
Anorak News | Balloon Boy Falcon Heene Gets Letter From Her Majesty The Queen?

Balloon Boy Falcon Heene Gets Letter From Her Majesty The Queen?

by | 16th, October 2009

heene-falconBALLOON Boy has received a letter from Her Majesty the Queen.

The headmaster of his school, Anne Harding tells us:

“There was a message left on the school answer phone from someone who said they were calling from Buckingham Palace. I thought it could be a wind-up but when I made contact, I was told that the Queen would like to send a letter.”

The boy who received the letter is age five. Oh, dear reader, it’s not him; not six-year-old Falcon Heene. This is Charlie Castle who was one of about 50 schoolchildren who released balloons during an end-of-term farewell at his school near High Wycombe in July.

The Queen found one of the balloons14 miles away, in the grounds of Windsor Castle. In the letter the Queen says:

“Her Majesty the Queen has asked me to write to tell you that she found your balloon in her garden at Windsor Castle when she was walking her dogs.

“Her Majesty was delighted to see how far it had flown and was so happy it was your balloon she found.”

This is the most popular story on the BBC website. Why? Well it has the headline:

“Balloon boy gets note from Queen.”

In other news, Falcon Heene is a hero to young lads everywhere. Forget blue-mouth sweets and itching powders – Falcon Heene knows how to play a trick. As one writer says:

Balloon Boy is the perfect metaphor for cable news: America spent hours riveted by a powerful and gripping story that turned out to be totally meaningless, and will have no significant impact on anybody’s lives going forward.

The Balloon Boy Hoax Timeline

Heroic Balloon Boy Falcon Heene Gets His Own TV Show

The Balloon Boy Hoax Timeline

Posted: 16th, October 2009 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink