord also admitted an earlier theft of clothing and shoes worth £377 from Marks and Spencer. She is currently on licence after serving eight months in jail.

The judge was told how Lord had a drugs issue. He gave her a 24 week suspended jail term and ordered her to pay £1330 in costs and fines within 35 days after being told by defence lawyer that Lord was due to receive a life changing amount of money within that time.

Lord should know that if you want to be invisible whilst stealing, shopping or breathing, you need to be only one thing: old.


Posted: 29th, September 2015 | In: Reviews, Strange But True | Comment

Marie Black: social workers v the paedophile the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph defended

marie blackMarie Black, 34, was part of a group of adults who offered sex with children as prizes in a raffle. She’s been found guilty of 23 offences including rape. She has been sent to prison for life.


Black sobbed in the dock.

Michael Rogers, 46, from Romford, Essex, was found guilty of 14 counts including cruelty, rape and inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

Jason Adams, 44, from Norwich, was convicted of 13 similar counts.

Carol Stadler, 59, was found guilty of assault causing actual bodily harm. Michael Rogers was found guilty of 14 counts including cruelty and rape.


It was once so very different for Marie Black. Once upon a time, the media supported her. Read it all here.


Posted: 28th, September 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment

LOL: Happy Traveler turns your cat and dog into an astral surfer (photos)

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Happy Traveler “all Natural” calming chews reduces your nervous or anxious cat or dog. What’s in this “all-natural herbal calming formula for stressed, nervous, or anxious pets?” And where can we get some?



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Active Ingredients:
German Chamomile
St. Johns Wort


happy traveler


Posted: 28th, September 2015 | In: Key Posts, Reviews, The Consumer | Comment

Blood Moon: The Daily Express says you’re all dead and the bookies won

Yesterday, Jon Austin has news from Daily Express readers worried about migrants, Muslims, statins, gypsies, the EU and straight bananas: everyone is going to die. Today!

Rare ‘Blood Moon’ OVERNIGHT ‘will bring huge earth-destroying earthquakes’


daily express dead



Are you sitting comfortably?


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But don’t worry because the bookmakers will all die – you can claim your winnings in the great hereafter:


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World ends.

Posted: 28th, September 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment

Liverpool: Klopp says ‘come and get me’ but only if you change

klopp liverpool


Is the next Liverpool manager to be Jurgen Klopp? If it is then changes will need to be made says the Daily Mail:

Klopp will only take Liverpool job if transfer committee is scrapped

Joe Bernstein writes:

Jurgen Klopp would demand the end of Liverpool’s transfer committee if he is to succeed Brendan Rodgers as Liverpool manager.

That’s not exactly new news is it. Back in May, the Metro said the same thing:

The German would demand FSG remove the current four-man committee that decide which players Liverpool decide to buy or sell, leaving Klopp himself to have more influence on the club’s transfer targets.

But is that even correct? In August Klopp said he wasn’t keen on doing transfers:


“The Premier League is very exciting. And we do not only think about the top four because there are some other great clubs below them. In Germany there is a clear separation between manager and sporting director and I think in principle this is very good. Jürgen does not like to speak to players’ agents or to carry out a transfer. So we have to see which is the most useful arrangement.”

But none of it matters because Liverpool don’t want Klopp. talkSport told us that:

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Such are the facts in the mainstream media.


Posted: 28th, September 2015 | In: Liverpool, Reviews, Sports | Comment

The Pope went to America and became a pie chart (photo)

popey pope
Just how popey was the pope today?
Follow him here.

Posted: 28th, September 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment

No More Skinny: The Sun ‘fat-shames’ Steve Wright but not good Dan Wootton

Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 10.55.22The Sun wants readers to know that BBC DJ Steve Wright is not slim. The paper’s Bizarre columns notes:

RADIO 2 favourite Steve Wright appears to have increased the bandwidth of his trousers again.

Look, everyone, it’s Steve Wright from the show Steve Wright In The Afternoon, aka the Sun’s

It’s Steve Wright CHIN the afternoon

Not too long ago the Sun’s “Head of Showbiz” Dan Wootton – read him every day in Bizarre – was cheering on his ‘No More Skinny’ drive, calling for fatter models and the end to the skinny obsession “madness” that does “so much damage to our body-conscious youngsters”.

Wootton wanted to end the cult of skinny models. He invited not-skinny reality TV star Gemma Collins to tell his readers:

“Encouraging girls to be thin is no way to produce a generation of confident healthy women”

Singer Alexandra Burke added:

Beauty should not be defined by waist inches.

The Sun told us that what went for women was true for men:

Around 15-20 per cent of those affected by eating disorders are male. Over 300,000 men were hospitalised with an eating disorder last year. For help and support, visit Men Get Eating Disorders Too at

Wootton told us how great he was:

Despite being a Sun man through and through, I’m also about as far from the tabloid stereotype as you can get. I only moved to the UK from my homeland of New Zealand when I was an adult. I’m also gay – something I’ve been open about since my first job on Fleet Street when I was 23.

I’ve also very openly struggled with my weight for the last decade, with fluctuations of up to four stone across a 12-month period pretty normal for me. As a result, when I became a showbiz columnist I made it a policy to never comment negatively on the weight of a celebrity. This was a sea change from previous male showbiz columnists who didn’t have the same background as me.

So why does the Sun’s showbiz team think it fine to mock Steve Wright?

Posted: 28th, September 2015 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts, Reviews | Comment (1)

Chelsea: Diego Costa dreams of being a Welsh rugby player

Compare and contrast the Daily Mirror’s reporting on Chelsea FC’s Diego Costa and his on-field battle with Arsenal to the England v Wales game at the rugby World Cup:

Costa is a “CON MAN”, who got away with argy-bargy because the referee failed to spot the obvious and then sent off Arsenal’s Gabriel for the miniscule. Costa, says the Mirror, is a “cheat”:




A few days later and England take on Wales at the rugby World Cup. The match momentarily boils over. Collars are lifted. Bodies pile in. But this is not cheating. This is passion and desire to win.




Didn’t Diego Costa also just want to win?

Posted: 28th, September 2015 | In: Chelsea, Reviews, Sports | Comment

Statins makes you age faster and live to 120, say Daily Express and Daily Mail



The Express has news to chill the ill: “Statins Age You Faster.

A GP expert in the field said: “They just make many patients feel years older. Side effects mimic the ageing process.”

He is Professor Reza Izadpanah, a stem cell biologist and lead author of the research published in the American Journal of Physiology. He says:

“Our study shows statins may speed up the ageing process. People who use statins as a preventative medicine for heath should think again as our research shows they may have general unwanted effects on the body which could include muscle pain, nerve problems and joint problems.”




The paper cites another expert:

Dr Malcolm Kendrick, a GP in Macclesfield, Cheshire, who has studied heart health and statins, said: “Statins just make many patients feel years older. This research reinforces what has long been suspected. The side effects of statins mimic the ageing process.

“I observe patients on statins slowing down. Some are not affected, for some it is a relatively subtle process, but for many it is a serious side effect and one which disturbingly helps us confirm what we have long suspected.”

One research paper plus one GP’s opinion… Is that enough?


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The Mail links to a report by The Longevity Panel – “The Panel independently monitors scientific evidence that could potentially explain changes and differences in life expectancy in the UK” . It says:

Research has shown that statins have effects that might directly slow ageing. They reduce inflammation, and slow down the rate by which telomeres shorten.

The Daily Mail has more on how taking statins could make you live longer:

Dr Alex Zhavoronkov, an anti-ageing expert, believes medical advances and knowledge of lifestyles will lead to a far longer life expectancy than has been seen to date…

According to the Office for National Statistics, a boy born in the UK today is expected to live to 78.8 years and a girl to 82.8 years.  Many health experts think most people can exceed that by walking regularly, cutting down on fat, sugar and salt in their diets and using existing drugs such as statins.

The last word is from Professor Reza Izadpanah’s July 2015 study:

In light of our findings it is important to critically balance a possible benefit of statin therapy against the less favorable negative effects of statins. While here we present novel in vitro findings, future in vitro and in vivo studies should aim to better understanding the underlying molecular mechanisms as well as to assess a possible reversibility of long-term statin treatment on stem cell function.

In other words: we on’t know if stains make you age faster, but it’s an interesting idea. The Daily Express really is scaremongering.




Posted: 28th, September 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment