

Reviews Category

We don’t just report off-beat news, breaking news and digest the best and worst of the news media analysis and commentary. We give an original take on what happened and why. We add lols, satire, news photos and original content.

Chelsea Balls: Calling Jose Mourinho A ‘Racist’ Is Stupid



RACISM is such a big issue, you wouldn’t think a national newspaper who use it as a cheap way to score hits, would you? So. When we read in the Daily Express of a Jose ‘Mourinho Race Row”, we’re intrigued. Can the Chelsea boss have erred?

Football is used as a cipher for all society’s ill, so maybe he’s it is just a lot of shouting about very little.

The Express‘ story is a link to a story in the Daily Star, it’s sister publication that once supported the EDL.

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Posted: 9th, October 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

Witchcraft In The UK And African Churches: Children Are Murdered When Exorcism Fails

THE Sun has an interesting story on witchcraft in the UK:

HUNDREDS of British tots are victims of ritual abuse by parents convinced their child is possessed, police said yesterday. The Sun told on Tuesday how people in South London performed a 4am exorcism on a toddler.

In another case outlined at the Met’s Witchcraft and Spirit Possession event, a youngster was starved, beaten and caged as the parents feared evil spirits would jump from the child. One victim told how her aunt force-fed her for being a witch.


And not at all far-fetched.

In 2010, Uganda’s Minister for Ethics and Integrity James Buturo appealed for help. The report:

He appealed to religious leaders regardless of the difference in faith to spearhead the campaigns to wipeout witchcraft and homosexuality in the country.


Exhibits Officer DC Mark Ham holds up a pair of children's shorts during a press conference at New Scotland Yard in central London. Police believe the shorts, which were found in the river Thames, may be connected to the murder of a young boy. * ... whose torso was found in the Thames near London Bridge. A world expert in African ritualistic murder was travelling to Britain to join the hunt for the killer of a boy whose torso was found in a river. Detectives hope forensic pathologist Dr Hendrik Scholtz will be able to shed new light on the death of the five-year-old, whose severed body was discovered floating in the Thames. Officers believe the boy could be the first person in the UK to die in a "muti killing of a kind known to have been practised in South Africa". The killings are done by witch doctors who use the victim's body parts for black magic potions. Dr Scholtz, from the Gauteng health department in South Africa, was heading to London ahead of a second post-mortem, which he will carry out. 02/07/03 : Police have arrested a 37-year old Nigerian man in Dublin in connection with the murder of the unidentified youngster who has been named Adam. Detectives fear the youngster, believed to have been between four and seven, was brought to London and killed as a human sacrifice.  Ref #: PA.1527996  Date: 25/01/2002

Exhibits Officer DC Mark Ham holds up a pair of children’s shorts during a press conference at New Scotland Yard in central London. Police believe the shorts, which were found in the river Thames, may be connected to the murder of a young boy. * … whose torso was found in the Thames near London Bridge. A world expert in African ritualistic murder was travelling to Britain to join the hunt for the killer of a boy whose torso was found in a river. Detectives hope forensic pathologist Dr Hendrik Scholtz will be able to shed new light on the death of the five-year-old, whose severed body was discovered floating in the Thames. Officers believe the boy could be the first person in the UK to die in a “muti killing of a kind known to have been practised in South Africa”. The killings are done by witch doctors who use the victim’s body parts for black magic potions. Detectives fear the youngster, believed to have been between four and seven, was brought to London and killed as a human sacrifice. Date: 25/01/2002


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Posted: 9th, October 2014 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment

Ebola Watch: US And Europe Act After The Horse Has Bolted

Bellevue Hospital nurse Belkys Fortune, left, and Teressa Celia, Associate Director of Infection Prevention and Control, pose in protective suits in an isolation room, in the Emergency Room of the hospital, during a demonstration of procedures for possible Ebola patients, Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014.

Bellevue Hospital nurse Belkys Fortune, left, and Teressa Celia, Associate Director of Infection Prevention and Control, pose in protective suits in an isolation room, in the Emergency Room of the hospital, during a demonstration of procedures for possible Ebola patients, Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014.


EBOLA Watch: a look at reproting on Ebola in the news.

The Star focuses on one pupil:

Britain in a state of panic as Ebola virus hits UK school

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Posted: 9th, October 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

Black-Eyed Children To Win X Factor

THE Daily Star has hit upon a theme: Black-eyed children are picking on Strictly Come Dancing stars. They might even be bullying them.

Anorak can exclusively reveal that the black-eyed chidlren are formerly known as Jedward:


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Posted: 9th, October 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

Peanuts: Charlie Brown Is Cancer Boy – A Nihilist Allegory

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Todd Graham writes:

This lost classic short film of 1990 is a post reunification Nihilist allegory of the tensions between the immigrant worker population of Germany and the natives who still long for Heimat. When foreign bullies cajole a young German man into trying to kick an American football. Hilarity ensues.

We all hate you, Charlie Brown!


Posted: 8th, October 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

Brenda Leyland: The McCanns, A Scarecrow And God

BRENDA Leyland continues to make news. Today’s round-up of the woman branded the “Madeleine McCann troll”:

New India Express – yep, it’s an international story:

…No one in the neat village of Burton Overy, Leics, suspected that Mrs Leyland had a cruel bone in her body, let alone the sort of mindset to pursue a vitriolic campaign again the grieving parents of the missing child, Madeleine McCann.

A likeable, churchgoing woman of no obviously strong views, she seemed more interested in gardening, photography and quizzes than any solitary obsession with tweeting. She also had a passionate, innocuous leading role in the village’s annual scarecrow competition.

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Posted: 8th, October 2014 | In: Madeleine McCann, Reviews | Comment

Face of The Day: Ray Cole Comes Home From Morocco, A Place Beyond Parody


FACE of the day:

Ray Cole (centre) is greeted by his family at Gatwick Airport in West Sussex as he returns from Morocco following his release from prison for being gay. Cole, 69, was imprisoned for four months with his Moroccan friend Jamal Jam Wald Nass after homosexual images were found on his password-protected phone.

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Posted: 8th, October 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

Islam’s Problem: Ben Affleck Misses The Forest For The Trees


Andrew Sullivan:

There’s been so much going on I let this one pass. But since you ask, I think it’s pretty indisputable that any religion that can manifest itself in the form of something like ISIS in any period in history is in a very bad way. I know they’re outliers – even with respect to al Qaeda. But, leaving these mass murderers and sadists to one side, any religion that still cannot allow its own texts to be subject to scholarly and historical inquiry, any religion that denies in so many parts of the world any true opportunities for women, and any religion whose followers believe apostasy should be punished with death is in a terrible, terrible way. There is so much more to Islam than this – but this tendency is so widespread, and its fundamentalism so hard to budge, and the destruction wrought by its violent extremists so appalling that I find Affleck’s and Aslan’s defenses to be missing the forest for the trees.

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Posted: 8th, October 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment (1)

The NHS Atlas of Risk: ‘Low Fruit And Vegetables’ Worse Than Murder And Drugs

THE NHS Atlas of Risk will tell you the chanes of dying from various things:

This atlas will help you to put health risks and death rates into perspective.


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Posted: 8th, October 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment (1)

Key Findings From A 20 Year Study Into The Effects Of Using Marijuana

A Sadhu, or Hindu holy man, puffs Ganja, or marijuana, at Kamakhya temple in Gauhati, India, Thursday, June 19, 2008. Sadhus have gathered at the temple for the Ambubasi festival which starts on June 22. (AP Photo/Anupam Nath) Ref #: PA.6066032  Picture by: Anupam Nat

A Sadhu, or Hindu holy man, puffs Ganja, or marijuana, at Kamakhya temple in Gauhati, India, Thursday, June 19, 2008. Sadhus have gathered at the temple for the Ambubasi festival which starts on June 22. (AP Photo/Anupam Nath)
Picture by: Anupam Nat


IS smoking marijuana bad for you?  Professor Wayne Hall has studied the effects of the weed over 20 years. You can read his findings in Addiction (PDF of Full Study article here):

Adverse effects of acute cannabis use

  • Cannabis does not produce fatal overdoses.
  • Driving while cannabis-intoxicated doubles the risk of a car crash; this risk increases substantially if users are also alcohol-intoxicated.
  • Cannabis use during pregnancy slightly reduces birth weight of the baby.

Adverse effects of chronic cannabis use

  • Regular cannabis users can develop a dependence syndrome, the risks of which are around 1 in 10 of all cannabis users and 1 in 6 among those who start in adolescence.
  • Regular cannabis users double their risks of experiencing psychotic symptoms and disorders, especially if they have a personal or family history of psychotic disorders, and if they start using cannabis in their mid-teens.
  • Regular adolescent cannabis users have lower educational attainment than non-using peers but we don’t know whether the link is causal.
  • Regular adolescent cannabis users are more likely to use other illicit drugs, but we don’t know whether the link is causal.
  • Regular cannabis use that begins in adolescence and continues throughout young adulthood appears to produce intellectual impairment, but the mechanism and reversibility of the impairment is unclear.
  • Regular cannabis use in adolescence approximately doubles the risk of being diagnosed with schizophrenia or reporting psychotic symptoms in adulthood.
  • Regular cannabis smokers have a higher risk of developing chronic bronchitis.
  • Cannabis smoking by middle aged adults probably increases the risk of myocardial infarction.


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Posted: 8th, October 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

Cake, Tea And Something Bitter: Bedfordshire Pub Joins And Illustrious List Of Rude Landlords



ANORAK has a soft spot for miserable landlord of cafe owner upset by the state of their clientele.

Bedfordshire pub the Black Lion in Leighton Buzzard has put up a sign offering to nail people’s unruly children to their table. It suggests staff would “happily nail it [your child] to your table… to avoid accident or injury” to the child.

The pub’s manager, Nikki Brodin, said she did not want screaming children running round. The pub encourages customers to talk to each other over board games.

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Posted: 8th, October 2014 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment

Madeleine McCann: An Unwitting Bystander At Brenda Leyland’s Funeral

MADELEINE McCann: a look at the missing child in the news media, with Brenda Leyland:

In the Times, Carole Midgley is talking about trolls:

Who could look at the photo of Brenda Leyland with her handsome son, his arm curled protectively around her shoulders, and feel anything but desperately sad? We don’t yet know how or why Ms Leyland died in that room in the Marriott hotel, Leicestershire, but we know a man has lost his mother and we know how history will remember her: as the so-called “troll” accused of tweeting thousands of hate-filled messages about the grieving parents of Madeleine McCann…

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Posted: 7th, October 2014 | In: Madeleine McCann, Reviews | Comments (5)

We’re All Going To Die: North Korea Readies For Total War In 2015

A man watches a TV news program showing North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, Thursday, Jan. 16, 2014. North Korea's top government Thursday proposed the rival Koreas stop slandering each other from later this month, halt hostile military acts and work toward preventing a nuclear disaster on the divided peninsula. The letters read "Stop slandering and joint military exercise". (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)

A man watches a TV news program showing North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, Thursday, Jan. 16, 2014. North Korea’s top government Thursday proposed the rival Koreas stop slandering each other from later this month, halt hostile military acts and work toward preventing a nuclear disaster on the divided peninsula. The letters read “Stop slandering and joint military exercise”. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)


EVEN though Kim Jong Un is the Sexiest Man Alive, has a weakness for cheese and was probably born in a lotus flower while scoring a hole in one as a sperm before emerging as a flying baby, let us not forget that he’s completely mental.

North Korea’s premier is a man who likes to keep his people under his waddling, hypnotic spell, while plotting constant war. You see, when you have everything and everyone is cow-eyed in your presence, the threat of nuclear war is probably the only thing you’ve got that gets the blood pumping around your regal underpants.

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Posted: 7th, October 2014 | In: Politicians, Reviews | Comments (3)

The Fat And Rich Diet; The Fat And Poor Take Pills

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THE fat and rich exercise; the fat and poor take pills:

 …a new study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine,researchers from Concordia University looked at the incomes and health habits of more than 3,000 children and teens between the ages of 8 and 19 and more than 5,000 adults over the age of 20.

At least two-thirds of the study subjects reported attempting to reduce food intake or exercising in order to lose weight in the past year. Despite these efforts, the adults in the study gained an average of three pounds, while the youths gained about 12 pounds. The people in the lower income brackets gained about two pounds more than those in the highest one.

One reason for the disparity might have to do with the tactics they used to try to shed pounds: Compared to adults making $75,000 or more, those making less than $20,000 were 50 percent less likely to exercise, 42 percent less likely to drink a lot of water, and 25 percent less likely to eat less fat and sweets. And adults making between $20,000 and $75,000 were about 50 percent more likely to use over-the-counter diet pills, which aren’t proven to work.

Read it all here...

Posted: 7th, October 2014 | In: Money, Reviews | Comment

Irony: ‘We’ Fit’ Lorry Gets Stuck Below Bridge In Beckenham, Kent

we fit

TO Beckenham, Kent, where a Halfords lorry has become stuck under a railway bridge.

A spokesperson for Halfords apologiese:

“We would like to apologise for any delays and inconvenience caused to road and train travellers and will be working with the authorities to carry out a full investigation.”

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Posted: 7th, October 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

Time To Treat Ebola Like Smallpox – A Photo History

EBOLA is in the USA. President Obama says he will increase passenger screenings to halt the spread. Instapundit notes:

I was talking to my mom the other night, and she remembered that back when I was a kid, they made her get a chest x-ray before they’d let her back in the the US after a year in Germany. They made us all get re-vaccinated for smallpox, too. And some English friends traveling to Harvard had to spend most of a day at the airport because one of their kids couldn’t prove vaccination. Nowadays, the travel restrictions seem a lot laxer, even as the disease threats are worse.

In 1971, there was a smallpox outbreak in in Meschede, West Germany.

A smallpox outbreak was reported and had already claimed six lives. The busy scene as smallpox vaccinations were given in a special clinic at St. George's Hall, Bradford, Yorkshire. JANUARY 15TH, 1962. In Bradford, four people have the disease already and citizens have been flocking to clinics to safeguard themselves against smallpox.

A smallpox outbreak was reported and had already claimed six lives. The busy scene as smallpox vaccinations were given in a special clinic at St. George’s Hall, Bradford, Yorkshire.
JANUARY 15TH, 1962. In Bradford, four people have the disease already and citizens have been flocking to clinics to safeguard themselves against smallpox.

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Posted: 7th, October 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

Cannabis: The Terrible Truth Is That All Users Will Die

TODAY in cannabis news:

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Posted: 7th, October 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

PSST! Want To See Naked Photos Of ‘Blonde’ Alleged Schoolboy Molester Brianne Altice?

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IS it different for girls? It’s not often a male teacher accused of having sex with a student has his looks discussed, let alone made a key part of the story. But the Mirror’s report on Brianne Altice, married 35-year-old teacher accused of romancing a 16-year-old and 17-year-old student leads with news that she’s “blonde”.


Brianne Altice




John Kelly channels his inner adolescent:

A blonde schoolmistress on trial for having sex with a teenage student is now accused of sleeping with another boy. Stunning English teacher Brianne Altice, 35, was identified by the 16-year-old she was first accused of bedding because he could tell police where she had tattoos and the layout of her house.

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Posted: 7th, October 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment (1)

PROOF: 6 Ways Barack Obama Is Using Ebola To Murder Americans, Kill Jesus And Avenge Slaves

People read newspaper headlines commenting on American President Barrack Obama's announcement on sending troops to fight the Ebola virus in Monrovia, Liberia, Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2014. Liberia's president called Wednesday on the world to do more to end a spiraling Ebola outbreak, saying "Liberia cannot defeat Ebola alone." President Barrack Obama announced Tuesday that he will order 3,000 military personnel to West Africa to help contain the dreaded disease, which has killed at least 2,400 people. The U.S. is also planning on delivering 17 treatment centers with 100 beds each to Liberia, which has been hardest hit by the outbreak. (AP Photo/Abbas Dulleh)

People read newspaper headlines commenting on American President Barrack Obama’s announcement on sending troops to fight the Ebola virus in Monrovia, Liberia, Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2014. 


YOU know that ebola has been found in the USA? And you know Barack Obama is mixed race? And you know that…

Obama is Infecting Christians with Ebola To Destroy Jesus and Start A New Age of Liberal Darkness

The website Christwire, which sounds like a expletive – CHRISTWIRE! we’re fecked!!! – has news:

‘Abe’ has news you can use:

Barack Obama has used genetics to manufacture the most powerful virus in the history of mankind. The virus is an evolved form of EBOLA, a deadly virus that causes the body to bleed to death in a week…

Keep in mind, Obama-era evolution of Ebola has already killed thousands in Africa, and only moments ago, a person dropped dead in London from Obama-Ebola.

Do no forget, the B.O. in Ebola stands for Barack Obama. The rest of the acronym has been up for debate in the news media community.

Who to blame? Is there an ObArmy?

The virus is easily spread and all of the illegals who have just so suddenly been allowed to come into America, you may ask why is this happening? They are all carriers of the virus. They have the cure already in their bloodstream, but they are contagious. These illegals are the source of the spread and just you watch, in about 30 days the first cases of Ebola will start infecting Americans.

But the government already has the cure. So what is the problem?

The problem is that Obama controls the cure.

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Posted: 7th, October 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

Man Who Killed His Neighours Changed Name But Was Ready To Strike Again

File photo dated 26/04/1978 of Barry Williams, now known as Harry Street, who shot dead five people during a one-day "orgy of terror" in 1978 and has admitted possessing firearms and making an improvised explosive device. Issue date: Monday October 6, 2014. Former Broadmoor patient Street, who was released from indefinite detention in the mid-1990s, was caught with the makeshift bomb at his home last year. More than 50 home-made bullets, two pistols and a revolver were also discovered at the 70-year-old gun fanatic's mid-terrace house in Birmingham. See PA story COURTS Explosives. Photo credit should read: PA Wire

Photo dated 26/04/1978 of Barry Williams, now known as Harry Street, who shot dead five people during a one-day “orgy of terror”.


HARRY Street was known as Barry Williams when he killed five people in 1978. He had deveoped an irrational hatred of his neighbours, complaining at the noise they made. He was tried, admitted to five counts of manslaughter, was found guilty and rehoused in Broadmoor mental hospital.

He got out in 1993. He changed his name. He got married. He was rehoused, this time in Hall Green, Birmingham. He lived ther with his wife and 18-year-old daughter.

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Posted: 7th, October 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

Brenda Leyland: Cliff Richard, Free Speech And Martin Brunt’s Wife

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BRENDA Leyland continues to make news. The woman monstered by the media, outed by twitter hunters who allegedly tweeted thousands of often abusive and potentially libellous messages about the parents of missing Madeleine McCann, is dead. This is an at-a-glance round-up of today’s news on her:

Bryony Gordon, The Telegraph:

It’s never OK to troll anyone – even a troll – Cyberspace is medieval – we no sooner take in an event than put the people at the heart of it in the stocks, be they the McCanns, Brenda Leyland or Sky News…

On so many levels, the story of Brenda Leyland, the church-going Twitter troll who said some ungodly things about the McCann family, makes my heart ache… I can’t stand the idea of this lonely woman with her pathetic double life under the pseudonym of “Sweepyface”; one minute attending church, the next rushing home to spill on to the internet noxious bile about a couple with a missing child. But nor can I bear that she was treated in some quarters as if she herself had abducted Madeleine McCann, and not just acted like a deluded moron with broadband and access to some of the web’s crazier conspiracy theories.

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Posted: 7th, October 2014 | In: Madeleine McCann, Reviews | Comment

Brenda Leyland: 4000 Madeleine McCann Tweets And One About Her Own Suspicious Death

Brenda-Leyland dead


WHAT is the media is saying about Brenda Leyland, the woman “unmasked” as a “troll” by anonymous troll hunters, door-stepped by Sky News and called a “bitch” in the Daily Mirror. Brenda Leyland is now dead. She had 172 followers on Twitter. Her account is closed.

The Times:

The woman who took her own life after being accused of directing online abuse at Madeleine McCann’s parents had sent more than 4,000 tweets about the couple over the past year. Police formally identified the dead woman today as Brenda Leyland, 63, who was confronted last week by a Sky News TV crew over her apparent “trolling” of the couple… she had used the Twitter handle @sweepyface to attack the McCanns.

… she had used the hashtag #McCann no fewer than 4,220 times since November last year, accusing them of neglect and questioning their version of the events leading up to the disappearance of their daughter in Praia da Luz, Portugal, in May 2007. Reprising many of the accusations used by McCann “haters”, she also regularly accused the couple of using money collected for the Find Madeleine fund for their own personal enrichment. One tweet last week read: “#mccann ” If it stinks like a rotten fish it is a rotten fish ” all connected seem to prosper ??”

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Posted: 6th, October 2014 | In: Madeleine McCann, Reviews | Comments (2)

Batman Is Looking For A Wife (But Only In US States That Will Allow It)



DC Comics, makers of Batman, produces this T-shirt that might be a tad sexist. That’s the unamarried Batman who lives with Robin. Stick that shirt on a Wonder Man and it might be nearer the mark. But, then, when Batman was born homosexuals didn’t exist.

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Posted: 6th, October 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment