
Anorak News | Joanie de Rijke Was Raped By The Taliban But Respects Their Motives

Joanie de Rijke Was Raped By The Taliban But Respects Their Motives

by | 9th, June 2009

joanie-de-rijkeDUTCH journalist Joanie de Rijke, who went to Afghanistan and all she got was abducted and serially raped for six days. Now she is fed up that anyone should think the Taliban are a bunch of criminally insane thugs:

Well, I would put this into perspective, says the leftist journalist: the Taliban are not monsters.

As Tim Blair notes:

Read on. As you do, imagine de Rijke’s comments – and global reaction – if the events she describes had happened inside, say, Abu Ghraib.

Now enjoy:

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Naughty But Nice – Iran Introduces Mrs Faye Turney

Posted: 9th, June 2009 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink