

Posts Tagged ‘News’

Lady GaGa’s Version Of White Christmas Is Leaked AND SHE’S ADDED HER OWN VERSE

SHE may be better known for making barnstorming enormopop and wearing outfits that Grace Jones may get jealous of, but to anyone who has even vaguely followed the career of Lady GaGa, you’ll know she’s got a sappy side.

And with that, there’s been a lot of talk about a Christmas EP coming our way from Mother Monster called A Very GaGa Holiday. Guess what? One of the songs from it has leaked online.

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Posted: 23rd, November 2011 | In: Music | Comment (1)

South Korean MP Uses Tear-Gas In Parliament, Which Is Just Brilliant!

POLITICS is so dull in the UK. Men in drab suits shout while women with bad hair all boo at admin. The most excitement we’ve had is when Bryan Ferry’s posho offspring lobbed some coloured powder around and that wasn’t particularly fun at all.

However, over in South Korea, they’re much better at firing things up. One Korean MP decided that he’d use tear gas powder against the parliament’s deputy speaker in the hope that he’d block ratification of a key trade deal with the US.

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Posted: 22nd, November 2011 | In: Politicians | Comment

Pregnant Woman Jennifer Fox Loses Baby After Altercation With Police ‘Food’ At Occupy Seattle

ACROSS the world, there’s been a myriad of protests under the Occupy banner. In Seattle, things have taken a rather dark turn of events.

One woman who was pepper-sprayed by Seattle police claims that, as a result of their actions, she has miscarried and lost her baby.

Talking to The Stranger, Jennifer Fox says:

“I was standing in the middle of the crowd when the police started moving in. I was screaming, ‘I am pregnant, I am pregnant. Let me through. I am trying to get out.'”

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Posted: 22nd, November 2011 | In: Reviews | Comments (3)

Tori Spelling’s Boobies Get Leaked Online By Accident! Photos

REMEMBER Tori Spelling from Beverley Hills 90201 (the original series)? She was the blonde airhead one who we weren’t supposed to like. Well, the apple didn’t stray too far from the tree because Tori is the airhead daughter of the very famous American TV producer, Aaron Spelling.

He gave us Love Boat, Hart To Hart, Starsky & Hutch, Fantasy Island, Charlie’s Angels and, you guessed it, Beverley Hills 90210.

Anyway, Tori’s husband decided to tweet a picture of his child with a rolling pin on its head for some reason and, blammo! There they are! In the background! What appear to be the vaguely famous Tori Spelling’s breasts.

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Posted: 18th, November 2011 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Bieber Paternity Case Takes A Kicking With Incriminating Text Messages: Mariah Yeater Meets John

THERE’S a whole host of reports floating around about the paternity case involving Justin Bieber and Mariah Yeater, some of which say that everything’s been dropped while others note that DNA tests are still go.

However, TMZ have broken some news which may show what really happened.

Sadly for those of you who really wanted Bieber to have sired a child with a backstage 30 second fumble, it doesn’t look good. Alas, pictures shown allegedly show Yeater to be pulling a fast one.

Through images of text messages sent, Mariah Yeater seems to have asked a friend to erase an incriminating text that says that her mother is under the impression the baby belongs to someone who isn’t Bieber.

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Posted: 17th, November 2011 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Gervais’ ‘Holocaust Or Pedophile Material’ For Golden Globes

Of course, Gervais has courted controversy lately with… umm… shall we call it ‘mong-gate’ for ease? It’s obvious that the creator of The Office wants to push his luck as far as he can. And he may as well. We have to assume he’s made enough money to retire with, so he might as well cause some trouble.

Last time around, Gervais ribbed Scientology and gave Johnny Depp abuse, which seemed to be taken pretty well. Let us not forget that Hollywood popularised ‘the roast’ (no, not that kind, you mucky bugger), so it’s not a great leap to see why they asked him back.

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Posted: 17th, November 2011 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Sting Looks At Dwindling Career And Decides That CDs Are Dying

STING is a man who has an amazing life. He’s wealthy and known for his immense sexual feats. That’s all anyone wants from life, right? Sadly for Sting, he’s also roundly loathed for being unbearably smug.

Either way, his career isn’t exactly firing on all cylinders these days. It seems the world’s appetite for lute anthems isn’t what it once was. Of course, the last time lutes were in demand, Britons lived in bushes and ate conkers.

Seeing as his career is on the wane, Sting has looked at the world and decided that the humble CD won’t be around for much longer. Funnily enough, he’s just released his own ‘Sting 25’ app this week. Odd that someone should say something vaguely controversial when they have something to promote. Oh! He’s just announced some tour dates too!

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Posted: 16th, November 2011 | In: Celebrities | Comments (2)

Nadine Coyle Doesn’t Like The Rest Of Girls Aloud, Which Is A Huge Surprise

FACE IT, Girls Aloud were one of the most fun pop bands to have around, releasing a whole bunch of killer singles that managed to straddle the teeny-boppers and the adult pop enthusiast. Of course, with success came trouble and they all went their separate ways piddling around with solo projects and egos.

While Cheryl briefly became the nation’s sweetheart and Nicola, Kimberley and Sarah were just plain likeable while they waited for the Girls Aloud reunion, Nadine Coyle went a bit mad. She waltzed off to America, opened a restaurant, flopped a solo LP and became increasing distanced from her band mates.

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Posted: 11th, November 2011 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Penn State’s Joe Paterno Covers Up Child Abuse, Students Riot Over Sacking

ONE of the most famous U.S. college football coaches ever, Joe Paterno, and the president of Penn State University were fired on Wednesday after it transpired they’d covered up a former assistant coach and school officials’ child abuses.

I am disappointed with the Board of Trustees’ decision, but I have to accept it,” Paterno said in a statement. “I am grateful beyond words to all of the coaches, players and staff who have been a part of this program. And to all of our fans and supporters, my family and I will be forever in your debt.”

His exit came about after charges were filed against long-time assistant coach Jerry Sandusky who has been accused of sexually abusing at least eight boys over more than a decade. Paterno is said to have known about this, along with wwo other university officials, none of whom reported any of the incidents.

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Posted: 10th, November 2011 | In: Sports | Comment

Which ‘Golden Rule’ Did Frankie Cocozza Break To Get X Factor Chop?

YOU’LL probably know by now that Frankie Cocozza has been kicked off The X Factor. Who are you people going to hate on a Saturday night now? Yourselves?

A show source said to The Sun:

“Frankie is devastated but he has broken a golden rule so producers had no option but to axe him. He had an extra boost from being kept in at the weekend when he thought he was going to go. But now his dream is officially over and he only has himself to blame.”

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Posted: 8th, November 2011 | In: TV & Radio | Comment (1)

Sports Broadcaster Kirk Herbstreit Keeps It Together During Earthquake

BEING a sports reporter looks like a great job doesn’t it? Unless of course you work for ITV and have to sit with the loathsome Andy Townsend or, worse still, Jim ‘The Stupidest Man In The Universe’ Beglin.

Still, there’s things that are worse than working with those berks. How about delivering a piece to camera while an earthquake rumbles on?

That’s exactly what analyst Kirk Herbstreit had to deal with when delivering his post-match thoughts. A 5.6 earthquake hit during his piece and while it takes place, Kirk manages to stay composed… that is, if you avoid looking into his eyes.

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Posted: 7th, November 2011 | In: Sports | Comment

Justin Bieber Finally Says That The Kid Is Not His

LIKE the lyrics of Michael Jackson’s ‘Billie Jean’, Justin Bieber is at pains to point out that the kid is not his son. The kid in question, of course, being the one that 20-year-old Mariah Yeater says Bieber put inside her after a show.

If you missed it, Yeater said that Bieber rode bareback because it was his “first time” and that he “wanted to feel everything.”

And now, Bieber has finally come out and spoken about the claim in explicit terms. He said, to Matt Lauer on Today:

“Never met the woman. I’d just like to say, basically, that none of those allegations are true.”

“I know that I’m going to be a target, but I’m never going to be a victim.”

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Posted: 4th, November 2011 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Wow! Video Of Plane Landing Today Without Landing Gear!

PILOTS look like they’ve got a super glamorous life. They fly around the world in their smart outfits and hang around with attractive orange faced stewardesses.

Surely it’s all champagne and sex with those guys?

However, it’s not all sophisticated and classy being a pilot. Sometimes, you’ve got to do insanely dangerous things with loads of people’s lives at stake.

And today, exactly that happened. A Boeing 767 arrived at a Warsaw airport from Newark without landing gear. The super fantastic pilot managed to belly flop the plane and initial reports say that not one of the 230 on board were hurt.

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Posted: 1st, November 2011 | In: Reviews | Comment (1)

Timberlake and Fallon Team Up For History Of Rap 3

GOD. Justin Timberlake is irritating isn’t he? Talented, good looking, wealthy and, worst of all, he seems like a really decent bloke.

Sadly, he’s not too keen on making another album as he makes his way in Hollywood, leaving us with a load of pretty terrible male popstars who just won’t do.

And to remind us how much fun he is, JT has tag-teamed Jimmy Fallon again to bring another of their The History of Rap skits.

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Posted: 31st, October 2011 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Lindsay Lohan’s Father Helpfully Says She’s Smoking Crack

YOU may have seen Lindsay Lohan’s teeth looking rotten as hell recently and thought to yourself, ‘how on Earth did that happen so quickly? Did all her veneers fall off?’

Helpfully, LiLo’s far from trustworthy father has decided to chip in with his opinion.

He said:

“That’s from smoking a pipe with meth or crack. She’s smoking either crack or meth, one or the other. I’m not going to shade it.”

“If you’re talking about prescription medication it would affect all your teeth, not just two.”

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Posted: 21st, October 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment (1)

Should Joey Barton Shut Up? Of Course Not You Dithering Borebag

FOOTBALLERS, regrettably, are simultaneously the most exciting and dull people on Earth. They can go from scoring the most sublime bicycle kick from 25 yards out, to delivering the most insultingly tedious post-match interview in the space of 10 minutes.

It doesn’t matter what sporting genius a player delivers during a game because you know damn well what’s coming: ‘Yeah, um, it was great to score but the three points is the main thing. The lads played brilliantly out there today’.

This is why we cherish the likes of Gordon Strachan and Ian Holloway because, sadly, football breeds a type of human who is both required to show ‘passion’ on the field, but an appalling absence of it when away from it.

And so, we come to Joey Barton who, by default, is just about the only footballer of interest in England currently. His twitter feed is often an accidentally hilarious read as he furrows his little sporting brow over lyrics of The Smiths and tries to pass off his visits to museums and art-galleries like it’s second nature to him.

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Posted: 18th, October 2011 | In: Sports | Comment

Robert Downey Jr Wants Us All To Forgive Mel Gibson For Some Reason

MEL GIBSON is not a popular man in Hollywood. He’s been accused of hating Jews, dropping the ‘N’ bomb in THOSE taped phone rants, slapping his ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva and generally being mental. Just how unpopular is he? Mel was asked to leave his role in The Hangover 2 after complaints from cast and crew. That’s The Hangover 2 which stars convicted rapist, Mike Tyson.

THAT unpopular.

But he’s found a friend in Robert Downey Jr who is asking Hollywood to forgive and forget.

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Posted: 17th, October 2011 | In: Celebrities | Comments (2)

Hurray! Anchorman 2 Is Scrapped!

ANCHORMAN. It’s about as funny as watching an orphanage burn down. Disagree all you want because if you like Anchorman, you’re opinion on humour isn’t worth listening to. Hell, you shouldn’t even be trusted with the air you breathe.


And so, the good news. Star of Anchorman, Will Ferrell, has confirmed that plans for a sequel have been shelved. Ron Burgundy has told Sky News that Paramount Pictures don’t want to make a follow up.

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Posted: 14th, October 2011 | In: Film | Comments (2)

Amnesty Internation Wants George Dubya Arrested

DUBYA! What a guy! The most comedic world leader in years! Nearly as funny as that Ronald Reagan guy! Of course, the fundamental difference between George W. Bush and Ronnie is that Dubya is being harangued by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, while Ron is… well… dead.

Amnesty has gone and demanded the arrest and prosecution of Bush before he appears at an economic summit in Surrey, British Columbia on October 20th.

They want his arrest due to the “overwhelming evidence that Bush and other senior administration officials authorized and implemented a regime of torture and ill-treatment of hundreds of detainees in US custody.”

They also want him extradited but, naturally, the Canadian government has absolutely no intention of playing ball with these demands, in favour of listening to Neil Young LPs and trying to ignore the organizations that are “engaging in cheap stunts.”

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Posted: 14th, October 2011 | In: Politicians | Comment

Ridiculously Greedy Liverpool Want To Sell Their Own TV Rights

LIVERPOOL FC have hit on a neat idea. They want more money than the supposedly lesser teams because they want to compete in Europe. Basically, if clubs could sell their own TV rights, then those most popular around the world could profit hugely.

They do it in Spain, where you’ll be surprised to learn, Real Madrid and Barcelona are very, very happy with the deal. Real Betis and Getafe, not so much.

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Posted: 13th, October 2011 | In: Sports | Comments (4)

Want To Pull Ashton Kutcher? Sex Him With No Protection And Talk Politics On His Wedding Anniversary

ALLEGEDLY. That’s what we need to say before this article gets under way, okay? Everything you read is alleged.

Right, now the lawyers have gone, we can get into the nitty-gritty of Ashton Kutcher’s alleged one-night-stand with the 23 year old Sara Leal.

This affair, of course, is the reason that Kutcher and Demi Moore are being linked to a divorce. But you’re probably more interested in how you might go about pulling the new star of Two And A Half Men, right?

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Posted: 12th, October 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

Javier Bardem To Try And Kill James Bond

HAVE you seen No Country For Old Men? If you have, you surely agree that Javier Bardem is one of the most sinister humans to ever grace a screen.

He’s so good at playing a dead-eyed killer, that it is more than easy to actually convince yourself he actually partakes in murderous activities away from the screen.


Well, Javier is to take his menacingly blank gaze supernova as its been officially announced that he’ll be playing the villain in the as-yet-untitled 23rd James Bond film.

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Posted: 12th, October 2011 | In: Film | Comment

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall Wants To Eat Your Puppies

FACE it. TV chefs are scum. They harangue you through your television set to tell you that you’re doing it all wrong. You aren’t growing your own vegetables, despite the fact there’s no allotments in your area and you live in a one-bedroomed flat three stories up. You’re not making things with celeriac, even though it looks like something tested on in Roswell and tastes like hell.

Basically, you are a lousy human-being who should be ashamed of wanting a Big Mac now and then.

And the latest crusade is from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall (something of a surprise, no?) who says we should all eat puppies.

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Posted: 11th, October 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comments (2)

Prisoners To Sue For Lack Of Porn

SOME dolts think that prison is too cosy for criminals. Of course, these same people don’t account for inmates being couped up like batteries hens while they’re gang-raped by nutters, fed slop and denied basic human rights like being able to go for a walk around the shops or defecate into a toilet.

All you can do in prison is keep your wits about you and masturbate the years away.

Unless, of course, you’re incarcerated in Connecticut where your pornography has just been banned. Uh-oh. Say hello to a spike in sexual assaults.

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Posted: 10th, October 2011 | In: Reviews | Comment

Beavis And Butthead… They’re Back.

I AM the great Cornholio! I need T.P. for my bunghole! Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh. Hmm. Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh hmm hmm hmm.

Huh. Huh huh. Like shut up.

Anyone around the age of 30 will either find that hilarious or absolutely baffling. For the former, you’ll no doubt be aware of the fact that Beavis and Butthead are set to return to our screens and, from the teaser clip that’s been online for a while, it looks like it might be better than it ever was (with Mike Judge learning some real deal skills while making the wonderful, wonderful King Of The Hill).

Anyway, the new season starts October 27 on MTV and now there’s a proper trailer to whet our vile appetites. And it looks really, really great.

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Posted: 7th, October 2011 | In: TV & Radio | Comment (1)