
Anorak News | A Free Knife With Every Hoodie

A Free Knife With Every Hoodie

by | 3rd, October 2008

THERE’S a great twofor deal at TK Maxs: shoppers can buy a hoodie and get a free knife stitched into the lining.

The Sun gives its front page over to the news that: “T.K Maxx sell jackets with knives sewn in.”

For just £59 shoppers can buy a jacket that doubles as an urban survival aide. Says one kebab shop regular:

“It’s great. If the boffins can put an optic of curry sauce in the zip, it will be greatest invention since the chainsaw.”

Inside and in “FOOL METAL JACKET,” the Sun shows a youth in school tie done up to the neck and clean blue jumper pulling the knife from his coat’s lining.

One word to the wise though, the knife is on a chain. Anorak recalls the lonely days of yore when a good and loyal child would be bullied for having his gloves secured to his anorak with a strip of elastic. Whyyyyyy?

Caution, dear shopper. Buying this jacket may put you in line for ridicule and accusations that you are namby-pamby mother’s boy. Revenge will be doing well at school, having clean nails and etc…

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Posted: 3rd, October 2008 | In: Tabloids 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink