

Posts Tagged ‘News’

Fire service announce weirdest things they’ve have to free idiots from

fire brigade penis

IT is hard enough, being a fireman/woman/person. You’ve got to breathe in loads of acrid smoke while your scalp melts, pulling humans out of infernos while fire cooks your marrow.

Add idiots to the equation and a firefighter’s life becomes infinitely more jarring.

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Posted: 30th, July 2013 | In: Strange But True | Comment

Girl asks 100 guys for sex… what do you think happens?

sex asking

THERE’S a common line of thinking that suggests that men catcall women because they’d be totally up for a request for sex from a nice lady.

Well, there’s a video of a girl asking random guys for sex in a social experiment which addresses that very thing!

You’re sat there, thinking that an attractive woman asked loads of men and they all simply shrugged, said ‘sure!’, whipped their trousers off and said ‘here? Now? I’m game!’

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Posted: 30th, July 2013 | In: Strange But True | Comments (3)

Granny batters burglars with Guitar Hero controller

guitar hero crimeA GRANDMOTHER fended off three armed- ARMED – intruders using the best weapon money can buy –  a Guitar Hero controller!

Melinda Walker – whose home had been broken into numerous times before – hit the burglars repeatedly with the guitar-shaped controller after becoming fed up at their constant attempts to snatch her belongings by robbing her house.

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Posted: 26th, July 2013 | In: Reviews, Strange But True | Comment

Man who isn’t Keef Richards thinks human ashes are cocaine

SOME bright spark has nearly ended up tooting a whole dead human up their nose after they stole human ashes, thinking they were cocaine.

William Cantrell (no relation to Blu) took an Xbox belonging to his neighbour, as well as the box containing the remains of the victim’s mother. The 28-year-old’s grandmother Wanda said: “William thought it was drugs. He thought he’d found him a box of cocaine is what he thought.”

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Posted: 26th, July 2013 | In: Strange But True | Comment

Teacher sacked for saving all the children’s lives

A DAYCARE teacher has been sacked from her job after putting out a fire, potentially saving everyone’s lives. That’s lousy isn’t it?

Michelle Hammack smelled smoke coming from the kitchen of Little Temples Childcare in Jacksonville, when she left her classroom of sleeping children to find out what was going on.

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Posted: 24th, July 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Homecoming Queen wants Nirvana in campaign video… just one problem

YOU know how Kurt Cobain famously killed himself and joined the infamous ’27 Club’ back in the ’90s? Well, one poor cheerleader missed the memo.

From Virginia, the cheerleader – running from Homecoming Queen – wrote to Sub Pop, asking if Nirvana would be in a campaign video, showing their support for her.

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Posted: 24th, July 2013 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Classic movies sing Ice Ice Baby

vanilla ice flm

LIKE classic movies? Like Vanilla Ice’s Ice Ice Baby? Of course you do. You’re not an idiot.

Well, how about both at the same time, with a fun mashup which gets Ghostbusters, Howard The Duck, Conan The Barbarian and more, rapping along to the famous hit?

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Posted: 23rd, July 2013 | In: Film, Music | Comment

Watch as explosion goes off live in newsroom!

ITV and Sky are determined to make explosive news, however, neither hold a candle to KIII-TV in Texas.

Live on-air, three KIII-TV news anchors were left pie-eyed and pooing it after an explosion rocked the studio at 5.30am local time on July 12.

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Posted: 23rd, July 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Carly Rae Jepsen throws worst baseball pitch, like, EVER

carly rae pitch baseball

REGULARLY, people unfairly chide women for their inability to throw, however, popstar Carly Rae Jepsen have gone and thrown a ball so badly that it might keep bozos in jokes for the rest of their lives.

Jepsen was left amused and embarrassed by her lame attempt at throwing the first pitch at a baseball game.

She was invited to throw the traditional first pitch at the Tampa Bay Rays game against the Houston Astros, however, what transpired was worse than Diana Ross’ penalty during the opening ceremony for the ’94 World Cup.

Fox Sports commentators noted that Jepsen had actually thrown several impressive strikes during practice, which is no use to anyone, especially Jepsen.

Jepsen laughed off the pitch on Twitter later, describing it as a “fail”.

“So apparently I made ESPN with my fail of a pitch. Lol- Daddy must be so proud.”

Posted: 18th, July 2013 | In: Celebrities, Sports | Comment

Hebden Bridge couple freed from sexy times by Fire Brigade

handcuffs sexTWO ladies were having a lovely time in Hebden Bridge. Now, that doesn’t sound remarkable, but these ladies were having some sexy times which involved handcuffs. Again, not remarkable, until you get to the part where the fire brigade get involved.

After a bit of bondage, the couple found that they’d lost the key for their handcuffs and as such, had to be cut free by firefighters.

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Posted: 18th, July 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Want to see a bee give a pub drinker a high five – here you go

high five bee

IF you wanted official confirmation of the British summer, then look no further than the fact that bees have started giving high-fives to shrieking, drunk humans.

Now, this may sound like some kind of hallucination, but there’s video evidence!

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Posted: 18th, July 2013 | In: Strange But True | Comment

The Chinese police don’t fight crime – they fight each other (video)

TWO traffic cops in China decided that directing cars wasn’t for them, as they preferred to direct their fists toward each other in the middle of the street.

Luckily, someone was on-hand to film and laugh.

The incident happened in Tangshan and involved two police assistants who decided to knock seven bells out of each other, for everyone’s amusement but their superiors.

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Posted: 18th, July 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Man catches baseball thrown from helicopter flying 1,050ft above him


CATCHING a ball? How hard is that? Well, if it is a ball thrown from a helicopter, then it is stupidly hard. However, one plucky fella has done exactly that!

Zack Hample has set a world record by holding on to a baseball that was lobbed out of a helicopter flying 1,050ft above him, with the ball reaching speeds of 95mph!

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Posted: 16th, July 2013 | In: Sports | Comment (1)

Railway Children gets first complaint in 42 years


WE all like complaining, but would you moan about something that is 42 years old? The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) has received its first ever complaint for The Railway Children, which was first aired in 1970.

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Posted: 16th, July 2013 | In: Film | Comment

Top 10 weird visa applications

uk visa

APPLYING for visas is a pain, but imagine actually having to process them and the weird reasons people give! Thankfully, someone has compiled the top ten strangest visa applications.

One fella from South Africa, for example, wanted to move to Europe so he could chase vampires in Romania. Another cheery soul from Mexico got their visa rejected because he wanted to use his embalming skills to prepare dead bodies in Spain.

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Posted: 15th, July 2013 | In: Reviews, The Consumer | Comment (1)

Fox News reporter throws basketball in toddler’s face

Titus Ashby

FOX News reporters are all dreadful and are probably secret Illuminati lizards or something, so it should come as no surprise that one such anchor made an infant cry, live on TV.

The child in question is called ‘Trick Shot’ Titus Ashby who has deadly accuracy in the paint, lobbing free-throws in for fun. He’s two years old.

He’s been hitting the hoop since he was 15 months young, so it is no surprise that he’s making TV appearances.

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Posted: 12th, July 2013 | In: Sports, TV & Radio | Comment

Fugitive caught after tweeting ‘catch me if you can’ (cough PRISM)

Wanda Podgurski

IMAGINE being a cocky criminal and going on the running, taunting authorities via Twitter yelling: “Catch me if you can!” Only one thing was ever going to happen wasn’t it?

You’re absolutely correct – Wanda Podgurski skipped her trial and mocked authorities in the States and ended up getting caught.

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Posted: 10th, July 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Flat blown apart by rhubarb chutney

rhubabrIMAGINE your house had just blown up. You’d instantly appear exciting and brave to all your pals. However, what happens if your flat was blown up by a boring jar of rhubarb chutney?

That’s exactly what happened to Margaret Goodwin who was asleep in her bedroom when the jar exploded one morning.

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Posted: 10th, July 2013 | In: Strange But True | Comment

All hail the Wife Carrying Championships!

wife carrying

IN Finland, they’ve clearly got the same bizarre approach to boredom that us Brits have. While we nearly kill ourselves chasing cheese down a hill or trying to throw boots over viaducts, the people of Sonkajärvi partake in the annual Wife Carrying Championships, which we just happen to have the highlights of.

Last weekend, hundreds of people entered the with each competitor tackling a track that is 253.5 metres in length, with their wives strewn across their shoulders, her legs wrapped around the neck for support.

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Posted: 9th, July 2013 | In: Reviews, Strange But True | Comment

What are the worst things about modern life? This is the Top Ten

modern annoying

MODERN life, as Blur told us, is rubbish. There are so many things to get worked up about, especially those of us count ourselves in the number of bloated Western softarses.

So what’s so bad? Well, some people have decided to compile a top 50 list.

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Posted: 8th, July 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Police issue warning after burglar cooks eggs in the nude

THE problem with most criminals is that they’re boring. Mere smash ‘n’ grabs aren’t good enough in 2013. Our current crims won’t ever match the glamour of Hollywood diamond thieves and the like, so they need to get creative.

So thank the stars for the burglar in Vancouver who decided to break into someone’s house and, instead of making off with a flatscreen TV or PS3, they made their way to the kitchen and made themselves some supper.

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Posted: 5th, July 2013 | In: Strange But True | Comment (1)

James Kingston’s Cambridge parkour tour underlines how hopelessly inadequate we all are

james kingston parkour

THERE’S no hiding from the fact that people who can do Parkour are really, really cool. It is dangerous, dynamic and makes us all look like wobbling, wheezing pedestrians in every single way.

God, how irritating these Parkour types are.

That said, when we’ve stopped being jealous, we can only admire these people and the things we do – especially James Kingston who stars in a frankly astounding video, designed to make all your genitals retract into your body with vertigo and fear.

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Posted: 3rd, July 2013 | In: Reviews, Sports | Comment

Man sells coffin. One problem – it has a skeleton in it

coffin  odd craigslist

SELLING a coffin is problematic at the best of times. Imagine your glee when someone finally takes you up on the offer, but you’re a dumbass and crucially, you forget to take the skeleton out of it.

Dave Burgstrum, from Iowa, put the creepy item on Craigslist for $12,000 in a bid to raise money for property tax money for the Order of Odd Fellows (more on those guys, here).

Police were alerted to the advertisement and seized the coffin and body, deeming the sale illegal.

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Posted: 3rd, July 2013 | In: Strange But True, The Consumer | Comment

Postmen frightened of pensioners ‘aggressive’ raspberries

raspberry fight

IN the age of the internet, the Royal Mail seem like a delightfully antiquated company, who must only deliver spam leaflets and postcards from elderly relatives these days.

However, they might be losing the oldsters now after one old coot got refused by the post office for his “aggressive” raspberry bush.

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Posted: 3rd, July 2013 | In: Strange But True | Comment

All hail the life-sized Dexter cake!

dexter cake

DEXTER’S ‘dark passenger’ allows him to throw off the shackles of humdrum like in the ‘burbs and go around stabbing folk through the heart while they’re wrapped in clingfilm. Of course, he’s not real and we can’t hope to emulate him… until now!

Thanks to a life-sized cake replica of the TV serial killer, we can now stab Dexter Morgan! Then we can eat him like we’re Jeffrey Dahmer or something!

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Posted: 2nd, July 2013 | In: Reviews, TV & Radio | Comment