
Anorak News | Madeleine McCann Spotted In Malta And Chicago

Madeleine McCann Spotted In Malta And Chicago

by | 24th, April 2009

pope-oprahMADELEINE McCann has been spotted in Malta. Madeleine McCann has been spotted in Chicago, on the Oprah Winfrey TV show.
The missing child is entertaining the Americans, who are watching the parents.

So far, Madeleine has also been seen in: Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Belgium, Bosnia, France, Australia, Brazil, Wales, Italy and Dorset. Now she’s in the US.

At the height of the Our Maddie story, Madeleine was spotted in Malta.
In June 2007, the Express newspaper gave us:


The Sun heard from Ray Roberts, a British tourist.

It is late at night. He sees a girl with an Arabic-looking man in his 40s and a younger women. The child appears to be wearing a black wig. She trips. “Get up, little girl,” says the man in broken English. “They were strange,” says Roberts, “it just jarred.”

Everyone it seemed was spotting Our Maddie in Malta.

Anorak wrote: Madeleine McCann Not In Malta Or Morocco, a post that attracted over 6,000 comments.

Now, we learn this:

Brian White, 72, tells the Sun how he says Madeleine playing in a square in Valletta:

“I can’t stop tormenting myself I didn’t do enough.”

Brian tells us:

“She stood out because she was so blonde and fair skinned while the couple she was with were very dark.”

He added that the couple accompanying Madeleine…

“…grabbed the girl and hurried off”

…as they detected they were being watched … as their child was being watched by the old man…
And so it goes.
A summer of sightings may be upon us as the media message is cranked up. Only a loon would not wish happy ending for the child. But as yet, nothing.
We do not even have proof of a crime having been committed.
Our Maddie has been spotted around the world and in stories, too. No story  is complete without mention of Madeleine McCann, who has been connected to:

Claudia Lawrence
Jade Goody
Michael Barrymore
All-Ireland Talent Show
Slumdog Millionaire, Gaza, Tories And Demons
Robbie Williams And The Arab-Israeli War
Nazis, Credit Crunch, Suicide Bombers And Zimbabwe
Rachel Nickell
X Factor
Baby P And Me
A Christmas Message
Adopted by Angelina Jolie, And The Changeling
Nelson Mandela, Margaret Thatcher, Simon Cowell, Princess Diana, Winston Churchill And Gordon Brown
Madeleine McCann: Not Missing From Any Story
WMDs, Princess Diana, Credit Crunch, England And Bingo
JonBenet Ramsey
Rosemary West And The Fear Of Esther Rantzen
Murder Of Meredith Kercher
Christian Prayer Circle
The Al Qaeda Connection
Casey Anthony
Gary Glitter
Rose Ron,
Heather Mills
Jill Dando
Jill Dando, Madeleine McCann, Barry George, Princess Diana And Tabloid Bingo
Shannon Matthews
Angelina Jolie Feels The Pain
Ben Affleck’s Fiction As Fact
Josef Fritzl, Ben Affleck And TV Child Abuse
Shannon Matthews
Antoinette McGuckin, Drunk Parents In Portugal And Three Maddies
Josef Fritzl
Harry Potter, Frtizl And Bile
Keith Waterhouse Plays Tabloid Bingo
Fiona MacKeown Compares And More Questions
Shannon Matthews
Shannon Matthews, Madeleine McCann And Scarlett Keeling
Elizabeth Smart, Chandra Levy, JonBenet Ramsey, Madeleine McCann And Vicky Iseman
Haut De La Garenne
St Valentine’s Day Posters
Britney Spears, Lolita And Birthday Cards
Links To Mari Luz Cortes And Benazir Bhutto
Paris Hilton
Kate And Gerry Linked To Omagh Bomb, Metodo 3 Out To Lunch And Gifts
Gerry McCann Against John Smeaton
JonBenet Ramsey
A Link To Hillary Clinton
Russian Mafia,
The Lindy Chamberlain Connection
Matthew Lewis, Tories, Hitler And No Jokes
WMDs, Princess Diana, Credit Crunch, England And Bingo

What price Susan Boyle sharing a thought for Our Maddy?

What price the child being found?

Posted: 24th, April 2009 | In: Key Posts, Madeleine McCann, Reviews 8 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink