

Reviews Category

We don’t just report off-beat news, breaking news and digest the best and worst of the news media analysis and commentary. We give an original take on what happened and why. We add lols, satire, news photos and original content.

Free speech means defending the racist: Dieudonné must be innocent

Dieudonné fans

Dieudonné fans


Oh, the irony: the racist French entertainer Dieudonné is the subject of a criminal investigation into something he wrote on Facebook. The anti-Semitic Dieudonné – whose taps into the anti-Semitism now rife in France – was arrested and charged with “defending terrorism.”

What did he write? Well:

“Tonight, as far as I’m concerned, I feel like Charlie Coulibaly.”

Coulibaly is the racist who stormed the kosher store and murdered some Jews.

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Posted: 15th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comments (2)

Bristol University Student Union bans Charlie Hebdo for being ‘unsafe’

You can have Paris. But you free speech fundamentalists can never have Bristol University campus. The local Student Union’s “Safe Space” policy forbids free speech lest it fuddle a student’s minds and makes them confront ideas they don’t like.

Bristol University SU officer Alex Bradbook is here to protect the fragile:


bristol university hebdo


Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: 15th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment

Free Speech: New York Times Charlie Hebdo cowardice shames its fight to expose a secret history of the Vietnam War

Attorneys for The New York Times leave the Supreme Court in Washington on June 26, 1971 after presenting arguments against the government’ suit to prevent The New York Times and The Washington Post from publishing articles on the secret history of the Vietnam War. They are, from left: Lawrence McKay; Floyd Abrams; Alexander Bickel, who presented the Times’ case before the court; James Goodale, Times’ Vice President and William Heggerty. (AP Photo/Charles Harrity) Ref #: PA.9574895  Date: 26/06/1971

Attorneys for The New York Times leave the Supreme Court in Washington on June 26, 1971 after presenting arguments against the government’ suit to prevent The New York Times and The Washington Post from publishing articles on the secret history of the Vietnam War. They are, from left: Lawrence McKay; Floyd Abrams; Alexander Bickel, who presented the Times’ case before the court; James Goodale, Times’ Vice President and William Heggerty. (AP Photo/Charles Harrity)

The New York Times did not publish the latest Charlie Hebdo cover:

Larry Buchanan spots this letter in the NYT:

This gem, buried on the letters page of Fridays paper, by the man who defended the nyt in the pentagon papers case.

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Posted: 14th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comments (2)

Drop your #JeSuisCharlie sign: the free speech fundamentalists demand it

Writing in the Huffington Post, Mehdi Hasan says he is ‘fed up with Free Speech Fundamentalists”.

You and I didn’t like George W Bush. Remember his puerile declaration after 9/11 that “either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists”? Yet now, in the wake of another horrific terrorist attack, you appear to have updated Dubya’s slogan: either you are with free speech… or you are against it. Either vous êtes Charlie Hebdo… or you’re a freedom-hating fanatic.

Well, that’s what the mainstream media are telling us. The march for free speech in Paris soon mutated into a march for unity. (Marching right next to Francois Hollande: Ali Bongo of Gabon, who recently who recently “suspended” 3 newspapers. 1 for SATIRE).

The people who slammed Charlie Hebdo when its offices were firebombed were keen to be seen to declare “Jew suits Charlie”, the phrase being a shorthand for ‘look how good I am’. The West’s war on free speech was not over when racist Islamist goons raided the Charlie Hebdo offices and slaughtered the staff. Free speech remains a fragile right.

If you support campus speech codes, ban debate, participated in a campaign to get a TV or radio show off the air, then as Iowahawk says, “drop your #JeSuisCharlie sign”.

Charlie Hebdo understands the fashionable with their Hebdo-branded sandwich-boards.

Fran Lebowitz go to right:

“If people don’t want to listen to you, what makes you think they want to hear from your sweater?’ When I see someone wearing clothing with words on my first reaction is usually, ‘Ooo, I bet you’re really boring!’”

The magazine’s new cover sticks with Mohammed (as if they could choose another subject) and lampoons the weeping and righteous who use the magazine to advertise their sound morals. Others use the cover to show that they are sensitive to Muslims.

They all love Charlie Hebdo, but none are brave enough to be him.



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Michael CalderoneVerified account ‏@mlcalderone NYT runs big news on homepage — “Mohammed Is on Cover of Charlie Hebdo” — yet doesn't show that newsworthy cover:

NYT runs big news on homepage — “Mohammed Is on Cover of Charlie Hebdo” — yet doesn’t show that newsworthy cover:



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Hasan goes on:

…In the midst of all the post-Paris grief, hypocrisy and hyperbole abounds. Yes, the attack was an act of unquantifiable evil; an inexcusable and merciless murder of innocents. But was it really a “bid to assassinate” free speech (ITV’s Mark Austin), to “desecrate” our ideas of “free thought” (Stephen Fry)? It was a crime – not an act of war – perpetrated by disaffected young men; radicalised not by drawings of the Prophet in Europe in 2006 or 2011, as it turns out, but by images of US torture in Iraq in 2004.

Radicalised by images of US torture they murdered Jews? We can add “being Jewish” to the list of “provocations” then. And the killers shouted: “The prophet has been avenged.”

Please get a grip. None of us believes in an untrammelled right to free speech.

None of us? Charlie Hebdo does. All of the people carrying “Jew Suis Charlie” signs do. Well, no of course they don’t. That’s just fashion, like wearing a Katherine Hamnett Me-shirt.  Carrying a “Je suis Charlie” sign declaring #Illridewithyou or #bringbackourgirls (and pity fashion victim Michelle Obama for that display of indulgence) is vanity; wearing your beliefs as something you can pull on and off as the mood takes.


Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher greets fashion designer Katharine Hamnett, wearing at-shirt with a nuclear missile protest message, at 10 Downing Street, where she hosted a reception for British Fashion Week designers. Archive-1131406crop Ref #: PA.16297039

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher greets fashion designer Katharine Hamnett, wearing at-shirt with a nuclear missile protest message, at 10 Downing Street, where she hosted a reception for British Fashion Week designers.
Ref #: PA.16297039


And irony of ironies:

French comedian Dieudonne has been arrested for allegedly defending terrorism in a Facebook comment referencing last week’s attacks in Paris.

Free speech no buts.. He should not be arrested.

Playing on the slogan “Je suis Charlie”, the comedian wrote: “Tonight, as far as I’m concerned, I feel like Coulibaly.” Amedy Coulibaly is accused of murdering a policewoman and then storming a kosher supermarket, shooting dead four shoppers.


We all agree there are always going to be lines that, for the purposes of law and order, cannot be crossed; or for the purposes of taste and decency, should not be crossed. We differ only on where those lines should be drawn.

And yes. How we decide those lines is by testing them and with open debate. So. We are all for free speech.

As ever the mood turns to – yep – the Jews, who really were targetted victims of the slaughter (unless you watch CNN and know that if you want to murder Muslims you find them in the kosher store):

Has your publication, for example, run cartoons mocking the Holocaust? No?

The Holocaust was industrial mass murder. Well, to those who believe it happened; to those who believe the Jews are worthy of it (they never learn); to those who put on the anti-Semitic Holocaust cartoon show:

More than 200 Holocaust cartoons from around the world are on display at a museum in the Iranian capital, Tehran. Organisers of the exhibition say they are testing the West’s commitment to freedom of speech. A competition to choose the drawings was announced in February, in response to caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad published by European newspapers. Israel’s Holocaust authority, Yad Vashem, criticised the exhibition, calling it a “flashing red light”.

The drawings were chosen from nearly 1,200 entries received from various countries including the United States, Indonesia and Turkey. One of the cartoons shows the Statue of Liberty holding a book on the Holocaust in one hand and giving a Nazi salute with the other.

No Jews murdered the cartoonists who mocked the victims of the atrocity that was the Holocaust. The Holocaust it not a religious figure. Unless Hasan says it is. Unless the Holocaust now defines the Jews more than their Covenant with God. If Jews can be portrayed as barbaric murderers and child abusers who never learned the ‘lesson’ of the Holocaust, maybe they can be rendered less. Rather than being the victims of industrial mass murder, they can be sub-humans who, you know, were asking for it.

Holocaust denial is rife in the Middle East. So too is anti-Semitism. There are so many parallels between the imagery used by classic anti-semitism and anti-Zionist propaganda:





Cartoonist Kirshen notes:

After the Holocaust proved the victimhood of the Jewish people, Antisemitism and the Antisemitic memes of the image-codes needed to evolve into a holocaustresistant form which would deny Jewish victimhood. Moral Inversion Codes invert the horrors by depict the victims as the perpetrators. Thus the Jew becomes the Nazi or the terrorist suicide bomber, rather than their victim.

When you’re a Jew you look for codes.






Furthermore the drawing reflects a major anti-Semitic motif which has its historical origins in Britain – the blood libel. It was invented in the twelfth century in Norwich. At that time, it was falsely claimed that Jews had killed a twelve year old Christian boy named William for ritual purposes. The story kept going around. A few decades later, like in many other places in England all of the Jews in Norwich were murdered. From Britain, the blood libel about the Jews spread to other Christian countries.

The blood libel form twelfth century in Norwich. The story went that Jews had killed a twelve year old Christian boy named William for Passover. ed.


Michael Howard  - then Tory leader

Michael Howard – then Tory leader

The Guardian

The Guardian

The Sydney Morning Herald - not an Israeli but a Jew

The Sydney Morning Herald – not an Israeli but a Jew


Norway’s Dagbladet showed this:


lm Schindler's List, one of Norway's largest newspapers recently published a political cartoon comparing Prime Minster Ehud Olmert to the infamous commander of a Nazi death camp who indiscriminately murdered Jews by firing at them at random from his balcony. The caricature by political cartoonist Finn Graff appeared on July 10 in the Oslo daily Dagbladet. It has prompted outrage among the country's small Jewish community and led the Simon Weisenthal Center to submit a protest to the Norwegian government. In the cartoon, Olmert is likened to SS Major Amon Goeth, the infamous commandant of the Plaszow death camp outside of Krakow, Poland, who was convicted of mass murder in 1946 and hanged for his crimes. While in charge of Plaszow, Goeth would go out to the balcony on his villa, and engage in target practice by aiming his telescopic rifle and firing at random at Jews imprisoned there, often killing them. The scene was famously depicted by director Steven Spielberg in his 1993 film, Schindler's List..

JPOST: ln Schindler’s List, one of Norway’s largest newspapers recently published a political cartoon comparing Prime Minster Ehud Olmert to the infamous commander of a Nazi death camp who indiscriminately murdered Jews by firing at them at random from his balcony. The caricature by political cartoonist Finn Graff appeared on July 10 in the Oslo daily Dagbladet. It has prompted outrage among the country’s small Jewish community and led the Simon Weisenthal Center to submit a protest to the Norwegian government. In the cartoon, Olmert is likened to SS Major Amon Goeth, the infamous commandant of the Plaszow death camp outside of Krakow, Poland, who was convicted of mass murder in 1946 and hanged for his crimes. While in charge of Plaszow, Goeth would go out to the balcony on his villa, and engage in target practice by aiming his telescopic rifle and firing at random at Jews imprisoned there, often killing them. The scene was famously depicted by director Steven Spielberg in his 1993 film, Schindler’s List..


The same paper came up with this. The demon at the head (and like that fork) and the woman at the feet are both blood-soaked Jews.



 ‘Mistreatment? No, this is a tradition, an important part of our belief.’

‘Mistreatment? No, this is a tradition, an important part of our belief.’


The accusation is that Jews are barbaric. But the same goes for Muslims, who also cricumcise boys. One glance at their genitals indicate that they are subhumans, unworthy of mercy. Jews should abandon their ‘barbaric’ customs and adopt a civilised way of life. Deprive Jews of the empathy normally felt for human beings.

A decree by the Seleucid emperor Antiochus IV commanded Jews to leave their sons uncircumcised or face death. This decree against the ‘barbaric’ behaviour of an ‘uneducated’ people, issued by an imperial civilisation, was part of a comprehensive campaign to destroy the Jewish way of life. The revolt against the decree, led by Judah Maccabee, is still considered one of the defining moments of Judaism.

Frank Ferudi:

It is difficult to make sense of the strong views held by campaigners and policymakers who seek to criminalise and pathologise the circumcision of Jewish and Muslim boys. Last Tuesday, a resolution passed by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe condemned male circumcision as a ‘violation of the physical integrity of children’. Unlike Antiochus IV, these parliamentarians did not use the narrative of a civilisational mission against barbarism to justify their assault on people’s way of life; instead they used the apparently neutral language of health and child protection to legitimise their crusade. The Council’s resolution called on governments to ‘clearly define the medical, sanitary and other conditions to be ensured for practices such as the non-medically justified circumcision of young boys’.

The Council’s attempt to stigmatise circumcision coincides with a growing campaign against circumcision in Scandinavia and Germany. In recent weeks there has been a veritable culture war against this age-old practice. Most of the time, the crusade is conducted in a very politically correct language which avoids any explicitly culturally loaded terminology. In this vein, the German Social Democratic parliamentarian Marle Rupprecht argued that the Council’s resolution, which she supports, ‘does not intend to stigmatise any religious community or its practices’. As far as she is concerned, it’s all about the child – and if the campaign against circumcision inflames anti-Semitism, well, that is a price worth paying for this holy cause, apparently

Having picked out the Jews – always the Jews – as the West’s scared cow (attack them and attck all the West holds dear; the Jewish State a scapegoat for globalization and modernity), Hasan concludes:

Let’s be clear: I agree there is no justification whatsoever for gunning down journalists or cartoonists.

That a pretty low bar: murder is wrong.

I disagree with your seeming view that the right to offend comes with no corresponding responsibility; and I do not believe that a right to offend automatically translates into a duty to offend.

A duty to challenge is what makes us free.

When you say “Je suis Charlie“, is that an endorsement of Charlie Hebdo‘s depiction of the French justice minister, Christiane Taubira, who is black, drawn as a monkey? Of crude caricatures of bulbous-nosed Arabs that must make Edward Said turn in his grave?

Lampooning racism by reproducing brazenly racist imagery is a pretty dubious satirical tactic….

It’s for these reasons that I can’t “be”, don’t want to “be”, Charlie – if anything, we should want to be Ahmed, the Muslim policeman who was killed while protecting the magazine’s right to exist. As the novelist Teju Cole has observed, “It is possible to defend the right to obscene… speech without promoting or sponsoring the content of that speech.”

Ahmed was an innocent victim. Was he shot because he was a Muslim? The Jews were shot dead because of their religion. The Charlie Hebdo staff were shot dead for their beliefs. Hasan makes no mention of that. Instead anti-Semitism  – which is murderous and very real – is again used as a weapon to show that those Jews get special treatment:

And why have you been so silent on the glaring double standards? Did you not know that Charlie Hebdo sacked the veteran French cartoonist Maurice Sinet in 2008 for making an allegedly anti-Semitic remark?

Always the Jews.

…Muslims, I guess, are expected to have thicker skins than their Christian and Jewish brethren.

If only the Jews has rhino hides it might have stopped the Islamists’ bullets.

You could see Jews and Muslims and blacks and browns as the Others, who fight for a place in Europe. But easier to compare and copntrast. Easier to show your own side as the bigger victims.

And then – for the third time – Hasan shows how Jews get preferential treament:

Weren’t you sickened to see Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of a country that was responsible for the killing of seven journalists in Gaza in 2014, attend the “unity rally” in Paris? Bibi was joined by Angela Merkel, chancellor of a country where Holocaust denial is punishable by up to five years in prison, and David Cameron, who wants to ban non-violent “extremists” committed to the “overthrow of democracy” from appearing on television.

You could pick any number of World leader whose committment to free speech and freedom credentials would wilt under scrutiny. But he picks the one Jew. You could pick on Turkey, a nation leading the world in journalist imprisonment.

But he picks the Jew. He picks the Holocaust.

Pick. Pick. Pick. Until it bleeds…

But it was all about free speech. And free speech with no buts. Voltaire proclaimed: “I disapprove of what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it.”

So. Say it. We’ll exhange views. No-one will get hurt. It’s good to talk…


Posted: 14th, January 2015 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment

Inappropriate BBC asks ‘How welcome are Africans in the UK’

The BBC has tweeted a question: “How welcome are Africans in the UK?”

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Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: 14th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment

Charlie Hebdo: The BBC and New York Times reject Jew Suis Charlie and Muhammad’s tears

The Charlie Hebdo cover is all over the web. For those of you have not yet seen it, it’s here below. Charlie Hebdo manages to reproduce the character at the centre of the controversy (no choice there) whilst mocking the people who before the massacre slammed the magazine for causing offence and now brandish the legend ‘I am Charlie’ as a advert to their own good morals. Who needs a cross on a necklace when you have a Charlie Hebdo magazine tucked under your arm?



This week's Charlie Hebdo, featuring Muhammad again! "All is forgiven." Love it.
Three million copies of the so-called “survivors’ edition” are being printed. The usual print run is 60,000. So. Buy a copy and show off your commitment to free speech. But, better still, exercise it.

The cover shows Muhammad shedding a single tear under the headline: “All is forgiven”. He holds the message: “Je suis Charlie.”

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: 13th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment

CNN reports: attack on Paris kosher supermarket was an attack on Muslims who shop there

We go live to Paris, where CNN are by a kosher supermarket where people have been murdered. Some, like the French Preesident, say the attack on a kosher supermarket was driven by rabid anti-semitism.

But CNN seeks to clarify. Chris Cuomo is talking to grocery expert Isa Soares. It turns out that the kosher supermaket is a Muslim supermarket. It’s not anti-Semitism, after all:



If the BBC Tim Willcox is looking for a new challenge, he’d fit right in at CNN…


Posted: 13th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment

The incredible 30 linkbait phrases Buzzfeed uses to get clicks before your cat dies

You’ll never believe what happens next:





Spotter: Max Woolf, via Boing Boing

Posted: 13th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment

Free speech is now compulsory: here are the rules

Free speech is compulsory in England:


free speech


A council spokesman said:

“Everyone verbally exercising their freedom of speech at the same time not only contravenes a noise pollution bylaw, but also makes it difficult for our many council stenographers who are trying to illicitly record what everyone is saying”.



By Richard Littler (and here), who soemtimes writers for

Posted: 13th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment

Phi Kappa Psi are criminals-in-waiting: University of Virginia implements nutzoid rules for innocent students

change uva


Rolling Stone magazine’s story of a gang rape at Universty of Virgina was wrong. No crime happened. But something changed. After ‘Jackie’ claimed she was gang-raped on Sept. 28, 2012 by seven members of Phi Kappa Psi, the Greek fraternity was suspended.

Their fraternity house was damaged by angry students.

And now the story has been debunked, the Phi Kappa Psi is back in the game. But the rules have changed. Universersity president Teresa Sullivan has created a new Fraternal Organization Agreement Aimed to Enhance Safety.

University of Virginia President Teresa A. Sullivan authorized today (Jan. 6) new addenda to the University’s Fraternal Organization Agreement that were submitted by the four student-led Greek leadership councils. The new addenda outline specific practices that each fraternity and sorority will put in place to enhance the safety of their members and guests.

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Posted: 13th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment

Barack Obama backs San Antonio Spurs over free speech and Paris

So. Barack Obama wasn’t at the Paris unity rally (formerly the rally for free speech):

The White House erred in not sending a higher-profile representative to this weekend’s solidarity march in France following a terrorist attack on a satirical newspaper, press secretary Josh Earnest said Monday.

“It’s fair to say we should have sent someone with a higher profile to be there,” Earnest told reporters at the White House.

“Had the circumstances been a little bit different, I think the president himself would have liked to be there,” Earnest added. . . .

What was Obama doing?

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: 13th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment

Terror attack on US military: Pentagon denies retweeting Piers Morgan

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The Daily Mail states the bald facts on its front cover.

So. What was it. Are the nuclear codes safe?

Hackers claiming to work on behalf of Islamic State militants seized control of the Twitter and YouTube sites of the military’s U.S. Central Command on Monday.

Says one Pentagon source: “If they retweet Piers Morgan or make a comment criticising Charlie Hebdo, we’re f**ked.”

Posted: 13th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment

This week’s Charlie Hebdo, featuring Muhammad: ‘All is forgiven’

This week’s Charlie Hebdo, featuring Muhammad: “All is forgiven.”

It’s brilliant!


This week's Charlie Hebdo, featuring Muhammad again! "All is forgiven." Love it.

Posted: 13th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment

Anti-semitism is thriving: Jews of France keep a bag packed under the bed for the coming Exodus


DREYfus 2


France’s Prime Minister Manuel Valls is the Socialist son of Spnish immigrants. He sees the anti-Semitism:

“If 100,000 French people of Spanish origin were to leave, I would never say that France is not France anymore. But if 100,000 Jews leave, France will no longer be France. The French Republic will be judged a failure.”

Stephen Pollard , editor of the Jewish Chronicle tweets:

“Every single French Jew I know has either left or is actively working out how to leave. So, it’s a fluke that the latest target is a kosher grocer, is it? What’s going on in France – outrages that have been getting worse for years – put our antisemitism problems in perspective. It is the largest emigration of Jews anywhere since the war. That’s a simple fact.”





Is it bad?

Jews were the target of 40 per cent of all racist crimes in France in 2013 – even though they comprise less than 1 per cent of the population. Attacks on Jews have risen sevenfold since the 1990s.

The history:

Andrew Hussey, an author and expert on French Muslim affairs, says: “anti-Semitism is a fundamental part of French history and culture in a very damaging way. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the petite bourgeoisie felt under threat from the Catholic Church and socialist movements. They turned to the Jews to blame them for every fault in French society, which culminated in the Dreyfus Affair.”




Valls adds:

“There is a new anti-Semitism in France… We have the old anti-Semitism, and I’m obviously not downplaying it, that comes from the extreme right, but this new anti-Semitism comes from the difficult neighborhoods, from immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa, who have turned anger about Gaza into something very dangerous. Israel and Palestine are just a pretext. There is something far more profound taking place now.”

Patrick Worrall looks at the facts:

In 2014, some 6,658 French Jews left for Israel, more than double the 2013 total of 3,263 people. And this was already considerably more than the 1,923 Jews who left France for Israel in 2012…

The official Israeli Aliyah figures only show how many French Jews are moving to Israel. There are plenty of anecdotal reports of people leaving France for London and New York, although we can’t confirm or deny this with statistics.

FactCheck knows of one synagogue in north London that is renting space to a community group for French-speaking Jews, but we don’t know how big a trend this is.

So it is possible that the Jewish “exodus” from France is even bigger. On the other hand, the official figures don’t tell us how much traffic is coming in the opposite direction.

Not many.

DREYfus 4



Nearly 75 percent of thousands of French Jews who participated in a recent survey said they are considering emigrating.

The survey, whose results were released Monday by the Paris-based Siona organization of Sephardic French Jews, encompassed 3,833 respondents from the Jewish community of France, Siona said.

Of the 74.2 percent of respondents who said they are considering leaving, 29.9 percent cited anti-Semitism. Another 24.4 cited their desire to “preserve their Judaism,” while 12.4 percent said they were attracted by other countries. “Economic considerations” was cited by 7.5 percent of the respondents.

In total, 95.2 percent of all respondents to the online survey conducted by Siona from April 17 to May 16 said they viewed anti-Semitism as “very worrisome” or “worrisome.”

Slightly more than half, or 57.5 percent, of respondents, said “Jews have no future in France,” while 30.6 percent said there is a future for Jews there.

Asked whether they had personally experienced anti-Semitic incidents in the past two years, 14.5 percent replied in the affirmative but of those, only 21.2 filed a complaint with police. Of the complainants, 27.6 percent indicated that their deposition had led to concrete results.

Melanie Phillips:

The decades-long targeting of French Jews has barely been reported in the British or western media, which subscribe instead to the mantra that the main evil is “Islamophobia”. They ignore the fact that, rooted in Islamic doctrine and appropriating obscene Nazi motifs, demonic Jew-hatred pours daily out of the Muslim world.

Such are the facts…

Pictures: Léon Lipschutz collection of Dreyfusiana and French Judaica

Posted: 12th, January 2015 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (2)

Free Speech: But not for Condoleezza Rice and Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Matthew Continetti nails the free speech phonies:

…the outpouring of support for free speech in the aftermath of the Paris attack coincides with, and partially obscures, the degradation of speech rights in the West. Commencement last year was marked by universities’ revoking of appearances by speakers Condoleezza Rice and Ayaan Hirsi Ali for no other reason than that mobs disagreed with the speakers’ points of view. I do not recall liberals rallying behind Condi and Hirsi Ali then.

Free speech is under the cosh on campus. The students demand complaince.

Read it all. 

Posted: 12th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment

Get Marc Jacobs to the Kurds now: because like the Nazis, jihadis look cool in uniform black

Nazi jihad


Because black can be very flattering. Richard Fernandez on why bad guys get the best outfits:

“Our Western leaders are on one side of the chessboard and the big kingpins of the international Jihad — the Middle Eastern billionaires and the heads of rogue state intelligence agencies — are on the other. Their foot soldiers in the lands of Islam might be starvelings fighting for a pittance. But their recruits in the West, the Lone Wolves, come from that part of the population which in each generation doesn’t want to stay on the conveyor belt. . . . It’s easy to forget how important image-identification can be. One reason the Brownshirts out-attracted the Communist youth street gangs was the Nazis’ investment in uniforms. While Communist street fighters were dressed in clothes that made them look like municipal garbagemen, the Brownshirts wore uniforms by Hugo Boss.”

How to win the war on terror: get the Kurds Vivienne Westwood and Marc Jacobs now! They can have John Galliano and Dior.

And round up the usual suspects…


Posted: 12th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment

Jews deserve to be murdered wherever they are: Well, so says the BBC

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Charlie Hebdo deserved it because of what France does to Muslims. The UK deserved 7/7 because of what the UK does to Muslims. The USA deserved it because of what the USA does to Muslims. The Muslims deserve it because of what Muslims do to Muslims in Syria. The Muslims deserve it because of what Muslism do in Gaza. The Muslims deserve it because of what Muslims do to Jews in Gaza. The Muslims deserve it because of what Muslims do to Christians in Egypt. Buddhists deserve to be murdered because of what they do to Muslims in Mayamar. Muslims deserve it because Hamas makes a virtue of placing civilians in danger and using human shields.

The Jews deserve it because of what Israel does to Muslims.

The Jews deserve it because of the banks. The Jews deserve it because they are all rich. The Jews deserve it because they make Passover with the blood of Christian children. The Jews deserve because they are the darkness that will not embrace the light of Christ. The Jews deserve it because they contol the world. The Jews deserve it because they assimilate and are the ‘spy within’. The Jews deserve it because they control the media. The Jews deserve it because they have a Jewish lobby that dictates wars. The Jews deserve it because they never learn, even after the pogroms and the Holocaust. The Jews deserve it because there is a Jewish country. The Jews have recreated the Warsaw ghetto. The Jews are not worthy of the Holocaust.

The Jews always deserve it.

Well, so they say.

The BBC reporter Tim Willcox is talking to a Jewish woman scared for her future in the face of murderous anti-Semitism:



The Jews always deserve it. But it’s never anti-Semitism. It’s just the way it is…

Posted: 12th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comments (6)

Fox News gaffe-master Steve Emerson says sorry to the people of the Birmingham (now twinned with Mecca)


So. We saw the Fox News terrorism expert Steve Emerson explain to one and all that Birmingham UK is a no-go area for non Muslims.

On his blog, you can view his video on an article called ‘Emerson on Fox with Judge Pirro on How the US is Manipulating the Truth on Radical Islam’.


Emerson is in the business of terror:

He serves as the Executive Director of The Investigative Project on Terrorism…

He and his organization have been quoted or profiled in hundreds of newspaper and television stories since 9-11.

He’s now issued a correction:


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Next up on Fox, global jihad expert Bill Wyman on Charlie Hebdo #jewsuisunrockstar.



Posted: 12th, January 2015 | In: Reviews, TV & Radio | Comment

Fox News expert on Islam UK: Only Muslims are allowed to enter Birmingham

'See yous at Black Friday prayers' -  Birmingham's Ayatollah Ozzy

‘See yous at Black Friday prayers’ – Birmingham’s Ayatollah Ozzy


Fox News has the experts who know about Islam and the UK.

Terrorism ‘expert’ Steven Emerson states that Birmingham, UK is ‘entirely Muslim’ and that non Muslims ‘simply don’t go in’.


Ian Rennie @theangelremiel: Birmingham is entirely populated by muslims.  Unlike nearby Wolverhampton, which is entirely populated by wolves. #foxnewsfacts

Posted: 11th, January 2015 | In: Reviews, TV & Radio | Comments (3)

What no Muslim anti-semitism? The media focus on Islamophobia ignores attacks on Jews

The Charlie Hebdo massacre and murders at a kosher supermarket in Paris got everyone talking about free speech.

(Their love of free speech ‘no buts…’ won’t last. The Paris free speech rally has morphed into a “unity” rally led by people with no interest in free speech. Gabon’s state-run media regulatory agency, the National Communications Council, suspended three newspapers in 2013, one of them a satirical work. That’s Gabon’s President Ali Bongo on the Paris march. Also marching was US campus censor Eric Holder and:


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Let’s hope someone holds up a Charlie Hebdo cartoon and vomits on them all. If this is who you allow to lead a march to support free speech, you’re doing it wrong.)

But what about the racism?

Why-oh-why was the kosher store targetted? Anyone got the foggiest? Want to guess? The gunman and four hostages died at the Hypercasher supermarket near Porte de Vincennes. Yohan Cohen was murdered when he went for jihadi Amedy Coulibaly’s gun. Yoav Hattab died trying to grabbing one of two weapons held by the racist killer.

In all, Islamists murdered 17 people. Since then the BBC has written the following stories on Islamophobia and anti-Semitism. There have been attacks on Muslim places of worship and stores. Blessedly, the nutters have not hurt anyone.


BBC reports on the Anti-Semitic nature of the assaults:

January 10: “Charlie Hebdo hunt: Bloody end to sieges”

French President Francois Hollande not the BBC used the term:

“We must be implacable towards racism,” he added, saying that the supermarket attack was an “appalling anti-Semitic act”.

Well, if he says attacking a kosher supermarket was based on anti-Semitism, then we won’t argue.

That’s ONE story on anti-semitism.


BBC reports on Islamophbia since the assaults:

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Total: 6 stories.

Does that seem odd to you? The real murders of Jews is less racially motivated than the largely perceived violent backlash against Muslims?

Jews are under threat in France. Only Jews – and this is true for the UK – pray behind guards and fences. Do men with walkie-talkies patrol your church or mosque at prayer time? Is your local Jewish school behind barbed wire? It is in the UK and it is in France.

Teacher Isaac Berg was in the kosher supermarket at the Porte de Vincennes 15 minutes before Friday’s hostage-taking.

“We’re afraid, but what more could the government do to protect us?” he said. “Our schools and places of worship have already been guarded for the last two years. People wouldn’t want a police escort to go shopping.”

In Toulouse in 2012, Mohammad Merah murdered a rabbi and three children at a Jewish school, pulling an eight-year-old girl by her hair to shoot her in the head.

In 2014:

French President Francois Hollande has spoken out against an “unbearable” assault on a young couple near Paris which ministers say was anti-Semitic. The two victims, a woman aged 19 and her boyfriend, 21, were tied up in his family’s flat and the woman was raped.

Their lawyer said three men had burst into the flat, telling the boyfriend: “You Jews, you have money.”

In 2014, a French jihadist was accused of murdering four people in a gun attack on the Jewish museum in the Belgian capital, Brussels.

Since the Paris attacks, the Guardian has written 25 stories in Islamophbia, including:

Charlie Hebdo: Norway didn’t give in to Islamophobia, nor should France. The Charlie Hebdo killers want to provoke anti-Islam sentiment among the public, just as Anders Breivik did. But France must resist

Muslims fear backlash after Charlie Hebdo deaths as Islamic sites attacked

Muslims in Europe fear anti-Islamic mood will intensify after Paris attacks

And two on anti-semitism:

Paris’s Jewish community retreats in shock after deadly end to siege – Residents of neighbourhood where policewoman was shot dead say gunman Amedy Coulibaya intended to target Jewish school

Charlie Hebdo: first they came for the cartoonists, then they came for the Jews

What about the right-wing Press?

Well, the Sun has produced one stopry on Anti-Semitism, which is just that quote again:

But the girlfriend of Islamic extremist gunman Amedy Coulibaly is believed to still be on the loose after the attack which French President Francois Hollande described as a “dreadful anti-Semitic act”. Police have said Hayat Boumeddiene, 26, is “armed and dangerous”.

And two menions of Islamphobia:

Shereen Nanjarani notes in her column: “Wednesday’s attack will only stir up more Islamophobia. And that’s what the terrorists want.”

Well, that and to kill Jews.


NY Daily News blurs cartoon of Mohammed, leaves hooked-nosed Jew

NY Daily News blurs cartoon of Mohammed, leaves hooked-nosed Jew



The other mention in the Sun is this:

THE partner of murdered Charlie Hebdo editor Stephane Charbonnier has described him as “a real hero”.

Jeanette Bougrab was with vehement left-winger Charbonnier – known as Charb – despite having been a minister in Nicolas Sarkozy’s conservative government.

She said: “Stephane was an exceptional person, a real hero, a hero I loved in spite of our very different political views.

“A war has been declared in France. If you have a pencil, someone will kill you. He knew he was under threat, but he still declined government protection for Charlie Hebdo. He was accused of every sin and nobody defended him. Securalism is the fight against fundamentalist, he was ready to die for his ideas. But today those who defend secularism are accused of Islamophobia.”

Such are the facts…

Posted: 11th, January 2015 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (2)

Man-eating tortoise clamped onto drunk’s lip after he attempted to eat it alive

tortoise lip


“I thought he wanted to buy it and cook it at home, but he said he wanted to eat it now,” says Zhang Lun, a stallholder at a market in China’s capital Beijing.

Bao Yu had been browsing Lun’s wares when he picked up a live tortoise and tried to eat it.

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: 11th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment

Germany’s Hamburg Morgenpost attacked after reprinting Charlie Hebdo Mohammed cartoons

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First they came for Charlie Hebdo. Then they came for the Jews. Then people threw stones at the headquarters of Germany’s Hamburg Morgenpost, which had reprinted Charlie Hebdo’s Mohammed cartoons.




The paper says an incendiary device was thrown into the cellar. Some files were burnt. No-one was hurt.

Can you spot the victim?



Posted: 11th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment (1)

Guardian cartoonist Martin Rowson vomits on those demanding more Mohammed cartoons

Martin Rowson hs been called a coward. Why? Rowson, a Guardian cartoonist, drew this cartoon and not a different one:


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After the murderous attack on Charlie Hebdo, the new free speech activists on Twitter are demanding more free speaking. Failure to comply with what they want will result in criticism.

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: 10th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment (1)

Charlie Hebdo to The Pope, Obama, Putin and Prince Harry: ‘We vomit on all these people’



You looking for a hero for the Charlie Hebdo story? Look no futher than Dutch cartoonist . When yold that Prince Harry, the Queen, The Pope, Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin are now ‘Je Suis Charlie Hebdo’, responded:

“We vomit on all these people who suddenly say they are our friends.”


“It really makes me laugh. A few years ago, thousands of people took to the streets in Pakistan to demonstrate against Charlie Hebdo. They didn’t know what it was. Now it’s the opposite. But if people are protesting to defend freedom of speech, naturally that’s a good thing.”

Let’s see how long this love of free speech lasts…

Spotter: Dutch daily Volkskrant.

Photo: Prince Harry signs a book of condolence at the French Embassy in Knightsbridge, London for the victims of the terrorist attack on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, with photos of the 12 victims above.

Posted: 10th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment