
Anorak News | Madeleine McCann: Matthew Lewis, Tories, Hitler And No Jokes

Madeleine McCann: Matthew Lewis, Tories, Hitler And No Jokes

by | 10th, January 2009

MADDIE WATCH – Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Madeleine McCann, Kate McCann and Gerry McCann

Matthew Lewis, a Young Tory, has dressed up as Madeleine McCann for a fancy dress do. No, not a Tory Party party, a private party.

Our Maddie is back in the papers. But the story is not about the child, rather it is about who can be the most offended and if political gain can be made from a puerile act.


So much for the purge on knife crime.


Last night, Lewis made a grovelling apology. He said: “I completely regret my behaviour and cannot express how sorry I am for the incredible hurt I have caused.”

Grovelling to whom – the nation?

DAILY RECORD: “Tories Show True Colours”

But if these are the kind of people representative of the way ahead for the Conservatives many members of the public will think long and hard before trusting them with their votes. Earlier this week, we asked how many extremists lurked beneath the very thin external veneer of Tory respectability.

Quite a lot, it would appear.

Nine of of ten able-bodied Tories says they WOULD park in a handicapped parking bay!

A Joke: Madeleine McCann, The Pope And A Paedophile Are…

Those Madeleine McCann Jokes

THE INDY: “Young Tory expelled after Madeleine McCann stunt”

A spokesman for Madeleine’s parents Kate and Gerry described his actions as offensive “almost beyond belief” and the Conservatives announced he had been expelled from the party along with two other people.

BIRMINGHAM POST: “McCann anger over Tory fancy dress”

Clarence Mitchell, spokesman for the McCanns, earlier called for Mr Lewis to issue a public and private apology to the family.

“The offensiveness of this activist’s actions is almost beyond belief,” he said. “I know Gerry and Kate will be grateful that the Tory party has taken swift and appropriate action by ejecting him from the party. His actions are not only disgraceful in themselves, they will also cause great hurt to Kate and Gerry. I feel it is appropriate that he now apologises both privately and publicly to them. It is a complete disgrace that Madeleine’s name and image should be made fun of in this way.”

Madeleine McCann: Frankie Boyle’s Comedy Bingo

How comes Mitchell is still speaking on their behalf?

DAILY TELEGRAPH: “Tory Party activist dresssed as Madeleine McCann: the emails”

Snooping at emails. Hey, it’s only what the Government does to keep sicko Tories in check:

[Matthew Lewis starts the exchange by posting the above on friend Owen Meredith’s internet “wall”]
December 31, 12.18 Matt: “tonight Matthew, I’m going to be… Maddie McCann.” [The reference is to a “bad taste” New Year’s Eve fancy dress party he will be attending later that evening.]

12.19: Anders Mortensholm: you like small girls, ey
12.20 Matt Lewis: I like to dress up as them, yes
12.22 Anders Mortensholm: I’ll be Natasha Kampus [A reference to the Austrian girl Natascha Kampusch, who was kidnapped at the age of 10 and held prisoner for eight years.]
12.24 Matt Lewis: nice, at least yours has a happy ending
12.24 Richard W Lowe: Is this a cunning (Baldrick style) plan to obtain the reward money? Room for one more? [a reference to the television programme Blackadder and the reward money offered by the McCann family]
12.26 Anders Mortensholm: Only the Fritzl girls left.. [a reference to Austrian woman Elizabeth Fritzl, who was held prisoner in a cellar by her rapist father for 24 years and gave birth to seven children during her captivity.]
12.26 Matt Lewis: it’s my bade taste party outfit
1.15 Matthew Lewis: Matt needs some pink pyjamas, a teddybear, and a vial of fake blood…
1.17 Ross Malone: evil.
1.18 Matt Lewis: oh, and a blonde wig! says you, you cold hearted baby killer!
1.21 I’m going as Robert Murat, or is that too far [a reference to a suspect in Madeleine’s abduction who was formally cleared by Portuguese police]
1.23 Matt Lewis: I believe he’s innocent, so not too far at all
1.48 Gemma Phillips: Matthew!!! I really hope we don’t have to stop for petrol on the way!
[The next day Flick Cox, a fellow member of Conservative Voice, asks Mr Lewis how the party went]
4.10pm Flick Cox: hey chicken how did the Maddie outfit go down! I rang[sic] a straw poll at my party about it and they have decided that I have some really sick friends! LOL Happy New Year!!! X
4.30 Matt Lewis: There was a brief moment where I thought I’d gone too far with elements of the costume, but it was ok. Someone else was Baby P [a reference to the infant who died in March 2006 after a campaign of torture by his mother, her boyfriend and their lodger]
5.21 Flick Cox: Oh My God!!! Now baby P really is sick!!!! why what was the costume like? I know i shall regret saying this but i can’t wait to see the photo’s[sic] !!! x
5.23 Matt Lewis: I’ll tell you another time! There may not be photos, I don’t think anyone wants to risk being associated with them!
5.30 Im quite gald[sic] about that, i would hate to have to end our friendship when i became and[sic] MP because you had pulled a prince Harry!!! LOL x [a reference to the scandal which engulfed Prince Harry when photographs emerged of him attending a fancy dress party in a Nazi costume.]

Madeleine McCann is missing – still missing…

Posted: 10th, January 2009 | In: Madeleine McCann, Reviews 3 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink