The Consumer Category
We bring you the chic and unique, the best and most bizarre shopping offers both online and offline. We offer you tips on where to buy, and some of the less mainstream and crazy, individual and offbeat items on the internet. Anything that can be bought and sold can be featured here. And we love showcasing the best and worst art and design.
The London Underground Tube Map in German
THe London Underground Tube map in German is what places in London could have been called had the Germans won the war. As one reader notes: “This is the 2003 version and omits extensions to the London Overground such as Kristalpalast and Tugendeichenpark.”
To see it full size please click this link: londonundergroundmapgerman (1)
Spotter: SlippedDisc
Posted: 30th, September 2013 | In: The Consumer | 0 Comments
Things that exist: the Nutella dispenser
THE Nutella dispenser is for when the ketchup runs out and Aunt Jeanie from Des Moins is willing to try the brown sauce:
Posted: 29th, September 2013 | In: The Consumer | 0 Comments
101 free audio fiction books to savour
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Posted: 29th, September 2013 | In: Books | 0 Comments
We Buy Any Car don’t buy any car – proof
WE Buy Any Car do not buy any car:
Spotter: @JameDMJ
Posted: 28th, September 2013 | In: The Consumer | 0 Comments
Larry ‘Romeo’ Busby will pay you to find him a non-fat, non-black, non-slut female to marry
LARRY Busby, 38, is looking for a girlfriend who must not be black, short-haired, jobless, fat or a slut. Find this elusive creature and Larry will give you $1,500 to spend on, well, fat black sluts. If Larry marries the chaste, thin, non-black dream boat he will give you can extra $1,000.
Larry issued his call to arms on his Sleepless in Austin website, where he writes under the name Romeo Rose. Says Larry:
“I don’t care if she looks like Halle Berry. I will not ever date a black girl”.
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Posted: 27th, September 2013 | In: Reviews, The Consumer | 0 Comments
Christy Moore signs a song for Arthur Guinness Day and Diageo’s alco-pops training programme
HAPPY Arthur’s Day.
Ireland’s love affair with pub and pint is sparking national soul-searching as never before because of an unofficial holiday dreamed up by Guinness owner’s Diageo. Today’s celebrations of Arthur’s Day, honouring the 18th-century founder of Ireland’s quintessential drink, feature surprise musical performances in 815 pubs and clubs across Ireland as well as concerts worldwide from Malaysia to Jamaica.
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Posted: 26th, September 2013 | In: The Consumer | 0 Comments
Netflix and BitTorrent: If you let people buy things then they won’t steal them
TWO interesting little bits about Netflix, the online on demand film and TV show service.
The first one is that they monitor what people are stealing over the BitTorrents to see what shows they should try to go and buy the rights for:
Netflix acknowledged this week that the company eyes piracy statistics to determine what kind of video content to offer subscribers and what kind of television programs they should buy.
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Posted: 26th, September 2013 | In: Money, Technology, The Consumer | 0 Comments
1960s Space Age fashion – a retrospective
IN the 1960s, fashion designers looked to the stars for inspiration. The Space Race was well underway. Fashion would harness the spirit of the rocketeers with sleek lines, shiny fabrics and the chance to see the world through visors.
Will Kane
Never get lipstick in your eyes ever again.
You say, cutting-edge fashion. We say, best to check the machine for red socks before washing your Star Wars Storm Troopers armour.
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Posted: 26th, September 2013 | In: Fashion, Flashback | 0 Comments
Halloween: too much, too soon for our sexy pumpkin fed toddlers
I DON’T know how British people celebrate Halloween—with understated elegance and a solemn appreciation for tradition, no doubt—but future archaeologists will conclude American Halloween was a giant fertility festival, which is why everybody wears the skimpiest costumes they can even though, in most of North America, the last night of October is waaaaay too cold for that.
Discount retailer Walmart is even selling what it calls “naughty” costumes for toddlers this year. In context, “naughty” obviously doesn’t mean “refuses to eat vegetables,” “dropped her bedroom slippers in the fishtank” or other age-appropriate misbehaviours; it’s synonymous with sheer, skimpy and sexually scintillating, which is fine to market to adults and various older teenagers, but … three-year-olds, dude.
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Posted: 26th, September 2013 | In: Reviews, The Consumer | 0 Comments
Mental Patient Fancy Dress Costume makes you look like a typical Walmart shopper
THIS Halloween whey not pretend to be a mental patient in an off-the-peg outfit from Asda, the supermarket owner by WalMart? “Mental patient fancy dress” features blood, mask, imitation meat cleaver but not chemical coshes and a sense of foreboding.
Says one Walmart shopper: “What outfit?”
Posted: 26th, September 2013 | In: The Consumer | 0 Comments
Things that exists: Japanese butt pudding
IN Japan you can buy butt pudding. Expect much spooning:
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Posted: 25th, September 2013 | In: Key Posts, The Consumer | 0 Comments
Is Motel 6, Mishawaka, Indiana the world’s worst hotel? (Photos)
EVER stay in a terrible hotel? My worst was a hotel in Bombay (now Mumbai). The sheet had stuck to the mattress. I made the mistake of peeling a corner back. At once, hundreds of ants escaped. I did not pay the bill. This 4Chan member had an experience in Motel 6, Mishawaka, Indiana
These pics were taken at 3AM on a rainy night in Sept. 2013. Checked in after a 15-hour drive and was greeted with the grossest room ever. Left after 40 minutes to pitch a tent in the rain, and have not received a refund or any satisfactory action. Will never again trust Motel 6, and will make sure as many people as possible see these photos.
TV remote
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Posted: 25th, September 2013 | In: The Consumer | 0 Comments
Ed Miliband’s bespoke suit carries the tag: ‘Spencer Hart sincerely hopes you get laid in this product’
DO we care that Ed Miliband wore a bespoke Spencer Hart suit for his address to Labour Party conference? His shoes, however, were from Marks And Sparks.
One odd thing about Ed’s Hart suit: if you peer inside the jacket’s wallet pocket, the tailor has written a message:
“Hand made for Ed Miliband in the year of ****. Spencer Hart sincerely hopes you get laid in this product.”
Well, someone’s getting screwed…
Posted: 24th, September 2013 | In: Fashion, Politicians | 0 Comments
Pepsi drop massive clanger thanks to dreadful choice of ‘RAPE’ typeface
PEPSI and Coca Cola are always at war, and Coke must be laughing their asses off this week as their blue-canned pals made a horrendous error with one of their marketing campaigns.
Thanks to a dismal choice of typeface, Pepsi’s ‘Aape’ campaign looked more like they were siding themselves with sexual assault.
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Posted: 24th, September 2013 | In: The Consumer | 0 Comments
The five greatest home shopping TV fails of all time
ANROAK loves watching Home shopping channels. Every now and then you get a memorable moment:
The Ladder To (Seeing) Stars
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Posted: 23rd, September 2013 | In: The Consumer, TV & Radio | 0 Comments
The joys of eating roadkill in Cornwall
ROAD kill. Would you eat it?
Meet 73-year-old Arthur Boyt, notorious resident of remote Bodmin Moor in Cornwall, and connoisseur of cooking and eating roadkill – nothing is too far fetched or fanciful to end up on his plate. In this film we take a trip into Arthur’s universe and learn how to cook a cracking badger casserole, as well as find out how best to prepare polecat meat before cooking.
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Posted: 23rd, September 2013 | In: The Consumer | 0 Comments
Retro toys: Donny And Marie Osmond action figures, TV studio and adoption kit
DONNY and Marie Osmond were the stars of their eponymous TV show. Between 1976 and 1979, kids tuned in to see the beaming Mormon siblings singing country-style songs. They also performed skits with star guests, performing parodies of hit films, like Star Wars (1977) and Battlestar Galactica (1978).
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Posted: 23rd, September 2013 | In: Celebrities, Flashback, Key Posts, The Consumer | 0 Comments
The 10 most mental WTF adverts ever to appear on Craiglist
THSE are the 10 most WTF adverts ever to appear on Craigslist (until we find another ten):
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Posted: 22nd, September 2013 | In: Key Posts, The Consumer | 0 Comments
Great ads: Sheffield’s TNT Transform Gym finds truth in advertising
GYM advert of the day: Sheffield’s TNT Transform Gym. Who needs a big budget?
Spotter: Charlotte Cramer
Posted: 22nd, September 2013 | In: The Consumer | 0 Comments
The greatest advert about having a good poo ever
OH, the joys of a truly epic poo. But some of us don’t want others to know that we do a number 2. For them there is Poo-Pourri:
You can read more about the poo prisoner on this website:
Poo-Pourri is a blend of essential oils that virtually eliminates bathroom odors! Our award-winning before-you-go® sprays come in a variety of scents and sizes.
Or get a dog…
Posted: 22nd, September 2013 | In: The Consumer | 0 Comments
JD Salinger: Five new manuscripts and a post-Holocaust film to duck
JD Salinger died in died in 2010 at age 91. Some of his unpublished works have been found. Cornel Bonca looks at them:
[T]his is the biggest literary “get” of the American 21st century.
The books include a World War II novel featuring Sergeant X from “From Esme,” the most intriguing character outside Holden and the Glass family that Salinger ever created. It includes a novella, in diary form, written by a World War II counterintelligence officer — Salinger’s job during the war — “culminating in the Holocaust.” Given Salinger’s war experience and his painstaking writing process, these two works could conceivably add up to a contribution to American World War II literature on a par with the work of Mailer, Jones, Heller, and Pynchon.
A third manuscript is, we’re told, a “manual of Vedanta,” a book explaining Vedanta Hinduism (and presumably, its relation to Salinger’s work), “with short stories, almost fables, woven into the text.” Finally, there are two compilations, one entitled The Family Glass, gathering all the published Glass stories together with five new storiesabout Seymour, the last of which “deals with Seymour’s life after death.” Given that once Salinger got going on the Glasses, his “stories” inevitably metastasized into novellas, this book is likely to be a real tome, and might conceivably be the greatest contribution Salinger makes to American letters, dealing as it must, with the question of how to live a genuine spiritual life in a postwar, post-Holocaust world.
Then there’s the final book, which [biographers David] Shields and [Shane] Salerno describe as “a complete history of the Caulfield family,” gatheringCatcher, six previously published (and I would imagine, wholly rewritten) Caulfield stories written in the early-to-mid 1940s, as well as new stories featuring, presumably, Holden, Phoebe, Allie, and D.B. Caulfield. Five new Salinger books! Doubtless, they will make us entirely reconceive Salinger’s current oeuvre. If the books are even close in quality to Catcher or Franny & Zooey, they might reroute the course of late 20th-century American literature.
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Posted: 22nd, September 2013 | In: Books, Film, Flashback | 0 Comments
South Africa opens world’s first walk-in vagina
TOURISTS in South Africa can now tour Reshma Chhiba’s screaming vagina. It’s housed in a former women’s prison in Braamfontein.
As visitors walk through the installation – 12m-deep – their movements trigger the walls (covered in an acrylic wool) to vibrate with howls of laughter and screams of pain.
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Posted: 22nd, September 2013 | In: Strange But True, The Consumer | 0 Comments
Ryanair vows to treat passengers better (for a small fee)
RYANAIR is in the news. Passengers wonder what the hellish company has come up with now to extract cash from customers. Is Ryanair to charge extra for anyone wearing the wrong-sized shoes or a surcharge for having a surly steward knock you unconscious with a blow to the head and slap you awake on arrival?
Well, no. It turns out that Ryanair’s abrasive captain Michael O’Leary has admitted that the airline’s staff can be utter swine. He was upset his airline charged Dublin-based neurosurgeon Muhammad Taufiq Sattar an extra €188 for switching flights when his wife, Shehnila Taufiq and their 19-year-old daughter and sons, aged 17 and 15, named Zainab, Jamal and Bilal died in a house fire in Leicester. Mr Sattar had his regular ticket to fly to England but wanted to get home as fast as possible. So Ryanair turned a quick profit on his suffering. Your pain is their gain.
Ryanair has since agreed to refund him the excess fee.
Mr O’Leary commented on the incident at the airline’s annual shareholders’ meeting. Should they have offered to sell Mr Sattar tissues?
“The staff were implementing our policy but I think you have to make exceptions in cases like that.”
The airline should “try to eliminate things that unnecessarily piss people off”.
“I am very happy to take the blame or responsibility if we have a macho or abrupt culture. Some of that may well be my own personal character deformities… A lot of those customer service elements don’t cost a lot of money — it’s something we are committed to addressing over the coming year.”
It is thought this training will be funded by passengers paying £5 extra to be greeted by a Ryanair staff members who does not abuse them and £10 if they enjoy being treated like a bloody nuisance and mocked.
Posted: 21st, September 2013 | In: The Consumer | 0 Comments
Face of the day: iphone 5s fan Gad Harari sets up camp on the Regent Street iQ
FACE of the day: Gad Harari aged 17, from London, sits in his plastic greenhouse which is the only shelter for himself as he waits to buy the new iPhone in Regent Street central London, which goes on sale in the UK this coming Friday.
Gad, who sits at the head of the iQ, assembles his tent by pressing a single large button and installing an app.
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Posted: 18th, September 2013 | In: Technology, The Consumer | 0 Comments