
Anorak News | Andrew MacKay Stands Down, Julie Kirkbride Next?

Andrew MacKay Stands Down, Julie Kirkbride Next?

by | 23rd, May 2009

julie-kirkbrideANDREW  MacKay – Mr Julie Kirkbride MP – will stand down at the next election. Says he:

“Following a conversation with David Cameron this morning I have decided to step down as candidate for Bracknell at the next general election.

“I believe I could be a distraction at a time when he is working to get elected as prime minister with the good working majority necessary to take the tough decisions to turn this country around.

I hope my decision to step down goes some way to showing my constituents how sorry I am about my own situation

“I would never forgive myself if my candidature distracted voters from the key issues and particularly David’s rousing call for change.”

Meanwhile, pressure is mounting on Mr MacKay’s wife, Ms Kirkbride.

Tomorrow’s News of the World claims “she allowed her 59-year-old brother, Ian Kirkbride, to stay rent free in her apartment in a stately home in Bromsgrove”.

Leaving the couple with more time to spend with their homes – like Woody Allen and Mia Farrow used to…

Woody lived in Mia’s second home on one side of Central Park, New York; Mia lived in Woody’s on the other side of the park…

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Posted: 23rd, May 2009 | In: Politicians 15 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink