Reviews Category
We don’t just report off-beat news, breaking news and digest the best and worst of the news media analysis and commentary. We give an original take on what happened and why. We add lols, satire, news photos and original content.
20 Dull British Postcards 1960-1990
PRESTON Bus Station is exotic. It warrants its own postcard; proof that you visited the place and wanted to share the experience with your loved ones back home in Bury.
Dear, mum, Wish you were here.
Other British hotspots – Station Road, Cuffley; one of Lincoln’s Top 5 shopping centres; Fortes Corley service Area on the M6 – all have offical postcards.
Here are 20 of the finest:
Spotters: JoeBox BoringPostCards
Britain’s Jihadis Are Agents Of The British Government – Others Just Want To Come Home
THE Times says: “Dozens of British jihadists have become so disillusioned with fighting in Syria that they have contacted the UK begging to come home.”
Begging to come home. Really?
One jihadist, claiming to represent 30 Britons, approached an intermediary to complain of growing despondency among the men in his group. They had gone to fight against President Assad’s regime but were instead engaged primarily in fierce combat with rival rebel groups, he said. The man, who cannot be named, contacted researchers from the International Centre for Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence (ICSR) at King’s College London via social media in the past two weeks. He effectively sought amnesty, saying that the group feared long prison terms but would be willing to enrol on a deradicalisation programme and submit to surveillance.
And be willing, surely, to grass up his former comrades.
Is this true? Or is it a spot of cunning, an attempt to make the jihadis distrust the BRitish contingent?
What is the International Centre for Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence?
ICSR’s mission is to bring together knowledge and leadership. Producing first class, rigorous research, our aim is to educate the public and help policymakers and practitioners find more intelligent solutions in dealing with radicalisation and political violence.
Shiraz Maher is a Senior Research Fellow:
Shiraz Maher is a Senior Research Fellow and is currently coordinating the Centre’s research on the Syrian and Iraqi conflicts. He also researches the development of Salafi-Jihadi ideology, and jihadist organisations in the broader Middle East. As a result of this research he has been invited to give evidence before three parliamentary committees.
Maher is also an adjunct at Johns Hopkins University where he teaches a course on radicalisation (along with Peter Neumann), and was a visiting lecturer at Washington College during the Spring Semester of 2012.
He was also awarded the first Konrad Adenauer Foundation Fellowship in Energy Security (2012-2013) based at the European Centre for Energy and Resource Security (EUCERS) where he explored the impact of political unrest in the Middle East on energy markets.
Maher has previously worked for Policy Exchange, writing on Security and Foreign Policy. He published a series of influential studies there which attracted widespread attention across government. His report on reforming the government’s counter-terrorism strategy was described by Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Education, as ‘brilliant’, while Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank, former Chief of the Defence Staff, called it ‘remarkable’.
But lest you think the outfit takes a side, it states:
ICSR is independent and non-partisan. All our work is published. We undertake no classified research for governments or international organisations.
The Times adds:
The militants are from a group affiliated with Islamic State, the terrorist network that beheaded two American journalists and is threatening to murder the British aid worker David Haines… More than 500 British citizens are believed to have travelled to the region since 2011, with most joining Isis, raising fears that they will return radicalised and trained to carry out terrorist attacks in the UK.
The British man told researchers: “We came to fight the regime and instead we are involved in gang warfare. It’s not what we came for but if we go back [to Britain] we will go to jail.
“Right now we are being forced to fight — what option do we have?”
Soldier discovers life in the military not all he thought it’d be. Shocker!
Shiraz Maher, who runs a research unit at ICSR that is in intermittent contact with about 50 British jihadists, said that the man regretted being involved in the conflict. The man said that he was among a group of fighters, most of them in their early twenties, “a good chunk of whom” were depressed and disillusioned, Mr Maher added.
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Posted: 5th, September 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment (1)
Was Edmonton Great Grandmother Palmira Silva Murdered By A Black Muslim Or A Crazed Man Called ‘Fat Nick’?
THE woman “beheaded” in her Edmondon garden has been identified as Palmira Silva. She was 82. She is a white widow and great-grandmother. Her alleged killer is 25.
The Mail reports:
Man, said to be black and around 5ft 10ins
The Mail also reports:
A woman has been found beheaded in a suburban back garden after a man ‘went berserk with a machete’ after first being seen attacking cats in a residential London street.
Neighbours said the killer was a Nigerian who had been sleeping at the home of a friend in recent weeks. Others said the heavily tattooed killer is well-known in the neighbourhood, where he has the nickname ‘Fat Nick’.
A local adds:
One said: ‘He’s a crazy guy. He’s got a big belly and tattoos and he walks the streets sticking his fingers up at people like Somalis.’
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Manchester United Balls: A £60m Bid For Paul Pogba Sees Off Miserly Chelsea And Real Madrid
AND on it goes. The Summer Tranfer Season is over but the rumour mill keeps on churning. The Mirror’s “Football Spy” (picture Mr Bean reading a Google news feed) says Manchester Untied “plan to bring Paul Pogba BACK to Man United next summer”.
Well, not quite. What the Mirror says is that Manchester United “plan to bring Paul Proba back to Man Untetd next summer?”
Yeah. Its’ the Mirror’s old trick of delivering utter balls as a question.
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Posted: 4th, September 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment (1)
Cat Hater Beheads Woman In North London: Let The Speculation Commence
NEWS that a woman was beheaded in Edmonton, north London, is not linked to any form of terrorism. Got that? Yes, it must have bene terrifying but it wasn’t a beheading linked to any trcognised terrorist group. Probably.
The BBC:
The victim was found at an address in Nightingale Road, Edmonton, at about 13:00 BST, police said. Officers discovered her collapsed in a garden area and she was pronounced dead at the scene. A 25-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of murder and is in custody. Detectives said there is no suggestion the killing had a terrorist motive A Taser was used during the arrest of the man and a firearms officer is believed to have suffered a broken wrist.
Det Ch Insp John Sandlin said:
“Whilst it is too early to speculate on what the motive behind this attack was I am confident, based on the information currently available to me, that it is not terrorist related. Specially trained family liaison officers will be deployed to support the family.”
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Posted: 4th, September 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment (1)
Browse Yale’s 170,000 Photographs Of The Great Depression (1935-1946)
YALE Universtity has published an archive of 170,000 photographs recording the Great Depression (1935 – 1946). The Farm Security Administration—Office of War Information (FSA-OWI) employed photographers to record document the poverty and therebye create support for Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal.
Yale University has launched Photogrammar, “a web-based platform for organizing, searching, and visualizing” the pictures.
After a series of setbacks in the courts that repealed many of the First New Deal’s program, President Roosevelt pursued a new set of initiatives including the Resettlement Administration in 1935. It was charged with aiding the poorest third of farmers displaced by the depression and particularly focused on resettlement on viable lands and providing low-interest loans. Directed by Rexford Tugwell, a Columbia University economist, the RA came under immediate scrutiny. Realizing the battle for public opinion had begun, Tugwell hired his former student Roy Stryker to lead the Historic Section within the Information Division of the RA, which in 1937 was moved to the FSA.
In order to build support for and justify government programs, the Historical Section set out to document America, often at her most vulnerable, and the successful administration of relief service. The Farm Security Administration—Office of War Information (FSA-OWI) produced some of the most iconic images of the Great Depression and World War II and included photographers such as Dorothea Lange, Walker Evans, and Arthur Rothstein who shaped the visual culture of the era both in its moment and in American memory. Unit photographers were sent across the country. The negatives were sent to Washington, DC. The growing collection came to be known as “The File.” With the United State’s entry into WWII, the unit moved into the Office of War Information and the collection became known as the FSA-OWI File.
Of the 170,000 photographs in the collection, approximately 88,000 were printed and placed in the filing cabinets of the FSA-OWI. 77,000 photographs were printed by Stryker’s division and 11,000 prints collected from other sources. Paul Vanderbilt joined the FSA-OWI in 1942 and created a new organizing system for the collection. He developed the Lot Number system and Classification Tags system, which users can search the collection by on Photogrammar. In addition, the collection grew and now includes six different collections. They bulk of the collection is the Farm Security Administration Collection and the Office of War Information Collection (including Domestic Operations Branch and Overseas Operations Branch photograph files). Also included are the Office of Emergency Management-Office of War Information Collection that focuses on the News Bureau photographs, the American at War Collection that contains eighty photographs, the Portrait of America Collection that is organized around lots for foreign circulation. Because several of the included collections include photographs dating to 1946, the time period of the collection is 1935 – 1946. A special thank you to the Library of Congress for maintaining and cataloguing the collection.
Spotter: Open Culture, Flashbak
Ashya King: The ‘CANCER FAMILY HELL’ The Media Stoked
THE Daily Mirror continues to lead with Ashya King, the five-year-old boy with a brain tumour. Ashya, his jailed (and now released) parents and siblings are the “CANCER HELL FAMILY”.
You can read here how the Mirror and other papers added to that hell by doing the police’s dirty work.
Reuters Report Into Journalism: BBC Should ‘Adapt To Buzzfeed In Order To Survive’
WHAT next for the BBC? The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism has reported on developing editorial standards for journalism – “Accuracy, Independence and Impartiality: How legacy media and digital natives approach standards in the digital age”.
Kellie Riordan, author of the study, writes:
Journalism is facing many challenges in the 21st century, as traditional business models become more precarious and the Internet becomes overcrowded with a deluge of information. In the digital age, one of the most complex challenges is how to re-shape the processes and editorial responsibilities of journalism itself. Which journalistic standards, many devised more than a century ago, still fit in the digital age? And which standards form the basis of a new type of journalism being pioneered by hybrid news sites that have come of age in the digital era?
The key questions to be examined are:
1. Do current editorial standards fit digital journalism, or does the nature of digital and social journalism require different standards?2. Which standards do legacy and digitally native news organisations place a premium on and why? Which principles do they share? Where does any difference in standards occur?
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Fake Mobile Phone Towers Are Controlling Your Mobile – Blame The Lincolnshire Poacher
ARE fake mobile phone towers controlling your mobile phones? Popular Science count at least 17 fake mobile phone towers across the United States.
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Posted: 4th, September 2014 | In: Reviews | Comments (3)
eBay Is Down Worldwide crashed this evening around 1800. The net is getting busy/red hot with angry punters trying to find out why their goods aren’t been sold.
The site will not log on anyone. Thousands of transaction are probably affected.
Posted: 3rd, September 2014 | In: Reviews, Technology | Comment
Ashya King: Hail Naveed King, The Big Brother Who Saved His Family From The Poisonous Police And Their Media Narks
ASHYA King is back with his parents Brett and Naghemeh King at the Malaga hospital where he is being treated for a brain tumour.
Having been jidnapped and improned by the State and monstered by the media, the Kings are back together.
Free from Madrid’s Soto Del Real jail, Mr King told the BBC:
“They arrested us and directly they took my son away and said he was not allowed to have any visitors. We want to help our son get through this bad time because he hasn’t got too many months to live and we’re locked away in a cell – we’re just trying to speed things up to help him.”
Mrs King added:
“All I could do was just cry and pray. What could I do in a prison cell? I could not do much, really. I just want to wet [Ashya’s] mouth because he can’t drink through his mouth, I want to brush his teeth, I want to turn him side to side every 15 minutes because he can’t move. I just want to do all those things I was doing from Southampton, I want to do it for him here.”
Mr King said:
“My heart is aching for my son and anger can’t come in at the moment because I’ve just got these feelings that I’ve got to see my son’s face.”
The police and sections of the media should be ashamed. Anyone who published the faces of the parents – styled to look like mug shots – and invited readers to become police narks should be ashamed.
The villains are clear. The hero is Naveed King, Ashya’s older brother who posted updates on YouTube, doing much to undermine the campaign to criminalise his parents.
One question: who are your children safer with: the State or the parents? That question to you in Rochdale, Rotherham, Blackpool, Oxford, Hillsborough…
Tony Blair Won GQ Philanthropist of the Year Because He’s A Thin, Long-Limbed Beauty
TONY Blair has been named ‘Philanthropist of the Year’ at the GQ Men Of The Year awards. The Independent says the “announcement which drew a collective bemused gasp across the internet”. GQ, for those of you not in the know, stands for Gentleman’s Quarterly. It does not stand for Giant Queef.
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Insurance Company Sues Man Who Sold Bike To Banned Driver Who Died In An Accident
IF you sell a vehicle and fail to cancel the insurance – and the new owner fails to get any insurance – you could be liable for any damge they cause. Sound fair?
Paul Duffy sold his Kawasaki Ninja motorbike to James Bryson on August 13 this year. Mr Duffy did not know that the buyer was serving a four year driving ban. He had no insurance. Seven days after the legal trade, Mr Bryson collided with a Toyota Yaris near Arbroath, Scotland.
He died.
Paul, 48, a carer for his wife whose recovering from leukaemia, is understandbly unhappy. He was , after all, neither the bike’s registerd keeper nor the owner.
“Lawyers said that because Mr Bryson had died and had no insurance, they would be paying out on my policy. Because he chose to buy my motorcycle, I am, in the eyes of the law, giving him permission to ride the bike and I am in breach of my contract. So if I have any assets, MCE can take them from me to recover costs. I am effectively having to pay for an uninsured driver having a fatal accident. I have never broken the law. I don’t even have as much as a speeding ticket. But I have been told this is the law, and I have no protection or rights. I honestly thought that once the bike was sold, it was no longer my responsibility. I feel this is something every law-abiding, insurance-paying person should be aware of.”
Neville Chamberlain – Britain’s Declaration of War September 3, 1939
ON September 3 1939, Britian declared war on Germany:
The Steven Sotloff Snuff Movie
ISIS has murdered journalist Steven Sotloff. The video was posted online:
A masked figure in the video also issued a threat against a British hostage, a man the group named as David Haines, and warned governments to back off “this evil alliance of America against the Islamic State”, the SITE monitoring service said. The purported executioner appeared to be the same British-accented man who appeared in an Aug. 19 video showing the killing of American journalist James Foley, and it showed a similar desert setting. In both videos, the captives wore orange jumpsuits. “I’m back, Obama, and I’m back because of your arrogant foreign policy towards the Islamic State, because of your insistence on continuing your bombings and … on Mosul Dam, despite our serious warnings,” the man said. “So just as your missiles continue to strike our people, our knife will continue to strike the necks of your people.”
Snuff movies are now unrated…
Half Of Young Women Cannot Locate Their Vaginas
THIS is one of those newspaper headlines that really cannot be believed. They’ve printed it, this much is true, but it’s near impossible for the rest of us to believe it:
Half of young women can’t ‘locate their vaginas’
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Posted: 2nd, September 2014 | In: Reviews, Strange But True | Comment
Ashya King: How The Daily Mirror Turned Readers Into Narks And Supported A Police State
ASHYA King: the story of the child kidnapped by the State and hunted by the police is occupying hearts at the Mirror. The paper scalls it a “SCANDAL”. It says the treatment meted out ot Ashya and his parents Brett and Naghmeh King is “BARBARIC”.
The Mirror is right.
It’s ugly.
The paper says the parents have been “hauled” before Spanish courts. “Little” Ashya lies in a hospital kept apart from his loved ones.
But what did the Mirror think would happen when the British police issued an alert that Ashya and his parents must be tracked down lest Ashya die?
Now the Mirror says BBC football pundit Gary Lineker has called for the police to release the Kings. A petition calling for the same has attracted tens of thousands of signatures.
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg says it is “not appropriate” to jail the parents.
The paper’s Alison Phillips oozes:
Little Ashya King lies in a foreign hospital surrounded by staff he can’t understand, struck down by an illness he can’t understand and in the midst of a European drama he can’t understand.
He went to school in Spain. Chances are Ashya speaks Spanish and does understand the doctors. But still Phillips’ article is not based on facts; this is all about how much she and her paper cares for the Kings:
Meanwhile the only people who could give the five-year-old reassurance, explanation, security and love – his parents – are banged up in a Spanish jail. And it is utterly barbaric.
Yeah. It is. And the people that aided the police in their hunt should be ashamed.
Do you know what the Mirror said before Ashya King and his parents became a cause celebre?
Missing Ashya King has been spotted with his parents at a Spanish holiday resort, an expat said, as police battled to find the terminally ill boy.
The good cops were “battling” to find the boy for the oddball parents who let their chidlren play in a swimming pool.
The five-year-old has a deadly brain tumour and experts have warned he needs specialised care immediately. British officers have issued European arrest warrants for “neglect” against Ashya’s Jehovah’s Witness parents Brett, 51, and Naghmeh, 45. They took him from his hospital ward and fled on Thursday.
Their religion is relevant to Mirror. The mood was very much for the police and against the weirdo parents.
The paper recorded the message sent out by Spanish police:
“On the Costa del Sol, family with seven children, one of them needing urgent medical treatment which his parents are denying him. If you see them, phone us.”
These heartless parents denying their poor son the treament he needs. They are, we hear, Jehovah’s Witnesses. Join the dots. Rescue the child from this heartless parents.
The Mirror had more:
Police say that if they do not find five-year-old Ashya King within 24 hours there are ‘serious concerns for his life’
So police say. And so the Mirror did not question.
The Mirror then relayed photos of the parents. They looked a lot like mug shots. We didn’t. We didn’t want to do the police’s nasty work and ask readers to become narks. All papers showed the photos of Brett and Naghemeh King. Why so keen to do the police’s work? Why so keen to make readers into narks?
The Mirror told its readers:
Anyone with information about Ashya’s whereabouts should contact Hampshire Constabulary on 101, quoting Operation Aquilion.
The paper relayed the police’s calls for help without question.
* Assistant Chief Constable Chris Shead said this morning: “It is vital that we find Ashya today. His health will deteriorate rapidly.”
* Hampshire Constabulary said: “We are working with our counterparts in France to activate their emergency child rescue alert procedures to locate the family as soon as possible. If we do not locate Ashya today there are serious concerns for his life. He is receiving constant medical care within the UK due to recent surgery and ongoing medical issues. Without this specialist 24-hour care Ashya is at risk of additional health complications which place him at substantial risk.”
* Detective Superintendent Dick Pearson, from the Hampshire Major Investigation Team, said of Ashya: “He needs to be taken to a medical facility for his urgent health requirements as soon as he is located. We have also launched a social media appeal and would urge everyone to share this appeal, particularly if you have friends and relatives in France and bordering countries.”
* Police have said it is “vital” they find Ashya today. “His health will deteriorate rapidly.” They say his feeding tube is battery operated, and that battery “will run out today”.
* Assistant Chief Constable Chris Shead said Ashya had undergone “extensive surgery” and his last operation was seven days ago. He said: “The information we have received from his medical team at Southampton General Hospital is that he must continue to be fed via a tube by someone with the relevant medical training. If he doesn’t receive urgent medical care, or the wrong treatment is given, his condition will become life-threatening.”
* In a direct appeal to the family, Mr Shead said: “Our message to you is ‘please take Ashya to the nearest hospital immediately’. We understand this must be an awful time for you but the most important thing is to get the proper medical care for Ashya. Please work with us to provide Ashya that care.”
* Mr Shead added: “Ashya is in a wheelchair and is fed through a tube. The feeding system is battery operated and that battery will run out today. Time is running out for this little boy. We need to find him and we need to find him urgently.”
* Assistant Chief Constable Chris Shead said tonight: “Within the last hour, we have been told by medical experts that the battery life on the machine that administers his food is now likely to have expired. We don’t know whether the King family have any spares, the knowledge, or any way of recharging the battery. If they don’t, without properly administered food, Ashya’s condition will deteriorate very quickly.”
* Mr Shead added: “With each hour that passes our concern for him grows.”
And the biggest roll of the eyes is for this utter balls:
Hampshire Police Assistant Chief Constable Chris Shead confirmed the force had obtained a European arrest warrant. He said it was based around “neglect” but added: “That does not necessarily mean they would be charged with that offence.
“It purely gives us the power to arrest and speak to them.”
He went on: “We don’t want the family to be put off by the fact that there is an arrest warrant. We would sooner they speak to us and get Ashya the care he desperately needs.”
Only the police could help Ashya. Only the police could save Ashya The parents just need to see sense.
And, of course, the Kings were arrested. Because that’s what police do.
And now the Mirror calls it “BARBAIC”.
The Mirror was not alone in working for the police. It’s just the most shamless in how it’s changed sides.
You do the police’s bidding without question and you get a police state.
Posted: 2nd, September 2014 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment (1)
Ashya King: Prague Proton Therapy Centre Needs £65,000 From The NHS To Treat The Tumour
ASHYA King’s tumour can be hit with Proton therapy in Prague. The cost is £65,000. The NHS need to complete the right paperwork and the money.
And with his parents in a Madrid cell, Ashaya has been made a ward of court at the request of Southampton General Hospital.
Julian Wooster, Portsmouth City Council’s director for children’s services, said:
“At the request of Southampton Hospital the council obtained a temporary wardship order on Friday, only to direct that Ashya King be presented for medical treatment.”
The State’s got you now Ashaya. That can only go well…
Posted: 1st, September 2014 | In: Reviews | Comments (7)
The Independent’s Problem With The Jews In The Lobby
NOT all Jews are Israelis, just as not all Anglicans are English, not all Muslism are from the Islamic State in the Levant and not all Catholics are Vaticanites.
But to the Indy Jews are all Israelis and all Israelis are Jews, even those Druze fighters for the IDF.
The Indy produced the following:
That was changed to read:
Did you spot the difference?
One line remains in both versions:
…pro-Israel lobby is multi-tentacled and incredibly powerful.
Here is a 1943 cartoon from the Nazi magazine Lustige Blätter, showing a Jew with his tentacles wrapped around Britain and America.
The Indy is the paper that featured this from Yasmin Alibhai Brown:
Be scrupulous in your response when people are branded anti-Semites – particularly if their accuser is a loyal friend of Israel. Those pointed at may well be anti-Semitic, but they could also be misrepresented.
Who might be a “loyal friend of Israel” in the Indy?
Do you see shades of Richard Ingrams, who wrote in the Gaurdian:
I have developed a habit when confronted by letters to the editor in support of the Israeli government to look at the signature to see if the writer has a Jewish name. If so, I tend not to read it…
Chesterton wanted Jews to wear the ‘yellow star’:
“Let a Jew sit on the Woolsack,” he opined, but “let him sit there dressed as an Arab. Let him preach in St Paul’s Cathedral, but let him preach there dressed as an Arab… The point is that we should know where we are; and that he should know where he is, which is in a foreign land.”
But let’s not leave the Indy hanging there. It does emply Howard Jacobson, who wrote:
…you never know what pops out inadvertently, and were I to show, perchance, and just in passing, that I am not party to the near universal anti-Zionism of our times, Richard Ingrams would not want the innocent reader to mistake me for a Papist. Be it known, then: I am a Jew.
And now pause to ask yourself, innocent reader, what I have saved you from. Jewish cunning? A Jew concealing his identity in order to win you round to his way of thinking? But how could I do that, Jewish or otherwise, unless my thinking struck you as persuasive? And would discovering my identity make my reasoning at a stroke unpersuasive? Is there a reader out there so gullible or so easily manipulated that he cannot assess the worth of an argument on its own merits, but first must know the ethnic identity of the person from whom it originates?
Bit offensive to the reader, that. And a bit offensive to the Jew – I say no more – to suppose that once you can know him as a Jew you know the complexion of his mind.
Are you Jews are all in the lobby, literally, unable to enter the main building for fear of polluting the place..?
Posted: 1st, September 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment (1)
Canada Newspaper Advises Learning The Koran To Escape Jihadis In Your British Shopping Mall
WRITING in Canada’s National Post, Afsun Qureshi has a tip on how to survive the armed, gurning jihadi with the questions: you have to make an Islamic vow.
He recalls the 2013 al-Qaeda-linked attack at Kenya’s Westgate Mall:
To weed the Muslims out from the infidels, terrorists asked people to recite the shahadah to prove their faith. They asked other things too, like certain key passages of the Koran, the name of Mohammad’s mother, that sort of thing — it was al-Qaeda Question Hour. The wrong answer meant death.
After that, many, myself included, wondered: Should we — Muslim or not — learn the basics of Islam and have a read through the Koran? If one of us ever finds herself in a situation similar to that of Westgate Mall victims, could even a rudimentary knowledge of Islam save us?
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Ashya King And Me: The Self-Serving Police, A Hatchet Job And A Child Left Alone
ASHYA King: a look at reporting on the boy with cancer and his parents.
The Metro leads with news that Ashaya, aged 5, has been kept apart from his parents.
Ashya King’s brother Naveed King is defending his parents, Brett and Naghemeh King, who were arrested when the family was found in Malaga following an international search triggered by the British police.
Today they will appear at a Madrid court facing extradition to the UK. On Sunday, they were taken in handcuffs to a court house in the town of Velez-Malaga.
They broke no laws.
Ashya remains in hospital in Malaga.
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Israel Seizes 400 Hectares Of Land No-One Was Using
LANGUAGE matters when reporting. At the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a dispute over land and borders.
Reuters has news from Israel and the West Bank. The headline tells us:
Israel claims West Bank land for possible settlement use, draws U.S. rebuke
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Posted: 1st, September 2014 | In: Reviews | Comments (2)
Ashya King: The Police Make It All About Them
HAVING made criminals of his mother and father and taken the boy on pain of law, the police says they did right Ashya King, the five-year-old with brain cancer.
Assistant Chief Constable Chris Shead is bullish:
“I make no apology for being as proactive as possible in trying to find him. I’d much rather be standing here facing criticism over being proactive than do nothing and explain why a child has lost his life.”
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