
Anorak News | Octomum Suleman’s First Fly On The Wall

Octomum Suleman’s First Fly On The Wall

by | 30th, May 2009

nadya-suleman-octomumOCTOMUM Nadya Suleman and her clown car vagina are to be the star of a new reality TV sly-in the-nappy show.

Suleman’s lawyer Jeff Czech tells that Suleman -mum of 14 – signed a deal to star in her own reality series.

“[Nadya and the producers] are hoping to have an arrangement whereby several events in the children’s lives would be filmed in a documentary series…

“One of the events in the children’s lives might be their first birthday.”

Other events might be:

First Petri dish
First shit
First nappy change
First puke
First tooth
First chicken pox
First break down
First 911 call

Like the crying, he goes on:

“They might be several shows aired during a year. There are all kinds of possibilities. It really depends on what the networks want.”

A live feed of live feeding…

Octomum Nadya Suleman: Lock Up Your Used Tissues
Octomum’s Tattoo For Each Of Her 14 Octo-Pods: Pictures
Octomum’s Fetish Sex Video
Seeking Men On Octomum’s TV Dating Show
Nadya Suleman Is The Sarah Palin Two Womb Britney Spears Jolie Hybrid
OctoMum Nadya Suleman’s IVF Gang Bang

Image: 14

Posted: 30th, May 2009 | In: Celebrities Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink